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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  October 28, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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step out of the vehicle! vehicle!a wwman wearing almmst nothing ... is pulled over for speeding.her revealing attempt to escape the cruiser once she was arrested. -------------------------------- ------------------------- cold overnight. the neighborhoods that could see frost and the possibiiity of ssow for the weekend in my skywatch forrccst. p------------------------------- ------------------------- the ravens monday night collapse. who the offensive coordinator is blaming for the lack of scoring. &pp----------------------------- speed ameras in maryland. the business decision that cculd lead to drivers being unfairly ticketed.
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hello... immjeff barnd gilbert...// there'ssa new round in the debate over red light cameras. pameras. is...// mmney ...// comiin.../ before.../ safe? saaftyy karen parkk ...// downtown...//// at .../ some... at .ed liiht camerrs .../ ááthatáá.../ are.../ being questioned./ questioned. we are here at the corner of 83 and fayeete where this red light camera has been flashing all day..... and now one group is saying the way these cameras are controlled puts profiis before . people. baltimore city......there aree 78 redlight cammras.....(28:03) the city is wasttng too uch money on red light camerr'' collecting.......75 dollars per ticket......(28:11)i think the red light cameras are a great source of income for the city....... ast year alone.....nearly 200,000 tickets weer handed out in baltimore cityyalone.....andd according to estimates from the insuuanceeinstitute for highway afety.....over a five year period the camera's saved
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159 lives in baaitmore and 13 think they are revenne :36)i boosttr for the city but all in all i ttink the evidence that they really don't stop accidents......we'vv learned.......the city has a contract with a private bussnesss.....that es......aaddcontrols the profits are ssaree.......((:35) the goal oo the third partt ccmpany is to make money oof phese citationn of course some studies do indicate that these red light camera's are improving safety reducing accidents that may be the case what we're saying is profit shooldn't come before public safety and municipalities control of public iting safety........ the maryland public interrst research group says once the city privatizes traffic control... especially to a bussness that's paid accordinn to the number of tickets issued... there's a danger that it could beccme all about money (2:055 lenghthening the duration of a yellow light has been nown to increase safety traffic camer
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company's are aginst that cause they waat to issue as many citations as possible.... the sooution........for the city and other municipalities to take back total cootrol of tte red light cameras..... (3:28)this monry is going poward public safety.....that there are restrictions on the municipality mantains hat - control over safety measures..... 3 &p all violations are supposed toobe reviewed by a law enfoocement official befooe a tickkt is issued ut each yeaa md pirg is also ued - questionnng that... baltimore waats to make changes to tte occupy protestt at the nner harbor. harbor.the mayor's office says midnight to 6 a.m. curfew.and city hall is getting some supporttwe found one person...
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purious.... that the out downtown. ...all this
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after police ordered them to clear out. offfcers fired tear gass into the crowdd.. causing chaos. chaos. an iraq war veteran was seriouuly hurt when he got hit in theehead with a flying objec. object.. it's not clear who is responssble forrthe injury.. the clashes in oakland ressnated all the way accoss the coontry.. country.. in new yyrk ccty. city. that's where the ccuuy movement began. began. protesters at occupy wall street marched to support thooe in oakland. you can see ppople elling at police.. and officers pushingg ppople back. back. 10 people were arrested. arrested. and in attanta... police ccearedout occupy protesters h. there. ttey were gathered in obeet woodruff park. park. mayor orrered the park cleared just before midnight the order. most people left had to be taken out in cuffs. unionized.../ say.../ proposed cuts the agency.../ would... ádevastateá... peeple needs.../ protesters.../
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marched... on the streets.../ at... the security pffice.../ on... green street.../ in... congress .../ - the ooerating budget.../ byy.. 5-percent.../ áábutáá say.../ thaa... would lead.../ to... a.../ 24... furlough.../ for workers what'll happen is the people will keep coming in on the will get backed up our processing times will increase cour acklog will get laager it will be mmre difficult for someone deal with the soccal administrationthey say.../ deeper cutt ...could lead.../ to... 4 weeks . baltimore city police have arrested a teen...ii the murder of church careetaker. taker.jannce park is in east baltimore and tells us for mmre than a year now...the family never gave up hope that &pjuutice would be served...jan? janice?family we spoke to say they are no lonner year old james johnson issin 8 - custody.milton hill was a uge &ppart of this eass baltimmre community...he lived right here in the building attached
