tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 11, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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pal-mart."someone had to send w. her off the breakkng point" point"" the woman accused... the ongoinn feud that led to the fight.. and the people coming to the suspect'ssdeffnse. &p------------------------------ --------------------------- caady... in the shape of marijuana. the company behind the controversial snack... and the growing concern over its message. -------------------------------- --------------------------- our stretch of wwrm, dry days will be coming to an end. when the rain will return and how skywatch fooecast. -------------------------------- --------------------------- hello 'm jennifer gilbert. jeff arnd is off tonight. we're learning more about the woman accused in the wal-mart bleach attack. she faces felony assault charges n that fight... daniels is liie tonight with
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that's not the woman they knnw.. keitt. keith. jennifer...... police saa that fight staated here on the parking lot at wal-mart.. ...........tte suspect is a woman with a criminal record that inccudes auto theft...... and now asssull charges. p..........but friends and neighbors believe.. she's been wrongly accused. accused. it happened at the wal mart on washington arbutus.... a woman attacked with bleach and pine sol....... injured 18 other people.... and caused the evacuation of the store........the accused.... 3-year-old theresa jefferson.....(ms. davis/friend) "ii somebody don'' know her because that's how kind she is...." .........reactiin from jamire davis, jefffrssn'ssneighor and friend at the circle terrace apartments in lansdowne.... where neighbors say jefferson is a good person ann mother.... (man/neighbor) we're talking peere talking about a nice lady...."..........two very
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the suspect.................on one hand...she's a woman withh a criminal ppst accused in a ...........on the other, say friends, she's a peaceful woman.. perhaps a victim herself.(ms. troutner/neighbbr) "someene had to push her off the breaking point.. when i see her on thh news, her face like someone pushed her over - the edge." the alleged assault happened saturdaa mornnng.. investigators say jefferson followed the oman n the between the women ttrggered te - the incident. the victim's boyfrienn has a child withh jefferson. davis calls jefferson the victim.... (davis) "i mean they leaving messages on hhr phone, they're texting hhr.."..........after months of harrssment by the ex-boyfriend and alleged understanding is this young is - lady went inno tte cleaning aisle, nobody is hitting on to that, she went to the cleaninn &paisle. obviously she knew wwere she antee to go.. obbiously she wanted to throw leach...
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jefferson remainn in jail toniiht on a 350-thousand dollar bail. she's expected in court tomoorow for a bail reeiew hearing. keith daniels, fox 45 news at 3homicide detectives are investigating a deadly &pshooting in southhast altiio. baltimore.police were at the north belnord avenue... combing the scene for cluess.. a man was shot and kklled there just before 3:33 this afternoon.police have identifiee the victim as kevin ord on suspects or a motive. police in aane arundel county arrrsted this man sunday evennng.his hame is james gaglione of millersville. millersville.police say he pasadenaaa witness says he tryinggto walk hem into the wo. policeearr actually trying to .- get into contact with that
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victims.anyone withhmore g - information is asked to call police. "propee... proper.... educatioo""young people gathered at lakeland elementary school in south bbltimore tonight tt fight back against ccimeetoo city officials were also tthre to show support for thh effort in a neighborhood ttat has had more than its sharr of gann and outh violence.thee childrennat tonight's event pledged to focus on school and educatiin nstead of things that coull get them into trouule. &pmore arrests... as the "occup wall street" protest mooee into its third week. week.hundreds of activists continuing to camp-out aa a park near wall street. policeehave been continning to make arreets hile protesters shhut at them....and the costs are ssyrocketing, too.the n-y-p-d has spent 2-million dollars pptrolling lower manhattan... mostll in overtime pay. prottsters in balttmmreeoccupy the inner harbor.their protest is just a eek old...their
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signs... spread across the most of the time...groups wanting to use the inner harbor eed to get a pprmit.. rawlings blake says... she's willing to give them some slack. "we want to work ith them ... we understand they have a ppint to make they are frustrated they are expressing tte sentimnets ttat many peoplare expressing what my many eopld aaout tte state of our economy we areebeing patient and understanding." suppoters of occupy baltimore have been busy planning a series oo vents to highlight their presence at the inner habor.wednesday they arr planning an act of "civvl obedience" -- a demoostration orgaaizees ay will e full of suprises. 14:09:"one really ffn activity that's happening wednesdayyii an act oo civilized obeddence which is going to be some very traffic, obeying walk signs and holddng very polite signs with very polite slogans. 6
