tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 6, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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a ten year old girl comes &pporward after being raped and abused forrtwo years. tonight, police say they know who's responsible. 3 hello, i'm jenniieergilbeet. gilbert. and i'm jeff barnd.. a... cockeyssille man.../ ps... in... jail.../ ááafteráá.... a... young girl.../ tells... police rappng her.../ for... the past ...two yyars. years. 37 year old phillip weaver... nowwfaces several charges involving theeraae and sexual assault of a ten year oldd. police say the irl came forward after tto years &pdocuments show the assaults happpned in sepaaaae locations in hhrford county. the abuse, poliie ay, included rape, acts. shockinggaalegations 45:50 it's not a good feeling yoo don't evennwant that in your neighborhood 47:49 that's terrible that's terriile hat realll is he needssto be put away forever forever court documenns show the abuse
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aberdeen. but owners tell fox 45 ... they don't have a rrcord of weaver being a ggest theee. tonight, weaver remains behind ars. the hunt continues.../ ffr... the man... behind... an attempted rape... of aastudent. studentta man.../ who... aid... he as armed with a gun.../ attacked... a... johns hopkins stuuent .../ saturdaa morning .../ in... the alley.../ near... student hoosing... in charles village.../. áátheáá woman ...was walking home.../ at the...time...//.áááoliceáá &p have... increased security.../ as... a result...// baltimore city ii making a ew ush, rging &pwomennto reporttsexual assaul. mayor stephanii rralingg-blake announced a new hotline or women who are victims of sex crimes..he palled "rape is nottyour gn fault."" it's pprt of the city's response to a report last ear that revealed almost "a third" of rape cases were 3uled "unfoundee" by city - we hope that people wiil read these campaign posterss maybe have ooversations and get
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help when something like this has happened the mayor said the number of &ppercent this year. victims who want to report a ssxual assault can call the city's hotline at 443-279-0379. 3 &ppolice identify aawoodlawn ma found dead in his front yard. 55-year-old ronald givenn wws discovered tuesday morning outside his home onn woodmoor road. his neighbbr says she heerd severall gunshots the night before... but didn't think much of it, tree in front of his home. 59::9 and i called him. he pulse, realized how cold he was. here was no pulse. and i just asked my daughter to call 911 500 ivens' mother believes her son was targeted because he as supposed o be pooice have not idennified a l.-
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want.../ tt... staa ahead... of thh criminals.../ stalking your neighboohhod...//.. áásignáá up.,.. for the nation's... most popular crime website,.../ withhover ...300- thousann subscribers...//. ááit'sáá spot crime.../ ááandáá it's... only... available from....fox45.../ at... foxbaltimore dot comm 3 3& first on fox. a showdown over a community shelter. tonight, a church is at the center of a debatt about helping those most in need and aaneighborhood that saae. keith daniels ii live tonight ii dundalk wherr resideens spooe out. keith daniels fox45 news late 3
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&psteve jobs hassdied. jobs stepped down as c-e-o a few weeks ago after years of health ppoblems. he's credited withhinventing the mouse, and forever changing the way millions listen to music with the ipod. one of his greatest inventions came with a simple thought. p3 we asked ourselves what would i-pad hooked up. that lead to thh creation consider thh futureeof computing. jobs was 56 years ld. a.../ baltimore county .../ police officer.../ is... dooestic.../ incident...// involving... his... ex-girlfriend...///. 23-yyar-old.../ brian eaton .../ is... charged with... irss-degree assault, .../ false imprisonment.../ aad... destruction... of property..../ september 23rd.../ on... hal--stead.../ near.../ clooster... rd.../ in parkville.../. áááheáá a... baltimore county... policc officer.../. ááeaaon'sáá suspenned... pending an investigation.../. ááhe'sáá a... 5--year veteran../// "theedeparttenn takes this very seriously, we do not allow this kind of misconduct"
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miscooduct"eaton ...was released... on... 50-thousand dollars bail. thh public's perception of congress hits a new low.... a new washington post poll shows only 14 percent off aaericans approve of the job disapprrveeof the way the - president obama is handling the economy. we went to thhestreets of baltimore to &pask people about the pool (man)"all them republicans they are a bunch of clowns anyway.. they wantt to maae us suffer.. the poor" (lady)"they neee to stop making our president lookklike a bad president cause hes not a bad president hes just trying to make changes"(t on a bench)"he's straightening out tte mess bush left. (man) he cant straighten it out.. theres no way for him too straighten it out" out" the same poll shows five months ago, 83 percent of african americans held strongly favorable impressions jjst 58 percent. every--day...// áámoreáá people... are "occupy wall street"
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moveeenn.../// ááandáá it... spread to... baltimore's.../ service . empllyeess today...// hundreds.../ of... service... and clean buildings.../ met... fair contract....// áátheyáá say... a new deal critical.../ to... avoid... labor strike.../ that... could hurr .../ businesses...//. ááthereáá are... over... 16 thousand .../ members washington d.c..../ and baltimore.../ alone. p meantiie, .../ the... occupy wall street mooementt growing.../ in... new york...// ááand áá áátheáá hackkr group... "anonymouss... posted a threat the... new york stock exchange...//. áásayingáá phey'll... declaae war... on the stook exchange.../ and... erase it.../ from ...the internet ...// n... a.../ "denial of service"... &pattack...///. áátheáá protesters... say .../ a associattd.../ witt... their movement .../ 3 &p enggneers are done inspecting the washington monument after it was damaged by tte east coast arthquake. earthquake. for two weeks, enggneers ave been harnessed to the monument &pclimbing up and down iispecting very inch of the iionic structure's exterior.
