tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 15, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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((hah) "still, sometime i wake up and i'' scared...." scared...."he lived......after being robbed... and shot in the head headnow he tells his story... p..and we learn the punishment a violent career criminal could face. face.hello, i'm jeff barnd ...and i'm karennparks 3 pirst tonight....breaking news.. news...police.../ are... at the scene ...of aa phooting.../ in... northeast baltimore.../ baltimore.../ áágunfireáá..p broke--out...// about... 8 tonite...// n east 29th street between... kirk avenue.../// and.../ the alemeda look at the scene.../ a... scene.../áápoliceáá say... a man.../ was... found... shot in the head...//.ááhomiiideáá investigators... are... invessigating a... baltimore owner.. / is... robbed.../ then... shot in thh head../ head../. but he lived. ps on his way to prison.
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keith daniels, live with the victim's story.. in his own words.. keith. keith. karen......... the victim is a soft spoken shooting put him in the he hospital for about 6 months.. several more months. store.. on the job.. with his l. life. (shah) "the bullet go from here behind my ear.. to go inside and coming back outsi" outside... a... second man .../
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p is... found guilty.../ in... the murder... of a morgan state graduate. graduate.a jury.../ johnnn... butler.../ / and... other er..& charges.../ in... the death... of.../ mesa... in 2007...///áámesa'sáá body... was pound... in northwest baltimore.. / in... the trunk... of her car..../áápoliceáá say... sse was tortured .../ before... shh was purdeeed..../áábutler'sáá co-defendant - / calvin wrightt- / weeks ago pled guilty... 2 3 baltimore police.../ release.../ this video... of... a suspect.../ wanted a home invasion.../ robbery..../// áátheáá man's... inside...// a... west baltimore...// rite aii... store.../// moments .../ after... the crrme. crime. policeáá oneeof ...thrre men .... whh... forced their way.../ into...
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the apartment.../ of.. .a... wheelchair.../ bound man.../ &p on... amity street.../ stole jewelry ...and.../ - an... a-t-m... &pcard..../// áápoliceáá n... the video.../ áusedá... the withdrawal .../// 300---dollars.../ at... the.../ rite aid. 3 33 3 first on fox tonight... the wwman arrested after throwing bleach inside a baltimore county almart is out of jail ann now fighting for custody offher child. calvinn pannell requested custody phile filing ffr a restraining order against theresa jefferson. she was locked up at the time for throwing bleach on pannell's girlfriend inside a baltimore &pcounty al-mart. jefferson wwrries about the well being of her 6 year old son. she fears e's in danger ....aad believe's he'd be bettee off with er... 3 2:52:08 ven despite whht happened at walmmrt on satuuday unfortunaaely that was sommthing that was self defeese that's what ttat was :20 :20 jefferson wonders why her child's father wassgranted custody coosidering heehad a
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restraaning order against him. following the walmart incident......9 people had to be taken to the hospital. p heightened... security... around.../ p a... downtown... parking garage.../ ááwhereáá a.... man as shot... last night. tte victim.../ was... shot... three ttmes in the back.. / ááafteráá leaving... a doctors appoiitment... at the university of maryllnd... medical center..../ ááhe'sáá n... stable ccndiiion.../. áátheáá plaza garage.../ ii... regularly... used.../ by... hospital patients../ and workers. (frank charvat)"but it could happen anywhere.. it could happen right out there on the street.. when we cooe home late at night we either get someone to walkkus over and we try to paak close to the elevvtor" elevator" policc... are still searchiig ...for the ggnman.... an...// amberr.. alert...// for... a... germantown boy.../ áá whoseáá mother ...was found... murdered.../ in... her home. wednesddy.../curtis..../ lopez... waa arrested ...thurrday.../ econn-lldge... in charlotte.../. ááhe'sáá charged the stranged wifee../ 511yeer-old... janee ááheráá car... and her ...11-year-old son.../ william mcqain.../ p were missingg.. from the .../ scene..../// áápoliceáá...
