tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 18, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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as crews ssourrthe woods for 11-year-old william mmquain...... his mother was pound urdered last week in apartmenn. tonight.... the accused killer refuses to cooperrte.... and as time is punning out.... police turn to neighbors ffr help. good evening... i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm ennnfer gilbert.the man accused of killing jane mc- qqain waived extradition in a as pplice broaden the search por her son. as paul wagnnr reports some still hold out mcquain will bb found alive. police plan tt resume search efforts tomorrow
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morning.... meanwhile lopez will be extradited to maryland sometime this week. 3 residents of a downtown apartment complex are asking afterra second person is found dead... at the bottom of a trash chute.this time, police say theevictim is a 21-year-old woman, emily hauze. melinda roeder llve from north charles street with more on the investigation. 3 last august -- a 33-year old man fell at least 20 floors ttrough the trash shoot of the park ccarles apartments... and eeded p dead in the trash compactor was ruled an a very similarrincident... has many wondering what really happenee. found the body of 21-year-old emily hauze... inside a
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dumpster. she had apparently landed there after falling throogh the trash chuue.police say - once again - they found no evidence of trauma or foul & pnder innestigation. meaatime... many resideets we spoke with say they can't understand how this could happen -- twice. they say the trash chute just isnnt that wide. 3 apartment doors yesterday -- asking tenants if they saw orr heard anything suspicioos. remember emily hauze... aa recent graduate of loyola hoping for answers. they want to know exactly what happened leading up to her death.liie downtoww... melinda roeder... fox 45 news .... late edition.
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we''e ollowing breaking news out of northwest baltimore... where fire crews are on the scene of an apartmmnt fire. the blaze broke out about 9-30 tonight... at the two-story complex on thorndale avenue forty firefighters brouggt the flaaes under control...but a after jumping from a second floor winnow in the burning building.he's been rushee to shock trauma in serious &pconnition. hundreds gatheeed ii lansdowne tonight remeemer ryan &pjackson.... the teen ad been missing since weddessay... after going to visst an aquaatancepolice believe the 18 year wws killed at a home on ambo court.... but his body was discovered saturday in a city dumping ground tonight... his family is searching for answees. "you need to turn yourself in, regardless of what happened too my son, r whatevee he was involved in, doesn't give another person to take someone elsees life" life" police have no suspects at
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&pphis time. the man suspected in the disappearance of a maryland woman ii aruba will remain behind bars. gary detaining ii in the country. appeal.gioodano says 35-year old robyn gardner disappeared while snorkeling.investigatoos believe he played a hand in her disappearance. the.../ number bullying... in... baltimore... schools.../ has doubled... city schools.../ have been under scrutinyy../ since... a disabled girl... was attacked.../ by... third graderr .../ last year....// ááthisáá... yeaa: áátwiceáá as.,.. many bullying cases.../ experts ... say.../ 30 percent ...of students .../ are involved... in bullying.../ on... a 3& (catherine bradshaw)"sometime s thats just an early precursor to to other more serious forms of agressivee violent behavior..showing the whole trajectorypathway they miiht be going down.. thats why its sooimportant to stop see thhm" nexx month.../. state educators... will host... a... bullying summit.
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3 baa dayy.. for "sesame... streett../// áátheáá... show's... youtube channel.../ online... thissafter.../ hackers... reprogrammed.../ the... whole-some... children's show... pages .../ with porn...//. áásesame'sáá channnl... was taken offline sunday ...// áándáá viiitors were greeted... with a informing... them ...//// .../// ááusersáá wn who... accessed the account.../ earlier.../ found explicit.../ sex muppets. a... great day... for a canaaian man.../ who... spent the last... 11 years.../ walking... the world. .../// ááanáá emotional homecoming.../ baliveau....ááwhoáá... set out... more than.../ &p 10--years... ago... / páwalkkngáá 75- thousand...-kilometres.../ to... promote peace.../. ááthruáá 64 nations..../ ááusingáá... 54... pairs... of shoes, ...// and.../ a... baby stroller... filled with.../ essentials...////. ááheáá took... pain and wind...// intense heat..../ ááevenáá a.. close call... with a lion...///..áheáá... plans... to... write a book... about the adventure. if... a... cat has utah feline... is
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down just 6../ á3 times.á.../.áágoodáá./.. day.../ who... was... brought to.../ an... animal shelter..../// ááwhereáá was... eventually euthanized...//.áábbtáá when ...the employee... opened up.../ the... gas chamber..../ ááandreaáá was... ssilll.. very much alive.../ áásoáá they... tried againn..///.ááminutesáá later... / a... shelter worker ...put and... into a cooler....// áá45áá minutes later.././ ááanotheráá stunner... "they heard a meow,,and they looked at each other and they heard the meow again, louder, torr open the bag, there was andrea, looking at them terrifiedd wide eyed, and very much still alive." alive."andrea appears to be healthy .../ with... no... after effects...// ááshe'sáá now... up for ...adoption.
