tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 20, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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hello... im áájenniferrsáá - on assignmmnt...// ááhooseáá racing... in is... in jeopardy.../ áátheáá.../ maryland jockey club... and track owners .../ are... at odds... / on... the number ...of.../ áliveá.../ racing days.../ for... next yeaa... / parks,.,, says,,.,.../ could mean... o - preakness...///. kkren? the marylanddjockky club runs....pimiliio....lau profits are tied together.... the roblemmis not piiiico......the problem iss more than 10 million dollars a - 2007...... (nats)(53:177 3
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the jockey cluu says if some sort of agreement is not reaahed soon.... it coold meaa the end of preakness. kp foxx45 newssat ten. baltimore's... mayor.../ reacts...// to.../ a.... new study.../ áásayingáá... the... financial impact.../ of... the.../ baltimore ámuchá less.../ thhn... expected. said... the... race.../ would bring... 70-million dollars.../ to u-m-b-c... ssy.../ . the... áreaaá number .... -million../ ááthháá... p survey...// has...
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put.../ thee.. race''... impact... in he pits. we crrated ositive buzz for the city of baltimore all over the world there's not price taggthat can be put on that the... mayor said,,,.. there's... information... in thh report.../ to...make...// next years... event.../ bettee...///. áátheáá... city... releeses...// áitsá... studyy../ ááááá 13... year an.../ abandoned building.../ ááneighborsáá... say... it...// could havv.../ been.... stopped .../// áátakeáá... a... look at.../ the... fox 45.../ smartboard. smartboard. 3 the.../ rape....hhppened... in.../ east baltimore...///. áátheáá... into..///. into..///. this.../ abanddned building.../ p on...// north... carolinn street.../ by... an.../ armed maa../ man....//// ákeitháá daniels, .../ is.... in... east baltimore ...// ááwwereáá a.,.. communnty is,...// jeff...... suspect for the ggrlls rape...............but they say the city also has some explaining to do..... at issue tonight..... vacant properties liie this one..... one.....
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on north caroline there's a row of blighted houses... vacant properties amonn people's homes. say, for criminal activity. (ms. chung/neighors) "they go in there and shoot up.. they go in there andduse drugs.. drinking in there.." ...........residents, including shemika hill,..... (ms. hill/aunt) "we walk pass here, we running pass here because we scaree.." ............say they've bben complaining to tte city.. for monnhs....sking for crews to secure the vacant propeeties......particularly the one at 825 north caroline....(ms. hilllaunt) "and been telliig them, ever ............but the ccty's housing department says there's no recood of any complaints about this building....(portee) "ourr records show we were there in the building's front door - is cooered now........ut the home had a gappng hole where the front dooo used to be.... night poliie say, theemaa seen in this sketch, grabbed a dragggd her into the vacant rapeddthe child...........itts
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outrageddthe victim's family, including hill.. he giil's aunt.(hill) "it's suppose to vacaacy right here as boarded upp. it wouldn'ttno way in the wwrld this little girl would have got snatcced up n this builling..."(ms. porter) "i understanddtheii concerns. we are outraged.. aad we're trying to do our best to make sure that we secure these vacant and blighted propertiis &pfor public safety.." at one time the city owned this propeety.. but sold ittto a private company in late june. meantimee they say if you areereporting an unsscure vacantt roperty.. you have to caal 3-1-1. that generates a report. live in east baltimore, &pten. p... fire... broke out a vacant apartment .... tonite....///.áájustáá before 6... n garrison boulevard.../áábetweenáá park heights... ...pimlico road.../.ááflamesáá spread... to... one other buildiig..../áánoáá one... as hurt.
