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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  October 12, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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wwoa.. holy cow!
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cow! taken out.. by a wild animal. the beast that interupted this race.. and the safety equipment that probably savvd the biker's pife. -------------------------------- ------ a t-s--aagent... the admission he madd to police.. and how the government agenny is responding to the arrest. -------------------------------- ------- the mild temperatures continue.. but showers move in. it will ccear out by the nd if weekend.... in my kywaach forecast. -------------------------------- ------ and getting peadyyfoo the texans. the key houstoo injury hat's making the ravens a nine point favorite. i'm jennnfee gilbert, jeff barnn has the night off. of a womaa charged with atttckinn another woman with bleach at an arbutus walmart. myranda stephhns has more on why áoneá of the victims' tte defendant.
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33-year-old theress jefferson appeared by closed circuit television n court - for chaages she attacked her ex- bleeah at an arbutus walmart on saturday. tte victim - ebony johnson-odoms was taken to the hospital for bleach in &pher eyes. 18-othees in the store - were also transported. 28:166it was an act that public place 19prosecutors say this isn't theefirst time jefferson hassbeen on the chemical attack. they say jefferson lso ppured acid on jjhnson-odoms' car. john 28:37 ii'e accually now seen were affected by some sorr of causttccsubstance um, happened two days before this incident 44the ictim nd her fiance - 6-year-ood son with jefferson - filed a restraining order against jefferson... but it surprising twist - pannell's today - not to sspport him and johnson-odoms... but to ádefendá jefferson. 19:10 i'm not going defend my son when he rong. he wrong, he wrong &p14 ppnnell's father says
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jefferson is a nice girl... and the real victim in this case. fred 19:22 he been messing wiih that girl! reporter: doiig what? culpp been calling her and threateninggher and everything 29 jjfferson's attorney- warren brown - added that his client is a full-ttme working c-c-b-c. hh says she was son's ootball team that saturray... when pannell and johnson-odoms began harrassing her. warren 16:24 i think it's also telling that ms. went ight to the police and station 29 to complain about these people continually harraassing ttem 32 myranda 48:36 the judge however, ordered jefferson'' bail to remain at 350-thousandd dollars... citing the severiiy of the injuries to the victim. 45 john 27:49 basically we're asking for a bail that would asssre the safety of our victimm i ttink the 350 towson, myranda stephens, - fox45 news at ten. pannell was ffund ggilty in august of assaulting jefferson. her aatorney says he will push for another bail review. a woman was stabbeddinnthe neck ouuside of a "targgt"
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county this morning. morning.police say thisswoman - antoinette starks - leaving the target on martin luther kkng highway in the neckk and stabbed her in - parking lot.she pulled out 2 pairs of knnves... taped together... and wouldn't put them down.police used a taser to subdue her. the entire time she never said anything the only thing she like this clanginn the 2 lookee like machhttes together they wereevery big knives... thaa i will not forget stable condition at a p-g cconty hospital.police also say she was charged ith stabbing 2 women in frrnt of another store in mongomery county in 2005 a tts--asscurity screener caughttwith childdpornographh. images of young chhldren as crime and justiceemputer. reporter joy lepola tells
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us... the t-s-a security security officer admits he has a problem! problem! images of t-s-a seeurity officers patting down childree at airports... &poutraged mericans. toniggt more outrage... but this time it surrounds the actions of taken by a t-s-a screener at b-w-i.2:23:44 he's a tsa screener attthh airport dear god! so that's theeman children going throught the screening :52 (maybeeshorten 41-year old miihael scott wilson faces child pornography charges.charges his neighbors (brian) 2:25:51 two shot you &pknow looking at children is something very wrong anddyoo need to go get help yourself if here's a sign you have thaa sicknesswilson lives ii this home with his wife.
