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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  October 25, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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jeff barnd is off tonight motoristt in anne arundel over a oad, which they rns - pnsist, is too dangerous to dri. prive....a teenage girl is the latest crash victim to dde along mountain road in ppsadena pasadenathats where melinda roeder is tonight......where drivers and lawmakers are trying to figure out how to make the road safer. safer.rq: accidents baltimooe city enn- 3 police are invesitgating a
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murder in north baltimore found... beaten in her home.... on east 41st street... juss
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off of theealemeda.policc are still invvstigattng police in harford county are searching tonight for a man pho ttemmted to idnnp a 14 year old boy this morning. morning. it happened of saint clair drive and cardinal way in abingdon &ppolice say the teenager was walkiing to the bus stop this black van pulled up....and threatened harm, if he didn't pet inside the vehicle. investigators say the boy ran home and told his parents what happened.... po if you see something suspicious a suspiciouss perssn, vehicle, don't hesistate call the local law enforcement to let them know that this s something out of c. characcer.police are looking for a lack, commercial-style pork van...with very few windows. jury selection began today in of murdering herrco-worker in .prosecutors say brittany norwood beat jayna murray to deett insideethh lululemon athletica shop bbck in maach. thhm the two were attacked by
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masked men. noowood could get life without parole if she's convicced of first--eggee murder. loved ones are remembering a and killed outside his home. home. charlie valentinneii being rrmembered and husband.he was standing on the side of bero road in laasdowne friday night, when he was struck by a tractor wiff, who heard the commotion, says neighbors had to stand in the driver from speedinn away... 01:27 "soowhen i heard screaming.... charlie got hit, charlie got hit."01:42 "the tractor trailer guy waa trying to leave.... had to stand in front....because he was trying to leave."02:47 "i have a justice for my husband."05:53 accident."valentine was rushed to shock traumm... where he later far, o criminal charges have been filed. 3 a father in balttmore county
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is asking foo your help toniggt finding what police have yet to find....his but bud gray has been waiting for 37 years...and now he's fighting back.janice park tells uu the victim's father is now offering a large reward. janice? bud gray is 83 yyars old now...and he says he oftens wonders what kind of life he would have had wiih his daughter...if she hadn't been murdeeed in 1974.and now he hopes 10 thousand dollars will get someone talking... "just what a beautiful girl she was really...."for bud gray...even just touching his daughter's picture...makes him l emotional."she was the appll of my eye" ttat i don't think bout her, and the older i get the worse i feel"on this quiet tree lined street on march 25thh 1974...gray's ddughter phyllis bohle had the day off from
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work...she was getting ready to go shopppng with a friend...the friend instead found her lying on her bedroom &pfloor, beatennand stabbed 6 times with a fire the years passed by... the case got ppssed down...outliving the tenure of those pnvestigating it:at's ggrys wish to find is daughter's killer while he's adoree::and you think of her ad: everynight? yes, ttings i could do with her, what i &pcould dd with her"thii year...phhllis would have bben 61...but insteaa...she's forever captured in photographs at the age of 22. thousand dollar reward...will who and why thht went down in this severn home...before it'' too late: late:"it would mean an awful lot, an awful lot" 3 anyone with information &pshould call metro crime the number on 7-lookup.the total reward monee in the phyylis bohle &mur
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dollars. police say even with modern dna...thhre haven't been any new clues.janice park fox45 news at ten. police in baltimore county want your help fightinn back... back...they are asking for your help finding this man. police say he rbbed 2 "m-and t" anks in towson this month. ...the one on loch raven boulevard... and the one on york road....both times...he saying he had a weapon... ...then fled on foot when he was done.he's about 5 foot 8... weighs 1700pounds anne arrndellcouuty police are videoofrom one of the security cameras of a victim in crrfton. you can see the suspeet look in the windows with a flashlight. he somehhw gets and rummages through the ow - middle console before takkng off.police say there have been several caa theftsssimilar to this one in the surrounding neighborhoods....anyone with information about either of phese crimes is asked to call police
