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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  July 12, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT

12:30 am
oh, i'm so freaked out mrs. forman. i'm gonna have to sleep with the light on. what are you two doing out here? we--we were just... (starts engine) uh-oh! (thud) (tires squeal) captioned by the national captioning institute 3 viilent weather sweeps through marylaan.a llok at bring relief fromm he heat. -heat. 3 a huge expposion as workers blow up their bbses''car. why - he didn't seem to mind. mind..- 3 an atteept toosteal some of maryyaan's histsory.
12:31 am
33 why the uspeeted theives didnnt get awayywith ii. it. arbick: ""o, no. i''l take it. i'm drunk." ok. drunk driving. what he did i'm... jeff barnd. baand..,3 3 and i'm jennifer gilberr. -3 a dayyof weltering eaa.. folllwed by a nnght of evere weather. weather. we & caaght this vvdeo... on... our tower amera toniigt../ - as... liggtning struck... all around baltimmoe..///. rain fell.. as tte storm ááandáá arford county... wassunder a tornado warning.../ that 3 pxpirrd. ccief meteorrlogist vytas reid.... is... tracking the is... in the pkywatth weather cenner...// ithhmorr ...on where... hey arr... nnwwvytas?
12:32 am
3 before tonight's storrm.. trigger a code red in &pthe citt of baltimore ann maay were seekkng reliif rommthe sun.... it was a busyy day forrthhse famousssnowballl pstandd across the city. e & pigtown... wheee the icee machine was ggtting a good workout.and over t harbor
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rruners... braved the heat for -3 pheir workout.. but most,... ppent the afternoon in searrh of shade... and waaerr 3 3 pot."" && the city offballimore as &pcode red day... hich meanss coollng centers will be pen. -33 3&p breaking news ut oo southwest baltimore tonighh. aa amber alert haasbeen issued are lookknggfor eight year old darrick cchrles brown who was -3 last seen along wynn avenne about :30. invessigators sayss darrick was thrown in the ttunk of late mmdel ford paarus like this one which & sped away.pollceessy theee appearee to be tww occupantt &of the car.if yoo haae ny information policeewant you to call 11-396-2200.
12:34 am
two new york men are in jail tonight...aacuued of ttying to - steal vallable istorical ddcuments. ddcuments. janice & ark tells us the artifacts... - pre estimated to beeworth 33 we're tlling aboutt600 documents...somm of them signed by president linccln. where onnepieee alone is worth & pollars. 3 on saturray, pollce arrested - paaon savedoff and baary - laadau aa the maryland -&phistorical society.police ayy the tww wwrreobberved in the &&psseaa documents. at one point, saaedoff locked imselffii a & battroom...claiming hii & stommch hurttpolice sayywhen ttey searched a lockee e wws & using...that's when they found 3 "thhseesittations you always learn a lot, ann you &pfind out how valuaale your - collectiin s, aarealltreasure for the state of mmryland"
12:35 am
3 now the fbiiis nottsayyng hhw 3& ww do knowwbaary laadau is an author...wheee apparently has an extensive collectionn artiffcts.tonight, both mmn aae in baatimorr ity ail.. p janice park fox 45 news late -3&pediiion. 3 a hooting in southwest baltimore sends wo men to the phospital tonight. tooiiht. it happened atttte pratt near tte ay issand ccab victim wws shot in the chess. the otherr as shoot -&pin the llg. so far no arrestt. 3&pa man is being held without bail tonighh in the murder of a tourist t the inner harbor during the fourth oo july celeerations.marccs haaris & efeese when he ssashed joee -3 calo's throat that night. harris' attorney, margaret &ppeade ssyy herrclient had no idea he hhrt calo.... or that -3police were even looking for him... ntil he aw his & picture oonthe newss p:04 mr. harrii has done noohing but cry bout his has pbeen devastateddabout it. this was never is inteetion - 3 meade ays herrclient hass - no previous
12:36 am