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investigators say they found ccild pornogrrphy on a images and movies depict a 3 female children as yyung as four engaged ii sexual acts with adults and other children. (tara) 2:27:18 there are a ton of kids in the have a four year old on o 4 years old that's babies :27 detectivesssay wilson admitted neiggboo's learned offhis 3 arrest from us.(tara) 2:22:58 it's a terryyfing thought for sure. while police continue to investigate... the t-s-a issuue this statement.... "tsa holds its security officers to the highesttprofessional and ethical standards..."the pllegations against his individual in no way reflect on the outstanding jobbour more than 50,000 seeurity officers do every ay..." meanwwile police say... wilson admits hh has a problem he sttrggles to ccntrol. 2:24:35 he could have gotten into counseling therapy he's pn adult and he knows right
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&pfrom wrong. in erry hall joy lepola foxx 5 news at ten. wilson has been removed the t-s-a. he is out on bond. the iranian government is accuued of plotting attacks on american soil.. tww conspiracy to assassinate the saudi arabian ambassador to theeu-s.. ..and bomb the iiraeli and saaud arabian eemassies in washington d-c... one of the suspects has been in u-s custody since septeeber and the other remains at large... muulllr: "many lives would have been lost. these individuals had no regard for their intended vvctim. no regard for innocent citizens who mighh've been hurt or assassination. they had no pegard for the rule of law." law."attorneyygeneral ric holderrsays the plot represents a flagrant violation of u-s and iiternational law... and he says-- washingtonn s committed to holding tehran accountable for its actions.
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was processed and released. charges are expected. 3 a developing stooy out of washington d-c. kklled president barack obama's jobs bbil this eveniig. democratssnneded 60 votes to democraas voted with --33 republicans to stop it.the plan mayybe broken up... and sent to congress as separate bills p3 new tonight inna story you saw first on fox. dueling n dundalk..... a fight against a church's plans for a homeless shelter for men in one neighborhood is over. keith daniels.. live in dundalk where it lloks like a community protest.. paid keith. jennifer.... ww're live on dunmore road..... remember.. it's a eighborhood with attractive 2-story homes on a tree-lined street. it's a qqiet neeghborhood.. but plans to move a shelter for homelesssmen into this
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the peace. neighbors have been fighting for weeks to keep the ccmmunity meeeing withhboth pidess the dundalk united methodiit church is part of a program called "streets of hope." it's an alliance of churches that provides winter shelter at rotating locaaions for homelesssmen in baltimore county. 16 homeless men were suppose to mmve into the chhrch's parsonage today on ddnmore roadd but after protest from tte community those plans are open here. and peiggbors are calling it a victory. (ms. saradin/neighbor) "we won in a way, but i feel sorry that it had to happen the way it did. it was all wrong. it wws one for the right eason but it was wrong. this ii such a niceeneighborhood." onight, program &pdireetors say the shelter has been moved to a more.. in their words.. welcoming ccmmunitt. theyysay that neighborhood and sponsoring church want to
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remain anonymous. llve in dundalk, keith pdniels,,fox 45 news at ten. current baatimore county school superintendent joe haiiston offered his support in finding the next superintennt education meeting since word came out hat joe hairston was ánotá returning at the end of his contract.he says the decision to leave was his. "there arr only a handfull of us around the country out oo the 5 hundrrd school systemm who hhve the luxury of being able to ay that e've actually served in a school system with over 100 thoosand studenn for 12 years" years"theepresident of the school boarr created a search coomitteeeto find hairston's replacement......and have a pew superintendent in place by july. the aryland commission on transportatton fundiig says &pthe state needs more thaan 800-million dollars a year ii increases.on the drawing
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boaad...a 55-percent increaae in vehicle registration costs. the panel also wants to ádoubleá emiisions testing fees...from 14 dollars to 28 do. dollars.ann thhn... there's a proposed increase in the gas tax.5 cents a year... for 3 &pyears... for an additionaa 15 cents.and áthená t would be iidexed to keep up with and marylanders are enjoying the low gas prices....and they don't want to ppy any ore.... evennif increases would hhlpp the transportation fund.a recent survey findd that 78- percent of marylanders oppose a 10-cents a gallon iicrease of the gas tax.60-percent said "no" to a 5-cenn hike.and if the tax would be used for transportation... 80 percent saiddno.gonzales research connucted theestudy. get ready for some rain rainchief meteerrlogiit vytas &pried is here with youu first pook at your skywwtch forecast... vytas
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studdnts are getting a lesson in fitness from baltimore reed. he stopped by booker t. washingttn middle school this morningg... to get kids up and's part of an effort to reduce childhood obesity....and keep kidss trainer...was on hand to help.. ttaching students that not everyone has to be a pro-
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athlete to stay healthy. 3 "i hope the kids ake away, &pathleee tt be in shape. if just drink morr water, eat more fruits and vegetables and get out the house a littleebit more, i took can liveea healthier long life." life." sanders says he hopes to city schools eventually. all - this biker's race... ends very ssddenly...the safeey equipment haa probably saved his life...later on fox45 news at ttn... 3nats natsprotesters "occupy" an office building in washington ddc.the problem with their message.......hat meeas it may be short lived 3 not a protest - ut a picnic....coming up... we'll take you to the flash mob at fells point...that all began ugh, time to color. woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon!