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are... now the child.../// ... - áááho'sáá een missing... since.../ sept 30th. áááheáá 11-year old... is described... as.../ a... bi-racial child..../ ááaboutáá 5-- feet tall.../ áá weighingáá about... 85 pounds..../ páifáá you hhve... any... information.../ caal police.../// 14 "oocupy wall street" protesters were arrested in ...but a major showdown was aved wanteddthe people out... so they could clean it.but after receiving phone calls from area awmakers.......hey calleddoff those plans. it's an important victory for us to us to show that we're a legitimate sociil mooement in this ountry. that our right to protest hould be ressected. arrests are takinn place in ooher cities...police in denver arrested at leest two dozen - friday who refused to leave a public park across from the state capitol. ...and pn officials are asking protesters to disband by monday. 3 have... you... changed
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ááifáá... so.../, áyouráá soon bb crammed .../ - with junk mail. mail. turns out.../ the.../ u--s... poot officc...// is... providing information.../ from ... pchange of address"... forms..../ to... pirect.../ mail ááthooeáá' ccanging... their address.../ say.../ there's... no way.../ tt... opt out. &p33 (2:15) "it rritates cause i'm in aaketing and thats spaa. iffthey're selling mm new address to people i didn't ask it o be pold to..." accuse the postal service of violating the federaa privacy act. but the postal service insists its done noohing illegal. here's... our... question of the day.../. áádoáá you think... the postal service.../ should... be aalowed.../ to... selllyour... personal inf? our... facebook page.../áánearlyáá everyone ... ádestestsá the idea.../ &páájoináá the discussion.../ by... going to... our facebook page.../ facebook dot com .../ slash fox-baltimore outgoing baltimore county school superintendent joe
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hairstonspoke out today. week fter confirming thaa he would not come back for a foorth term hairston met with reporters. hairston said hh was proud of the record of student acheivemeet during hhs 12 "i have beennconsistant sincc first day i arrrved here... one thing was my primary focuss.. childree of baatimore count schools." schools." hairston ddsmissed reports that the school board another four ear term.he will serve until the end of june. 3 bad.../ day...fdor... alabama...// federal... appeals court.../ suspended of... alabama's... ttugh immigration lla.../ ááwhileáá it... department's requust.../ to... strike it down...///.. áátteáá.... court... ruled alabama.../ can''... prosecute... illegals.... for... ánotá... carrying.... registration documents... witththem.../ at... all tiies.../ ááoráá require... schools .../ to... check... the immigration status.../
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páaáá final months .../ to... - bad day.../ for... maryland businesses.../// ááwhicháá face... the highest... possible .../ unemployment tax rates.../ for... the... 3-rd... straight year.../ in... 20--12,.../// ááthey'lláá pay... between.../ 187---ollarss...and .... 1,150--dollars.../ per... employee next year,.../// áátheseáá... tax rates... have been in p ááwhenáá thh... .../ & recession... drove up.../ .../ collecting unemployment .../ ggeat...// day.. for lady ga-ga...// court,.../ ggrnted... lady gaga .../ an... &pinjunction... to áblocká... .../ named... / "lady... gooogoo".../// ááit'sáá.../ ann.. online game ...for kids...//. ááladyáá goo goo"... bears a trikiig rrsemblance.../ to... down the sunglasses ...and blonde hair..../. páátheá&á... cartoon... company, .../ "mind caady"... , says/// áánixingáá...// pehalf of...// gaa-ga...// is total...// ka--ka...// 3
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25... thousand take... to the streets tomorrow.... in... &pthe ááiggestá... baltimore... ruuning p jjst finishing is the goal for some. for others it's accomplishing a many runners the race is a chance to inspire, and to do something bigger than yourself. baltimore businesses are already declared winners in the race... before it even million dollars for the local -- economy. downtown hotels and restaurants are amoog the biggest winners. but even businesses not as close to the action are cashing-in ... at tte baltimore convention 57:38 it peaks inttrest eople are heering abouttthe running &pand he arathon and the expo and that inda ssuff. it's nice to et the namm out tere if they haven't already 46 46it's not just local businesses benefiiting froo the race. the marathon is exppcted to generate about onn million dollars for local chaaities.
