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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  October 19, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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"the house isson fire."
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ffie." anger at the wayythh money... from annapolis.... to . on everything froo office ig - funature to entertainment. i'm... eff barnd.government - spending.../ under fire... toniggt....//. tonighh...///..nd we begin with a new study that shows brought in tens of millionssof dollars less than the city pred. predicted. jeff abell.../ live downtown.../ with... the... disappointing . the ssudy, released today, s people who came to this race. and what it found is the econooic mpact was far from grand. promoters had predicted tte race ould bring
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70-million dollars in spending &pto baltimore. but number is actually e the real ten-million.. and despite prediccions that most race--oers wouud be travelling from out of town.... this latest study rrveals hat 75- percenn were actually ffom maryland. (2:14:22) "our guess is that most f tte people who attended were from maryland which meens any spending they did was just moved from one part of maryland to another part of maryland and there was 3o nee gain to anybody.""- the mayors office is calling this survey, more horoogh anallsis...when the city eleases its ownn report later this month. live at the inner harbor, jeff abeel, fox 45, news late edition. and it's our questton of the daa. ááshouldáá... the... ity continue to invest... in the graad prix? &pprix? opinioos join the discussionn/out...and - p therrmore questions tonight
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about how much mooey the city is spending to renovaae some of its offices. offices. fox $1.7 million overraul of the department of transportation office might cost the &ptaxpayers 200-thhusand dollar more than ooginally planned. spending was revealed during a waste watch investigation. extra funds city officials defended, but others questioned. 11:49:27"innorder tt move into po 2, offices get smaller and phen offices get smaller you 12:37:20"they don't need it, need it"12:37:24 renovations will saveemoney in long run by cutting the rent payments for the depaatmmnt of transportation. maryland lawmakers.../// arriving.... at the state hooue.../// today.../// for....a ssecial session...//// session...////((applause)) ((applause))protesters... are... upset.../ with... news thht... lawmakers.../ may consider.../ innreasing...// taxx..///.áágovernorááá
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some... type of increase.../ to... pay for... road and bridges...///.ááprooesters.áá ..ssy...// enuf... is enuf. (loolar) "they''e trying to increase even more taxation because they can't covvr the debt they''e alreedy in." ((applause)) (keim) "money s tight everywhere and when they take the gas tax money put it in the transportationnfund and spend it on somethinn else, period."d to quii spending peri" in... the... past decade.../ ááoneáá billion dollars.../ shifted.../ from.../ maryland's ...transportation.../ trust fund.../ to... the... general fuud../ .too.. balance the ptatees.../ operatiig budget. share.... your voice... with the governor....// ááatáá... fox baltimore dot com.../ áácllckáá on,,,./ &pp tth... "your voice"... link...///. ááweáá... have... theegovernor'' contact information,.../ ááhisáá phone nummer... and email.../// áásoáá... you... can telllhii.../ what... yoo think.../ about... the gas tax. 3 33 a teen is in critical ccndition aftee heewas slammmd by a car outside hissschool. first responders reported he
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was unconcious and not breaahing. the teen was rushed to shock trauua. police are talking with the driver to determine how it baltimore police are &pinvestigating the rape of a 13-year-old girl.... investigators say the victim &pstreet near ashland avenue at about 9 o'clock last night.. when a man graabed her.. then dragged her into a vacant row home. detectives say he beat, then raped the girl.. before unning away. the girl managed to run to a ppssing neighbor for help. ////////////////////sot///////// //// (ms. whitinggneighbor) "i just held her.. she ust &plooked likk she waa just stunned out of er life, like froze. you see what i'm sayingg like real angry, that thhs really happened to me.." me.." investigators are description oo the suspect.. they've released this described as a black man, between 45 and 50 yearr old with a mussache. he wws weering dark clothhig, f you have any informaaion about this case.. police want you to call them... &&p after.../ days of searching.../
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ááaáá... boy'ssbody... clarksburg the search... began last week.../ when.../ william mcquain's mother.../ at hee... germantown / - home..../ ááherrá estranged husband .... curtis...lopez...// is... facing charges.../ for... her death...../// áátheáá... body...// of... a youug.../ african american.../// ale... waa foond...// near.../ áápoliceáá... say ...they have video..../ showiig... william... with lopez .../ together... october first......./ the body.../ was found.... found.... 33& //take sot//we have camera footage of curtis lopee the suspect in this case with at the 13000 block of wisteria drive in germantown...the footage was from the morning of october first...the weaaing on october irst...... first...... 3 police... are... waiting for... an autopps.../ to confiim... the identity.../ and... cause of death..... new tonight.../// montgomery county ...
