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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  July 23, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT

12:30 am
3 historic heat. heaa..-3 how baltimore is coping and -3 when hings ill finallyy start to cool down. down. thh ssootiig that killed an off-duty policc officer.why the pollce union is telling other officcrs they don't avv &pinvestigators. terror sttikes in an unlikely lace.where this chaotic ssene happened and who was targeted..- targeted.and spying on a spouse....who's must likely to secretly cceck up on on tteir partner. 3 3 the searing sun
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3 beats down n baltimore for a seconn day...postinn numbees... that are tough to believe believe"its stifllnggout... stiflinggout... itt rrally quite oppressive oppressiveeottllssof wattr... patches f little baltimore bakes 3 we ree n the middle f a summer sizzler sizzlerthermometers.../ disppayed... 3 that's dangerous dangeroussvolunteers.... with... the city's emeegency responss team ../ & haae been... checking on the elderly --/ ááthe á & most vulnerable... in ttis heat.../. ..áásinceáá omorrow ...won't be anyybetter../.ááhealtháá officialss.. are also advising áeveryyneá.../ - to... stay iidoors this weekend .../ - ááandáá puu off... -3 those... typical saturday ccorrs. && 0045 the hottest time of the day, 10 too4... thoseeare rrally the peak hoors whhre the temperature is high thee humidity is high. so we reelly &pwant people to stay indoors stay in a ccol location and tomorroww58 58baltimore...
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says... it'll... opeen additional coooing ccnterr .../ this weeeend.../ ááandáá city pools... will be open.../ an... extra hour tomorrow. p3& if at all ppssible...peeple needed to find a place ith air conditioning to cool off on days like oday. & never know how good air feels untillyou loseeit i guess guess ...buu -3 sometimes... it breaks.ttdd &pmiller lost his aii contitioning earlier thissweek..- he caaled the repair company on monday to get the appoontmennttoday. 3 iq: these guys hhre oqq as - poon as we can get it ddne donethe company saas regullr maintenancc is tte best way to prevent something like this from happening,. &p3 we saw some astonishing temperatures today &ptoday. we're in... for more tomorrow tomorrowmeteorologist... emmly gracee.../ & look... at your skywatch forecast forecast
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3 now, evvryone s looking for ways toobeaa the heat heatt we... psked youu.. to send uu.../ the ways.../ cool...joe and sseehanie belll../ sent
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us ..this ppctuue... / 3 buuren..../ááheáá has... the right idea.../ - the coler... just - isnnt... big enough 3 idea...laura from essex sent us this photo...of a bathing beauty who obviously got a little sleepy soaking in some - rays. 3 if you feel the peat...// and show it.,,.//. áásee & itáá.. / shoot it send it. -3 ááuploadáá... 3 foxbaltimore dot com . ááclickáá... on the see it shoot it send it icon. áááráá... send photos -3 froo your ell to "pics at foxbaltimore dot com." &p3 3 its been seven monnhs nd investigators are still trying to understand why officers shot and killed another pfffcer ootside a downtoon nightclub.... 3 abell tells us officers are being told.... told....they don't have to 3& there are at least twooinvestigations going on heee.... ne by city police...and an iidependent review panel..... its that probe that officers are being proceed with caution. 3 investigators are ryinn to gee tt the bottom of that -3 shoottng outside the select lounge whhre police officer
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william torbbt and local football star sean gamble were gunned down. three others ere also iijuree.. but as bott panels review the case.....the president of the police unnon ii telling hii members they pon't have tootalk to that pndependent revvew pannll in aa email this week, he read the officers their rights.... 3 (36:40) bob cherry, fopthe - email just stated in the eventt annyof our officerssare called -3 to this ndepeedenttcommission reviewing the fatal shooting oo officer torbit, it just reminded them thh the pannl -3 haa no subpoena power, and that in the event an offiiee -3 decides to go, ust advise them to take couusel counssl cherry says officers rights coull be in jeopardy if they choose to testify before the commission. jeff abell, ox45 news late edition 3 3 devvlopmmnts in talks tt raise thh debt ceiling...this evening... talks beeween pressdenttbarack obbma nd sseaker of the house johh & boehner brooe down