reeordd but -3&pccurt docummnts show that haaris, has severrl arrests for deaaing drugs... handgunn --3 violations... and assault. 3 911 tapes....ffom the pnght... 22teenn... were & sstrck... by a hit and run --33 driverr.. / áágiveáá happpned... at the scene.../// scene.../// áá17áá &pyear old... emeeald smith.../ p and....16 yyar ldd.. -3 diid ...// crossing... -&pm--l--k... lvd.../ ááddspatchersáá cculd beea shooting... & áánotáá ... hit and run..../ áááhat'sáá uncllar.../ is... what typee.. of carrit is.../ .áá andáá the... was heading..../// 33- 33 p 7:37 foxttott(cceck 2 3& hoodaaaccood or black jeep witt heevv font end damage. one minute it was sspposed too -&pthe blvd. &p3& nearly...a montth.. iice &phis dduule fattl..... no onee.. haa been arrestedd.../// &p3 comcasttis apollgiizng to itsscustomers ttnight.. after tte compann ssnt an emaal to
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unsuspectingg ustommrsttat exposed hundreds of aacounts.. -3 3 the emaill sent out frrdayy was an alert for new but hen cuutomers,,likk dave 3atttchmeet... a hugg file opened with the account nnmbers, names, addrresessand -&ptelephone numbers of hunnreds - offcustomers. daae & tried alerting tteecommany.. but says he ggt no response. 3 (ddve) "i was afraid it sommbody's hands nd they -3&pcculd have started stealing - mean, iidon'' know what yoou - can do witt comcaat aacouut nummers but nobody, account number for anything shhoud be &mainly what alarmmd me..... 3--3 3 tonight, ccmcast ays - that email has bben removed anddcontaineddno financial information. - 3 great ay.... for phe women's... u--s... pocccr team...// -3 ááafteráá...// onn of the greattst... games... in the hhittry.../ oo .. the... women's world cup
12:38 am
- --announcer.. oqq ssved the u.s.a'sslife!" - 3 phe u-sbbating... brazil 5-3... o penalty kicks.../// &&p after a... 2-2 tti...//. ááabbyáá -&wam--bbch ...tied it ith a magnificent leaping header...// -3 ann... goalkeeper... pope solo... denied the rrzilian.s.. agaiin.../// &&pbrazil.../ , it's... -3anotter isappointmmnt.../// ááttisáá comms... pxactlyy11 ears ...aftee the americcns.../ won - ppnaatt-kick hootout.../ againnttchiia... to win thh title... at the rose bowl. p &p3 bad day for air- travel.../// ááseeuriiyáá -& conccrns... after ... stun guu... is &pfound on... a fliiht.../ that lands... in newark &pn.j....///. áátheáá feds... are investigatiig... howwthe stun 3 "jet blue" flight... friday...../ átheáá - p ppane... justtaarived from bosson.... ááandáá... disemmbrked.../ whee -3 ii was found./// 3"grandmasscan't makeeit -& but tasers get through. . little bit of a problem." &pprobllm." áájet-blue ááá s...
12:39 am
investigation. 3 3 coming pp....the clck is &pticking....what thee residentt is willing o do... to reach a deall... on the debt ccillng.. 3& and a parole officer searches the house ... where jaycee leee & 18 years....what his officer failed o do... hht could have saved er soonerr harbick: ""cn i hold you're gun.?" trooper: "no, no ou &cannt haae that." 3 3 and later... a wisconsin mayor... cracking jokes during a trrfficcstop.... wwat hh did &pmomeens beforeehe was pulled over...
12:40 am
12:41 am
3 its ccunch time for congress. ill democrats andd rrpublicans eech a deal on thh debt ceeling eeate efore time runs out? racy yrnes has moreeon the negotiations.... & 3 &p lug: bc-fox-b4-debt-deal category: business - naaionalltem: b4 ssug: debt deal (traay yrnes kg)source: 3 notes:embargo: nnn script:(aachor llad)) itt - will democrats nd & repubbicans reach a deaa on the debt cciliig ddbbae beforr - timm runs out? fox & business' ttacy byrres has moree.takeepkg)chyrons:tracy taag ---------------------------------- -3 ---------------------------------- &p---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- p--------------------------------- ----------------------in just &&pover hree weekss- the mooee - anndas both ssdes of phh aisle fail to cooe to n - agrrement tt rrase the 14.3 trillion dollar debt ceiling - the coontry looks to be inchhnggcloser and clooer to deffulttng on its debttte clock is tiiking away - ann leaderrsot ooama: "now is the timeeto eal with tese issuesa"aa& if not now then -& when?"the presidenn met with leaders of bbth parties -was made - repubbicans conttnueeto call for spenningg higher taxxsbut despite &pstepp o reaah a deal -
12:42 am
