tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 13, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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pááánatssup full: "there'ssa fight in thhemiddle of al mart on washhngton blld.. you need to get someeradio cars up help during a bizarre bleach attack. hat a 9-1-1 dispatccer heard from a witness at walmartt walmart.(cacheeta) 9:46:05 i'm mad looking at her like ttat i'm mad. mad.a child attacked byya offiierr haven't taken the dog from its owner. the rain ttmorrow efooe the - wet weather rettrns.the in time for the weekend in my forecast.and a woman who really packssa punch. punch. (1:47:37) (mcdowell) "she'' deeermined, she don't wanna lose..." lose.... how she's literally fighting back in tough times hello i'm jjff barnd. and i'm jennifer gillert. maryland's gas tax could soon po uu again. transportation officials are considering a 11-cent hhkeeover hh next three years. years. but... ásomeáá drivers
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p...onder .../ if... necessary. 15:46 "how ya doing today, sir?"at the maritime autowash one's for you... they'll take care of ya."customers are happy to payyfoo a quality cleaning...(nats)but hen it &pcomes to gas pricee...33:25 "we're paying way over too much."some are reeuctant o shell out any more cash.33:41 "they gotta do something to recent dropp.. is nice... but &pjust isn't enough to make a dent in most drivers' budggtss 17:20 "well i remember when it was 29 cents a gallon, so now... the state is talking about raising the gas tax by 15 cents more per gallon.and some aren't so happy about the idda offgetting soakkd. (nats) anthony santoiimmm19:21-19:31 "i thinkkit's gonnn hurt the economy... scared to buy cars now because of gas economy... scared to buy ggnna hurttthe 19:21-19931 "ii tink it's anthony santoiemmisoaked. (natt)idea of getting happy about the and some aren'ttso happy about the idea of getting soaked. (nats)anthony it's gonna hurt the economy... scared to buy cars now becaase of gas prices."nick loffer: 09:49 "raising the gasoline tax... callfornna and new york for having thh highest gas tax ratt in the country."groups like 'americans for prosperity' say a tax hike
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isn't the answer.buu this committee... recommended the raise 800-million dollarssa yeer in new money for transportation.but critics blame state officials for preating the transportatton vacuum.... by regularly draining road monies... to put moreedollars into the general pund.08::5 "you're paying twicc for transportation projects today that should've been completed yesterday. itt doesn't make ssnse. people know that."09:00 "we should audit that fund and see where phe money actually went."the gax tax... if it goessthrough ---would e on time of the state's plan to registration fees... aad tools on bridges and ome highways.sandy laurie 33:54 "i feel thatts a rrp off anyway. thoss bridges have been paid for a thousand times... upkeep, c'mon."while no one wants ot be taken to the cceaners...20:44 "alright we ave four diffeeent wash packages."some drivers think sulliian17:48 "well it doesn't do."the lan is to rrise gas - taxes five cents a year... for the next three.but ttere's noo telling how much crude oil could cost... down the roaa. p0:41 "have yoo been here bbfore."in millersville..... pelinda roeder... 14:23 "you're welcome. you have a ggeat day."fox 45 news at ten. we asked: do yyu support an increase ááthere'sáá some good debating...// gooig on...// on our... facebook paae tonite...// áácheekáá it out....nd join the discussion// 3
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p deveeoping story ouu of carroll county tonight.the sheriff's office is death of a teenager.detectives say a passing motorist noticed the body of 177year old caleb lee oot of westminster along sandymount road near finksburr. there was no apparent sign of trauma tt the body which is has bben moved to the state medical examiner's office for an autopsy. a ... teen... diess../ after... a crash .../ in... anne arundel county. it... happened... in pasadena .../ at... mountaan... and fairwood roads.../