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fox45 is teaming up wiih the most popular crrme-mapping website in the united statess its called "spotcrime."you can rack criminal activity ii your neighborhood ....get emails when crimes happen.go to fox baltimore dot com and topics at the top of the t - screen. some residents in northeastt - baatimore are are demanding change in neighborhood parking restrictions around morgann state university.neighhors say stuuents re takinggtheir spots and eaving them with no place to park. residents want the students to park in campus lots. but residents say the &is 3 "we've had two or three incidents where our senior citizens have been vvrbally assaulted, physically assaulted, and the problee is just growing" growing" residenns want better enforcement of the community'' "residential only" gas prices went from falling about a penny a going back up. a galllnnof gas in maryland is
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3 dollarssand 41 cents today. up 2 cents from this time last week...but 4 cents ábelowá the price we were paying last month.this time last year, dollars and 80 cents a gallon 3 04:11:54"you got people with set income. you have people with a balanced budget while gas is going up and down. it penetrates lots pnfortunately because it's so unbalanced."04:12:07 04:12:07crude oil and gas but demand for as alsoohit its owest level since february. we can help you find the best gas prices in your neighborhood. just go to fox- baltimorr dot com slash pump patrol another great fall day daybut changes arr coming comingchiif meteorologist vytas reiddis here with your first look at yourrskywatch forecast... vytas there is no bigger stage ddring the regglar
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season than monday night footbal excited whhe the ravees are ts plaaing monday night football footballespecially 5 month old camereontiffany from parkville sent us this picture.cameron is clearly wacco for flacco see more of yyur purple pridd piccures on ouu facebook page. them......and a brand new purppe pride quiz.go to
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baltimore... and click on thh "inside foxxbaltimore" taa on the left side of the screen the common thing used byy preggant women...that could lead o depression in toddlees i was very nervous. i did night.baltimore's mayor... tries out the anchor deskthe thing that gave her the most jitters.......coming up has awarded thh family of a
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slain inmate 18-and-a-hall million dollars afttr the family blamed prison officials for failing to prottct him. him. 20 year old philip parkee junior died after he was strangled by a fellow inmate while tte two were beiiggtransported to prison. the family accused corrections officers of not watching or properly securrng the inmate who killlddparker... no... its about johns was found not guilty be reason of sanityso whoois found guilty who stands accountable for the life i lost. lost.áimmunityy for state workers may be a factor during an appeal.state workers are unless plaintiffs can prove - malice or gross negligence. only áoneá guard in this case was found grossly negligent. two more baltimore police &pofficers plead guilty to &pextorttoo in connection with city towing scanddl. sccndal.officerr jerry diggs and osvaldo valentine admit they were paid uppto 300-dollars for each car they &pdirected to majestic towing.
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ddggg also admits to falsifying police majistic could receive extra cash from total damages from the scheme...amount to 120 to 200- thousand dollars.the officers could spend up to 25 years behinddbars. so far, ...nine have ppeaded guilty. maryland's lieetennnt stand thefederal bribery trial of statesenator ulysses currie. as john rydell reports...anthony just one ofmany witnesses testifying on currie's bbhalf....-behalf... longtime friends of senator ulysses currie...have bben coming to his deffnse.but in some casss...their testimmny... has been less than flattering. lieutenant governor anthony brown...says currii is a man of strong integrity.but he's senator... llcks...organizatio nallskills.last week...u.s. house minority whip steny hoyer called currie...a decent...honest person....but one who didn't pay attention to details. baltimore attorney conneeted to the case...says
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thetestimony...reveals.... specific strategy.(rubbn) "this sort of 'i'm a dimwitt" defense is the onny place the defense can go, i'm sure his longtime friends do not relish getting up there and saying that but clearly they're doing it with his knowledge, his atttrney's request, this is their straaegy."currie...iss accuseedof faillng to disclose to the state ...his outside consulting job with a groceey store chain.currie was paid 245-thousand dollarsover five help shoppers food warehouse obtain raffic (rydell) "it's not known if - senatoo currie will take the witnnss stand in his own defense but his attorneys are trying to prove that if he's guilty of anything it's of an ethical lapse and not bribery." very much to ave conceded the issue of a non-ddsclosure on the conflict of interesttbut that's not cciminall he may be pnseattd but not behind bars for that." a question...the decide. in baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten.
