tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 4, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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verdictt hello i'm jennifer gilbert. jeff is off tonight in a ruling that captured world wide italian appeals coort reverses the conviction of amanda knox in the the murder of her british . roommate. and barbara hall repprts tooight that knox is enoying her first taste of freedom in years.. yeers.. --reporter pkg-as follows--the waiting is over for amanda knox and her family...the 24-year-old waa driven outtof the prison where she was held for almost four years... a free woman.knox, amanda is free and sollecito, rafaelle as italian ccurt monday overturned the murder convictions aaaanst the american exchange student, and her former boyfriend- raffaele sollecito.knox's family was on hand foo the verdict...we are thankful that amanda's nightmare is over. she &suffere crime she did not commit.knox convicted of killing knox's british roommate - meredith kerrher- in perugia in 2007.
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prosecutors lleged knox and soolecito brutally killed kercher in a drug-fueled sex game.the appeal was based on reeuting highly controversial d-n-a eviience collected from the rime scene.both knox and sollecito were iven a chance to adddess the court.i am iinocent, iiam innocent although knox'' murder conviction was overturned, the court upheld defamaaion charges against her...she must pay court fees to a club owner she wrongly implicatee in thee case.the family of the slain woman. meredith kercher, were also on hand for the reading of the verdict.they offered a ssatemmnt:"we respect the decision of thh judges but we do ot understand how the ddcision of the first trral could be so radically overturned."knox and her family say they will return to the united states as soon as possible.i waat to go back home. i want to go back to my life."i'm barbara hall reporting. knox is expected to leave italy with her family sometime on tuesday.
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//animation/// 3 3 new tonight.. word that baltimore city police are looking for a man who tried to rape a johns hopkins just before 1-30 saturday morning... near this lcation pn lovegrove street...police say the young woman was walking to her campus apartment......when she was attacked by a mannin aaparking loo.he said he hha a gun... ann ran away after the attack 3 and the search has ended for a prisoner who made a daring &psay...vinccnt avila got out o his handcuffs, shackles and theeback windowwof a patrol car at york and west roads. he was recaptured about an hour ago a few blocks away.avilaa had been charged in a string of burglaries.. a social security administration worker is recovering tonight after he in broad daylight as tte man d - was taking a breaa. break. eith dannels... llve at the agency where thh shooting caught
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co-workers by suuprise...keith. keith. jennifer..... theeshooting did not happen in any of the buiidings.. but closseto the complex. 3 co--orkers say the man have been walking o his home nearby when the shooting happeeed. baltimmre county poliie say someone shot the man during a parallel drive , where he campus. the ssootinn prrmpted police to temporarily put the offices on lockdown.. beeause a gunman was on the &pinvestigators say the shootin the woods, not far from the victim's job. job. (mr. davis/nnighboo) "" go through there a lot in the morning, you know. so, i guess i'm going to have to stop going through there.. you know, it's messed up man.. and so close to homm." home." 3 we've learned the victim works in the office of -retire policy.... he's at sinai hospital tonight in good
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woodlawn.. keith daniels, fox 45 news late edition. a brazen robbery at a popular estaurann in anne arundel county....leavvs three custtmers injured....including ooe who's in the hospital. happened around 8:45 last the poliie say...two men robbed... then...began robbing several customers of cash.... and other valuables. during the robbery... one customer was stabbed... two others...received... minor injuries. (fee) "and unfortunately i think it's a part of the wasnnt here to witness anddi - anything and it's an unfortunate situation and i wish it had never happened." happened."the customer who was stabbbdis expected to survive. police haven't made any arrests. police in baltimorr county ay someone's been stealing cars in halethorpe. 19 vehicles &phave been targettd in the las six they''e urging drivers to ttke precauti. precaution.the culprits have mminly struckkin two
