tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 7, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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will the cigarette tax go even higher? highee? how one group says they'll save lives by emptying out smooers's wallets. hello, ... i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jenniier gilbert. those cigarettes are burning pp your cash and soon it could happen even faster. faster. karen parks.../ live... in hampden .../ with... details..-&detail maryland already pay 2 dollars a pack cigarette one ggoup wants to add another dollar..... the marylaad citizens health percent hike in the cigarette tax..... making the state the fifth higheet tax in the health surveys show that maryland's successive increases in cigarette taxes have reddced smoking in the state by 32 percent since 1998... 3 as a result we've doubled the
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national average reducing smoking in maryland and we saved 70,000 marylanders from hhrrible tobacco caused preventable deaths... deaths... there's enough taxes going on...its overkill...its ridiculous.... thh coalition is hoping the push the tax hike in 2012. karen parks fox45 news late eddtion. tonight mann of are sounding off on the new s 3 tax proposal. join the fox45 dot com ssash fox baltimore. 3 a.../ wommn ...attacked.../ in... a &phome invasion..../ ááisáá.. ii... serious condition... condition..///. it happened.../ at... the... granite run apartments .../ in wooolawn..../ áápoliccáá say... two armed men, .../ forced... home.../ on.../ "lexham ourt"... around ...9 o'clock this morning...///. áá theáá family... says... the pair...// beat... the... 20-year-old woman.../ with,,, a jumped... out.../ the... 2nd... floor window.. /// ann... ran for hhlp...///
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(mr. bordley) "i don't liie it. and i mean, if they come in here, they ain't goin get out. i'mma tell you that now. that's all i have to say about it.." it.." police...are looking for the suspects...// 3 police bust into a city rec center....and nab two people with handguns. happened at the cherry hill rec center.police say one of the guns belonged to 16-year- old troy shaw. the other handgun... a semi- automatic was found on dominic hope. documents show... the glock had a round in the chamber. the twoowere watching a basketball game that was goong on inside the rec centtr.just down the hall, more than 30 band members were practicing. 22:39:43 we've received community intelligence that there maybe a people aremed with a gun.butt bite22::1:14 people are tired of coming tired of seeing people selling drugs on thier block. block. police say this particular rec problems in the past with gang and drug activity. activity. a.../ 22-year-old man.../ is... shot.../ robbery ...// in... charles villagg. say... the victim... was -
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leaving.../ a... ááwhenáá a... man... robbed him.../ on... saint paul street - / and...// shot hii ...//. ááhe'sáá at... johns hopkins.../ in conddtion...//. happened .../ - from... where.../ johns hopkins ...researcher, .../ stephen pitcairn /- was... fatally stabbbd.../ last summer. 31:23 i've been very cautious but it's still incredibly troubling 28 you know to come face to face witt it, i didn't know it would come so close to me 34 34police... stepped up patrols the area, .../ as... they search ...for the suspect. ...// tt... stay ahead... of the - criminals.../ stalking youu neighborhood.../// áásignáá up.,.. for the nation's... most popular crime website,.../ wwth over ...300- thousand subscribers...//. ááit'sáá spot crime.../ páandáá it's... only... t... foxbaltimooe dot com. police say charges are pending against a driver who struck and illed a teenager ... then drovv off. county.the victim - 16 year ng - skateboarding with a friend
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gave police a description of - the veeicle, which they later found a couple miles away in the townnof port deposit. detectives questioned the driver, buu say it's till unclear if he new that he'd hit the teen. they do ot believe drugs, alcohol or speed were factors in the crash.the victim'' famill hopes the driver will be prosecuted.policc say theyy hope to complete their investigation soon. 3 representative eeijah cummings has launched an investigation into whaa's known as gray market drug companies. companies.these companies don't make drugs or treat patients...ttey only buy ann sell drugs in critically short supply.the congressman began the investigation fter
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receiving a letter from maryland women's head her soo has leukemia...and companies could be price se gouggng: 3 "i was shocked to hear the numbers of the markups, some families don't have insurance, what would you pay to ssveea life? to think that someone is tryinn to exploit that" that" repreeentative cummings says he found that some drug ompanies may be charging 80 times the ypical contract price. 3 3 ay 20 .../ oo... the... "occupy wall street"... protest,.../ áábut áá... last night.../, it... took a violent turn. turn. police... started... beating leave.../ ááandáá... wouldn't... calm down..... áádozensáá of people,... were arrested.,..// áápoliceáá... standing... on their necks ...while ightening .../ the cuffs...///. áápoliceáá charged... into.../ crowds of