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today../ ááásáá police... try... to move out .../ "occupy" pro. protesteess several groups .../ have been... protesting.... pation-wide...// áá demandingáá... channe... on... a number of causes..../ ááthey'veáá been compaaed tea party protests .../ during... the health reform... áásome áá analysts saa ...the big pifffrence between the groups.../ is... the way... they're being treated... in the media. freedomworks cli[ :54-2)9 sot: certainly in every movement there are people thht are oddballss but iifeel like we have a smalllnumber of hemm in the tea party movement who get highlighted and there are occupy wall street movement that are completely ignored because it doesn't fit the narrative that some in the medii want to creaae we asked you: áhaveáá the media... been their coverage .../ of... the "occupy"... and "tea party"... movements? att.. our facebook - page....//ááyou'reáá... definately... pasisonaae about this...// áájoináá the discussion... by going to.../ facebbok dot com.../ slash fox-baltimore 3 3 a new government mandate --- in direct conflict with thee the controversy over
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religious colleges. 3a race car driverr.. killed in a fiery crash.the first perron view from a car involved.. phat highlights just how violent the pile-up was. and new details in the disappearance of 11-month-old lisa irwin.... what her mothee is now admitting to doinggthe night her baby vanished. controversy over we were so blessed when we had triplets.
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if by blessed you mean freaked out about money. well, we suddenly noticed that everything was getting more expensive, so we switched to the bargain detergent, but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. [ laughs ] thanks, honey. yeah. you suck at folding. [ laughs ] that's my tide. what's yours? [ female announcer ] find the tide that's right for you at controovrsy over a neww
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wouud require access to hat - contraceptives in institution's student health care plans. as shannon ream reports some religiius schools saa they are caught in the middle. middle. universities has signed on to a letter tt the obama administration - saying the concerned" over agency health are law - which could &pcover the cost of es tt
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contraceptives in their health insurance plaas - in directt conffict with tte atholic faith. donovan says: "these policies set by agencies, not it on institutions that simply cannot as a matter of the schools say the regulation could force them to the president of theeer. university of notre dame - the reverend john jennins - sent his own letter - in which he speak on campus in 2009 - an event jenkkns - had hoped would foster a discussion on issues offlife.ooama says: " let's honor the conscience f those whh disagree with abortion, and draft a sensible conscience clause..." but jenkinsssays the administra protect pro-life interests - in part - by crafting the employer" much ooonarrowly - "notre dame and nearly all catholic cooleges and universities would not be considered religious employers. may i suugest that this is not the ind of "sensible" approach the president had in mind when he spoke here." the department oo health and human seevices says áquoteá"we ... definitions off"reeigious
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organizations that have - religious bjections to covering contraceptioo can choose whether or not to cover these serrices." some analysts warn that even if a university is founded as a religious institution - once itthires employees and invites students who do ánot share the same faith - the exemption is lost. 3 3 the comment landlord.../ finds... people .../ held.... basement....//a basement....// áápoliceáá... found...// one... of four .../ adults ... chained... to... a boiler,.../// ááalláá of... them.../ locked ááoneáá woman ...and 3 three men,...// ááagesáá áátheáá building's &powner.../ found them saturday...// 3"quite imply, this ccse just despicable aad unsppakabll, the mere fact that individuals would treat disadvannaged people like this issridiculous pnd simply makes us siik."
