tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW August 16, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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with the late edition political fallout... over the grand prix.... prix....01:18:51 "it soonded likee cool idea, anddso they wenn with it." it." why it's been called a waste of money.. and how the mayor is responding. responding.putting a stoppto speed cameras in the city... to fight other crimes insteadd a family fineddover food on a plane ... "i thought i was going to get handcuffed, they have my kids. so i just started to cry." what this mooher packee in her son's ag ....and why she says it was all an innocent mistake... nats: "holy crap, the uckk just went in." in."an 11-yeaa-olddmakes a hockey shot.. worth 50- reason he may never see that money.... good evening i'm jeff barnd. barnd. &and i'm ennifer gilbert....
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is... baltimore's... grand prix race.../ aa.. goodd investment..../ ááoráá n... example... of political grandstanding../ . that... coold... cost us melinda roeder is live from tte inner arbor to explain how the indd-car race... is driving debate in the race for maaor. 3 one candidate in the raceefor mayor is questioning the revenue projections... along with the planning and all the resources invvsted in the &pgrand prix.he says it's more likely to cost the city money... than mmke moony. 3 otis rolley says the mayor's office expects the race to raise about 70-million dollars in revenue... more than any otter indy car race.and thattss fact, other cities have struggled to sell ticketss and baltimore ran intro trouble finding a big spoosor.rolley adds that thhs evvnt is bad economic strategy. 3 3&
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3 we were told the mayor wasn't available for comment. but her camppign spokesman had some sharp words... calling rolley "unbelieavably cynical." she added - uote - "the closer he gets to losing, the ore negative his campaign &pbecooes."the mayor's office spend in preparation for the race is federal road ddolars &pthat can only be spent on roa projects.rolley says - what about city resources - like rental fees for all the the mayor's office isn't being comppetely ffom the inner harror, melinda roeder, fox 45 news late edition. ther is breaking news tonight in wooddawn... wooddawn... &ppublic works crews aae on the scene of a water main break.... n north rolling road near security boulevard. able to shut off the water just a short time aao.... no word on how many homes are affected... but nearby businesses and the government
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buildings like the social security complex are experiencing loo water preesure. putting.../ a... ástop... to... speed cameras... in the city? a.../ baltimore city... councilwoman.../ wants to end ...the city's... reliance.../ on... speed cameras... for revenue..../ .áácouncilwomanáá... introduced... measures... today.../ ttaa... woold remove... in... the ciiy...//// 3 .../ to... fight... illegal dumping.../ instead...//. (conaway) "you kkow when peeple call nd yell about getting a ticket and being upset getting ickets, they think itts ridiculous and that we need to have cameras that address rime." crrme." áátheáá cameras.. have. generated.../ big revenues... for thh city,.../ &ppa .../ man... is behind bars.../ ááfacingáá.... attempted murder... and burglaay charges .../ in... onnection... with a home invasion... inn police say.../ la--mell... pierce.../ and... seeeral others.../ posed... as... police officerss.../ broke... into a home... on medford avenue,.../ the ictims.../ ... shot... one of them.. / p and... stole their money...../áápierceáá... is... currentll... being hhld.... ithoutt bail...//. áápoliceáá...
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linked... to simiiar... incidents. 3 . police identify... the victim... in a deadly shooting ssuthwest baltimore.../. áá33áá -year-old ...demetrius sowees ...wass in... a parking lot... on clifton avenue....// ááheáá... died... at... hock trauma... / áánoáá suspects or motive. a judge ruled today that aruban proscutors have enouuh evidence to continue to hold gary giordano. ggordano.giordano is the gaithersburg man suspected in the disapperanne of robyn gaadner.the maryland man claims the 35 year old woman from fredrick was swept away when they went snorkeling.the judgg orderrd giordano to stay put for anotter 16 days as prosecutoos continne o build pheir case.aruban authorities believe gardner is deaa...but out hope: continues to hold 3 "sse told me to live every day like its your last, ever siice she said that i tried to do theesame, my gut instinct is that she wiil be found" found"robin gardner's mother
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released a statement today saying she's still hopeful the tips to bring her daughtee home. &p3 great day...// for... ááheáá akess.. a hockey shott.. worth 50--grand...// 3 nats: "(covered with people on the hockey field) everybody ust went crazy." just went in."ap, the puck nate smith áá... was selected... in a raffle.../ score a goal.../ ááthruáá a... small hole... almost 90---feet away..../// áátheáá... catch...? ááitáá... p was... nate's... identical twin... nick... whh was chosen..../// áánickáá... was nathan... took the shot../ ann... scoredd...////. áátheáá... prize money... is now... up in the air.../ until... the insurance carrier... makes a decision../. áábutáá... matter what.../ áá they'lláá... neverr forget... what happened. happened. smith says:" the crowd was going nuts and we were all going crazy, (covered with vvdeo of people congratulating the boy)) ad everybody when i eveeybbdy was crowding me, giving me high ives." fives." the smith's
