tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW July 8, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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"with only himself for company." i should give this one to the foreign kid. captioned by the national captioning institute wicked weather returns to maayland...the damage its llft behind tonight. tonight. new revelltions three - dayy after a deadly stabbing & at the inner hhrbor 3 " in a lick of a ssitch it went from absolute oy to ure &p"what a mannwho says it he saw it aal blames for the violence. violence.a new twisttin the phyllcia arnes murder invessigaaon.whhre the ffb-i -3&pis looking now and hy.
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why. and a four-year-old bby takes an escalator up.. on the wrong side of thh rail. the near disasterrat the top of &pthe steps. -3& 3- 3 & good evening,,i'mm ,3 jenniferrgilbert, jeff barnd is off tonight. somee severe weather is slamming baltimore tonight. tonight. & 3 theehhat of the day fueled &pthese thunnerstorms they've 3 this tree was snaappe in half in north baatimore. other areas experienced flash floooing. these viewerr pictures from dundalk show 3 the high wiids and frequent lightning sent people scrambling for cover. if you see storm damage send it toopics t foo baltimore dot com -&- andwe're still under a flash flood warning from all this rain. rain. chief meteorologiss vytas reid has the lateet on these stormm ith yoou & skywatch forecass.
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3 a allimore man who witnessed the death of an alabama nativv on the fourth of jjly..... blames police -3 foornot being there tt top a pighttbeforr it turned deadly. ddedly. thisswitness says he 3 were sitting along piie 5 .... waiting for thh firewwrks.... when a man jumped up and shouted that's the guy who hit mm. hat man who juuped up waasthe vvctim's brother. eyewiitesses sayyjoe allo was &preluctanttto get innollee but eventually did. oments later the 26-yeer-old callo returred hooding his neck -& ...bleeeing. he fell to his knees ann coolapsed. 3 there's a littll withhut a daughter. therr'' a live with what he did for the -3 ress of his life. there's a may that hhs to live with thh fact that she didn't do her - job and tteee's a police pcommissionerrwho has o live 3& the niggt of the 3 pilling there were almost 6-hundred policee fficers deployyd at thh inner harbor. right oo the police & o determine where officers
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were positioned in reeation to the sttbbbng. soo ar no ne -3 has been arresttd. 3 p3 new details on the phyllciaa bbrres invvstigation. the -b-i is lookiig into her emails anddfacebook aa part of -3 a child porrography investigation. innestigation.barnes disappeared in deeemmee hile visiting baltimmre...her body susqqehanna riverrii april. &paccording to experts, the childdporn arrann may notá -3 mean that the murder of sex crime......but that some 3&pdiiccvered. 3 -3 3 a delivery man gunned down inn baltimore. and tonight as keith daniels reports,, lovvd ones came together ii memoryy of the victim. victim..-3 &p3
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&pnames. over haaf ttose have already been certified. that's ore than enouuh to - briig the measure to a vote. onight ... leaderssof the many signatures ecause it's an issue that struck aacord 3 (mcdonoughh "they feel that & these folks are ere illegally - and it's a subsidy paid by taxpayyes.. they think why shoulldiipay my haar earned tax payerrmoney for a benefit por someone ot here legally." pegally." 3 the ddscounted tuition will be & on hold until 2012 when vottrs 3 33 marrlanddssattooney geeeralis being asked to decide whetter the tate can reducc costtof- livingincreases for retired state john rydell's ooe of several pecommendations...beiiggmadeby a bolster the pensioo system.. 3 &p3 ((nats))anggr state state house last winter.tteyy voicee fear...ttey wouud be struggling pension system. butt
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in llght f unfunded system....awmakers took action. starting july - twwopercent more...deduuted & from their paycheccs. butt retirees...are also paying more. (esty) "retireessare going to have to pay a signifiiantly higher cost for their meeicine now and the average pension cceck ii now only aroond $900 a -3&pp state commission has - finalized ts longermm & recommenddtions...tosttaillze the eesiio system. new longer...beforeethey'ree eeigible for a pennion. & (ryddll) "buu perhaps theemost contrrversial recommendatton - from thhs ccmmissson calls on maryland counties tt funddup & to 550 offteacherss' peesions. it's nno funded 100% by the to take accion on that recommendationneaaliir thii -3&pyear.but the commissionns chairman...saysstat channeeis ccrrect a flaw in the system. (taylor) "you've got two individual nits ff government.....same fiscal --3&pissue, that doess't workk" so
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their recommendaaions shhuld - be considered by the governnr "it makes the pension systemm - affordable and sustaanabll - over a long period of time." they say that's ensure...that state employees...receivv a full pension...when they reeire. in annapolis, john rydell, fox-44-news..late edition. 3 recommendations from the & pensiin commission...are now peing sent t govvrror o'malley and lawmakers. -3 3 afttrrbeing found not guilly of mmrdering herrdaughter, - casey antthny will be out of jail nna week. week..this mmrning, the floriia mom waa sentenced to four years forrlying o police -3 about her daughters whereabouts... with & time lreedy served aad good perry announcee asey will e released froo he orange 3 3 & earlier we skee if you pthought the sentence for casey anthhnyywas air? most offyou who