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3--people... are charged...// weston, .../ whh... pollce say.../ kidnappings...///. ááthey'reáá... jailed... on...// kidnapping... and aggravated assault.../ charges...//. the f-b-i joiis the searrh for a missinggchild in missouri... 11 month old lisa irwin disappeared nearly two weeks ago....her mother... deborah braddey.... now aamits she was drunk the niiht her baby vanished... bradley says she had "severrl glasses" of wine -- perhapp as many as 10 ...but insists that has nothing to do with the case. she claims someone broke into theii home on october third...and took the baby while they were sleeping. authooitiee haven't nammd any 3uspectss- 3 video.../ from... inside... annindy car.../ shows... just how violent.../ a... 15-car... craahh as... / killed drivvr... dan wheldon. wheldon. it happened ... at... a race las egas... punday/// ááthisáá is... the shot ...from one oo the carr.../ ááyouáá can see... a collision../ ááthhnáá the car... goes... airborne.../ before... hitting the
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want to... hold that phone.../ away... from your facee../ áá aáá new... study shows.../ one... in six.../ cell--phones.../ is... covered in... fecal matter. researchers... in london ...looked at hundreds.../ of... phones.../. páandáá found ...16 percent ...were áádoctorsáá say... -/-- it's likely.../ because... many people... don't wash their hands.../ after ...using the bathrrom.
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common sense says... thht if you're on the ruu from the cops....they're probably not going to cooperate when you call them and ask for a ride ho. home.policeein frederick say that's what 244year-old teddy was among a group of four men &ppolice say were stealing copper froo a construction site saturday night.they caught the other guys.... but teddy got away.until five hours later....when he alledd the cops, to say heewas cold and wee.... and he demanded that thee give him a ride home. they gave him a ride, all right. a lesbian couple in california says their 11-year-olddson tommy may actuallyybe a girl... named tammy.and they're giving him hormone blockers to delay pubertt -- so that he can have more time to decide exactly wwo he, or shh,,is.supporttrs say the &phormone blocking therapy has appropriate for a child ho is
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unsure of his a calls it child abuse....llke performinn liposuction on an anorexic ccild.we'll let you decide the common sense oo that one. parents outraged at a california high school after according to test scores.the orange county school.... assigned colors to differeet california standards test.hh - scores... black was the est all around.students received i-d's and notebooks based on the color scheme.those with high ranking card colors even received free admissiin to athletic events and discounts to school dances. "oh yeah, 'm very angry about these folders, very much so. i mean it's segregation between students and that's wrong. i mean, i feel that's wrong in society."the school district said the incentive program was implemented with the best intentioos... but maybe not
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crime... was all caught on ccmera. a... security camera... in ccina.... / shows... tte 2-year oll.../ wandering.../ ááaaá... white van... strikes... the toddler.../ áárunningáá her....over.../ ááminutesáá later... / anothee... ruck drives... over her... body...//. ááevenáá more alarming.../ more than... a dozen peoplee../ walked... passed... tte child ../ .without stopping... to help...///. áátenáá minutes someoneáá finally... moves the girl... to safety.../.áábotháá drivers... are... --- people cheering---- cheeeing---- a small rizona town is taking a cue from the sppnish city bulls! a brave videojournalist... was right in the thick of it... running ahead of the charging cattle...//.organizers say their version of the bull run is safer.../ because their bulls are rodeo performers... hose horns are blunted....// runners arr also
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it was a veey hhppy group of ravees who viewed tape of sunday's win over houston today...and rightly so...after struggling somewhat in the first half, theyytook over the game in the second and ggt their 4th win in 5 games... games...billy cundiff played the matt stover rooe: turning ptalled drives into points...aad he tied stover yesterday foo the club record wiih five field gools...and as comforting as it is to have your icking game in good shape, it also tends to problem the ravens are dealing with... "we couldd't run the ballldown ttere, that hurt us. you'd llve to be able to run the bbll down there a little bit, the field gets a little narrow foo the passing game. we got to the 10-15 yardline and the routes we tried to throw into the end zone weee defended and i thought joe made good decisions, not throwing the ball into thoss covvrages because that probably would've been interceptions actualll. red zone. we're happy with the field goals but we're not happy with the fact that they weren't touchdowns down there. that's something that we havv to do better with." this little dustup has beenn phe talk of the sports world coach jim hhrbaugh showing a
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defeating the detroit ter lions...and that didn't set weel with lions head coach and arbutus native jim schwartzz.who chased him up the field...harbaugh took the blame afterward and his brother eighed in on it as well... it's now time to announce the game of the week contest... brought to you by varsity sports network dot com...youu can vote for the game you'dd like to see highlights of by and clickinn on igh school om game of the week... maybe you'lllsee your school... &'s this week's s &poctober 21st...dunbar at poly innfootball....mcddnogh visits
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