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the.../ deeth.... of... a.../ loyola graduate.../ the... garbage ../ - chute.../ of.... an.../ apartment building.../ similar death.../ last eaa... / /áátheáá body... of.../ 23-year- hauze... was fouud .../ sunday... / in... a dumpster .../ at... the... "park charles"... building.../ &pdownnown....//áálastáá year... / the... bodyyof.../ "harsh.../ kumaa"... was found a &pdumpster.../ at... theebuilding...//-áábutáá took sleepiig.../ drugs.../ 3&proseeutors... may... ssek...// the... death peealty.../ against... a man .../ suspeeted .../ in... the murder.../ curtis... lopez.../ is... fatally stabbing.../ jane... mc-quain.../ home .../ last week..../// ááheráá... was found... tuesday...// in... ccarksburg...// áápoliceáá...// are... lmost... certain...// it's...william.../ mc-quain...// áásevvraláá... of... william's... teammates... / crime scene.... áá ... - leavingáá flowerr... and a football. &pp "i'm broken, broken. this is breaking mm kids, my kidd have done nothing but cry. i took them ut of school early tooay." today.""william was, he was just a free spirit, he would po anything. he was just
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happy."police... have... video.../ romm.. octobbe first.../ ááshowingáá william... with lopez.. / far... rom where ...the bodyy .../ wass ound. ew... pevelopments.../ in... the towing scandal.../ involving... aa.. dozen.../ city... police officees. officcrs.owwers.../ of... the majestic... autoo repair shoo .../ in rosedale..../ for.../ ing - referrals...//.áátwoáá &p officcrs... face...// conspiracy... and extortion.../ ááprosecutorsáá... say.../ os-valdo... ...jerry diggs.../ &páásteeredáá pusiness... to the shop.../ for... kickbacks....////áábotháá... have...court next week. áááoliceáá links... the man.../ charged ...with killing... his... áá42áá-/ year-old.../ is... .chhrged.../ áámyrandaáá... stephens...// saas.../// áád-n-aáá... founn... n a knife.../ connects him .../ to.... the.../ killlig...///. áámyrandaáá that's right,,jeff.for five months, peopleeliving in one ggithersburg community have a 12-year-old girl? and now l - police say they have evidence phht it waa the girl's own step 42--ear-old david ang is
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charged with murderinn hhs 12-year-old tep-daughter in her own home. sot wwneighbor the murder happened back ii may inside this gaithersburr townhooe. poliie say haagg stabbed his step-daughter - jjssica (new-en) more than 40-times....and thhn left her body on the floor oo a basement bedroom. invessigators say hang killed with her mother.... wwo he married through an arranged marriage... but shh wouldn't &pgrann him a divorce. police arresttd hang at this apartment complex in gaithersburg where he was living with a new wife. sot w/neighborprosecutors say hang hadn't lived in the other home for five years... bbt still had a key. they bbeieve he left a knife's sheath with his d-n-a on it. prints from the murder scene in courr ....hang sobbed... proccaiming his innocenneehe's charged with first-degree murder... and being held
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wwthout bond. myranda stephens, fox45 nnws at ten. 3&a.../ fight.../ breaks ut.../ at... the... "occupy baltimore" protest,..// áásendingááá a....ppegnant woman the hospital...//.ááitáá... when.../ by... another word... on what.../ started the fight.. /// ohio... police...// are.... hunting.../another.. wild animal.../ ááafteráá...// dangerous... creaturrs.../// escaped... from.../ last night. nearly.../ all... 56.../ exotic killed... by.../ monkey...// is... the only animal.../ still at large.../. áátheáá owner was... found.../ - dead.../ áápoliceáá say..// he... prleased theecreatures...// from... their pens.../ last night,...// ááthenáá... shot himself.../// áánearbbáá sccooos... were cancelled.../ and... residents.../ weree.. "i'm soory whht happened to the animals, i want people to understand myyheart aches from aches for these people that so coold have lost heir liies" livvs" authorities... say... the monkey.../ should... be shot .../ áábecauueáá... it... could be ...carrying a disease...///. wwt and dreary day today áábutáá... things re picking up/...// ááhere'sáá chief meteorlogist vytas reid wiih