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pown he two men weee working on a plan that would reduce deficits between 3 aad 4 trillion doollrs oer 10 years..heee appeared to be agreemmnts on uts......but the two disagreed on taxes... ...and blamed each other for the breakdown 3 obama says::" it ii hard to - understann why speeker boehner wouud walk awayyffom ttis kind of eal and frannly, if youu - look at the commentary out there, there are a lot of republicans that are puzzled as to why it couldn't get done. done.but llt's understand something, there was an agreement. thhre was an agreemeet with the white house at 800 billion dollars in revenue. it'' thh pressdent who walked away ffom his agreement aad demanded more -3 money at the last mmnute." minntee"the resident has pclled congressional leaders to the whhte ouse tomorrow morningto figgre outtwhaa to do nextt inn...2006.../ when... preeident obama .../ was... an illinnis senator.../ & ááhháá railed... agginst president & bush's....plln.../ to... raise tte debt ceiling. -33 ceiling. senator obama... said.. /
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"the... fact... that we're... here today.../ to... debate raisiig america's debt llmit.../ & is... a sign off.. failure." he... &&psaid.../ "leaderssip meann.../ that... the buck stops & heree'.../ - ááinsteadáá , washinntonn.. is shiffiig tte burden of bad choices... today.../ onto... p and... prrndchildren. ./ debt problem.../ aad... a failure of leadership../ áá americansáá deserve 3 senate minority llader harry reid.. / who... ceiling./ .. was... &pástrooglyá against it in 006. 3 how can they explainnthat theyythink it's oor grandchildren and great grandchildrennthrough hiiher taxes, hat's what it will have to be. why is right to increase ur nation's dependence on foreign creditors? they should explain this. &pthis. the... president said... in an his 2206 vote... / example... of a younn senator .../ akkng ...a & polittcal vote.../ 3& with a deeault deadline less ttan two weeks away.... new
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up .... 3 3 according ttoa cnn o-r-c poll... 61 percent of americans elieve iffthe debt ceiling is not raisedd.... it &&pwill be a crisii ... or maaor prrblem...for thh standoff? 3 right now ....republicann are 33 percent of the american &ppeople elieve republicanss have acted responsibly in the debt dealingss & 3fifty-two percent ssy the & president has acted ressonsibly. 3 we asked:who do youublame for you say... everyyne... pllyed &paapaat... part...ritchie says on -3 ffcebook..."obama spent three times more in the first 100 days than bush id ii eight years." yeers."jamal on facebook: republicans and democrats: two peaded monsters that share the same body." &p3 gay maariage ppoponeets now have the ssrong backing of 3 o'malley.o'mmlley made tte annooncement today that he will make legalizing ame sex marriagg aapriorityy n tte next regular session.the bll
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was staaled in march, hhe the - house ffiled to pass it. & 3 3 "i'm upportive oo this bill in the upccminn session, so supportive, i have decided to make it one of a handful of bills that will be an adminstration priority" priority"but o'malley may e in or a fight. dellgatee like - emmett bbrns say they plan onn doing whatever they can to make sure the bbll doesn't passs 109 thousand signatures against ivvng in-state ttition to illegal immiirants. ttat's hoo many ames the marylann state board of elections certified in thh ffght agaanst the measurr.. that's nearly double the number of signatures they needed to put theeissue on the - ballott iitwonnt go too voterr until the november 2002 3agaiist the petition drive 3 pile lawsuit 3 3 3 a... &pinstitution...// goos... up..../ borders... books ann mmsic.../// 3 faced....the riss... of "e-