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people .../ ááwhileáá... most... demonstrators...// tried....getting.... out of the way. 3 "there's been a fee agitators here, people real angry, which same time we have to e ttthe peaceful about t. like, ops are goiig to be cops - they have to make a living, they're not the real enemy here." 3 occupy movements.../ have sprung up... in dozens of other cities.../ nationwide...// ááincluding áá baltimore. 3 p acorn .../ is... once again.../ getting... into politics...//. ááthey'áá... jumped into ...the... movemeet .../ to... promote their agenda.../ of.../ ending.../ segregation. they'.../ simply... changed their namee../ and....are back .../ campaigning.../. áá theáá group... was supposed.../ to... dissolve...// ááafteráá they... were caught ...helping a couple.../ posing... as a pimp... and prostitute...//// break .../ tax... laas. he's had a lot of bad days this year.but halloween could be another bad day for former congressman anthony weiner... weinergate, as the hottest scandal of, it's turned into one of the hottest
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halloween ostumes.there are a lot of variations out there. some....complete with mask.... and an enhanced pair of boxers. bad day for hank williams junior.he and e-s-p-n have parted ways.....over what he said on "fox and friends" monday morning....talking about the president playingg boehner.h house speaker john come on come on, that'd be like hitler playing golf with netanyahu... okay e-s---n . scrapped... his song... at... the beginning of... monday night football... that they ssid hank's been yanked for good. williams says it was his &pleave. great day for a blind man in north carolina.ronnie presnell lost his sight, after a car accident 13 years ago.he
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restored this '68 caaaro all by himself.and now, he got to fulfill a lifelong dream.... driving that car at charlotte motor speedway....with the help of nascar driver kenny wallace.hitting speedd p to 130 miles an hour. president obama.../ has... cleared the way.../ for.../ federal dollarss../ to.../ elp... with.../ maryland's recovery. recovery. tropical sttrm... lee.../ caused... major damage .../ with... heavy flooding.../. áároadsáá washed away.../ and... left drivers...// anging on... for thhir lives...//. áá homesáá the looding.../ . ááanneáá arundel,.../ cecil.../ , charles... and.../ p--g... counties.../ were... declared.../ "major disaster areas". 3 as bad as that strrng of severe weather was, today was the polar oppositee opposite. sunny and warm,.../ a perfect fall day. day. chief meteorologist explains ii it will continue into the morning drive witt your skywatch forecast.
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stilllpushing reen energy after he lost a half a billion buddy'sssolar company. - tonight, the head of the office that approved theeloan has resigned amid the solar scandal. doug mcelway has the latest on the investigation into how it happe. happened. the departmenttof energy announced today the head of it's loan guarantee program, jonathan silver, is ressgning. that's the same program that gave almost hhve a billiin in federal loan guarantees to now bankrupt solar eeergy fiimmsolyndra. he apparently made the decision weeks ago, after learning that funds for thee program were drying up. silver was asked in an eerlier hearing last month whether anyone should be held accountable over the solyndra affair.sot - silver sayss
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"".. ok, so you're saying no- one should be fired."sot - silverrsays: "... i'm saying that we are doing the best job news came less than a dayy after the house energy and commerce committte sent this letter to the white house llst night requesting more solyndra documents, dating back to presideet obama's inauguration. subcommittee chairman cliff sterrs wrote quote: "...documents reveal a startlingly cozy relationship between wealthy donors and the president's confidantes, espeeially in matters related apparent reference to george kaaser - n obamaacampaign bundler and one of the solyndra officials who visited the whhte house at least 20 times during the loan process. sot - blakeman says: "... "clearly the 20 meetings that were had at the white house, clearly thh access that this relationship to solyndra, and the vetting prooess would have determmned that thhy were not funds that were given." the new document request follows last weeks release of only by force of subpoena. they reveal the department of eeergy considered a second solyndra loan of $469 million last year, evee s it faced
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bankruptcc. an omb analyst writes - quote - "possible to close and ddfault on one before closing on a secood??? could be a record." speeking at an energy symposium today, energy secretary steven chu denied that a second solyndda loan was eeer considered.sot - chu says: "... it was not ever n serious contention... here are many, many sseps... so it's not trre." both chu and president obama today againnacknowledged that some loan guarantees would be pisky, but neeessary invessments for thh us to remaan competitivv. as to whetter laws broken? sot - obama says: "... if they violated llws on the books, they need to be prosecuted." but some republicans in the house energy and commerce committee don't trust the administration to investigate itself. they believe that another subpoena will be necessary to force thh administration to produue those e-mails that committee members want to see. in washington, doug mckelway, fox news. 3 republiccns.../ turn... up the heat.../ on... attorney general ...ericc holder, .../ ááwitháá some saying... he... misled