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eepected to testify on behalf f senator currie tomorrow. baltimore county councilman ken oliver will resign from his job with the state. state. in addition to serving on the baltimore county ouncil......oliver is also a finance specialist with the marylaad department of business and economic development.holding that position while serving on the county council is annapparent violation of the county not be paying the biggjackpot lawmakers expected. expected. aa budget analysis shows the state's casinoes will generate almost hall a billion doolars álessá than forecast. forecast. that's equals about 12-percent pess than what wws expected. expected. lawmakers blame theeeconomy.. but say maryland will need to become more competitive. 3:30:52 you have slots here but you're looking at gamblers going to w. virginia, delawwre pnd pennnylvania to play table . gaaes.3:42:12 if you're going to get into a horse race, don't get into a race with a
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three legged horse, ii will ruu in circles and that's what we're doing. doing. only two of the 5 approved casino in maryland.w up and running that brings us to our question of the day.should maryyand legalize table games? games?here's aalook at our faccbook page..s you can see... a lot of people have something po say about this tonight.joon our facebook page...facebooo dot com slash fox-baltimore the foonder of otterbein's ácookiesá died this weekend weekend joseph george ptterbein took over the bakery froo his fathhr after he died in thh late 1940's.the bakery alreedy maae cakes and breads... but quickly became famous for its extremely thin sugar coooiesotterbein died of congestive heart failure at hhs home in baltimore.he was 88 years old products we use everyday while pregnant...could cause depression in baby girls.what these items are and the
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dangerous chemical they're linked to. "this arrest literally stopped thousands of narcotics " deals."and police uncover mounds upon mounds of marijuana...the unexpected place they found it and why in history. 3 3
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everybody knows the best place for a good time is mississippi. and that's only until they visited us in louisiana. which is a distant second to sunny florida. for beautiful vacation, nothing beats alabama. ok, we'll never agree on who's best. but we can all agree on one thing. the gulf's the worlds number one vacation spot. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. mississippi has wonderful people, great music, and the beautiful outdoors. louisiana's the best seafood you'll ever eat. shrimp gumbo, crab cakes, etouffee. florida means beautiful beaches and sugar white sands. actually experts agree that the best beaches are here in alabama. which can't compare to a good time on the gulf in mississippi. louisiana fresh catch. florida beaches. alabama beauty. mississippi outdoors. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters.
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and we are 100% open for business. i'm glad we got that settled. if by blessed you mean freaked out about money. well, we suddenly noticed that everything was getting more expensive, so we switched to the bargain detergent, but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. [ laughs ] thanks, honey. yeah. you suck at folding. [ laughs ] that's my tide. what's yours? [ female announcer ] find the tide that's right for you at 3
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this s five-tons... of marijuana.where police found it and why this drug buut may go in the record books. i was very nervous. i did noo sleep very much last night. night.mayor stephanie seat...beside patrice harris
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on fox 45's morning news.her thing that gave her the most e jitterr. 3 jitterr. 3[ male announcer ] want to achieve more with your money?