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&p around... 7:300this morning...//. áápoliceáá say.../ lost control.../ abandoned homm..../// ááaáá viewer... sent these pictures...// áácrewsáá on.,.. the scenn...// and... the amage... to the area...///.áácrewsáá... think... speed and wet roads.../ could... be at fault when.../ see it.. shoot it.. send it.. ááuploadáá foxbaltimore dot com../ áácllckáá on. the see it shoot it, send it. iicn./ ááalsoáá... send photos frommyour cell to "piis at foxbaltimore dot com."" parentss../// pf... a murdered ...// yoga store... workee...// speak--out.../ for... tte first time! áámyrandaáá ááwitháá... what... theyysaid... about... their daughter's... murder... / and... er alleged.. kil. killer.jjff,david and phyliss murray ssy their daughter least, about havinggproblems pith a co-worker. o, you can imagine their devassation and surprise... wwen police told them who illed jaynn. 3 jayna murray leddan around the world...loved the outdoors...and helping those in need. nats of sirees but
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pn march eleventh... the 30- year-old's vibrant life... came to an abrupt end.and her parents' livess.. turned a death at lull lemon and that hospital. 36 within about 10 minutes he called us back to tell us &pthat jayna was the, had, was the one they had pronounced dead 499ayna murray had eee murdered. but the question within days... policc make an arrest.54 and my immediate reaction was thank god. then when he saii who it was... it was incompreheesible. dad: stunning (pause)10police say the killer: jaynn'' co- worker...29-year-old brittany norwood. investigators say &pnorwood lured jayna back to the bethesdaayoga store after ccosing hours... and attacked hee with such violenne that evennveterrn homicide
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detectives were shaken. they believe norwood killed jaynn... over a bag of clothes norwood tried to steal. mom1:43 why would you murder clothes 50butt butt butt dad 1:53 janna woull've bought it given it to her she would've paid for it herself 01david &panddphyliss murray and their tto sons say ttey still struggle with the loss of jayna. as theyyall prepare for theeliklihood of facing norwood and norwood's parents... in the upcoming for us it can't be easy for phem 6 butt butt utt dad 2:46 of all of the steps off grriwivn gi have yettto leaae anger pauses i think if i had a changce to say sometiitbngn to her it woull be one word : why 02 porwood is charged with first- set ffr october 22th. myranda phens, fox45 news at ten.
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anooher example of the country.authorrties at dulles -3 airport found more than 200 grams of cocaiie... stored inside bed posts that were being transported from el salvador.they made the discovery during an x-ray.the cocaine is worth about 17- thousand dollars. a pitbull viciously attacks a sixxyear-old girl who was playing outside. tonnght crrmm and justice repprter joy lepola tells us the dog is still in the neighborhood. ((pkg)) a six year ood girl is recoveringgtonight after being attacked by a neighbor's pitbull.(loretta) 9:22:23 that doo could have ripped my child's leg off. keyniya says phe tried to get away... but just wasn't fast ennugh.. (keyniya) 9:36:55 i couldn't look back9:38:04 the dog bit my leg so hard i had two bites after speeding the night at pack at home... recovering.
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members upset ttat animaa control hasn't removed the dog. (cacheeea) 9:46:05 'm i'm mad.(isisha) 9:52:59 he dog needs to be put down and the owner needs to pay. by law, baltimore county's animal control says officers can't remove the piibull unless an affidavit is filed or police report. that has not happened hospital. 9:45:35 there he - &pshould be a law againnt pitbulls family members nnw plla to circullte a petition to baa pitbulls from their neighborhood. the signatures will go to theerrhome owners association.9:49:22 if they have dangerous dogssin a community of residents guess what they have to pay the pricee itts here where the -& neighbors say the family actually has two pitbulls. when we appraoched the animals owners wwren't interested n answering ourrquestions. for keniya's mom... sse fears.. s neighborhhoo... there is a threat. 9:22:37 how do i know this isn't goinggtt happen again i'm afraid myself now walking my kids to the bus stop like i said iihave two other boys in roseedle joy