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here is where is ousin found - his body...detectives tell was over a ssoooer. 3 it was a question that haunted a lot of people in this pommunity...who wwuld shoot ark church caregivee....ho was &poffen seen shoveling snow, oo walking women to tteir cars late at night.police say robbbry was the teen's reason specifically...the family tells us money and jewelry weren'' taken.seymour the victim's cousin... he's the one that found hill's body.he says his anger is gone and he simply misses his best friend: "if i haa to go bacc to that morning again, i would have never left my house ann prayed" p "mixed emotions, mixed emotions i was grateful, police had accomplished what they set out to do, what they have done, theyysaid they would catch thh person" johnson is charged with first
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degrre murder, assault and robbbry. ann everyone we spoke to todayyffom family, o peoppe in the community, to the one has heard of james easst bbltimore, anice park fox45 news at ten. howard county.../ police.../ hecking...// all... 91.../ registered halloween../ .ááalláá... but one...// were...found...//. 47-year-old... james spivey...// is...missing...// áápoliceáá... issued aawarrant.../ for... is arrest...///. second offender.../ - 31-yeaa-old... tom... go'-thee-er... / was....arrested.../ ááafteráá... police... ound him.../ llving at... a different address.../ than... the ooe.../ reggstered...///. áásexáá probation.../ from... taking part...// in alloweee. if... sex offenders tt... the state... sex offender database.../ dot com...///áájustáá... features""section it took jurorr several hours today to decide ... hat the trigger man in a murderrfor hire scceme coull be eligible foo he ddath pennlty.
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peealty.jurors must now decidd if that's the sennence waller bishop will get for the contract killing of ray porter at a hess gas station in parkville last year. defense attorneys failed o convince his elaborate confession ould - lead to his family member had this to say during the jury's &p"i don't want him to get the itssjust going to kill all tte people to see that you know he only did it once i know that ps a bad thing.. thing..jjrors deciding bishop's sentence will hear testimony tomorrow before watched his confession again today... which included this exchange bout how much he was &pactually paii. 3 " oh my much did you actually gett.. i only from her... when
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did you get that... the day before that saturday.". saturday.". yoo can hear more oo walter bbshop's stunnnng going to our fox-baltimore dot com slash raw neww. and rememmer stories on our website arr completely free. it'' theeday dozens of maryland families have been flag"loved-ones... cheered.../ as... about.../ virriniaa../ &pcame home... today... / ááafteráá year.../ in... soldiers... are from - .../ the.../ 29th... infantry division.../ ááandáá nato.... with .../ afghanistan's.../ owná... nationnl... security forces..../ awesome, just waking up and is being in the same home with great" "i call it the victooy mission.....and eere glad to be back n the great state of m"
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he...soldiers...// are... looking forward .../ to... &pcatching up.../ see... mmre... pf this...../.ááonáá our website.../ fox-baltimore dot com... slash... raw news.../// ááandáá...// , just... like... all... the other ssooies... on our website..///..ááit'sáá áfreeá snow... is in he forecast.... áádon'táá... &ptouch the volumm... áásnowááá.. is in the forect and where? heres chief - the skywatch forecast 3 3 & i said marcyoq: whhll nother lae
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orchard.the way his man got - wwat people are saying to put áthisá... in he inner harbor...after the break áthisá... in he inner h[ male announcer ] want to achieve more with your money?
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pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more with your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at ♪ pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
12:44 am
♪ if by blessed you mean freaked out about money. well, we suddenly noticed that everything was getting more expensive, so we switched to the bargain detergent, but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. [ laughs ] thanks, honey. yeah. you suck at folding. [ laughs ] that's my tide. what's yours? [ female announcer ] find the tide that's right for you at the.../ wiff... of... state senator,...// ulysses currie,.../ áblamesáá... legal... stephens.../ has... more.../ onn.. the... costly mistakes .../ she... pparently made.../ ááthatáá... got... the senattr .../ to...court. to...couut.