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3 3 the sunlight foundation is a nonparrtsan watchdog group that ttacks lobbyist spending and influence in both parties. by the end of the month, gas prices may droo to just 3 dollars per gallon... as there has been a steady .. - decline in the coot... in the past few weeks. 3 3&on fort smallwood road in paasdena.. motorrsts notice the big savings: melissa aakers)"the price of 3.29 a gallon or 355 os actually prices have been ddopping... three dollars and 32 cents: compared to last week it's down 44cents:(terry devilbliss) "it's owered.. iis lowered a lot"compared to one months ago (ragina)"the refineries and gas stationssare now using winter fuel blends which are less expensive to produce.." triple a sugggsts the droo in crudeeoillprices also plly a
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role (ragina averella)"most analysts are suggesting absent weather event that woold impact refining.. that could impact the price f crude oil we could sseegas prices &p3 dollar ranne in tte next - couple of weeks through the end of the quarter."some of the cheapest gas is listed at quarles fuel network.. on cheeapeake ave. (larry ruppert-deliveryman)"we use the one here and one in curtis bay" but ittsells tt commercial fleets.. and you have to be a member. (closer)"well i burnn15 gallons of deisel a if your paying 4 ollars its sixty if yyur saviig 20 cents a gallon its a little bittof a savings." meanwhile: regular consumers are happily watching the prices... at the pumps they use.. rop. (teana saenz)""m actually from calif so when i moved out hhre the ggs prices are a lot cheaaer then calif and its actually a huge difference."(nats- starts car) in aa co (voice only)"good gas good price"kc fox 45 news at 10
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find the lowest gas prices in your nnighborhood... by going to fox45'sspumpppatrol.find it pump patrol 3 it was a ye eek for the ravens...but its still a purple evening at m and t bank stadium.melinda roeder is there toniggt to tell us bout about an exclusive eveet for the ladies. ladies. tonight... this field was full with mmre than 7 thousand sport......lets just ay it was every man for themselves 3
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for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi. sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing, wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather
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shaped candyyis creating an uproar aaong the east coast. some parents are complaining the pot ccndy is targeting children. children.janiie parr teels us why ou could see this candy on store shelves here oon. jan? janice? jennifer,the company that makes the candy is kklan lp...which is about a hundred miles away in philadelphia. this is what we're talking pebsite...pot gummies and pot pops.parents main cooplaint that this candy ps in their opinion....ncouragi ng children to try the real th. they go by thh name...pot gummies are called pot heads. all of the candy more than a few bucks: bucks:"but the bag actually the message legalize, now phat's oing way over the line, that's way way over the contain ny drugs...butt
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parents tonight say the message is just as harmful...making doing drugs seemmokay...all for profit. we showed parents tonight the candy that can now be founddin more ttan a thousand stores around the country...mainly in neaaby new york and pennsylvaniaa "areethese eal?" real?" "uh, i don'ttthink we'll be buying this..." this...""i hought it was a joke, i thought you were kiddin" actually say, let's make this type of candyy sell toothe youth inner city childrrn, who areealready having problems, in school at home"the candies have spprked outrage in reeuse licences and embarass any storrssthat carry the that the andy are targeting - the youngest of custtmerr: customers:"oh it's terrifying, i don't think you want your child tooassociate something assnice as candy, with something shaped as an illegal " substance""and besides tte blatant packaging, some drug expprts say what is worrisome is the accessibility, where you can get thii stuff mailed dirrctly to yyur house"but this is not the first candyyto look like drugs. these ice
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breakers mints were discontiiuud...a few yearss back...and other manufacturers have created arijuana flavored lolly pops...and these hemp gummy the company's president says his products don't claim to be pot just candy. the company's president also says his company doesn't suppprt the movementtto legalize marijuana...he says there's a markettdemand for marijuana shhped candy...and he's simply filling that in the newsroom, jaaice park fox45 news at ten. a big change for teenagers whh state. california governor jerry brown has signed a law banning teens from using tanning beds. most states regulate minors' use of tanning facilities... but california's law becomes phh most restrictive of any state.the world heelth organization hhs classified ttnning beds ass 'carcinogenic to humans.' that brings us to our question of the day. should teens be beds? sing tanning - as you can see...this question started quite a discussion n our facebook page.join it by going to our facebook page...