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the engineers reeoved loose stones and mortar that were shaken loose by the 5.8 quake that struuk in august. bad day .../ for... says.../ the... june trip.../ ttken.... michelll obama, .../ her family... and her staff.../ to... south afrrca .../ ann... botswana. .../ cost... taxpayers... a for/ fortune...// thee.. air--fare.../ costs.. 425-- thouuand dollars,., to... shuttle he first lady..../ her... 2--dauuhters, .../ hee mother, .../ herr niece... and nephew.../ her... make-up artist...// and... hairstylist..../// ááthatáá doesn't include.../// food, securrty,,hotel, souvenirs and other expenses...// ááeveryoneáá ended their trip... with a ppivate african.../ safari...// much.../ that.../ - cost...// good day... áápoliceáá in.,.. south florida.../ say... these packages of ashore.../ in... fort pierce...///. áátwoááá beechgoers... on a morning and... alled 9-1-1.../ packages...//. ááwortháá... / 3
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a lot of money...///. "fifty-eight ppunds is a lot of cocaine. they cut that and it becomms crack cocaine, or it becomes cocaine to bb snorted. there some drug deel r drug ddalers who are ery uuhappy tt" today." police... pon'ttknow... where the drugss came from.../ a little bit cool oobe attthe beach hhre, but a beautiful day none the lesss absolutely.... perfect.../ and... will.../ we... be able... to wake up... to more of the same? same? chief meteorollgist vytas reid... has a look with yoorrskywatchhfooecast. forecast. 3
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3 issa says "are they lliig or are you lying?" who is lying in the coverup of the massive failure of operrtion fast aad furious. why the attorney general could be facing a major investigatton that will hurt president obama. a huge crash with metaa. how this traii truuk boom 2 secs secs a restaurant explodee with firefighters trapped inside. the chain reaction that touched off the massive blast. 3
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[ male announcer ] when you're a coach in the nfl... ♪ ...there are no sick days. ♪ vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. [ snoring ] [ indistinct talking on tv ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪ for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi. sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing,
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wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun. we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. and we are 100% open for business. you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. this could go on for a while. congress is determined to find out which obama officials arr &plying aaout the assive failure of operation fast and fuuious. two u.s. agents were killed by gunn the justice department encouraged merchants to sell to drug cartels. williim la jeunesse
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has the latestton the investigatiin that leads to the attorney general. general. carney says "the president believes he's an excellent attornee general and has great confidence in him.: under congressional fire for remarks that appeared to contradict earlier testimony, aatorney general eric holder ... and said calls for a special counsellfrom congressman lamar smith are unnecessary, political thhater .carney sayss""here as been 1 call and i thinn it's a biannual call for a special counsel by this paaticularr congressman once every 6 mmnths we heaa somethingg similar." and while the president has admitted mistakes were made in operatton fast aad furious, holder may still haveeto face congressional hearings that issa says "did you think it " i acknowleeged we made some s missakes in this are right on thatas the agent pn charge of the phoenix atf, bill newell was responsible for the operation, ann to many pe appeared to be the fall guy
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for itt failingsissa saas "are they lying or areeyou lying?" newell says "it is my opinion we didn' t let guns waal."issa says "yoo are entitled to your opinion.. not your facts." but today newell's lawyer shot back --calling the house oversight earing a witchhuntt and headlines han to hear the truthpelletiir says "tte shame, the shame of what &pcongress is doing is they'rr ruined them, ttey're trying to ruin their reputations and they've harmed the safetyyof the american public. because it's a witch hunt simply pbout a false premise that says "iiquestioned my supervissrs almmst immediately all these guns to go." forcelli says "no agents under my watch wwuld havv let a gun walk."chaffetz says "when did you first know or ttink that guns were waaking??newwll says "in this investigation... best of my knowledgee. we didn't let guns walk." atf
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phoeeix witnessee it all the time... attorney pelletier claims theeus attorney would not let them intervene. pelletier says "your beef is nnt wwth atf. all atf , thhy - cant innict peoppe and they cant arrest without the aathority of the us attornny's office." but investigators tell a differeet story. it's illegal to buy a gun for anyone other than youuself but uriel patino bought more than 700... spending morr than $500,000 on weapoos alone... while on food stamps he resold thoss guns to manuel cclis acosta - who admitted multiple times on a wire tap that he resold those guns to the cartels. agents say patino and acosta pould and should have been arrested almosttimmmdiately. 2:38 attornee general eric holder is faciig the threat of a special prosecutor investigating whether he lied toocongress when he claimed he only foond ut about the program a few weeks ago.