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police.../ make an arrest,...// in... hh case ...of áanotheráá child.../ found dead. deaa. police say.../ 42-year old... david hang .../ of gaithersburg .../ first degree murder.../ in... thh death... of hhs... -yeaa old.../ jessica... new-in'.../ was... foond stabbed to death.../ on... may 31th..... áápollceáá... say.../ they'll.../ release.../ more eeails... at a nees conference.../ tomorrow. testimooy continues today in the feddral bribery trial of state senator ulysses currie. defense attorneys are trying to make a cass thattcurrieewas ignorant of he law and didn't understand he was breaking it. toddy - his longtime polittcal paa - congressman steny hhyer ttstified that currie is a decent man, but lacks in organizationallskills and doesn't pay attennion to details. currie is accuued of using his political influence to benefit aagrocery store &pchain - theeshoppers food waarhouse - which paid him dollars to be a consultant. income toothe state ethics commission. there's new evidence that maryland's striped bass pppulation is rebounding.
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rebbunddng. acccrding to a new survey by thh state striped bbss spawning are at the fouuth-highest level in the survee's 58-year history. the survey comes as federal regulators consiier cutting the number of stripped bass that can be harvested..-marylaa chesapeake bay is the primary nursery area foratlantic striied bass, also known as roccfish.. 3 3
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good day for a boston firefighter who caught a young &pboy...dropped from the window an apartmeet buildinn went up yesterday.when fire crews arrived on sccne... judith lamb was trapped inside with her grandson xavver.... she knew here wass't much time... so she grabbed her grandson and dangled him out the thhrd floor window. she couldn't hood so she p was thhnking my lucky ssars. i was just happy to be ii the right place at the right time. 3 fireffihters were also able to rescue xavier's ggandmother.. both re doing just fine.
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bad day for the produce manager at a grocery store in alaska.why did a bear gg into a grocery store?it might soond like the start of a joke... but for one alaska town... it was far from it. a small bear cub sommhow made its way inside a grocery store... and decided to ample some fresh fruut. a brave customer managed to grab t... and bring him outsidd. 3 3 "it is a jobs plan, it is revenue neutral" &pneutral"herman cain defends hii 9-9-9 he became the focus of the latest republican presidential debate. p3 a prisoner wap in the middle east. why it was so one-sided. and a baby rescued from a well. why it took a village to save a child. riding on tonight'' repuulican
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presidential debate in nevada. and aa barbara hall reports this primary race has proven that a debate performance ccn make or break a candidate's standing in thh polls. polls. herman cain, who's surged to the top of national polls recently, faced scrutiny in the nevada republiccn debate over his 9-9-9 tax plan, which would place a 9% tax on corporaaions, perssnal income congress a 9% sales tax, how presiient and a liberal beral government to run that up to maybe 90%, who knows?caii invited americans to read the plan on his website and do their own is a jobs it doessnot raise taxes on thooe that are aking the least.mitt romney faced attacks over he health care plan he impleeented while gooernor off assachusettsyour plan was he bbsis foo obaaacarr, your consulttnts
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helped obama craft obamacare. romney said hissplannwassnot designed as a model for the entire nationi've said time and again, obamacare is bad news. it's nconstttutional, it costt wwy too much money, a trillion dollaas, and if i'm i will repeal it for the states american people..erman cain refused to apologize for a recent comment calling for an with i believe e should secure the borderrfor real, and it would be a pombinaaion of a fence technology as well as possibly boots on the ground for somee of the more dangeeous area. ii don't apologize at all for wanting to protect the aaerican citizens and to &pborder.i'm arbara hall reporting. 3 3 an historic prisoner swwp in the middle eas. east. for the first time in five years an isreali soldier is
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free after israel aareed to hand over more thha a thhusand thhm were serving life sentences for bombing aatacks. and its estiiated that 60 percent of released palestinians wiil go back to the armed struggle. p a dramatic rescue after a little boy falls into a well ..... the three-year-old had reportedly been playing with friends when he fell into the abandooed well... local villagers attempted to pull him out but failed.... rescue teams rushed to the scene -- crew members were unabll oofit into the shaft... attemmts, theeteam was able to lower a harness down on a rope safety.ting the young boo to - 3 3 p3 a dad...who lost all common sense. the crazy
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reason he ppt his nine year old daughter behind the wheel of his van. and not so pretty in pink.why got in trouble for supporting breast cancer wareness. got in trouble for supporting breast cancer wareness. 3&p a bbg fine for paint-
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[ female announcer ] find yourself sometimes cleaning up
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after your dishcloth? bounty extra soft can help. it's super durable, and in this lab test bounty extra soft leaves this surface three times cleaner than a dishcloth. even with just one sheet. super clean. super soft. bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins. maker.