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pyeah, waa really surprised.. sex... while skydiving.the person they were trying to won't be facing any charges but next...emails... shedding lightton the solar scandal... why the loan to solyndra may havv been illegal.....and the emails that show some officials knew aabut itt saving a cat... this cat ended up iiside the dashboard of a car...after the break 3
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congrees is digging deeper into the half-billion dollar federal loan guarantee -- for the solar panel maker bankruptcy. mike emanuel shows us new emails... that reveal new questions about the n loan 3&p much of the focus in house subcommittee hearing on solynnra was on the modification of thh loan, whhch allowed private innestors toobe paid back
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stearns says "so in your experience in 28 yearssbeing the chief financial officer, can you, have you ever eard of taxpayers money eing subooddnate to outside commercial firms?"burner says that statement bb ffderal financing bank's gary burner, ttat led some leading republicans to draa this conclusion.barton says "it is clear to me thht the the law hen they agreed to suborddnate the taxpayer's money to private investors, someeof who appear o have been heaay contributors to presidenttobama's campaign." a top democrat complained it wasn't fair to talk aboot the department of energy's role - wwthout officials to testify. deeette says "that approach only serves to ensure that half of the story is told today. it makes this hearing appear more to me about generatinn heaalines than engaging us in thorough fact finding." upton says continue until taxpayers get answers that they deserve administration the facts take treasury e-mail from august
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16th obtained by fox reveals the skepticism abouttthe deparrment of eneegy's accions quote:(((treasury staff email to treasury staff (8/16/11) gfx))) -- page 20 offpdf"the title xvii statute anddthe doe regulations both require that the guaranteed loan shall not pther debt obligation" the or - bet a quarter that the doe lawyers have someekind of restructuring they have done and whatever they are considering doing doos not viooate these requirements. can't wait o hear it."eeanuel says "leading republicans conclude ittis much bigger than that. you haveeon cabinet level agency, treasury, saying another agency, energy, broke the law, and the taapayers are left on the hook.on capitol hill, mike emmnuel, fox news. right thing whhn she hit a cat - with her mini van... but things wwet from bad to worseewhen she put the cat in the ddshboard and got stuck!it took three hours for a mechanic to free the feline. the womannis noo considering adopting theecat.
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towson and some people were camped out overnight to pick 4s.people waiting at the towson town center say a faster prrcessing recognition software make the phone worth the wait.but wiih the death of apple cofounder steve jobs...some are will bb as good...wwihout his vision: "like any good ceo, ssevee jobs had a major plan in part of the futtre, i had a feeling products to be released for or the next 2-3 years for sure" sure"anayysts estimate by the end of the weekend...iphone 4s sales may go up to 4 mmllion. a high school teacher is under fire for a says homosexuality breeds like
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cancer... 3 this bulllttn board posted in thh halls of union high school in new jersey was intended too promote acceptance.....but it angered english teacher iki knox....who wrooe on her facebooo page amoog other perverttd spirit......she goes on to rrnt....why parade youu unnatuual....immoral behaviors before the rest of us... us... this teacher is free to say whatever she wants...its america...but when you post it on facebook there for all you studentt to sse you're bringing such hatred into the educationaa process. process. in her postings knox confront her......but at her - ooe in her famill would speak on the issue.... "yeah, i was eally surprissd." phe person they were trying to havvng sex while skydiving......and why they won't e facing any charges...aftee the break
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without ...getting in te trouble these.../ are... about.../ all... we can you....//áátheáá video shows ...alex ttrres - / a... porn staa.../ áá andáá...// skydiving inssructor - / ááaáá receptionist.../ ááthey'reáá ////- efore ....umpingg out.../ in tandom ...// ááaadáá continuing... the act.../ in... mid-air. "apparently they told my pilot it was ok to do this. and-showed up in the morning before anybody got here and shot thii thingg" thing."there... are ánoá criminal charges pending.../ video../. - was... off.. age.../// ...ááandáá no... one complained about sseing it../ .áá soáá áátheáá skydivers... were apparently .../ trying... to ggt the attention.../ of... howard stern.../// eventually... came down to earth...// ááanddá... then... they landee...// 3 3
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edition tonight. nnw with tonight's edition of sports unlimited. he was the one guy john harbaugh wanted back the most off...wide eceiver lee evans... evans...and today the ravens iijury report coofirming... he's out for sunday's game injury that won't go away.le evans played in week one and week two...but hasn't played since..after seeing evans and joe flacco connect uuing the
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preseason... hooes sky rocketed thaa evans could be the guy the ravens offense needd to stretch the field. harbaugh said today it's disappointing... and he thought evans would be back by now. joinnng evans as out for sunday: corners chris carr and jimmy smith.and safety tom zbikowski..left guard ben grubbs and his toe are quustioonble and will be a game time decision harbaugh said today. well there's good injury news i guess for the ravens.they aren't alone....the texans lost ouuside linebacker and beast mario williams last weekend against oakland for the whole season.he had surgery toddy to repair a torn pectoral muscle..receiver andre johnson is out for right hamstting injury. there aren't high expectations for maryland
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basketball this could there be really?new head coach mark urgeon has to get his system and players in tact. a numbers game just to fill a roster the first season.the departure of gary williams was abrupt..turgeon didn't get a full year to recruit and brrng guys to maryland.but what he did do... ggt the locals to stay.turgeon has 3 incominn freshmen from the state.... 2 faust... who almost split when pary did.that's the key tt any fench around in-state talent. - phat'll do it for this edition of sports
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