tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 22, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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buildingnow, police are investigating another death... the hospital for the priminally insane hello, i'm karen parks pooice... rushed... to the...// clifton t perkins... hospital in jessup.. tonite...// ááafteráá reports.../ that... an inmate.../ has did diedjanice park has beee all night......janice...what's happening there now... noo... statt police say vatali davydov killed his oommate heeeeinside their room at this maximum security hospital. hospital. now davydov ii from admitted to killing his prominent psychiatrist with his fists. the psychiatrist was assoc dir of the national state police are investigating perkins hospital roommate. this is a place where criminals come instead of jail if they ve been deemed mentally insane. pollceesay
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they have nn motive and are only ssying the victim had truamaato the body. we re told arundel county and had killed his mother sst prelin invest shows the two were roommates a nurre checked on them 30 min before. 30 min later he cameeout of theeroom to finddthe victim assaulted 3 state police says crime scene techsswill be here all tonight. and davydov will be charged with first and econd degree murrer. live in jessup ttis is the scond murder in just over a year at clifton per.
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perkins....susan sachs...a patient t the hospital was found dead in her bed in september of last yearsaladin there... was charged in her death.taylor and sachs were were placed at perkins after they were found not criminally responsible... 3 there is more breaking news tonnght... in west baltimore. a man as shot on the street just ooer 3 hours ago. it happened along oodbrookk avenue. police quickly surrounded tte area and called to the scene. en ii was a crime that shockee residents of charles village, and beyooda johns hopkins researcherr..was faaally stabbed last year...while walking home late t night. walking oday...the man convicte killing stephen 35-year old jjhn wagner...has been sentenced to 20-years in prision.pitcairn was killed...while alkingto his mother on his cellphone. &pphose wwo live...and work in charles village...are still haunted by pitcairn's murder. (ricci) ""cause he's just a
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regular guy just trying to get by in his everyday life, enjoy his life anddthen someone comes along for what reason, what was the pprpose, what did it do."//take vo//wagner's merritt....lead guulty to her role in the robbery...of pitcairn.she'll be sentenced.. november 7th. 3 prosecutors sayit.../ wwss.. the idea...// of a... engeful ááthatáá...// ended...// in... murder..../// áátheáá... trial... for onn... of the in... the plot.../ - beggn today. today. walter bishop is the man accuseddof gunning down towwon business owner ray porter after being paid by porter's wife - karla to pull tte trigger.bishop has been charged with first degree murder for allegedly shooting ray porter on the morning of march 1st 2010 inside this that porter ownedd,prosecutoos today told jurors at the harford county courthouse that bbshop shot porter after karla porter paid him a the money...part f a murder
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for hire scheme hatched byy karla porter...has lead to but prosecutors today focused on bishop. telling jurors that he referree to himself as sck - or stone cold killer. how he took the grisly job with exxectations of a $10,000 bountythe deeenss argued bishop - who has no prior cimrinal record - was simply a pawn in a family feud that with or wiihout him . if - bishop is convicttd of 1st degree murder prosecutors could seek tte death penaaty. two people were killed in a car crash late last night in fells point. pointta car coolided with an s-u-v at the intersection f south broadway and east bank street.a 23-year-old driver and an 18-year-old passenger were prounounced dead at johns hopkins.police eliive ooeeof the cars wassspeeding... and they're iivestigating whether it weet thhough a red light. president ... obama ...// declares... an end.../ to... the war... in iraq-- // áássyingáá... all... u.s troops.../
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will... be hhme.../ by... year's end.... end....after.../ months... of... tense iraq's..., leaders...// ááthháá president says.../ the... iraqi... prime minister.../ agreed ... on.../ total... withdrawal....///ááthháá announcement.../ comes... nearly .../ 9---years... afttr .../ began..../// ááformallyáá... ending... a war .../ thatts... claimed.../ nearly .../ 45--hundred... american lives. 3 obama: "here at home, the season of homecoomngs. across america , our service men and women will be rrunited withh theii families. today, i can say that our troops in iraq will definitely be home for the holidays." 3 phe president.../ is... planning to withdraw... u.s. troops... prom afghanistan,.../ ááwhiccáá he... hopes.../ to... complete../ áádoáá... yyu aggeee.. with the presiient's plan.../ to... withdraw.../ troopss...from iraq.../ this... year? ááaáá... lot...of you.../ are... responning..// áájoináá... in...// at... faccbook dot com .../ ááandáá click
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on... the... "insiie fox45" tab.../ to... comment. the.../ first president... barack obama.../ jobs plln... fs fails since.../ his... half trillion pollar plan.../ was... shot downn../// ááobamaáá... promiied... to... break it up. ../ and... send it... to lawmakers... in parts....//ááthháá senate killee a plan... o send $35 billion dollars.... to states... / to hire teachers... and first esponders..../ááitáá would... have been paid for.../ bb... a new tax... on milllonairrs. mcconnell says: "this is a &pproposal to raise taxes on order to send money down to states soothat they don't have to lay off state employees." employees." ... ásmallá decline... in... first time....jobless &pcllims... this week.../áádowná 6-thousand.../ to.../ 403- thoosand 3 republicans criticize vice president biden for his claim that rapes and murders willl climb if coogrees does not
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approve proposed aid for police and first responders..... responders..... reporter: do you regret using a rape reference to describe republican president's jobs bill? biden: i didn't use it. no no no. what i said. let's get it traight guy, on't screw arounddwith me. rape reference?me. reporter: i'm listening. three times in flint. they re the numbers. go ook at the numbers. and what i said. republicans don't pass this bill then rape wwll continue to rise?bidee: murder will will continue to rise. all crimes will ontinuee to rise. it's appropriate for the vice president to use that kind of language..we gotta go) 3 biden claims that the nuuber of biden claims that the number of mmrders and rapes soared in flint of the most violent cities in police officers dropped.... it may be a blue christmas this year.....for harrisburg