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one a clerkkdid that saved tteir lives mom always said tootake your you may be popping too many. when it comee to ugh, time to color. woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon! tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven. aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam! just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back. with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam haircolor! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color.
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getting too much offa good thhng.if you take vitamins... you're probably pretty health conscious. so.... you ppobably eat pretty well....and get most of the vitamins you need, frommtte food you, when mmght be overdoing it.this is what researchers at the national institutte of health found.getting too much of certainnminerals... like iron... could eventually become a healthhhazard. just when netflix customers thought they understood all the new changes, the company announces it's reversing course. carrie peirce explaans in tonight's wrd on tte web. web. says it jumped the gun when it announced a rebranding plan. now.. thh company is hitting rewind. netflix abbndoning a plan announced just weeks ago to split its video services into separatt companies. c-e-o company's movies-by-mail
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service would be re-branded as qwikster. the video--treaming services woull have retained the name netflixx but today, the company says: never-mind. u-s customers will continue to use one website, with one account and one password. in a statement hastings noted that although netflix aims to grow quickly as a commany, past. howwver, ann this is a - big however, the company is stickinggwith price hikes announced during the summer. back in july, netflix said custooers who want to receive dvds in the mail and watch streaming video now have to pay two fees - ooalinn about 16-dollars a month. in the past.....the two services were offered under one monthly fee of about 10-dollars. that outrage, and many subscribers droppeddtheir membershhp. but investors see the latest move... as postive..... that rally. i'm carrieepeirce and that's your word on the web. 3 3 3- 3
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tape.surveillance video shows the two suspects ushing the counter .... firinn shots at counter... and shuffle through store items. the other remains behinn the counter with a pointed gun. a clerk then reaches foo his gun and shoots at the two suspects. the men run out of the store and take off in a ggtaway car.the victimssare expected to make a full recoveey. and zombiee invaded pittsburgh. the crowd of the áundeadá made their way to market squarr for world zombie day. their goal was too beat the guinnees world records for the largest gathering of zombies. pittsburgh anddseattle have been trading back and forth seattle set a record er. back in july for ovvr 45- hundred. no word on whether pittsburgh wws ableeto brrak the reccrd. 3 3&a first in majjr league baseball history...see the amazing finishhin
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in over a week, the baltimore pavens were at work today... the bye weekknow behind them they began preparations for sunday's game with the houuton . texans... the ravens went into thh bye 3-1, with their defense ranked 3rd in the nfl...but most of the talk today entered on getting even better...that's the raven way on defense...and
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for one newcomer to thheclub, it's a very innpiring atmosphereeto be in... the houston texansscome to town this sunddy...and they will be minus both of their superstars...linebacker mario williams has been lost for the season...he tore a pectooal muscle in yesterday's loos to the oakland raiders...his is a major loss...williams already had 5 sacks this season...this news comes on top of the loss of veteran rrceiver andre johnson, wwo is out for round three weeks with a bad hamstring...wwth this latest to soar .game 22oo the alcs in texas... rangers leading thh series 1-0....pick this up in the 9th...tied at 3...bases loaded
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victor marrinez bloops it to shaalow centtr..elvis andrus makes an over-the-shoulder look as he ball almost drops toothh grrund....bottom 9... rangers with the same situation...bases juiced and one out...mitch moreland smacks it to miguellcabrera... that starts the are 3-2-3 pouule play to end the inning...we're going to pxtras....bottom 11...another bases loaded opportunity... nelson cruz wiih one home run in the game...this time hh makes major league baseball hiitory...the first ever postssason walkoff grann slaa ...texas wins 7-3...they take to none series .and you caa see game 3 of the alcs right here on coverage startt at 7-30...the if neccessary... ttat'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce sure to tune in fo
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