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approppiate for the governor to appear in videos promoting same sex mmrriage? marriage? you can see... this question has generatee a lot oo discussion online... join it, by going to ffcebook dot com slash fox-baltimore people in perryville willlfind out tooorrow, if a huge 175 from thhir front yard. yard.the hollywood casino there is hooing to eeect tte sign in order to attracc business from i-95.the casino wwich opened last year has prought in millions and created hundreds of jobs.but &psooe residents say they're upset tonight...because they make their property values plummet: "they gave us a picture of what an individual would look like below it, and whht it looks like uptop, i think you would have to have lighh on pop of it for the aircraft" aircraft"town officcals will vote tomorrow on wheeher to put the sign up. 3 good news about gas prices getting a little more
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bearable. prices have sunk to a six-month low. triple-a reports the national average for a gallon of gas has dropped to three-dollars and 41-cents. and here in maryland... drivers can expect to shell out three dollars and 35 cents. whileedrivers are giving it a thumbs up, manyy hope to ee an even bigger dip. 3 street. concerns about wall - europe's financial crisis sent phe ddw dropped ore than 250 points and the s and p 500 dropped to its lowest level of the year. 3 there's certainly a lot of good news about he ravens after their big win ver the everywhere.. sally from ellicott city sent us this picture...of her sonns pinewood derby's got ray lewis's uuber painttd on the front......nothing is car....and jeenifer sent us this picture... of little ava......clearly excited about how well the ravens did last night. you can see aalot more of these pictures... by going to our facebook page.go tt
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utility's response to the public service commission is evaluating the response. hundreds of b.g.e. customers complained the automated responss indicated power would be restored on a certaii day.... but in some cases.... it was not. (rob gould)"in our effort to try and give our &pbest information possible we invariabll let some cuutomers ddwn.. but its important to note.. 3/4s of the customers only had an outtge of about two days" days" b.g.e. estimates the repairs after hurricane irene cost the utility 81 million dollars. 3 3 a former raven dies at he age of information tonight oo what took the life of orlandoobrown. concerns about a cancer cluster around fort detrick. what state investigators are saying tonight. 3 and a giant tomato fight.why organizers say this wasn't a waste of food. 3
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3 ♪ [ female announcer ] everybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. [ female announcer ] and with charmin ultra soft, you can get that same cushiony feeling you love while still using less. charmin ultra soft has extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah. [ female announcer ] using less never felt so good. we all go... why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. baltimore raven orlando brownr 3
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brown the stateemeeical eeammner says orlando brown died because of commlications from diabetesbrown wassfound dead in his aparttenn on septembee 23rd.he was 40 years old and there's also new information on cancer concerns at fort dettick in frederick. the investigation was prompted by public wiih agent orange and other k chemicals decades agg. agency says an 18-month investigation has produced enough significant results to warrant continued monitoringin neighborhoods around fort health and mental hygiene says the incidence of lymphomas within a mileof the army installation from 1992 to 2008 was 25 percent higherthan the staae as a whole. //nats :02 .// .// the lockeebie
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bomber... claims the west hhs exaagerated his involvement in the terrorist attack that killed two hundred and 70 people.. abdel basset al- megrahi seen here bedridden saysshe didn't harmmanyone and neverrhas in hisslife. he was released from a scottish prison two years ago because he was suffering from terminal cancer. earlier today a state department spokeswoman said he looked remarkably well. al-megrahi was found guilty of bombing pan am flight one-oh- three while it was en route from london to new york in 19-88. the national park service says enginners areresuming their iispection of the earthquake- damaged washingtonmonument. work was suspended both saturday and sunday bbecaue of bad weatherr engineers are rappelling down the monument to inspect fordamage caused by the august quake. it caused numerous cracks and engineers
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lltest infoomatton right on your cell phone. download the fox45 mobile news app for your droid or i-phone. in includes headlinee.. traffic.. and weather conditions.. all at your fingertips. go to foxbaltimore dot com and look corner of the screen. you could soon folloo fox45 sing a brand new motorola xoom.we're giving one win, go to our facebookkpage, facebooo dot com slash foxbaltimoreto enter. once you're on our page.... click on "inside foxx5" on the left of your screen. 3