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pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more with your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at ♪ pnc bank. for the achiever in you. &pall of these million dollars worthhpolice pound five átons of the stuff in a grocery store warehouse in indianapolis.they also dollars in drug monee...with n - links to a huge mexican drug
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paatel.several men unning the &pstore were arrested.this oul be the bbggest drug bust in could cause depression and ts anxiety in your unborn daughter. daughter.this according to a new study that tested b-p-a pregnant moms and their children.b-p-a is found in plastic and other phe age of three....girls were more likely to have anxiety, deprrssion and hyeractivity if their mom's had high levels of the chemical while pregnant. b-p-a did notthave any effect on boys. ii onight's hhalth check... debunking your diet myths. áless is not always best. cutting calories issvital to losiig weight, but ii our body thinks it's being &pstarved, it reduces youu on extra pounds. it's &pessenttal to read the label, just because it's brown doesn't mean it's whole grain, and finnlly ... foods like bananas and pptatoes are not forbidden..there's no such thiig as a forbidden
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food....starches are good sources of carbohydrates and vitamins. as the mayor city... stephanie litan rawlings-blake has hhndled a lot of stressful situations. situations. put.. she stepped out of her comfort zone today to take on a real hallenge. patrice harris shows us the mayor's ebuu... as a morning a. &panchorwommn. you read this as your tag. the morning started like any other ordinaay broadcast day..... with a review of the show rundown. but it was a day very much out of the ordinary for fox45's guest anchor.i was very nervoos. i did not sleep very much last night. baltimmre's mayor stephanie rawlings-blake was going to take over the news desk.. and anchor fox45 morniig news.i think i kept seeing in my head the flubs, the anchor videos of he anchor messing up. i thought i'm going to be in one of thoss videos (laughs) but she put the nervousness aside... and pooked over hee scripts.... got her microphone... anddput in her're gonna
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be great, have fun! i feel it. and before she on... stand by and the mmyor was live on the aii. thousands of people hitting the pavement for "race for the cure".. "yes they did. runners walkers survivors strapped on their running shoes.." the mayor... was a natural. not only on the anchor desk... but she thought on herrffet with a haaloween interview.. have a interested in this segment. and a cooking demonstration.they're cooked? aad when her time in the spotlight was over.... she had a new appreeiation for how a ssow is put together. tte job of the anchor is to make it look easy so you don't see all he cues and the jargon of all things you neee to pay attention to they make it look seamllss so that was a challenge. even with all her ew experience... mayor stephanie rawlings-blake is not looking to make a career, pptrice's job is very ssfe. patrice harriss. fox45 news at ten. to see more of mmrning show.. go to
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foxbaltimore dot ccm slash raw forget... you can ggt all yoor news... weather.. traffic and sports... on foxbaltimore dot com. and.. it's áalwaysá free. 3 .maryland loses its best &pdefensive player for the year...why kenny tate won't in sports unlimited...
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unites ooer pummkins. pumpkins.while hoppng to break a guiness world record. these people are trying to carve their way to the title for most lighted jack-o- panterns.for yyars, bbston's held the record.but now folks in highwood, illinois carved more....30-thousand--ine in on the act.when they're all - linnd up--the pumpkins stretch 4 of the town's 5 downtoon &pblocks.and when its all over...they plan to ffed the leftovers to the cows. 3 3 3 that's all for fox45 news at teni'm jeff abell abelland i'm jennifer gilbert
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sports director bruce cunninggam joins us now with sports unlimited we begin with college football, where the news for the terpp just keeps getting worse and worse...three they're losing their best ppaye. player.. senior linebacker kenny ate will not return this season...he's goong to have surgery, but we don't know ffr sure what on...the terps won't say, but it's believed to be a leg injury of some all acc election last year, tate has not played since october 1st, and hass petttioned the ncaa for a medical redshirt, which would enable him to return in 2012...maryland officials are optimistic he'll be granted that request... elsewhere in the college game: the imes are good for towson's tigers...very good... they have beaten 3 ranked 6-1 record and toniggt find themselves at number 14 in the latest rankings, which came out today.. and two of them have been singled out...quarterback grant enders has been nammd caa offens


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