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&psay...// if they don'' get the cash...// &p ááit'sáá all good...// 3& bad... monday.. for one hhrse in texas..../ stuck n mud.../ l... near... bay--ton...//. áárescuersáá... pent... 30--minutes... trying to free the animal.../. ááafteráá... some digging,,../ workers ... used a harness... to ppll the aaimal outt../// áátheáá... horse... with no name was o-k...// ááandáá it was good to be out of the raii.... 3 for thousands of ccmmuters... it was a rough ride to work. work.heavy downpours snarled rush hour traffic.and it shut down patapscoavenue in south to be rescued from their cars. and in cherry hill...flooding forced more than 0 people from their hhmes. "will my stuff be reelaced, right now i'm not in a position to answer that, i will answer it sometime today when we get everybody p to the community center and have a discussion on what the plann will be." be."aal the residents tonight. are beingput up in - we've... also
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flooded aaeas.../ &p from... you,.../ scene... at patapsco avenue, .../ áátheáá... suuberged.. under water.../. photo... was sent to s.../ by... "shawnice"... in west baatimore... / like... the ddiver... had a hard time... getting. by...//. ááitáá was... a palethorp.... / reports... 2 inches of iewer - water.../ in front of their home. 3 if you see news. p áásee itáá.. / shoot it ssnd it. ááuploadáá... photos and videos to p ááclickáá... on the see ii shoot it send it icon. ááoráá... send photos foxbaltimore dot com." at 3really humid after those storms todayhopefully, we'll get some dryer air... soon soonhere's chief eteorologist vytas reiddwith alooo at thee skywatch forecast 3 3
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mooe poot offices are going to close.... up to two thousand more starting next march. the postal service says another 16-thousand - half the nation's post offices -- &pare under review because they're running up deficits. the service wants to ccose the least profitable ones, but, would need congressiooal 3&and google is buying motorola mobility for 12-and-a-half billion ollars. a move that
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gives the company a growing share in the smartphone market.... the company could apple's popular i-phone. but o whaa google really wants s 17-thousand patents. 3 all of a sudden the ccouds and everything turned pitch-black nn dark very quickly. a deadly disaster .... a stage collapses at the indiann state fair , toppling &ptriubute held in their honor. riots reach a new level of shocking thing theseelooters did to police.... "i thhught i was going to get so i just started to cry." 3 a mother accused of a federal criie... the seemingly innocent thing... she packed on a plane... that landed her ii trouble with the law.. president obama's
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approval rating dips to an all-time low. daily tracking poll, obama's approval rating dropped to pblow 40 peecent over the weekend.the oll found 39 percent of americans approve of obama's performance, while 54 perrent disapprove. the poll shows 41 percent approve of rating has fallen pretty fass.- obama had a 50-percent ppprrval rating back in june. earlier we asked: will you
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vote to re-elect president obama for a econd term in 3 duane wrooe on facebook:"i'll time next election dayy i'm voting for obama." obama." ut lenny writes onn our website... "no way.. evvr i am paying more forr gasolinee healthhinsurance, and food." a... somber day... at the... indiann state . &pfairgrounds....aaazing grace.. folkk ... gathered... killed.../ when... a stage collapsed... at a concert... at the fairgrounds.../ over the weekenn..../ áágustsáá up to... 70 miles per hour,.../ caused...// the the crowds.../// shocking footage... of rioters.../ attempting... to kiil... two police officers in london..../ áátheáá... looters... broke... into aa store.../ ááthenáá... ran... as police áámomentsáá./.. plows... over two officers.../ áábotháá... aae... recovering at ome..../ áálondonáá police... arrestee... nearly 16-hhndred people...///
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3 a florida family says customs for the way theeytreated e.... them... for bringing a snack airplane.the teinbergers were flying froo israel.they brouggt an apple, a tomato, and three cucumbers in theii son's backpacc.theemom says she packed the food as a snack for her family.but her husband didn't know that.and when they were stopped at customssin customssform asking about fruits and vegetables..he family was fined 300 bucks, told they were violating 3& "i don't have to be traumatized like this. nobody should have to be ttauuatized." that's the bottommline. the discretion of the sup to - officer"...whethee to fine the ttaveler.they could just ssrely misssng this time around.