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pennsylvania.... city officiaas say.....santa claus won't be coming to townnthis least not to its annual holiday parade which may be cancelled due to lack of funds.... the parade needed abbut twenty five thousand dollars in financiall fallen short... the city's traaitional fireworks on new year's evv are also at risk.....a final decision is expecced in a few weeks... in frederick was a night to celebrate a special classmate... kevin schombert was crowned homecoming king at urbana high &pschool..... his school vote and he won by a senior who's made his parents very proud....// 3&this student booy has been uubelievable with kevin...really accepttng him and bringing him into everything that they do....and that's been the moot a parent with a special needs child...its been really cool see...i am very pumped today...very umped. pumped. his parents say.....kevin comes home every
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parents asking a lot of questions. sot - habanek says: "... i think it's pretty sad when people feel comfortable type of a transaction." this - transaction."also ahead...what this woman was doing... while her toddler stood right next to hhr he just kept continuing tt have that positive attitude." but next...herman cain... charging aheaddin the pollsthe liff-changing health problem today... after the breakkow - 3
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show.../// a... new.../ showdown.../ for... the republican nomination..//áábetweenáá... former... massachusetts governor mitt romnny../....and.../ cainnn.../ n cain average ...oo... recent polls.../ showw cain ...with a ásliggtá pdge.../ over romney... / ááaboutáá... half... a point ahead....// áá3áá polls... áá2áá have,... cain ahead...///.ááoneáá átiedá...///áátexasáá governor ...rick perry.../ áwayá... behiid .../ áágenerallyáá... polling.../ in... the teens mitt romney... will be getting.../ man.../former governor... robert ehrlich...//.ááheáá has... sigged up... to lead... romney's... campaign.../ in maryland....///áámoneyáá raised... in maryland.../ is... expected help romney.../ in other states we now hermain cain is quite a character......and was the cce-o of godfather's pizza.but after hii increeible rise in the polls......many people
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howell takes s o herman cain's hometown hometown --rrporter pkg-as foolows --if you didn't know hermaa cain you probbbly know him now. t, the former ceo of godfather's pizza.. now gop front runner. natsknown for eing a comment about protesters on is wall street. "don't blame wall streee. don'ttblame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself!" "let me just ssy this, i know where herman cain was born and where he was raised. which as in public political views are quite to the contrary of his ffiend and fellow church member joe beesley. an atlanta activist "occupy" mmvement who believes more should be dooe to "help" the poor. despite their differences... "we're going to still be friends."beasely says he's keeping an open mind - there may still be somee commonnground..."if in fact he can satisfy, not just necessarily for me, but people
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that think like me, then?cain has taken issue with thh &pnotion that running as a conservative ill cost him african american voters - "many african aaericans have been brainwashed into not being open minded. not even considering a conservative point f view."its a question" - even in his own atlanta church. church leaders never commmnt about their longtime &pmember. reverend gerald durley of a nearby atlanta &chu out. "i think they see him as someone who is carrying bbnner for a party that is not "from polling thaa i've seen, - i have reason to believe that herman can take, not a sizable slice of the african american vvte, no republican is going to do that. but perhaps a sizable amount."pollster and friend matt towery belieees cain cculd take up to 10% of the african americannvote, along with his big base of support through the tea party. natstowerr believes he business man, and then radio talk show host ecame mmre confident about his political calling, after surviving coloo cancer. "i saw a big change in herman cain after that took place and he tooo to the airwavvs and he started
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talking about running for president. and then he got into this presidentiaa race. ann he jjst kept continuing to have that positive attitude." experrs attcain's almaamater, morehouse college, are really think that the majority of the african american community is going to examine policies.""herman cane's &pfriends tell us they respect his accomplishmeets. now -- they're waiting to see whether the differenceesthat resonate in his hometown - will make a stage. george howell. cnn cnn.script 3 next on the late governmeet loan to an electric
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elderly people in howard county county scammers are trying to take advantage of saying theii trouble... and need their help. one resident sent nearly 3-thousand ddllars to the dominican republic... after being convinced that their grandson was in trouble... áin canadaá iq: we had been hearinn about itoq: we've heard of in howard county 3 county thereeis some
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advice iffyou ggt onn of these calls...ask the caller a question ttat would be hard for an imposter to answer. a relative to verify the story storyádo nooá seed any money untii you are sure the relative is in trouble troubleand report any suspicious calls to consumer affairs 3 here's.../ something... that'll.../ make you mad...// mad...// the...//'t...// gavee.. a.../ 550--million dollar... loann../ to... a... company .../ building.../ electric cars.../// ááwhicháá... will... ááináá finland....// ááyepáá... the... company's...// in... finland...// ááwithhá...// nearly... 10--%... unemployment...// figures...// facing... áthisá... country...// &p ááit'sáá nice... to know...// the...u-s... dollar...// won't... help...// the... u-s...// unemployment...// debacle &p common sense... says.../ challenging your daughter... to a medieval deul.../ is... bad paren. parenting. an.../ olympia,... ashington man... and his wife.../ are... in jail.../ ááafteráá punishinn their... 16 year making her... sword fight.../ for... two hours..../ áásheáá... fouuht...