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memos from a year ago show him discussing the program with the atf. 3 oday in michael jackson's death trial the jury heard mmre recordings oo thh singer drugged out while under the care of dr. conraa muuray. murray. i love them because i didn't have a chhldhhod. i hadd o childhood. wwtnesses took the stand to talk about the science behind the prosecution's caae.. from aa overdose of propofol which prrsecutors say dr. murray gave jackssn through an i.v. p tonight, we have new video of aavioleet crass truck in houston.. this is the view from the locomotive as the truck crosses the tracks and gets broadsided. the truck is pushed towards people on the street. the
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onlookerr dive for cover, missing the ccrnage by meee feet. 155people were injured but all will make a full rrcovery. a.../ backdraft ...sends firefighters .../ running... for their livee.../ ááasáá a... restaurant... explodes.../ them in... franklin ohio...// ááresidentsáá came close... to losing.../ several... of their neighbors a... restaurant...// caught fire...//. ááit'sáá owner -- / didn't know.../ how... bad it was.../ out..../// ájustáá as... firefighterr.../ entered... the building....// ááaáá ááamazinglyáá no - one.../ was... injured.../// anothee perfect day in charm city. city. will.... we... win the... weather lotto.../ again tomorrow? meteorologist vytts reid has the details with your skywatch forecast.
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called... the 21st centruy .../ say.../ workplacc exper átheá... numbbr one &preason.../ employees... are forced take...// long-term ...sick leave..... have eclipsed... heart attack, .../ cancer... and baak ppoblems.../ as... átheá most common cause.../ for... work absence. if you have expired tags in d-c... it could land you in jai. jail.police n the nation's
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capital are cracking down on expired vehicle registrations.... to the frustratton of forgetffl drivers, metropolitan police department officers are throwing people in jail for letting theer tag renewals lapse.triple a calls the drivers who have been llcked up... aren't too happy about it eitherr police say a delaware mother of three tried o sell her newborn baby for $$5,000 so she could ttae her other two children to disney world. allegations.she says she gave her baby to a friend.... 55 ppovide financial stability for her son.wismer lives in hhr mother's home along with her wo sons.police got innolved, after getting tipped 3 a sppeial visitor n the these third graaers with a first-hand t.v. lesson. 3
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morning ...reading... to... ms. davis'.../ third grade... class...//. 3 it's alwayssaagreat day to be learning in a classroommbut outside, the weather wassperfec. have a final check... of the forecast with vytas. 3 3 yet annther award for a ember of the ravens relentless pefense...bruue cunningham has
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that'll do ii for the late e. edition. but sports unlimited kicks off right now. here's ruce cunningham with phe latest on how the ravens are making the most of their by. bye-week. 33 heading into the bye week, the baltimore ravens are ffying pretty high...thhy are 3-1 and a full game up on the rest of the afc eastt..and theeearly success has been fueled in which hassbeen playing out of mind.... 3the ravens are ranked 3rd overall on the defensive side offthe balllafter their diminating performance against the jets...linebacker jarret johnson picked up thii fumbled caused by haloti ngata's hit on mark sanchez, and took it in for a touchdown, one of the board...for that, johnson - has been named afc defensive player of the week...the third time in fouu weeks that a raven has won it..week one, it was ray lewis and then eek 3, terrell suggs. 3 of course the ravens are off one of the up and coming teams
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in the nfl, the houston texans..buu hel'' reportedly come into m&t bank sttdium minus one of tteir main weapons...receiver andre johnson underwent a medicaa proceedure on his ttoublesome right hamstring yesterdayy and is xpected to miss the next three weeks...johnssn went down without being ttuched ikn the second quarter last sunday after a triumphant win over miimi to open the season, things have been kind of unevee for maryland's terrapins ann new coach randy head iito theirrtuffest now saturday against 13th ranned - georria tech... and the yellow jackees triple option offense morgan adsit reports from college park.... park.... 3 3 3
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cardinals and phillies in ame four of their division serres, and very big night for the cardss daviddfreese...bottom 4th, he rips the double into left,...lance berkman scores...holliday rrght beind louis leads it 3-2... ...bottom 6th, and freese sttikes again...this time a two run shot to dead center over a leaping shane victorino...5-3 the final.. the deciding game five friday in philly... it's now time to announce the candidates in our high school
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game of the week contest... brought to you by varsity pports network dot can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of by going to ox-baltimore dot com and clicking on high school gamm of the week... 3 maybe you'll see your's this week's friday october 7th...calvert hall visits gilman in &football meets western in irls soccer.. north haford at bel aii in field hockey...and patteeson travels to poly n ootball... phursday night... that's all for this eddtion of sports sure tt tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight.
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