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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  June 7, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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bllwn away. bounce house.. -3 away..ácover sot with brolláá you see thh parents trying to jump up and grab their kid. -------------------------------- caught in a lie. i've brought pain to people i care about the most and peopleethat have believed innme. me. the new evviencethat forcee him to -------------------------------- ---- --teacher yelling--- 3&a teacher.. punches a student... why she won't face and a bus river looses his co. cool. -"i need to smack the s&át oot of your mother whattled to his outburst...and what he's saying about it now..-&now. hello i'm jeff barrd.and i'm jennifer gilbert. the state resst its case in baltimooe city police officer.../ ps crime and justice reporter testimony today included states
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statements aboutt what officer gahiji tshamba was talking about as he left the scene oo the shooting. shooting. ammnn thoss called to testify todayywas a friend of the formerrmarine killed in the shooting... who was out drinking with him that night. tammy dodge... left couut with the widow offtyrone brown by her side. defense dodge's testimonyyinconsistant. but.... much of it did support whht ooher eyewitnesses say the nnght officer gahiji tshamba shoot a former arine 12 timms killing him. tshamba attorney's say he was acttng in self defense. how tshamba appeared following the shootiig.. a poliie leeutenant told he judge tshamba was slurring some of his words and smelled of alcohol. 11:54:27 there is notting to innicate that my client was wouud have anything to dd wiih - what happened that evening. :35 :35the fffcer ho ttstified tooayy..also said tthamba was
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talking about the women he was wiih at the bar and did not ass about the man heehad just shot. defense atttrneys will beein to call their own witnesses... tomorrow. joy pepola fox 455news 5:30.. a d-c policeeofficer charged withouttbail tonight... 3 3&richmond phillips.. appeared for hisscourt earing... on a &pclosed circuit t-v.he's accused killing wynetta wright ... and leaving her one- in a hot car.their bodies were found last week... hillips and wright were in a custody battle over the child. &pan... elderry recroveriig ../ . after... being... attacked by a pitbull. pitbull. communnty.../.áátheáá ouu..../ while... playing with thh kids...// &páátheáá dog.... knncked ddwn... the womann---/ p aad... when she began struggling.... ran to help.../ ááandáá.../ offfred... to pay the medical a... man... shot aad killedda pitbull ----// trying to stop... a... dog- fight...// on... oriole court... in severn..../áákaynn"áá
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was... beeng walked.../ hen another leash.../ áátheáá two dogs... began fighting.../. ááthat'sáá shot... "it's sad, i'm nnt a fan of pitbulls by any means. but gentle dog." dog." kayne... dded at... the vet's office...//.áágeno'ssá in custody --/ filed. first on fox tonight... story we broke..... baltimore city reaches a ttlement with a former employee.. . accused of cheating the city out of thousands of dollars in sick pay.. whill behind bars. keith daniels joins us live from he state penntentiary....where we've pearned that employee won't pay back all the money.keith? jennifer..... p dennis mclaughlin for sexually assaultiig a girl..... he's a city payroll while behind bars...... ...........and tonight, tte set. settlement..... 3 3 3 3 3
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dennis mclaaghlin, at the probe... it was an &inve our rrports... and thh bollnees of a baltimore cityy public work's employyee. who former utility repairman.. is ponths in jail for molesting a 13-year-old girl.... ........... uring that prison time, . mclaughlln collected city pay checks. he claimed heewassout on sick leave. . mcglaughlin collected prrson...some of it fraudullnt - sick pay. the ccty fired him...sued..... and has now settlee ith mclaughlin.. hh only hassto pay back $3600 dollars, less than one third of the money that david mcclintock..... 33 3 3& as a result of the mclaughlin case, tte mayoo now requires city employees to notify their agency within 24 hours of any crrminal arrest. live in east baltimore, keitt daniels, fox 45 news late editton.
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state senaaor catherine pugh mmde it official tonnght.... announccng that she'll run for mayor of baltimorr. baltimore.sheemade the announceeent earlier today... at a community center in northwest baltimoreii elected, taxes in half. there are now six likely candiiatts on the ballot for the democratic primary in septemmer.and experts say a crowded race typiialll favors the incumbent. blake."> heee's... plenny of name recognition in the race..../ ááwhicháá means... they'll have to do... a lot of &pfundraising.../ balttmooe grand prix constrrction is underway in downttwn and that means driiers.sttrting toddy... conway street is closed rom you'll have to find anothee o - 3sot keith:it is loud... its very difficult section of town... justtheard they're
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that's gonnaabe a problem. - problem. the grand prix comes to baltimore... in september. we asked:is the grand prix worth all of these road closures? most of you don't think ss. so. rosco wrrtes: "i'd rather have nfl football. gimme my foo" football!!!!!!" marc writes: "yep. theecitt needs the money. if you dont understand 3 bad day... for aa ohio bus driver.../ who... gees into a fight... with a passeeger... //// ááandááá it's... all caught on tapee take... a look at this.../. áásurveillanceáá cameras are rrlling.../ wwenn...the driver...// asks... a female passenger... to stop using profanity...//.ááwhenáá she refuses.../// e... pulls over ann calls a sspprvisor..../áábbtáá it's... what he said to her... while waiting.../// that... got him in major trouble. -"i need to ssack the s&át utt of yyur mother for not showing you how to be a a woman, you ppobably got no orphan.""he driver... sayssthe woman... pushed him several
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times.... aad... smacked hii across the face..../áábutáá pff.. hh could go back...// pandled it differently. -3 3&---eacher yelling--- 3 good day... foo a... floridd...// high school teacher... who won't face charges.... after she punched a student... áásandraáá caught on... student... cell- phooeecameras.../ in... a squabble... with a boy... who... ásheá... said... called her.../ a... vulgar name. .../ ááshe'sáá on.. tape... apparently... striking the student first.../ hhd--sock.../ was arrestedd.. and placed... on indefinite leave..../ determine.../ whetter . - ...she struck... the student.../ in self- vytas--- 3
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congreesman aathony weiner..finally speaking -&3 3 3 i've broughttpain to people i care about the most and people that have beliived in mm. me. the new evidence thatt forced him to admit the truth. chanting "shaae on ou!" you!" not a warm welcome forrthe
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former head of the iiternatiooal monetary fund... face... sexual assault charges... life on mars? the proof one man says he has.. and how he found the answer on the internet.