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senator ulysses currie and his wife, reverend shirley currie hhld hands as they eft federal court today... after the reverend took the stand in her husband's bibery trial. accused of taking bribes from &pshoppers food warehouse in exchange for government his wife took the blame for t.. wwat the defense calls curry'ss sloppy bookkeepingg reverend currie testified that she handles alllof the couple's paperwork because the senatoo's radiation treatment for canner affected his attention to dettil and not very organized." but reverend currieetold thh court she herself made a lot of mistakes on the senator'ssstate disclosure forms over tte yearss like neglecting to report his paid consultant jobs. she says it was an easy and honest mmstake --because every year - she just copiee the same informatioo from the pear before. myranda "reverend currie admitted she's a very busy woman and filling out alll of the forms was a quote, "chore". still, she says she
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properly... and now deeply prosecutors pointed out thaa senator's responsibility to signing off on themm theyyalso questioned the defense's other hrabowski - president of u-m-b- friend. hrabowski spoke highly of currie's character ...even pointing oot that the senator often played chess with the students from the university's national championship chess pointed out that if currie plays chess - he must be aa veryysmart an. hrabowski responded... yes.. thh trial will resume on monday... when &pthe defense will beggn arguments are epected oo sing wednesday. in downtown baltimore, myranda stephens, fox45 news at tenn senator currie...// alsoo.. did ork.../ ground.../ and... marlow... furniture..../// ááandáá... his work.... with.../ either jjb.../ to... the ssate. the petition fighting the law
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state ttitton oo the ballot in november......will be getting sooe high-powered legal help. help."judicial watcc" is steppinggii to defend the petition against lawsuits groups supportiig in-state tuition are suing......saying pt ccnnot be put in frrnt of voters in 20-12... because it is an appropriatioon bill. 3&it did not go in front of tte appropriations committee or the fnance committee it wenn in front of the policy committee bbcause its a policy change in marylands system of higher education educationthe petition drive &pgenerated nearly 09-thousand validated signatires...about ádoubleááwhat they needed to get it on the balloo ii 20-12 ripley's... museum .../ want's... a... two story.../ sea creature ...// inner harbor.../ the áábutáá.... kathleenn cairns reports.../ tte... plaa... for... passed.../ city...muste. the middle section on the second floor of the light street pavvlion is empty right &pnow...... but that may ripleys believeeit or not is poming to the inner harboo"
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but... believe it or not..... ttis proposed two story front facade may put the deal, in jeopardy.(laurie schwartz)"we'll a lot of people believe it is too bigg ann overpowwriig for harborplace and the harbor.. and ii is big.."... and perhaps... too aggressive... commission is rrviewing the architectural proposal.. but some say the plan may have to beetoned ddwn.. for the secondd time. (laurie schwartzz its a matter of balanccng the nnture of he harbor and the kiiddof audaciousnees of ripleys believe it or not.. they are &pauuacious, they are big and i wants to make it work for them anddthe harbor."(cairns)"whhle the ripleys prooosal iss controversy..some may argue phere are already some very designed to attract touriits.. such as this.. a large shark on a suumarine.. and thats ot all"ii fact.. you don't have to look ar... to ffnd other
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displays... that could be considered large... or controversial. meanwhile... tourists are sppit when it comes to weather they would spend time and money at ripleys museum: (kklly)"pprsonally im not interested in that"(kelly burkes--midland texas)"i was thinking.. war of 1812 star pangled banner.. history" would be comething i wwuld - enjoy id bring my nieces and nephews down.. id definiiely enjoy it"in dt baat kc foxx45 news at 10 'ripley's.../ believeeit... or not'.../ wants... to open.../ the... ballimore facility.../ next summer.../ here's... oor... question f the day.../ ááshouldáá... ripley's... be allowed... to "chessie".../// sculpture... at the innerrharro? harbor?here's... our facebook questton... started.../ a... debate...// between... the... pro--hessiee...// and... anti- in.... by... going to... our... faccbook page... / facebook dot com slash fox- baltimore mmoe thaa .../ 200 volunteers.../ spent ... today... packing... boxes... fuul of food... /
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foo... hungry families.../ this hhliday season. season. ii's the third annual... elect to end hunger event.volunteers packed more thann9-thousand boxes full of hollday meals. each box will come with a turkey... and is distributed by the maryland fooo ank to hundreds of soup kitchens and shelters across the state. &porganizers say thii year... even more families are in need of help...due to the economy. "ii's ttue that more and moree people who are either working at two or three jobs orrpeople losing theirrjobs and struggling to keep their homes aae simply falling behind, they're not being able to feed their families." than 400-thousand hungry re mo &ppeople in maryland .. bbt nearly half aren't eligbleefor ffderal ffod assistancee proorams. baltimooe ... / buzzing.../ over... jay-z... and kanye west .../ poming here.../ next week. nats nats tte.../ "watch the throne" tour.../
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&p willlbe... at... first &pmariner arena.../ nnvember first... / and... / we...have... yoor tickets...//. we'll.../ be... giving awaa... áanother pair of tickets.../ áásoáá... stay - tuned... for your chance... to wwn. ptep out of the vehicle! vehicle!pulled over.. wearing almost ánothingáher attempttto gettaway... later on fox45 news at ten... 3 ñw>bo
12:52 am
everybody knows the best place for a good time is mississippi. and that's only until they visited us in louisiana. which is a distant second to sunny florida. for beautiful vacation, nothing beats alabama. ok, we'll never agree on who's best. but we can all agree on one thing. the gulf's the worlds number one vacation spot. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. mississippi has wonderful people, great music, and the beautiful outdoors. louisiana's the best seafood you'll ever eat. shrimp gumbo, crab cakes, etouffee. florida means beautiful beaches and sugar white sands. actually experts agree that the best beaches are here in alabama. which can't compare to a good time on the gulf in mississippi. louisiana fresh catch. florida beaches. alabama beauty. mississippi outdoors. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters.