willinn to saariiice disapproval from his on arty - andd alling for republicans to do the sameeot obaam: "i'm prrpared to take n siinificant heattfrommmy party - to gee something done and i be willlng tt o the same &pthing if they mean what hey - say hatt his s importantt & 3 3 & 3 buttdespiie remaining a odds- pprsident obaaaasays prrgress ii beeig made - anndboth -3 reppblicans aad emoccaas rrmain ommitted to avooding defaultt sot obama: "tte good news is that all the leaders &pcoontnue o belieev rightly - that ittis not acceptableefoo us not to rrise the debt ceiliig and to aalow he .ss gooernmenttto defauut." president obama has aid e ii not willing to sigg a short-term extension - raisingg the ssakes evee higher oo an agreement could reeull in 3 even mmre americans ouu of ork work 3& in new york, i'm traay
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bbrnes. 3 we asked: should tax increases be part of any -3 deal? glitter-goll says: "hhgherrtaaes ??????really, - phis is the best dea they can come p with??-3 had, now heyywant more!" 3- 3& in her first interview... jaycee lee dugard.... highlights he mistakks that lee her kidnappprr... phiilip garridoo... go free. free. pright noo i'm doing aa &psearch.... o: place you n rrstraints." restraints." & 3&pthis video.....shot by gaarido's ife.... shows pestered y tte he searches their home.... little does hheknow.... jayceeelee -3&pdugarr is hanncuffed inside a shed innthe baakyard.... where - she was held captive ffrr18 departmenttof corrections as pupppsed to be suuervvsing garridoo.. affer he was
12:44 am
releaseedon probbtion or a officer... neverr hheked outsiie ... 3 a wisconsiinmayor had a major papse of common seenee & marinette ayor robeet harbick -3& was drivinggdrunkk... when e how he flat out admits it..... -3 wwen he's confrooted by the &pcops. 3 trrooer: "thiin you can do a piell sobriity?" harrick: "no, no..i''l take it. i'm ddunk." ok. 3 3& the mayyr was full of jjkes & during tte traffic stoo....aa -3&pone point evvn sskng if he could hold te officer's gun. once he sobered up... hhe& applogized.evvn says hh's ggtting treatment.buu a llt of & city council eeberssin -3 marinette, want him to resiin..- 33 it's been a night of 3 wicked eather.... eeenna pornndo warning in harford county....
12:45 am
3 phiee mettorologist vytas - reii... has beenntraccing the stormm.... what can yoo tell &pus . vytas? -3 3 3
12:46 am
12:47 am
3&p--xpllsson-- 3 owwa group of worrkrs hatchhd a plaan o & set his ride on fiie... aad &pphe last man aughinn.. - 3theebasebaals were flying in arriona at the home run & derby... why the highlighh oof -3 the nnght wasn'tta home unn.. 33 ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa! 10:00 and 2:00, buddy. eyes on the road, right? hands on the wheel. [ male announcer ] the want-it, need-it... stay focused. [ male announcer ] ...gotta-have-it taste of mcdonald's burgers. the simple joy worth waiting for. [ young man ] how's your burger, bro? [ laughs ]
12:48 am
12:49 am
you're the best, mr. snuggles. [ thinking ] another pet name? all right, i'm smart enough to notice that my favorite fresh-brewed mickey d's sweet tea is now on the dollar menu, so i'm smart enough for this. you're the best, too... sweet tea... pie? aww, chipmunk. [ male announcer ] sweet tea and the mcdonald's dollar menu. get thiss... onee
12:50 am
3 comppay hassa uuique mettod to &pmotivate emppoyees -- it iivolvvesexplosives.... 3 p3-explosioo--- -explosion- 3 ááadaptiveáá -3ccmpuuiig in provo, utth.../ romissd workerr... & they couud low up.../ &pmirage... belonging to the v-p -3 off ales.../ , ááifáá &p thy surpassee 33 goall.../. ááhow'sáá & ááwwelááá they thursday.../ & employeee aal gathered... to watch the car.../ gg &p 3 if you;re a baseball ffn, one
12:51 am
of the best things about he - pll star brrakkis the sideshoos....nd theebest of them was tonighh...the homee runn derby, where basebbll's musclemenngo head to head to - see who can basicallt bbst the most ssats...ann they were & ttnight.....-& ripken won the home run &pderby in 91...hh throos out the first pitch to get things psarted.... 1st roond rrbinson &ccno has 8 homees own to hiss final ut...pops it up too& center... cceck out he diving catch by onee f tte kidd n the outfield...that's all-star ssx vs. yankeee...adrian ponzalez aaainst cano...gonzz &pinto the pool in right- center...gonzo crrshed 11 &ptying for the most all-timm in 3 responds...hiis a moonnhot to pie gonzalez at 11...tth tape peasured that one at 472 feet....and the yankee beats the red sox....ano nails it to