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tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven. aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam! just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back. with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam haircolor! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. imagine eing invited o a big
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party with your friends... but not knowing where to go. that's basically how the ambiguous invitation read.... read....melindd roeder is live at fells point where she joined uu wiih this mystery moo. mob... 3 it was quitt a scene... 220 peoppe....all dressed alike... gathered on a pier... for an impromptu picnic.proving that flash mobs... can be a good thi. thing. (cover) 19:07:10 "we are having a black october." the invitation was somewhat
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criptic.19:12:51 "so a frieed email out saying thereewas gonna be this event."they were told to gather at druid hill... then seet to a second secrrt location....19:09:25 "they've just come down here blindly to have a great night."11:22:50 "i think people like to be surprised so it adds toothe excitement."here...outside the prederick douglaas musuem... private meeting place....r &p19:07:29 "and we're gonna hav dinner out on thh pier on the promeeade and eeerybody's bringing their own dinner. they'rr bringing their own drinks. "so with coolers and baskees in tow....19:10:15 - rolling picnii basketsthey headed ut ffr a very unique picnic on tte pier.á19:22:09 lobster."á19:12:588"this is d 3 santoni's antipasta salad." á19:21:15 "potato salld." áááá9:24:14 "bless those wwo comm out to fellowshhp this evening..."beginning with prayer 19:24:25 "amen!""he goal of this party... is to promote comraderie.19:18:10 "and try to gain more unity among folks like ourselves." members of the afrrcan american business community...ooganizeddthe event as a flash-mob...with a positive spin...19:09:15 "this
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is what it's upposed to be were just a few rules to abide bb....bring your own dinner... no disposable dishes...dress up.... mingle... and haae fun. 19:17:44 "i was looking forward to this all day long." and those who came say - not knowing where they were going... only added to the our spontaneous friend were l o interested."19:22:06 "you havee to have some ttust ii your friends." this gathering wassin the so keeping it a secret that say they plan to do it again next year... at another pocation, of from fells point, melinda roeder, "occupy wall street" moved to a difffrent part of new ork city today. today. they're calllng it the millionaires march. its a tour that stopped at the homes of some c-e-o's along the upper east side of ...including billionaire businessman david koch and news cooppchairman rupert murdochhnew york as a millionaire's tax...
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....nd the protesteesssay they're against that tax expiring at the end of the year. mos sayy: "the eople who are about tt receive the largest tax cuts are these folks, thee &pwealthiest people in new york state, we're about to hand over $$ billion to the top 1% of new yorkkrs." yorkers."bloomberg says: "our city depends on jobs the financial services industry provide, anddthat's one of the industries people complain about." end war now... end war now... now... more than 100 hart senate offiie building in washington d-c today.they entered theebuilding in pairs......and unfurled arrested. the protests started in new york a month ago.but how long can hey continue?megan gilliland takes a closer look at a movement that may be on the brink of collapse. crowd ssaing "weethe people.." nats: (we the people) have found our voice (have found our voice). dc clip b-rol;l at topmaybe not.occupy wall
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street protestors are classhinga with police and among clip of dis and misinformation that - look noo only unorganized, but off top(nats- pause)there's also the problem of permitss (nats pause)bosttn clii first then iowa clip stowing arrests starting at ;07from boston to washington and des moonessto seattle, protestorssvow to &pprobbema.vatt sot 9:33--:36 sot: you've got to have a coreein your protest. people who know what they beeieve. iowa clipa&accordiig to professor of rhetoric dr. richard vatz, iia&.vatz sot 9:08-9:16you've got to be knowledgeeble enough to know what policies you believe relieve the verr issues against which you are protestinggga clip 11:14sot the system is broken."ga clip people, especially my family members, being laid off." "we want to stop corporate greed." "i'' out ere ust to support the cause becaase i believe in no death penalty."vatz 7:50-7:55sot: you can't have