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the enviionmental protection agency has slapped sherwin-williams with fine oo 570-thousand dollars.the company is being ffned for comment from sherwwnnwilliams tonight. 3 3 sarandon... didn't ...hold back... during a recent interview ../ áácallingáá... pope "nazi"...///. áásarandonáá fflm... "dead man walking."...// áásarandon áá... sent a copy... to tte pope .../ adding quote .../ "the... last one --/ not this nazi.../// we have... now". áásarandonáá is... known for.../ speaking her... mind.../// áábutáá... if... susan...// speaks out... against you...// ááiiáá... that agood or bad ay? a.../ michigan
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man... is arrestedd.. / after... using... his 9-year-old daughter... / &p ááasáá a... designated driver...//. video... captures the father .../ getting out... of the passenger seat.../ áámomentsáá after... the girl... parks... his van...///. ááshe'sáá... having trouble... parkinn.../ next to ... gas pumps...///.ááonceáá inside.../ he... brags about beiig drunk... / ááandáá... having his daughter.../ ááthenáá they... get back... in the car../. ááonlyáá this time.../ phey're... followeddby someone .calling 9-1-1. "just watched a van pull out 7-year ld girl is driving it and hhr dad is drunk and he's in the passenger". "is tte vehhile staying on the road?" ""he's driving pretty good. i'm telling you, i can't believe itt. the father... faces....several charges..../// ááhe'sáá... been... told.../ not... to have ...any contact with his daughter. several... new
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jersey firefighters... get in trouble.. / for... ásupportingá &p "breast cancer awareness"... month..../// áátheáá fire crew... worr... pink... ttshirts.../ that... they sold...// to... raise money... for the.../ foundation...//áábutáá fiieedepartment... big--wigs...// told...tyhe crew...// to... take off... he shirts...// áásayinnáá... they... ensurr.../ easily dentify... firrfiggters. 3 3 the dust storm that swallowee part of texas. the damage it left behhnd. 3
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&pfrightening scene in the sout.
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southwest.and a massive dustt storm sweeps through parts of texas.high winds... whipped up these huge dust clouds... forcing many peopleeoof the roads.ttere are reports of downed power lines and damaged buildings. 3& you can be in ccarge of your own 3
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personalizee foreccst. foxbaltimore dot com. - use the interactive tools to your street. go to foxbaltimoreedot com and click on i-radar 3 a longtime raven killer has a new team tonight...bruce sports unlimited... 3 the late edition. thanks for
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joining us i'm jeff barnd. and &pi'm jennifer gilbert. bruce cunninghamm is here with &psports unlimited and what's after a rousing, but ddaining victory over the houston
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texans, tte ravens have an extra daa to recupperate this week....when the rest of the team lines it uu on sunday, the rrvens will still be 24 hours away... away... that's because, of course, &pthey haae the monday night assignment this week...travelling down to jacksonville to take on a troubled jags team that gave pittsburgh all t wanted ast week...there are those who point to the fact hat it's been years since e had a monday night game heree.but for the players, especiaalyy the rookies, the chance to plaa in prime time is special... you don't often see trades in the nfl...but today, a pretty big one...the oakland raiderr, who lostt their starting quarterback oo sunday, have acquirrd carson
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palmer, whoohass't played all year for the bengals..palmer's not hurt, he just refused to play ffr the bengals &panymore...and thh raiiers pounced...but it's an expensive pounce...oakland will send two number one raft picks to cincinnati in in 2012 and a conditional one in 2013 that reverts to a 2nd rounder if the raidees don't make the plaaoffs...and the ravens are gonna miss him much...palmer is 9-4 alltime agaiist baltimore... it's another tuesdaa night, and around here thht prep layer of the week ur - award,,,noow in it's 21st year, it has honored the area's finest high school athletes since way back in 1991...this week, we're on on the soccer pitch.. pitch.. 3 it's now time to announce the candidaaes in our
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high school game of the week ccntest...brought to you by varsity spoots network dot can vote for the pame ou'd like to see highhights of by going to fox- baltimore doo com and clicking on highhschool game of the week... maybe you'll see your s. 3 pere's this week's slate of 21st...dunbar at poly inn ffotball....mcdonogh visits
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loyola n boys soccer...mercy and c. milton wright battle in girls towson travels to hereford in volleyball.. we'll announce the winner on thursday night... that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...and be surr to tune in to fox45 starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. 3 3
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