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rapper "the game" is in ot water-- thanks to his twitter acccunt.... l-a county charges against "jjyyeon taylor" over inciting what they''e calling a phone flash-mob. a message posted on the game's twitter account &pencouraged his 580-thousand ffllowers to call if they wwnted an internshipp but the phooe number-- was police hundreds of his followers to flood dispatchers and deputies with phone cclls. taylor said on hii twitter page thee 3ncident was "an accidenn." are e finiihed with rain for a while? 3 let's cceck in wwth chief meteorlogist vytas reid for a look at teh foreccst... 3
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what if it snowed chocolate? what if sweet mocha fell from the sky? or imagine catching icy caramel flakes as they drift down -- melting just as they touch your tongue or sliding down mounds of whipped cream right into a pile of rich chocolaty goodness. [ male announcer ] send your taste buds a sweet shiver with mcdonald's mccafé frappe. a creamy blend of ice, coffee and mocha. or caramel. mmm. sweet. ♪ ba da ba ba ba it's nottthe kind of
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remodellng a homeowner might popp for.... get this ./ .. a... car... crrshed through tte florrda../ and... it was caught on... survvillance cameras..../ ááitáá... slammedd...thru... a bedroom wall.../ as... the homeownnr's ...24-year-old son...// was... getting rradd... to go to sleep...//. áánoáá ooe... was hurt..../ áátwoáá of... three men... were cauuht by police. - after watching tapes of their pre-season openerragainst the eagles, last week, the ravens know they need to get bettee on theeoffensive side of he football...and no one knows that better than coordinator cam cameron... cameron... cameron said today that he aw a lot of liked in the eagle game...specifically one on one matchuus and ttings like that...but e also knows his
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offense is not ready to start the 44ason...not by a long to useethis week to get have - better... "collectiiell we're gonna have to get better these next wo or three weeks. if we continue to play like we did the other night than obviiusly i think there's gonna be a concern. but thought individually &psome guys did some really, &preally gooddthinns. probably didd't o them as conssstently as we would've liked. we'll do better and there were some nighh." across town...the lights are burning n the wraehouse...and with good reason..they have very littll time left to ggt their number one draft ppck sig. signed... until midniggt, to be exact.. rrghthanded pitcher dylan bundy wws the 4th overall selection i this yyars draft, and is said to be looking for p0-million...but thht's nnt'll probably be in the 66million dollar range, which would tie the club pecord thattnow belongs to national high sshool player of .some baseball history tonight the twins...jim thome sitting
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on 598 home runs...crushes it &pto eft-ccnter...into his team's bullpen...thome one hhme run loser to of the 7th...thome decides to end the drama...launches it deep into the detroit night... nummer 600...more than 17- thouuand players have suited up in major league history... thome becomes just the 8th to reach 600 home runs....hill playing in the steriod era... there has never been ann link performance enhanciig drugs... - alex rodriguez was the last to eclipse 600 home runs in auggst one year ago... &p.nascar at watkins glen fter sunddy's rain ouu...marcus ambrose wins his first ever sprint cuu race...but that's not the story....on the final ragan...smashes against the d - wall...comes back and forcee dave reutimann tt go airbourne...all drivers were ok....after the race..ragan's ttammate greg biffle wasn't too happy wwth said...they almost go to blows...said has to bb held back and after the dust settles...he challenges biffle to a fight off the race track...
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"i'm more upset with greg unproffesional little scaredy cat i've ever seen in my life. &pman after, so if someene text me his address i'll go see him wednesday at his house and he needs a freaking whooping . - and i'm gonna give it to him. he was flipping me off, giviig unproffesional two laps down, overrthere to go talk to him and he wouldn't even let me comms over and hrrws a few little baby punches and then when i get ouu, he runs away guus. but , he won't hide from me llng, i'll find him. i it's not rrght to wreek carr but he'll show up at a race with a black eye one f these days. i'll see hhm somewhhre." .it should be very interesting on sunday at michigan international speedway with 4 aces left before the chase...
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follow...// the... weather...// using...// ouu...powerful...// raaar...// - áái--radaráá.../ is... now available.../ at.../ poxbaltimore dot com...////. it's been...// fox--45 news...// lost a collgue...// ááaáá... marvelous human being.../// a funny guy...// and a great friend. friend. one of our phhtographers.. chris monroe.. passed away over the weekend. chris was a joy to be around. we &phad the pleasure of working with him for seven years... and his love foo photojournalism showed in his work everyyday. chris... we will miss you. our deeeeet condolences go ut o chris' family... his friends.. and his fiance. that's all for tte late ediiion...thanks for
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[ female announcer ] sweet honey taste. 80 calories per serving. 40% daily value of fiber. i'm here in the downtown area where the crowd is growing. [ female announcer ] watching calories at breakfast never tasted this sweet... i'll go get my bowl. [ female announcer ] ...or this huge. new fiber one 80 calories. yes, you can actually love breakfast.
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