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and we are 100% open for business. i'm glad we got that settled. 3
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pulled over... nearly after tte breakempted áescapeá i said marcyoq: whole nother lae languagethe extreme measurr his wife went to ......after getting lost in an aaple orchard...after the break
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3 preaking news out of jessup tonight. - maryland state police say they are investigating another death at the clifton t. perkins hospital for the criminally insane.. the patient is a man week another patient at the - hospital was murddred nd his death. 3 lookk like... pohn edwards .../ will... stand triil... after.../ all.../. court today.../ in.... north... carolina ./. ááwhereáá... a... federal juuge... refused.../ to... dismiss criminal charges aaainst him...///. ááedwardsááá... is... pccused... of ussng cammaign money.../ to... cover up... an affair... in 2008...//. ááandáá falsifying... campaign records .../ &pto... cover his tracks....// pled... not guilty...///. áátheáá... trial... is expected to start.../ next year. dash-cam...
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p video...// capturee...// a... áraree... site...// site...// a...// woman... under the influence...// led &po áágoingáá... at... - speeds... oo... 130--miles an hour...// áápoliceáá... used... 'stop-sticks"... to...blow out her tires...// ááandáá... once.../ sse stopped...// áásheáá... got... out of the car...// wearing...// a... "g" string..../ and.../ &p little... else...// áásheáá... gott.. into.../ the... police car.../// ááaadáá... started...// kickkng... thee../ back window...// áátheáá... suspect .../ pled... not guilty...// to... several... harges...//.ááaáá... court date... is set.../ for.../ next montt. girr scouts are known for their texass volanski had been a girl scout for eight years.but she left in march, scouts have ties with planned pareethood, and that conflicts with her own beliefs.she and started a website about it. volanski claims that the girl planned parennhood for years. she says the group handed out national conference.... and that some of its leaders have ties to feminist organizations.
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&ppa ot f people they &phighlight s role models are wwll-known as pro-abootionn activists." the girllscouts have been dealing with similaa allegations nationally for the insists the claims are just not true.and the girl scouts do not have a relationship with plannnd parenthood. ii can be embarrassing when you get loot drrving and need to ask for directions... but.../ imagine.../ getting... lost.../ in.../ an... apple... orchard. orchard. that's.../ what happened... to... boston meteorologist.../ mark rosenthal ...and his wife, marcia...//. áátheyááá.. were... at... a massachusetts orchard.../ picking apples.../ ááwhenáá... they... couldn't find... their way out....// áánoáá... one... answered the phone.../ t... the orccard store,.../ áásoáá marcia called... 9-1-11 "here yyu got ttis 56-year-old guy who's a weathee man forever who should know his geogrrphy, who's lost in an jerk, calliig the police.""i felt stupid. and i hate being l" lost." it's.../
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the... first time... in the orchard's.../ 85... year history.../ áásomeoneáá... had... to call for help.../// to... get out..../// 3 the raaen's offensive coordinator is catching heat from monday night's loss... next in sports... the eople cam cameron ii blaming.. it used to be baggy. 4 sizes too big, to what end i do not know. ittwas then that if your pants didn't have a belt hey would sag off your bottom and you had to holldthem up. these days there is a whole different starting point but the end is just the same, no pun inttnded. ii bothers m, the kids these - days buy shirts that fit and pants that are too small soo that they have to wear them with their bottoms exposed. &p tte difference being that they don't have to walk &paround aal day hhoding theii waistband in order to keep their pantt up. regardless, i don't get it. why woull one want to walk
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around everyday showing their beeind to the world on purpose? furrher ttese youth must know that if they even walk into a place f business to request a job application dreesed this way their credibility will take a very stroog and immediate hit. not for who they are but for what their dress code connotes. we are often told not to judge aabook by its cover, but sommtimes you have to haveea fancy over in order to get the book read in the first place. for more... gg to behind the headlines dot et and follow us on facebook and twitter. 'm armstrong illiams.


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