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ploretta harris, thh child's mother, says she did file a &ppolice reporr. in a statement animal control ays an animal poses an immediite ttreat.t - 3 breaking news.../ from.. caaifornia....áá8áá people... are dead...// after ...a shooting.../ it... took place a hair salon.../ in... seal beach, california.../ near.../ l--a.../// áátheáá gunman... entereddthe... salon... / and... started shootinn...//.áá6áá people... dieddat the scene...//á2áá died... at the hospital...//. áátheáá... gunman... goo in a car.../ and... was stoppee... by policee../// near... the salon.../// bowles says: ... "you knnw i dint know who our witness was that led uu to tte arrestt i kkow that within seeonds within a inute of the shooting, our officers &parriving oor officers were following the susppct so we point that we do have the single and only susppct in cus: suspect has not been
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identified.../ and... there's... no motive... for the shoooings. more on that bizarrr bleach attack at the walmart the call for help.. keeth daniels live attthe store, with what a 9-1-1 dispatcher heard from a witness... keith. keiih. jeenifer..... people areecoming and going here ... still talking about that bizarre fight. and tonight.. we can listen closs.. before calling for help. help. baltimore ounty poliie say it started onnthe the wal mart in arbutus en at - &pfighting outside.. before moving inside.... whereeonn woman allegedly attacked wwtnesses called 911..... (ááánats up full: "there's a fighh in thh middle off al mart on washington blvd.. you need to get some radio cars up there quick.....ááá) ..........the 9-1-1 all of the walmart bleach fight saturday mooning.. just released.(áááánats up full:
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"walmart on washington blvd. sir? yes ma'am. are there any weapoos involved? no, but they're ussng chemicals to throwwat each other."ááá) the operator dispatched police.. then tried learning more about what's going on. (ááánats up fulll "throwing &pbleecc on each other? yea. does anybody need an mbulance? i don't know, i'm not sticking around. i just walked by.."ááá) theresa jefferson is innjail.. held on a 350-thousand dollars bail... acccsed offpouring bleach and pine-sol on the victim, ebbny odomm........the &pothers in the store to the hospital. policc say an ongoing dispute between the women triggered the incident. pannell, has a child with jefferson. and at jefferson's bail review called jeffersoonthh real victim in thisscase.(mr. culp)) "he been messinggwith that girl! reporter: "doing what? threatening her and er and -
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everything..."........a rrnning dispute with hazardous results.(ááánats up full: "and they're hitting each other? yea, throwing chemicalss yea dish liquic, .. yeah."ááá) jefferson's attorney, warren rown... wantsshis clienn releassd while she he's fighttng tonight for a new bail eview hearing. live in arbutus, keith daniels, fox 45 news attten. p the.../ so- called.... punderwear bomber" ../ guilty... guilty... ommr.../ abdulmutallab.../ now faces... a mandatory senteece..../ day... 2009.... áátheáá nigerian citizen... caaried a bomb.../ in... his underwear .../ on... a fliggt... from... detroit...////.áátheáá áábutáá he... was baddy burned..../// áánearlyáá... 300 people... were aboard...////. ááheáá said... in court today..../ ááheáá tried... pbowing up... the plane.../// in... retaliationn../// for.../ the... killing of muslimss../ p wwrld-wide. 3 one person.../ dies... from legionnaires' disease.../ after... staying aa... an... ocean city hotel..../ hotel..../áátheáá... elderly an... from...
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out of state ..../ stayyd... at the... / "plim plaza... hotel"... ááanyoneáá... and... hhs..// "pneumonia-like"... symptoms.../// should... call their doctor...///.áátheáá hotel's... closed for the season. &p ppt modelll the wife of formee ravens owner art modell....has died. was a longtime television e actress, ppearing in soap operas, and shows like twilight zone, ann perry mason. she married art modell in 1969....and after she and mrs. modell became very arts.mrs. moddll was 80 years - old. 3 get ths off mee mee lattr on fox45 neww atttenthe thing that cause &pthis 77 yeer olddbus fight with one of her students... of the cars oonthis block has - had the wiring eatee out twice." twice." that's just one of the things that makes baltimore the "rattiest" city...the
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neighborhood with the most patss.. later on fox45 news at (1:42:28) and she kept coming...." (nats "and she kept coming...." coming...." she waated to lose a sport dominateddby it turned inno serious our cover story tonight 3& a baltimore p tonight p tonight ñw>bo for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi.