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3 responded didn't think so. &pso. theresa writes on faceeook... "she nneds to be locked up nd toss the key for ife!" life!" 3 and la-vida writee its the fault of the prooecutorssfor not preeenting the right evidenne.. 3 if you get ffxx45's text alerrs.... yyu would haveebeen the firsttto know hat casey - anthonyyonly haa a week longer alerts on our website, fox ballimore dot ccm. 33 p3& here's a live looo at shuttle atlantis on the paa readd oo the final mmssion. mission. if all goos well it will llunch just ovee 12 pours from now. but asaa chance ttey''l scrub the launch beccuse of storms in the area. when it does go off, it wiil be the shuttle's swan song, marking the end f -3 an era. era. routine space flights are n questiin ow aad that's unacceptable to amerrcan hero &pto orbit tte earth, the olddss man in spaaee nd the former &ppenator sat down with carro &pluper
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to voice his onccrns. concernn. 3 á((take pkg))áthe former -3 senatoo and asttrnaut tells me - to him--ts he end of an - era-but for the country? á((takk ot))áiithinkk eerr losing a lootof golden opportunities here or the country thaa's basic ccuntry's lwaas been a leader pn á((take sot))ssudies on aging-like when i went up in -3 998materiall research- pombustion researchá((takee vo))áhe says theeshuttle programs' end means there's noo get to america's space ssation-except to pay the -3 ruusianssto use their soyuz &pship!á((take sot))we'll have to pay the russiaas 65-66 the leading space faring - nation in te world have no way tof getting o our own &pspace stationthii solution was to phase out the shuttle and he met with president obama tt share his ideas last year
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&pwith m me he just said we dont have the money to do it right -3 now!john glenn is still schooo and speakinn alllover the couintry-does he still fly his own plane with wife anniee -3 as co-pilot??((take sot))yee we are-just had a flight check &pgood ffr another year-flight ppyscial also!as he was wished on his first flight wee say--godspeed john glennand -3 happy 90th birthday p3 this we be the ,3 135th shuttle fliiht. if nasa can't launch tomorrrw thee next window opens on saturddy. 3 -3 3 3 anooher bad day for the white ouse. house.watchdog groops say - the law and fundiig a new version of the actiiist group acorn. -3 acorn. & 3 congress bbnned funding for - the group after this baltimore
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&pofffce was ccught giviig tax evasion adviie tt a as a pimm with a prostitute. the obama adminnsttation has thhe"affordable housing 3 offfhoott the group dennes ttey aae related to acorr, but has the same oard off - ddrrctors and buiidingg 33 3&pii's a bad day for willie - nelson. 3 ill never moke weee wwih willy agaan again willie nelson's 3 plea deal for aappt bust hass -3 been rejected by theejudge. &pthe judge says the famouu -3 pinger ii getting pecial trratmentt nelson has been a long time aavocate for thh legalizatioo of marijuana, even appearing on cnn hhgh to spread hhs messsge. willie & could be inn exas jaal for a pear. 3 it's a good ddy for adrenaline junkiee, monster action sorrsslegend, travii
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is videe of him and his buddies training. monstee 3saturday t m and t baak stadium. monster truccs will be flying through the air and there's sure to e some ppectacular wipe oots. it's all juut another day aa the offiie for these modern day daredevils. 3 3 bad things happen when parentsslack common sense. &phow one man saaed his kid's &plife while his parentsswere busyychaatingg i hope we meet at theesame place..." &ppllce..." a baltimore legend passes awaa. the legacyy f colts ggeaa john mackey.
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wwrld is mourning theedeath off pro-football hall of fammr john mackey... mackey... the former baltimore colt was theeseeond -3 tight-end everrinducttd iito the pro-football hall of fame. and he went on to become the first reesdent of the n---l players ssociation. but john maccky spenn the past ten ears battllngg - dementia which took his life yesterdayyat the age of 69. -3 & (11:45:45) "we were shocked but we knew it was coming. john suffered ffr ten -3 years nn he had his family anddlovelyywiie sylvia next to him..." (13:28:04) "i say &pa liitle prayer and said good llck. i hope we meettat the same place..." 3 mackey eavess 3 pehind his wife, two children and threeegrrndchilddee. plans for memmrial seevice are pendiig.
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3 commoo sense says don't dump trash in yyur neighborhood.... but not everyone seems to get that. that.whhch is why city couucil presideettjackkyoung issnow proposing stiffer fines or -3 illegaa dumpinn. nder his bill - fines for woull increase frrm 150-dollars o 500-dollars for trash thatt weighs unner 25-pounds. and for ttaah thaa's over 25- pounds... he fines would áquadrupleá from 250 to one- tthusann bucks! -3 3 a man's quick thhnkiig.... saves the life of aafour- - year-oll chhld.... 3surveillance video from a mall in can see the child... riding on the áoutsideá of the he gets to the opp... a store employee comes running to drops....more han 15-feet.... & from the econd storry..that pocaa hero.... the child, meanwhile.. is just finn. 3 some
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orioles... p, inncuding a three game sweep at tte hands offthe &ptexas rangers, he orioles went toi aboou the last pllce now...fenway park, to take on soxx.. 3 ...and the birds accualll jump out 11t adam jones lines ooe off the glove f red sox starter andrew millerrs - glove...ittgoes into riggt field...jj hardyycomes in to;s 1-0 orioles and ttey'd add anothee on a fielder's choice...2-0 birds ssrike bbck...bottom -33 3rd...dustin pedroia gets one he likes from jake arrieta and
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sends it a long long way...a three un shot...3-2 boston... ...thee iids come back to tie, and then in the 5th the &pplay...adrian oozalls with a 2 run shot to centerr..5-3... ...bottom 6th...jacoby ellsbury down the right field pinn...anotherrtwo run shot...7-3.....and then the 7th...pedro iola just gets piiped...david ortii...centerfield...8--3... ..moments ater, josh wwll...9-3......and thhe jarod to back to backk..ann the birds get blasted yet again...their 4th in a &prow...10-4 the finall... 3 3
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