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readers"... , a... changing book industry.../ and... really bad áábordeesáá never saw... the ame success.../ & with... digital books.../ - as... rival... arnes and noble.../ had... with the nook,.../// ááándáá fell... too far behiid amazon's.../ kindle... to compete.../. ááasáá 3 borderss..closed...// 399-stores.... nationwide..../ today. from... minne--tonka.../ makes... a new best ffiend. sent ...from a fox viewer... friends... letttheir dog... "deeali".../ out -3 one morning.. ./ ááonlyáá to... discover a fawn... jumped the fence.../ and... got... trapped in the backkard...//. áádenaliáá had... an instant...ppaymmte...// - ááand8á the two... ptarteddrunning arounn .../ and playing.. /// ááeventuallyáá they got... enali baak inside.../ and... opened the &pgate.../. ááwhereáá mama deer... was waiting.../ for herrbaby.. // trotted.... off... together... 3 3 you already know 3 pbout the phone hacking scandal in england...and seems like china is hackiig u-s
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& computers all the time... timm...but.../ whhn... ii comes to... ccber--- spyyng... / áástartáá worrying... for thosee people.../ closest to you eleccronics seller.../ reetreev... conducted a survey...//ááándáá - found... 30-percent offmen.../ andd.. 35 percent of women.../ áhaveá... checked the email... &p of... someone .../ 3 daaingit gets worse if youure pmarried...32 percent of men - and 41 pprcent of women ssy & spouses emmii or call -3& histtoy...without ttem knowing. 3 3 buynum says::"heard the crash onnthe ousee came outside to find my windshiell busted." busttd."ssmetimes it just takes a little common sensewhy this uy shoull havv known his & houue would be pounded with 3 and a pool... tto hot to swim & in.whyytheeice didd notá work...after the break 3 3& jim buynnm says 3 hh chose
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his home because of & locationn.. it made sense- until hiss colorado house camm under fire from nearby golfers at a local golf course. &pcourse. he's had windoos balls stucc ii the stucco -3 siding of his homm...and had a himself... he says his home has been a target forrstrayy golf balls for theelast sevee -
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ssad anyonn who moved into the area signedda notice statingg they understand the risks of livinn on a golf course.... maybe.......fter all of these 3 talking about common peese...... workerssin -3 oklahoma are choosing late cool..... creww at the oklahoma city area football pttdium are installing new chunks of arpet out during shift.... &p3 ""ts juss too ot to work - during the day...i mwna the turf heats up an addittonal 15 -3 pegrees at llast at the minimum beyond what the pmmient temperrture is.....- is.... workers say the ight shift takes its toll butt&&pthey're focused on ggtting it done... -3 3 3 at least... 87 people are dead....after two attacks in norway. this... video.../
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caught the chaos ... in osso.../ explosiin.../.ááseveraláá governmenttbbildings 3 p iicluding... the primee miniiter's office.../.ááheáá was working... from home at the timee.... 3 this ttack...//a few hours later...a gunman opened fireet at least 80 people died there. & police arrested the gunman at -3 the camp.invessigators say he may have ties to thh bombing -3 coooloff on hht days actually... átoo hottto &pswimá... at this pool n 33 áwaterá temperature was 92 degrees....//so they tried to solve the problem../.. 3 they could finn - 3 iq: it actualll feels airly warm 3 oq: shoot up to aboot 95 degrres degreesthe.. 2500---pounds of icc.../ & didd't work...// ááit'dáá take... 100-thousand poundss.. to drop -3 the temperature....
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-3 10 degrees p3 3 3 3 officer: i'm so close to
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3 caviig in your god ááááhead." 3 an offfccr... in ttouble...the 3 at a traffic stopp- 3 .the deal to end the lockout - stiil needs approval from the players...wwen they miggt take - a vote that coul.d put the 33 neet in sporrs... 3 ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa! 10:00 and 2:00, buddy. eyes on the road, right? hands on the wheel. [ male announcer ] the want-it, need-it... stay focused. [ male announcer ] ...gotta-have-it taste of mcdonald's burgers. the simple joy worth waiting for. [ young man ] how's your burger, bro? [ laughs ]
12:50 am
♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] sweet honey taste. 80 calories per serving. 40% daily value of fiber. i'm here in the downtown area where the crowd is growing. [ female announcer ] watching calories at breakfast never tasted this sweet... i'll go get my bowl. [ female announcer ] ...or this huge. new fiber one 80 calories.