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sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing, wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun. we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. and we are 100% open for business. you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. this could go on for a while. &p a baltimore county jury
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wwll hear opening statements tomorrowwmorning.. in a muuder case where the body was ever found. as kathleen cairns reports... the victim was a teenager... who vanished in the spring on 2009. investigators searched an area near a trash collection site in middle river... after rochelle battle disappeared.... bbt the 16 year old's body as never found. in baltimore county courthouse wednesday... judge kathleen cox sked jurors if they coold still be objective and serve on a murder case without a body... as evidence. it took hours but a jury of 9 men and 3 wwmen will now decide the fate of the accused killer... 35 year old jason grrss. rochele battle left her home in march 2009 to gooto the east point mall but never made it. prosecutors are confideet they have enough evidence in the case... even without the body.(cpl hill) "they feel they have suff.. evideece.. conviction in this case." ((((kaahleen cairns
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standup)))))""he prosecution plans to call more then 50 witnesses the defense will call 20... the juuge predicts it will last 22weekssmeanwhile some of rochelles family members are n the witness list... including her mom, who spokeewith us after herr disappearence. 4 alternate jurors were also choosen for thhs case. toolast so long. is expected baltimore countt.../ schools.../ begin... searching... for thh.../ nnxt superintendent..../// áátheáá schhol board... p---person committee ..last night...// áásettingáá guidelines... ffr... public inp. input.dr.../ joe... hairrton.../ offeeed... support .../ finding... his successor.../.// ááthhsáá after... he said...// he... wouldn't... return.../ at... the end....oo his ccntract...///. "there are only a handfull of able to say that we've ystems actually servvd in a school system with over 100 thousand yyars"the president... of the school board
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...hopes toohave ... hairston's replacement.... by july. imagine being invited to a big party. ut ot knowwng wherr to go. that's howone vague invitation read... people were told to pack tteir own dinnerrand come to druid were sent tt a second secret the frederick finally revealee their plan. a piinic diiner on phe pier..members of the "african american" business commuuity organized the event as a "flash-mob" with a positive spin... 19:09:25 "they''eejust come doon here bbindly to be able to see and to participate and to have a great night." night."19:22:50 "i think people like to be surprised so ittadds to thh excctteent." excitement." organizers plln to do it again next year... at another location, of course. some .../ maryland residents... willl new... rea code..../ áánextáá residents... / ggtting... a nnw pone number.../ on... the eastern shore... and... central maryland..../ may... get... maryland... expects.../
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all... 4-1-0.../ and... 4-4-3 codes...// o... pe exhausted.../ in... 2012. "there's still some 440s and 443s eft, although not very pany. they ettto a point where there arent enough left, preparing for the nnxt area code. adddng a new rea code numbers." 3 this only affects people .../ requesting... new phone numbers. .../ áácurrentáá... 10... and 443 &pnuubers affected. 3 he...// neet... big thing... in space .../ is... being built... in baltimore riggtt now......./ .áá.andáá... you can see ii at the marrland science center. at leastta full-scale model of it. the james webb space telescopeeis being built by nasa ans shoull to go into space by 2018. it will be stationnd in a special prbit 1 million miles from but will be able to see things birth of stars, the evolution - of galaxies... and maybe signss of life on planets outside our
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solar system. 1840 webb will have the ability to detect water vapor. in the atmosphere of the exo-planets. so i can't promise we'll find intellegent lifee but we'll have thh capability to really exxand our knowledge/ in the are of ex. exo-planets. thh replica's construccion wiil beecomplete by friday. visitors can view it, and ask astronomers questions this weekend at the maryland science center. the webb &ptelescope will be there through octobee 26th. wet dreary clouuy clammy and ud hummda efect suumation of today today whats the rest of the week meteorologist vytas reid with the skywatch forecast forecast 3
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(3:07:46) "this is a outta here...."going in and - here...." the signs that baltimore... has more rats than ost cities in america... llter on fox45 news at en (1:41:10) (mcdowell) "so theeboxees told her, yeah, you can lose five pounds in one day!" day!"but boxing for one woman...after he break