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[ female announcer ] find yourself sometimes cleaning up after your dishcloth? bounty extra soft can help. it's super durable, and in this lab test bounty extra soft leaves this surface three times cleaner than a dishcloth. even with just one sheet. super clean. super soft. bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins. baltimoor county... man.../ they say.../
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had... sex... witt at least.../ two minors. roeder...// says...// there... coold be... more v. 3 3&22-year-old brandon sukefortt.... is facing several charges for sexual pffenses... including policitaaion.police say he went online... usinn facebbok and hat rooms... to meet underagg boys...tten enggged in sexual relations with them. one victim's mother bbcame suspicious and called police.... who egan investigating.02:30:40 "that investigation not only confirred the sexual accivity with this victim, but also revealed that this suspect had been havvng sexual activity old."the victims are 14 and 3 sukeforth allegedlyylied to y pow... policc fear ttere coull be more young boys... at risk...02:31:05 "we are concerned that here could be case,. pollie re asking please contact us."tion,,, the victims are both frrm
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baltimore county. but sukeforth ives in severn.... where neighbors along his home on quarterfield road.... say theyyre shocked to learn of his arrest.michelle niikeeson: 02:39:36 "it akes anybody uneasy... cautious with our own children."meantime... aae urggng parents to talk with their teens... especially iffthere's any reason to suspect innppropriaae online contact.02:34:36 "this case is a good wake-up call... just being invovled with your children."melinda roeder... fox 45 news aa ten. a.../ ppeviously... &pconvicted.../ child... sex offenner.../ is... sentenceddto.../ 10--years. 3 47... yearrold.../ vinceet... corner.../ will... spend... ten years.../ &p for... child porr.../// ááheáá... was... convicted.... in... '99.../ of... a ex offense.../ for... abusing a child.../. áápoliceáá... files.../ n... his.../ p--c...// jury deliberatons.../ underwwy .../
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in... the murder triil... of a convicted.../ sex offender..../ ááronáá'' winkler.../ is... accused... of killinn... ky--una jackksn.../ whose body... was ound .../ in ... "herring run" ááwinkleráá...// already... pled... guilty.../ to... a frederick mmrder.... in... 2009.../ ááandáá... did... time.../ for ... raping.../ 70-ttousand.... -p& prrtesters.../ tookk.. to the streetss.../ in... greece measures... / ááparalysingáá... the country...// ááthoseáá violent protesters.../// &p throoing rocks .../ and... molitov cocktails.../ at police...///.áápoliccáá.../ fighting áágreeceáá is hopingg../ for... an.../ 11 billion dollar... aid ppckage../// . áábutáá... to... get it.../ áátheáá.../ peees... to make.../ deep cuts carney says: a"aá"i don't guys have been at this forr almost 2 years aad we know the constraints. either they put a whole lot more money behindd these bailouts or bondholders lose a whole lot of money and nobody in europe wants to conffont either of those." those."the vote.../ takes place... tomorrow. governor ... wants... state lawmakers .../
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options.../ to... create mooe jobs...//. jobs...//.áábutáá one... lawmaker .../ plans... to introduce... meassures...// requiring.../ all workers .../ hired... for... conttuction projects.../ financed... by the state.../ ááto.áá../ be... / pegal... citizens. (mcdonnugh) "we have tough times, we have people unemployed, we need these jobs, maryland citiiens need these jobs, not illegal aliens." aliens."the bill...// requiies... job aaplicants.../ be reviewed... by the... "ee verify".../ system...//.áátoáá... ensure... their.../ legal status.../// here's... our... question of he day. ááshouldáá all workers ...hired...// for ...state construction legals? áátherr'sáá some very lively debate...// going on..../ on our... facebook page tonite...// áácheckáá it out...and join the a.../ plan... / to.../ re-draw.../// maryland's... 8.../ congressiooal districts.../ is.../ oneestep closer .../ to....becoming law.áábutáá... aa... john rydell reports.... áánotáá... without a fight.../ by... republicans... republicans... "oneedistrict starts at the state's western most boundary and weeps down near the border with d.c." republicans made one last attempt tt re-draw maryland's eiggt
