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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  October 21, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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police say.../ for... the man.../ who.../ killed... a.../ lansdowne... teen.../ with... an aa. axx. larry horton talking with the victim's 3 pregnant fiancee... janice? janiie?jasmine mills is set to mooent....and now she has to go to her fiancee's funeral uu she doesn't know much abbut larry hooton...but says that ryan jackson knows horton very well tthough his best friend. and says the gruesome murder could have beee over money. money. and we've also learned ttat
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horton was released from jail just a few days before the for a probation violation from an assault case in 2009.janiie park fox45 news at tee. aa... convicted killer's...// trial.../ for .. áanotherá... murder.../// ááendsáá in... a mistrial. ronnie winkler.../ is... accuued of killing.../ 19-year- old.../ ky--una... / jacksonn.../ ááwhoseáá body... was found "herring ruu"... park../ in... 2008...//.ááwinkler'sáá already... doing time...// for... killing... his nephew''.../ girlfriend... //// áásha-near-aáá boone...///ááheeáá... body... was found.../// in... frederick.../ 3-years ... juror.../ googled...// winklers past..criminalrecord / áácausingáá.../ the... mistrial. a.../ baltimore... county.... jury.....// convicts... a man.../ of... killing...// 16-year -old.../ rochelle battle.../// áásheáá... left... her home.../ 22-years ago...// to....go.../ shopping.../ áábuttá was... never seen.../ again...//// áájasonáá... gross... was convicted....// of... killing her...////. ááthisáá is... the... second
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...""o bodd"... murder casee../ baltimore faced...// in... two years....///áálastáá year...// guilty.../ of... - killing... his ááwho'sáá... body... was... never... recovered. baltimore city police.. and school police are act... n chool property. the video went iral on the internet. kathleen cairns ttlls us the people ressonsible.. could face child pornography charges..- school
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administraaors issued a statement... which says the alleged incident occurred after sccool oors on property operated by city schools for &p here's our question of the
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day...shhuld the person who posted the sexually graphic with child pornography?arged pornography?herees a look at our facebook page.a lot of yoo had something to say about &pthis generated nearl 200 responses.tell us what you think... by goonn to uu facebook page...facebook dot com slaah fox-baltimore a... baltimore family.../ remembers.../ a... teennger .../ shot... while playing baskeeball..../// 10--years... ago...// áátonightáá../ still... no arrest....// arrest....// áákeitháá daniels.../, live.../ ii... northeast baltimore.../ for... a candlelight vvgil.../ on... .... somber anniversary .../ keith. keith. 3 news at en.daniees, fox 45 news at ttn. -3 new ...
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surveillance video.../ ties.../ an... eleven year-old... montgomery county boy.../ with... his.../ sussected killer.../. pámyrandaáá stephens ...// has more on what police.../ the.../ 3
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police are still trying to determiie where and how the young boy died. lopez is now in cussody in norrh carolina. celebration.../ in... libya tonight.../ death... of... moammar gadhafi. gadhafi.. this.../ is... video... showing.../ gadhafi.../ alive,.../ ááshortlyáá... before... he was killed.../. ááit'sáá... unclear... exaatlyá... how... he died...// áábutáá... p it's... ábelievedá... he... died.../ at... the hands ...of.../ rebel fighters.../ near.../ phis... hometown.../ of... serte. we are reminded of all hose americans that we lost at the hand of gadhafi's terror. &ptheir families and frrends ar in our thoughts and in our a... senior... nato official ays.../ nato.../ could decide... iihin days .../ when to end ...its libyynn mission...// beautiful october night weathere weatherwise will our uck hold out for the weekend? here's chief meteorlogist vytas reid with the skywatch fot forecast 3 3
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later on fox45 news at ten... on ccmera...there was a baby - young boy is doing tonight &p (alexander) "it has a very chilling effect on women and on ictims in pprticular, a pregnant woman... punched..a report of a sexual assault... how ásafeá are the occupy protests... for the prottsters 33 a maryland teen accused of karen parks and i'll tell you he targets.....coming up.... a howard countt
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teen has been indicted on charges e helped a terror suspect to try to kill a swedish artist..... karen parks joins us now and says it was part of a violent conspiracy plot to kill overseas.....karen? karen? federal authoriiies say mohammad hassan khalid conspired with colleen larrse also known as jihad jane ii the plot... khalid has been in custody since his july arrest at his family's elllcott ciiy home.... federal investigators say he others to provide material support......resourcess....nn personnel to a plot to kill overseas..... the indictment charges he also helped recruit
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womee with passports...... maryland congressman dutch ruppersberger who is a ranking membbr of the house select commitee onnintelligence //take sot// a 17 yeer old when he started to work with johad jane and we have to be concerned with this type of individual in the future because that's who alqaidaas now recruitting in &pthe united states.... 3& khalid....a legal immigrant froo pakistan faces 15 years deported if convicted... the occupy wall street movementccntinues to make its presence known n cities but as john rydellltells us... questions are now being raised members...