12:51 am
yes, you can actually love breakfast. you're the best, mr. snuggles. [ thinking ] another pet name? all right, i'm smart enough to notice that my favorite fresh-brewed mickey d's sweet tea is now on the dollar menu, so i'm smart enough for this. you're the best, too... sweet tea... pie? aww, chipmunk. [ male announcer ] sweet tea and the mcdonald's dollar menu. man: we need a good night's sleep. woman: which means a little heat to keep us warm. and a good dose of support for my back. some over-the-top comfort couldn't hurt. and our perfect dream factory's been built.
12:52 am
you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling] 3 in trouble for th way he behaved during a traffic top.. 3 and... it was... a heated exchange...// the dash camm.. was rolling.../ when this officer... pulled over the man.../ last monnh..... áátheáá weapon on him...// and... didn't ttll the cop fast enoogh..../ááevenáá 'tho... he had a carry permit. 3 officer: iimmsooclooe to cavvng in your god ááá head." officer: i'llltell yoo what i should have done. sssoon as & saw your ggn, i should have taken two steps ack, pulled my glock 40 anddjust put ten 3 you ddop... and i wouldn't -3 have lost any sleep, do you understand mee?and he would have een a nice witness as i - executed you bbcause ou aree stupid. 3 áátheáá officerrs... now on leave ---/ and under investigaaion.
12:53 am
hey eeeryone, i'm morgann dsst..- aftee a full thursday of -ffl pockout fun...nnt much movemeet today..the owners &ppaased their proposedd coolectiie bargaining agreement it's up toothe playyrs...who aren't happy... feeling hey'veebeen &pbaakeddinto a corner by the ooners....the playersshave been told today to quote "stay put this weekend".... and they will meet monday to disccss the c-b-a. &pc-b-a.the n-f-llppayers asssciation released this statement todayy.player leedership is iscussing the most recent written proposal wwth the nfl, which includes a seetlement aggeemmnt, deal & terms nd the right process por addressing recertification.. there will today out of respeet for the wife, myra kraft passed away wednesday... services are today.hhre's ravens receivee donteestallworth tt explain the players' stance heading intt the eekenn. 3 "we don't want to see wwether it's preseason or not, siikeninn. i mean, i know the owners have their ageeda and
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make sure that it's done right. weewant to make sure that the bill is done,,not just forrthis yeer, but for 3 players that will be coming in to his league. we just don't - want to sign a deal just because the seasoo is ssarttng. weeaal wwnt to start the season on time and make sure that's rrght. ut we want to get this deal done and make 3 planned for the younger guyy and the players hat are in this game." -3& p3 things are looking up at the end of jjly for the o's. starting pitching hhs improved - ever since the all-star break. and the birds get ooe offfthe & disaaled list..uke scott and his shhulder back in the lineup tonight...scott ssying - it'' his final test before his &plast resort... seeson-ending surgery. surgery.alfredo imon with anotherrstroog sttrt...but ii & the izturii rips & from 2nd on theer-b-i double....-angelssup 1-0....later in the 7tt...jason berkkn pptching....- torri hunter hiiting...splitts & jones and markakis to tte gap...izturii crosses the plate to give the halossa
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& 2-run eed....bottom of the 8th...thh o's get one ackk.. jj ardy lines it back thru &pthe middle...mark reynolds scores with no throw...santana done affer 7 and 2 thirds... o's cut the llad in half.... top of the 99h...kevin gregg back from suspension...bases loaded...vernoo welll unloads them...grrnd slam...the anggls take a 6-1 lead...they hand the oos their 2nddstraiihh loss....a the birds offfnse last 2 games... 3 another piece of bad might go back on the d-l. either for rehab or surrery. both likely ending his seeson. 3 3
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3 us.i'm jefffbarnd... and i'm &pkarennparks.goodnight. goodnight. 3 3
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[ male announcer ] nature is unique... ...authentic... ...pure... and also delicious. ♪ ♪ like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. because natural is not only good it also tastes good. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious. [ child's voice ] ooh, that looks good. [ child's voice ] can i have some? [ child's voice ] you guys should rock paper, scissors for it.


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