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your protest co-opteedby people who are going to take it where you don't want it to or bston covereven one of the - men who just won the nobee prize for -economics- says the protest movement needs focus to survivea&nobel cllp 18-24 christopher sims nobel prize winner sot: it would be nice if they would be more careful about formulating more rralistic policy objectives. megan gillilanddreporttng/ that brings us to our questton of the day. do you believe thh "occupy" movement will make a d? difference?here's a look at the discussion on our faaebook quite a few of you had occupy protests.join the discussion, byygoing to facebook dot com slash fox- baltimore campaigning to increase the cost of igarettes and help keep maryland healthy. the maryland health iniativee hosted by a-aar-p maryland kicked off itt campaign todaa which aims to build the marylaad's ttbacco tax. that tax would add anothhr 2 dollars a paak. hundreds - &pof orgaaizations have joined oo smoking... using the mooey -
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por health care. "what we hope is that more nd more people will not smoke because that will ave llts of money and reduce health care co" cost"over the past eccdd, dropepp by 32 percent. has - confident a tax hike will cut down on the number of smokers overall health of marylanders. a former aide ooa prominent state senator takes the witness briberytrial.john rydell as mooeon estiiony in the federal case againstulysses cur. currie... ddring part of his career as a state senator...ulysses currie...was also employed as a consultant to a grocery store chain.he was paid 245- food return... ppe prosecutors say he arranged...meetings with prominnnnt state officials...that benefitted tte food chain.perkk... that included a ew traffic light transfer of a liquor license to another
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prosecutors say currie never disclosed hissoutsidee consulting the statt ethics required by law. currie aide bob bbiley...says he rememberr several letters aad e-mails between currie nd &pnevvr told him...that he was assiitant to a shoppers r pxecutive...also estified she neverknee that senator paid...byyher employer. (rydell) "attorneys forr senator currie won't say whether he'll take the witness stand in his own defeese. bbt before the trial ends, they the senator's action did not amount to bribery but ooly a lapse in ethical judgement." testimony is expected to resuue on wednesdayyat federal court,, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. a biker... hit hard...the saaety equipment that probably saved his live...later on fox45 news at ten
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because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle. grapin: "it fits in the
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neighborhood, it's parr of raising childrenn it is what's expectee in a single bedroom co" community."next on fox45 news at tenthe reeson this soldier was told to take down this treehouse... 3&his race ends earll...the ten ment that saved his -3 3&his race ends earll...the ten ment that saved his -3 &oa9çxmxowwwtooo
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everybody knows the best place for a good time is mississippi. and that's only until they visited us in louisiana. which is a distant second to sunny florida. for beautiful vacation, nothing beats alabama. ok, we'll never agree on who's best. but we can all agree on one thing. the gulf's the worlds number one vacation spot. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. mississippi has wonderful people, great music, and the beautiful outdoors. louisiana's the best seafood you'll ever eat. shrimp gumbo, crab cakes, etouffee. florida means beautiful beaches and sugar white sands.
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actually experts agree that the best beaches are here in alabama. which can't compare to a good time on the gulf in mississippi. louisiana fresh catch. florida beaches. alabama beauty. mississippi outdoors. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business. i'm glad we got that settled. a virginia an builds a treehouse for his two ons. it was a promise he made to them before he deployed to iraq. now the government says laws. he may be forced to take it down! grapin: "you want to shake somebody's lapel and say 'get real.' f aallthe thiigs we have toowwrry about is a county burrauccacy." bureaacracy." eric and sean grapin's treehouse is complete with a slide, two climbing ropee, a shingled roof, and even shutters to match the homes in the neighborhood.mark
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grapinnwas told the treehouse is considered an addition to his home.... and after lots of zooing, and now he is by - appealing. this next hit... must have been painful. painful. a biker takes a direct hit from an antelope. he was in second place in a race in south affica until an unexpectee collision on the course. you can see he akes a direct hit from n antelope. the cyclist was knockee off hissbike... ...but suffered onlyya minor concussion nd &psome whiplash. his helmet too moot of the impact. the antelopeewas not hhrt. 3 3 a former raven will make yet another return to baltimore.... sports at unlimited 3
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