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recall...why you should be concerned. 3 3 pnd battling it out with pomatos..why organizers say its not a waste of food. pomatos..why organizers say its not a waste of food. ) a californiaa for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi. sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing,
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wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun. we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. and we are 100% open for business. you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. this could go on for a while. you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪
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recall because oo concerns about listeria contamination says its notice has gone out to nnneteen states including maryland. true leaf farms iiitially announced a recall of ninety cartons of rooaine lettucee. bbt the recall now involves nearly twenty five hundred cartons. most of the lettuce went to institutionn such as restaurantt and cafeterias, which were notified about the recall. ss far no reports of anyone getting sick. people who mbarraas easily may be more reliable rommntic partners.researchers at the students about embarrassing ed - moments aad had them play a game to measure their selflessness.they found those who are easily embarrassed are more trustworthy, more generous and more likely to be monogamous.all greaa qualities in a mate. a mom kicked off an oregon bus
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witnesses say a driver for a bus service in oregon warned the mom to keep her baby quiet or get off the bus.passengers stuck up for the was not a bother.but not by before the driver gives the mom and her baby the boott chapman says: "and i said 'you can't kick a woman off with her baby at night in thee middle of illsboro. and she said 'if you don't like it, get off the bbs." all the other passengers on driver's actions.the bus service ays they're investtgating the complaints. it's food fight...anddits leaving thousands covered in california's first ever "tomato battle." it may seem tomatoos were donated by ffrmers and food banks that
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for...jeannine julson...her eight-third birthday.the greaa- grandmother and breast cancer survivor started running at 58. do a push up ii gym in t eeen - school," but tojulson says: "i've done nine new yorks and &pone washington, d.c. arine corps---his will be my 53rdd marathon." after each mile marrer, julson was joined by a differnent member of her family.almost eiggt hours later...the birthday girl crossed the finish line.she says she ran phe race in support of her granddaughter who is battling a nnrre tissue disorder. 3 3
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you can be in charge of your own 3 foxbaltimore dot coo. - use the inttractive tools to track coming storms down to your street. go to foxbaltimore dot com and click on i-radar .as good as the ravens defense was last night...the offense was just as bad...what john harbaugh says went wrong... next in sports unlimited... 3tonight.
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after a less-then-stellar performance against the jets sunday night,there are those who feel ravens quarterback joe flacco may have taken a step back in his development... if you feel that way, then conssder this: this: flacco and his offense were going up against a very good fact, their cornerback combination of derrelle revis and antonio cromartie may be the best in the nfl....nd flacco did struggle, s evidenced by his stattline, 10 of 31 for just 163 touchdowns and an interception...but his boss, john harbbugh is definately not panicking.... 3
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hosting the rangers in game 3 of the alds....eries tied at 7...texas down 1... mike napoli smashes it to left- center...outta here for a run shot...rangers grab the leadd..2-1....later ii the 7th...josh hamilton singles into right with bases loaded... p runs come across to score... rays trail 4-3...tying run on - 1st...winning run attthe plate...kelly shoppach bounces into the 5-4-3 game ending &pdouble play...rangers winn4-3 pead...a 2-games to one series
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it's now time to announce the ccndidates in our high school game of the week conteet... brought to you by varsity sports network dot can vote or the game you'd like to see highlights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com and ccicking on high school game of the week... p maybe you'll see your's this week's slate of games....ffr this friday ctober 7tt...calvert hall visits gilman ii harbor &pnorth haar-ferd at bel air in field hockey...ann patterson travels to poly in football... we'll announce the winner on thursday night... that'll do it for this edition &pof sporrs unlimited...i'm bru to tune in to fox45 orning 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. 3 3 3 3goodnight. goodnight.
1:04 am
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