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ugh, time to color. woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon! tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven. aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam! just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back. with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam haircolor! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. millions... of americans.../ are... learning.../ just....hhw far.../ they... can go... to suurive.../ in... these... tough economic times../ times.../ . for second job....or cancelling a vacation. but in tonights cover story, jeff abell introduces us to a baltimore wooan ho's ttking survival to a new extreme...and vowing not to go down without a fight. pight. (wide city sunrise)
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its a few minutes before the morning rush...and downtown..... (25::3) (mopssfloor) (22:10) (shakes bag) (26:58) (unwraps cups) this on crews control. (27:54) "call me franchon crees...." franchon crews has spent the past three years brewing a cup of oe.... (44428) (quick nats) (coffee pours) for anyone on the go. &7:42) (crews) "i give the people what they need. give em their fix...but itt legal...." but the job is allo her fix. these pard economic imes have hit home. (11147) (crews) "i work two joos and i'm still not ligible for health crews is a ingle mom.....who's helping her own mom fight back.....from a near-death condition. (1:17:42)) (crews & mom) "your legs still hurting? no...they're not hurting nnw...." franchon hass
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fromma fight.... (1:22:11) (mother) you threw the firr extinguisher at somebody..." when she was bullied at douglls high school.... 11-year old franchon settled the score. (18:59) (fraachon) "i juut rrmember getting out of the chair, snatching him down off (1:22:30) (mom) "and )" there went the fire extinguisher..." (1:25:42) (franchon) (phhto) "this is me....." fighhing forced her to graduaae from an alternative school.... where franncon found a whole new voice. (franchon sings) (froo you-tube) franchon had a gift and a talent coach encouraged her to share ii..... but launching a singing career wouldn't come without a price. (4:52) "he was like, if you wanna sing, you have to llse weight...." (1:34:30) (wide shot umar &pweight loss took the aspiiing singer....into the umar boxingg center..... (1:41:10) (mcdowell) "so the boxerss told her, yeah, you can lose five pounds in ne day!"
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so franchon went from swinging..... but when she stepped into the ring the first time....thereewaa resistencee (1:42::6) (mcdowell) "take these glovessoff, i don't wanna do this no more. you'rr nothing but an old chump. don't come back. so iilook around.....there she beforr franchon discovered her other ift.... not only could she carry a une..... "ann she kept coming...." (nats punching) &p(142:30) "and she kept coming...." (natss "and she kept coming....." her trainers called her a 'natural'....and convinced compete... ut her mother called it a violation of her personal peliefs.... (1:20:42) (mom) "she knows that
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was convinced the fight was for her family..... (1:23:22) (mom) "i tell her she's doing it for herself because we're going to matter what...." &p (1:24:46) (franchon) "sometime we don't have. we make enns meet but i'm just trying to get comfortable. i don't wanna be rich...." six yearr ago, she wwn her first natiooal titll. now....with 44-wins under her belt....frannhon crews could soon make olympic history...... time, women's boxing becomes - an olympic sport. (1:47:37) determined, she don't wanna lose..." (1:13:35) "and if i don't train todaa ooe of the other girls is training tryyng to beat me...but that ain't onna happen.... (fighting nats)) franchon ii fighting to the finiih.... the woman with the golddn
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voicc has found a golden glovv. (1:46:39) "baltimore known for all thii crime and ddugs but weealways havv a shining light amid all the craziness. and i think she's the ne...." jeff abell, fox 5, news at ten. crews willlbe in the gold at tteepan americann gamee. but even though she's a national &pchampion, she's yet to score any sppnsorships. has been relying on the ggnerosity f friends to help paa for her ravels. 3 the connection between um cancer...later on foo45 news at ten
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had he wiriig eaten out twice." twice.. here are mooe reassns why baltimore is considered the "rattiest" citythe neiggborhood with the most rats... next on fox45 news at ten 3 what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. a new study is
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ccnfirming what many peoole have feared. peared. baltimore's.../ rat population.../ is... worse than.../ many... american ities...///. áájeffáá abell... disccversswhy. why. (3:03:50) "in little italy, we care about our properties. we don't like the rats...." in little italy....the longtimers are n routine patrol.... ((:00:20) "you cannsee its chewed utt..." they've home where rats, they believe, - pave gnawwd their way into the basement. (3:07:46) "this is a family of rats going in and outta here...." and lately, the
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