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new york congressman anthony weiner admmts to sending lewd ppotos to women.. on his twitter account.
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doug mckeeway in washington... where the scaadal unfooded.... 3 aa itt urns out, congressman weiner was lying aftee insisting his twitter account had been hacked.... and that e ddd nnt tweet ppcture of his private arts tt a woman in washiigton state. weiner says: "... i panickedd and took it down and said that i've been hacked. i then contiiued with ttat storr,,to stick with thaa story, whhch is a huge regrettable mistake." represennative annhony weinerr the deeocraa from queens... cominn clean after admitting to lying... abouu tweeting and texting sexual photos ... to ooen other than his wife.weiner saas: "i have noo been honest with myself, mm family, my constituents, my frieeds, my suppprters aad the media." some of his constittents... expresssng ssrprise. others, not so much.mos says:: "he's unreliable and he's untrustworthy." otheess say ... weiier's private affairs are hii own.mos says: does. and whatever he does in his private life is his this apology....while fighting back tears.weiner says: "i am deeply sorry for the paii i have causee my wife,,huma, and
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my family...." but weiner says... he is ánotá leaving office.weiner says: "i am not resigning. i have made it clear that i accept responsibility for these actions, people who maae judgmentt about me are ffee to do so." a bizzarre twist reportees were waiting for weiner'ssssatement.... breitbart.... taking to the &pmicrophone to answer questiin. reitbart.... first reporting the news of weiner's x--ated tweet.breitbart says: "it was sad. i can't imagine a more huuiiiaaiig things than tt have to do that press conference. he made his bed, he'' going to have to lie in it." mckelway says: "so what happpns nexx? for starters, houue emocratic investigation into whether - congressman weiner used violatee house washington, doug mckeeway, fox hear his entire news conference online at fox- bbltimore dot com... slash raw
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the.../ former monetary fund.../ pllads... not guilty... to sexual assault charges. 3 chanting "shame on you!" you!" hotel workers ... chanted... "shame on you..../ " as... dominique.../ straussskahn... ...this morning.../ááhe'sáá ...sexually assaulting a hotel... laat month...//. frrnttrunner... in france's... & next presidential race.../. ááhh'sáá under arrest... n an uu-scale... new york cityy townhouse. five... u-s service members were killed today in iraq--- // the....single largest loss... of u.s. troops... there... died... this yáá - &pmorning... in easttrn baghdad... when rocketss.. slammed into... their living quarters..../ áátheáá attack... whether to request that u-s january firrt.../ ááaáá deadline... that requires... 46--thousand of thh country.
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a utah man has been hhrged with disorderly ccoduct .what did he do? do?well, he tried to pay his medical bill.all in pennies. the billlwas 25 bucks.and jason west was disputing it. so... in a littte not so sublte form of protest....he trieddto ppy in penniesshe dumped 25-hundred penniis on the counter and demanded that they count it.thh clinic staff wwst got issued a citatiin.... and a fiie....for 140 bucks. we'll sse how he pays that one. one man saas he fould what ácould beá evidence of life on mars.look at this video... amateur astronomer david martinez is using google zoom in on a small area of the fuzzy thing issabout 700 feet long and 150 feee wide... ...and doesn't look natural. nasa is already looking into this...experts there say it is
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most likely a glitch in the 3 -- ad lib toss to vytas--- vytas--- 3 3 3 áááover sot with brrllááyou
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see the parents trying to jump up and graa their kid. kkd. a bounce hhuse.. blown away. the danger it caused áafterr coming back down. ♪ [ sponge ] okay, team. time to tackle these greasy dishes. we're facing some tough opposition today. i'm gonna need my biggest player.
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a change in the lineup? that little squirt? [ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] one bottle of ultra dawn has the grease-cleaning power of two of the leading non-concentrated brand, giving you double the cleaning ingredients in every drop. [ sponge ] way to go, kid. you really knocked the grease out of them. [ female announcer ] dawn does more...
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[ thinking ]he best,w another pet name?les. all right, i'm smart enough to notice that my favorite fresh-brewed mickey d's sweet tea is now on the dollar menu, so i'm smart enough for this.
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you're the best, too... sweet tea... pie? aww, chipmunk. [ male announcer ] sweet tea and the mcdonald's dollar menu. an... afteenoon of fun.../ p turns scary... in longgisland... ooer the weekend ---- a heavy gust of wind... ent several booncey houses... flying across a ffeld-- then knocking several peoplee ver. the bounce house when the rope got cauggt around her neck. put the scariest part --- children ere laying áinsidee --- causing parents to panic. thirteen peopll were taken to conditions.
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be in chargg of your own is now availaale at foxbaltimore dot com. &pááuseáá...// the interaative tools to track cominggstorms down to youu street. áágoáá... to foxbaltimore dot com slash i--adar that's all for the late edition...thanks for joining us.i'm jefffbarnd... and i'm jennifer gilbert.up next is ""ow i met your mother"...and be sure to tune in to foxx5 morning news tomorrow -- starttng at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. 3 3
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