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testimony. today.../ the.... justice &pdepartment... fired back.../ saying .../// ááthissá was... all a game ...of... "gotcha"...//. áámráá obama says... he has full confidence.../ general...///. ááholderáá &p told congress .../ he... learned... of.../ . &p"fast and furiouu"...// ,áá anáá operation... that sold guns... to.../ mexxcan drug ...cartels,.../ within... the past... few weeks..../ of... hhs testimony.../// ááturnsáá out.../ he... reeeived... several memos.../ about the program .../ aa... ar back... as.../ all.../ arouud ...the world .../ today.../ áápeopleáá celebrated... tte legacy... of steve jobs.../. .../- áámanyáá are... using... jobs'... own words... to deal with his passing. ppssing. "death is very likely the single best invention of life. clears out the old to make way for the neww" jobb died yesterday... p after... a long battle... with canccr .../ and... otherrserious... health problems..../ ááheáá revolutionized everything.../ from... the personal and... sooe of our favorite movies.../ thru... pixar..../ ááfansáá left flowers, and photos.../
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outside... apple's headquarters.../ and... at stores... worll-wide...///. ááco-founderáá off.. apple.../ steve wozniak... talks about.../ what... 3 "i think apple products were being judged by each one. and he was strong enough to say to people, i'm not going to put out something that isn't great." ect, insanely 3 jobs... leaves behind a wife... and four children...///. he ass ...56 years old. 3 anotter perfect fall day in bal. baltimore. and weere asking ffr more of the same as we get ready forrthe weekend. weekend. chief meteorologist vvtas eid has the latest with your skywatch forecast. 3
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and that it could be in stooes in just three yearr. common sense .../ says,.../// áápeopleáá... in... glass houses.../ shouldn't throw .../// áphonyá.../ stones..../// o'maaley.../// criticized new jersey ggvernor... chris christie.../ sunday...// áásayingáá... unemployment... in new jersey.../ is... among...the... highest.../ in the land..../ ááandáá... jersey schools... / went down...// in... their ranking...// beccuse... christie...// cut.. education funding,.../// ááasáá... a result...// the... washington post...// gives.../ o'malley.../ 2--pinochhos....// 2--pinochios....// ááffrstáá mployment... went-up...// since... christie... took office...// áásecondáá under christie...// áánewáá jersey.... schools.../ are... among the átopá...// in the u--s...// ááapparenttyáá so good...// in áthhsá... state...// ááitáá gives... our governor... states...// an... ohio... barber.../ is okay...// ááafteeáá... butt.../ in... his shop../. shop../. kurt... voel-kel.../// was... ááwhenááá a... long - time... customer.../ came in... for a haircut.../ ááandáá hiked... up... his pants...///
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ááonlyáá to... have a gun...// fall out...// áátheááá 9--millimeter... gun... discharged.../// ááandáá shot... kurt.../ n the.... derriere.../ "took me a minute a minute and half to realize what happened"but at the tiie it really did hurt pretty bad "glad it didn't' go anyyhere el, else, áákurt'sáá gun-toting... friend... feell... very bad...// about the wholl thing... ááátilláá voelkel...// called him.../// a... 3 hanging from his fingertips. why emergenny crews won't do anythinggto help his dummy. i love you
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i love you too. c'mon, let's do it then. all brain cells to battle stations. inner conflict. [voice 1] should we, shouldn't we, should we, shouldn't we? [heart] we love each other. why not? [voice 2] girl, we are only 15! [voice 3] we could get pregnant! [voice 4] half of teen pregnancies occur within six months of first sexual intercourse. [heart] but it feels right! [voice 5] one word: aids! [voice 6] not to mention syphilis, gonorrhea... [heart] we don't want to lose him! [voice 7] just tell the truth [voice 8] we love him. [voice 9] but we're not ready. [heart] ok, that makes sense. i want to wait. emergency crews are working
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overtime for halloween weeks before it even gets here. here. it's...// who's...// just / ...haaging out. out. this.../ is... what.../ one man ...put up... on his charlotte, north carolinn.../ home...///. álooksáá like... a terrible accident... is aaout to happen....// ááaáá pdd it yourselfer"...// lost... the laddee.../ andd.. is now... dangling... tww stories.../ high...///. ááthisáá... is... just a dummy,...// áábutáá... the... árealá... are still... commng in. the weekenn is almost here. 3
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[doorbell rings] [doorbell rings] [growling] [car horn beeps] [whistles] ♪ getting closer to nature can get you closer to your family. go to phat'll do it for the late edition, but it's thursday which means a big night for sports uulimited. cunninghhm kicks of with all the highlights from a day full of actionn right now. now. 3
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3 33 in the nfl, teams are well into their week's preparation for this weekend's games...but not here n baltimore...the ravens areein their bye week, ppesumably scattered all over the country...and they are flying high... high... &p they're 3-1 and lead the afc nort h y a full ggme in &pthe standings..and you can that... they are ranked 3rd overall in the nfl...and have given up just 3 points in foor games...think about that...alllof this is bringing comparisons to the legendary 2000 unit that led them to a super bowl...aad here's the scary part: they feel they can get even better...that what we've seen in just the tip of the icebergg.. 3
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johns hopkins football soaking in its bye week with the programs best national ranking...numer 16 n the a-f- c-a d-- poll.head coach jii parggaff, who's been with the decades... has his team on a to last's coach ba margraff oon-on-one with morgan adsst. adsit. .it's now time to announce the winner in our
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