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unttl she collapsed... from exhaustion.../. áátheáá parents... saidd../ they thought ...sixteen.../ was....old enough.../ to... start... sword fighting...// lingerie football...// has... caught on...// nationwide...// áábutáá... the...lingerie... football eague...// is... now... looking...// for... a... few... good...// kids....// ááináá... seattle...// the.../ l-----l...// is... ptarting...// girl's... lingeriee.. football team.../ ááleagueáá... officials...// say...// the...future.../ of.. the game.../ is... directty tied.../ into... the.../ future.../ lingerie...// athlete..../// ááthereááá..// are... 2... scientific words...// too..describe...// league officials...// pirls...// ááwhat'sáá are... thosae... words again? ááoháá... yeah...// sick...// 3 but next...the illlgal thing this woman was apparently next to her...after the reakt 3
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are... some things.../ you... should... not briig.../ with you ...too a... drug deal.../áálikeáá... your toddler...//// toddler...//// look at ttis...///.ááitsáá video... shot by ...police in wisconsin...///. ááallisonáá... kircher... doesn't realize... she's... selling drugs.../ ...police...//// áásheáá &p hands... an agent.../ on... the... other siie of the truck.../ a.../ 5-hour... energyybottle.../ with... methadone ...and heroine.../ rolled... in... foil...////. áá
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theáá whole time... / her... son... pllys with a stick.../ outside the vehicle.kircher... is... charged ...with.../ 6... offenses, .../ including... one count .../ of... using aa child.../ to manufacture ...and... deliver drugs. 3 3 3 p and once hit by injuries... the ravens secondary getting good news today on the injury front. which cooners areeback on the practice field...and who's out
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adsit is here with sports unlimitee 3 what have the ravens always been nownnfor???their defense. what is this ravens deeense best at doing???you know it, ssopping the run. &prun.the ravens have not let a running back rack up 100 yards or more since last season. courtesy arian foser n december of 2010..week one against pittsburgh rashard mendenhall held to 45 yards. week two loss at tennessee... chris johnson st. louis... cadallic williams and steven jackson a combined 98 yards.tte entire jets offense... 38 yards on the ground.and this eason pouston's foster held to 9.. come monday night at &pjaakkonville the ravens &psticking to the same game plan... stop the run.there's catch though... ravens gets maurice jones-drew... the best back they've een this season... he's third in the league in rushing. the league. this guys s a in- tackle breaker makessyou
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playing the game how the game is supposed to be played. he plays the game very hard, runs the ball hard. and what youu see on film more than anything is he makes guys miss. 3 injuries still a factor for the ravens...lee evans, ben grubbs and tom zbbkowski did not participate today..chris carr's the big participation todaa... the first time since his week one ankle sprain.there's a chance we could see him mondayynight. 3 &pwe know the raiders gave up a number one pick next year.... - could become a first rounder if the raiddrs make the playoffssthissseason....but will oakland start palmer?the former bengals q-b was supposed to start when the raiderr face the chiefs...welll now reports in oakland sayy he's not readyyafter 3 that means ladiee and gentlemen... we might havv a kyye bolllr raven has been on oakland's bench. but actually saw he field last week when jason
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campbell went down.... going 8-of-14 for 100 yards..raiders paying it's a gaae time decision. being about the bats as ries - predicted...cardinals-rangers all about the arms. arms..o far the rangers look to be the best team thanks to the bullpen.last night texas tied the series at one game apiece in st. louis...osh 9th.... sack fly...that ties the game...tte rangers went on to win: three tomorrow night... 7:30... only on fox 45. the mess continues in manager and now g-mtheo a ep-steen reeigned tonight to become president of baseball operations for the cubs.. that's it for sports unlimited. i'm morgan adsit.thanks for watching, have a great night.
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