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congressiooaa districts. submitted by governor o'malleyy but supporters say it rrflects the geowing (jones) "it was done very a. &pwas done within the letter of the law within theevoting rights act."buttcritics say the map is deliberateey altered... to reduce the number of houue justtone. a move they fear wiil oust incumbbnt repuulican roscoe bartlett..thers county...wound up in thh first carroll county have in commonn with ocean city? and they''e poing to be represented by he same person."but supporters...say the new districtswill withstand any (ddmais) "there is no ge. - constitutional requirement requirement that the map be pretty."(rydell) "and having survivee without any changes, the governor's redistrcting map ill soon be signed nto law as opponents now weigh their opttons for aapossible legal challenge."(krebbs) "well i think it is worthy of a legal challenge from the voting rights act."a
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annapolis, john ryddll, fox 45 news at tee. the... ennte... still needs... to approve.../ some... inor changes the map....//áátheáá... re--distrcting bill.../ is... expected to be signed... into law... tomorrow. the.../ state... departtent of health .../ of... synthetic drrgss.. / áthatáá mimii... cocaine's effects...// effectss..// ááthháá... mmasure... adds... "bath salts".../ to.../ the... "controlled substances"... say.../ they... can drug.../ ttey... - poming up...this cow...on the run...on road...hoowit almost got away...latee on te news at ten later on fox45 news at ten 3 3
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number of people ...killed by .../ ttinted is... on the rise..../// p áátheáá... tte... listeria outbreak.../ has... ánooá... killed.../ 25 people....// áátheáá deaths ....// are... probably... caused by .../ hard-to-clean...//// p packing equipment.../ at... a colorado farm..../// áá123áá people... in... 26 states...// including maryland...// have ...//// ááthiiáá is... the deadliest.../ &p food-borne ...// outbreak.../ since 1198. the amounn... of... facebook friends.../ may... revval.../ a... lot... bbain british...
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...the brains... of 125 coolege.../ facebook users...//. áásciennistsáá compared ...their brain size.../ with... the number...// facebook.../ áátheááá the most 'friends'.../ had... larger areas of the brain.../ used... in memory... and eeotional áádoctorsáá... say...// this... ddesn't ppove.... the number... of frieeds... someone has.../ affectt... brain size. nnthing... was moving in rhode island thhs mor. morning. thiss... big... rown cow... uuderly stopped raffic on a bridge.../.it was beinn takkn to a slaughterhouse....//seems and escaped...//.the cow áthoughtá it made it to greener pastures... / by escaping to ... nearby escape the grim reaper...//. police had to put it down... because it was injured. 3 3 the ravens ggt an extra day to prepare the jacksonville jaguars...bruce cunningham has in sports unlimited. that's all for ffx45 news at
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riley, who spent the 2000 squad toniggt...he'll beejooning rex ryyn in new york..the jets signed rillyyoff the denver practice squad...thhy have depth problems at wideout after trading derrickkmason... so youuhave an ex-raven replacing another ex-raven on a eam coached by an ex-ravens that what you will
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to the college raady edsall says cj brown will remain his ssarting quarterback this week against florida stateehis after brown rushed for 162 yards in last week's near upset of clemson...that's a maryland record for a quarterback...andd it also means danny o''rien, last year's acc rookie of the year, ill emain on the games in a row priorrto being pulled two weeks go aaainst georgia tech it's now time to announce the candidates in our high school game of the week contest... brought to you by varsity sports network dot like to see highlights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com game of the week.... aybe l - school... 33 here's this week's slate of &ga &p22st...dunbaa at poly in foooball....mcdonogh visits loyolaainnboys soccee...mercy ann c. milton wright battle in girls soccer....anddtowson travels to hereford in volleyball.. we'll announce the winner on thhrsday night... that's all for this edition of ssorts unlimited...and be
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