12:52 am
-3 12 homer in the - final rrundd.. the mostt allltiie..cano hugs his dad who was throoing to him....- rooinson cano... the 2211 home pun ddeby ccampionn.. &p3 .before the home run derby... --3 the all-staa mmaagers selectee their starting itchers...san ffanciscc's bruce ochhy s ace roo halladay getssthe nod...he starred foo thh 3& him onny the 4th pitcher to - sttrttffr both eaguee.... he''l face theeangels' jered weavvr... he's 11-and-4 with a miniscule 1-point---- e-r-a... -& weavvr is making his ndd ll- star appearance... first time as thh starrer... & 3 and remembbr you can see he -3 all-staa gamm righh here on ffx 455..tte american league and ational llague battte it out for hhmm ffeld advantage in the orld series...the mid-summer classic tooorrow at p3 all thhngs coosidered, thee ll star ame has come at the perfect time.... mean, hhw much more coold you takee?hee birds liip into the bbeak of their ast 13....heyyneed thh breakk..and so do we...-3 ww... 3 but one oo them is not takiig
12:53 am
3is n phoenix toniiht...he'll & be the orioles' lone represeeativv toothe american leaguu ttaa...he'll seeve as a backup to ron washingtonns in his rd season 3 ttat is for imm.. 3 "it's aa reat honor, - it's ssmmthing you've been dreeming about since yoo weeee -3 a kid. i don't think you'll 3happen but it akks you very -3 proud and very excitee at all thh worr you put in in hee and get to annall-star game." -3 3.remember how bad the oo' weee in the firrs half last year???'s nnt much -&pbetttr... theeyhavee7 more wins buu that's still ggod forr last i tte eaat.... 18 games outtof firss...the home runs have drrstically improved thanns n large part to ark -33 peynolds buu the batting average hassstayed the same... & but it always comes down to pitthhng... hh orioles are in -3 dead ast n all of baseball in -r-a... ii's lowerrttan 2000 but that's not saying much when a 4499 earned run aveeage is your mark to beat... 3 the ravens and steellrs are see to open the season septeebbr 11th at m&& bank ssadium, anddlockout or noot the iialryyremmins hot....the
12:54 am
dui arrest of hinee ward over the weekend has leddto a type oo twitter war between players - from both sides.. 3& ray rice teeted tthtthe thinks ines ward will miss week one beeaase of the ui, adding quote duiichaage nnt a - good looksteelers affty ryan ccark fired ack thanking rice for weighing n with rice &&preplyiig you know how to find me..ccark resppnds quuting &&phaad...two layers, ddking it &pout over celphonn keeboardss.. -3 you ust gotta lovv it. 3 .these tto have a -3& hiitory n he fiell... clark forceddtteegamm--hanggng pumble on rice in tte playoffs - eerlier his yeaa... - 3 & 3&
12:55 am
ring ring progresso i look great in my wedding dress with the help of your amazing light soups. you know they're the only ones endorsed by weight watchers. they taste so good. now we're adding even bigger pieces of white meat chicken. oh so when's the big day? oh we got married years ago. but the point is i fit in it! are you wearing it... right now? yes! well, good for you. [ shopper ] excuse me. oh, so sorry. you look nice.
12:56 am
oh, thank you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
12:57 am
3 you ccn beeii 3& ccargeeof yyor oon personalized forecast. -radaa is now available t -3&&p
12:58 am
use the nteeactive tols to trrck cominggstorms doon o gg to foxbaltimore dot com and clicc on i-radar &p3 that's all for the llte pditionn..thanks for joining us.i'm jeff aand... -3 barnd... pnd i'm jenniferrgiibert.up - next iss"how i mmt our &pmother"...and be sure to ttne tomooroww-- starting att5-am.goodnight. goodnight. ♪ ♪ i may be mud but i have standards.
12:59 am
mops? please. some of them have bacteria. ♪ ♪ and they try to pick me up? ew. i'm really hard to get. uh! ♪ what about love?! ♪ [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. used mops can grow bacteria. swiffer wetjet's antibacterial solution eliminates 99.9% of bacteria that mops can spread around. i like your pad! [ male announcer ] swiffer cleans better than a mop or your money back.


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