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tonight the demonstrators say they have no plans of ending their rotest. a coalition of broadcasters and business leaders comes up with a plan they believe will save free tel. television. congress.../ is... considering.../ to.,.. raise /- reveeue .../ for... the.../ governmenn... /// more... make.../- frequencies.../ avaiiable.../ for... cell phhne.../ companies. that.../ ácouldá... eliminate... free.../ "over the air"... television...//. áátheáá... coalition.../ áourá... pareet company... / sinclair... broadcast group... / p met... in washington
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today...// áátoáá... introduce... a.../ plan.../ allowing... cell companies.../ to... áshareá... spectrum.../ with.../ t--v... broadcasterss.../// áábroadcastersáá... say.../ if... cell companiee.../ were... allowed to buy.../ t--v... airwaves.../ páitáá could... ádestroyá... up... to.../ 4000-- stttions.../ nationwide...// 5:59:08 consumers havv so much to lose. once that is gooe it's gone forever. the american public can never get that opportunityy ack. back. broadcasters .../ say... their plan.../ could create.../ billions... of dollars... ámoreá.../ than... the government's.../ plan.../ congress.../ &p of...couuse...// wwether... that auction...// áájoeláá... d..,.. smith.../ tells us.../ what's... at sttke...// on... capitol hill. hill.
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learn.../ more about this issue.. / at.../ foxbaltimore dot ccm.../ áálookáá.... or... "save... local t-v".../ on... our... "hot topics".../ banner....// ááyou'lláá.../ et... n.. you... can... tell them .../ what you think.... abouu ...taking... spectrum... away.../ from.../ t--v.../ broadcasters. &pfrightennng moments for anyone......especially a young is doing tonight w her child 3
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3 3 3 the trial of doctor conrad .
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murray...why one expert says... michael jaccssn could not have given himself a fatall dose of a sleeping drug ...a car... smaahee through a wall... righttinto a stroller.. find out how the child is doing tonight 3 3
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down its case against conrad murray... the doctor aacused in michael jackson death. today a drug expert continued his testimony. doctor steve shafer said there's no caused his own deathhby swallowing roppool. 3 "and in that report, did michael jackson may have orally consumed propofol causing his death?" "yes, e did." "what was your reaction &pto that?" "i wwssdisappointed
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bbcause it's not possible." 3 the defense is expected to should lass about a week.t - the protests continued on the streets of athens....but it didn't stop greek lawmakers from passing a very unpopular to the violent protests in the first plaae. the new measures include pay and staff cuts in the civil serviceas well as pension cuus nd tax hikes for all greeks. the vote came after demonsttations thht left one ersondead and 74 injured. sydney australia../. ááaáá car... crasses into a store .../ . áásendingáá... a... babyy.. flying.../// the.../ crash... caught oo surveillence video.../ shows...// a.... 15-month-old baby.../ stroller....// struck... by the car ...///. áátheáá child's mother -- / reacts... in horror ..../ áátheáá... baby...// was ánotá...hurt...// ááthereáá... were... no other... injuries.../// ...what caused... the craah. and three leopardd are the s -
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only aaimals to survive after from an ohio farm wednesday.r wednnsday.the six surviving animals have been taken to the columbus zoo.62-yearrold terry thompsonnunleashed more thhn 50 eeotic animals before committing suucide. investigators still don't know why thompson let the animals loose... ...but court records show thompson owed at least 68-thousand dollars in income and ppoperty taxes.. animmls. the missing monkey is believed to have been eatennby one of the big cats. 3 3 lee evvns... hasn't played in a month.../jimmy smith... has been out... since... week one...///find out... who's closer to in sports unlimited...
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3 i'm jeff barndand i'm jjnnifer gilbertsports director bruce cunningham joins us with sports unlimited... bruce as the ravens head into the
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crucial months of ovember and pecember, they till have yett to put their proposed stareting team on the fieldd.. and yet, they find themselves at 4-1 and in first place in the afc north... north... and ii looks as if weell go anooher week without the ravens' top deep threat...lle pvans did not pprticipate in practice again today due to his troublesomeeankle....ut he did tell aaron wilson of the carroll county times that he expects to be back at some point this season...but apparently, no time soon.... .here's a look at the rest of the early injury report... running back anthony allen and linebacker dannell ellerbe and jarret johnson sat out bbs - practiceetoday...and rookie cornerback jimmy smith saw liimited time on today...he against pittsburgh... ii's another thursday night, and this time of year, that means another edition f the coors light silver spotlight, where we meet up with a raven at one of the aree's finer niiht spots...this week we're &pin fells point with a ravvns . rrokie.... 3
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