tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 29, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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snow, in october? how bad it will get ass maryland prepares for the ffrst shot of what could be a wild winter. &p------------------------------ &p----------------------------- a third murder at a hospital for the criminally iisane.the victim was in his room alone the major &psecurity flaws that has staff scared for their lives. -------------------------------- ------------------------------- dad takes home the wrong wwuldn't talk to nobody why he didn't know he'd made a mistake uutil the girl started talking. -------------------------------- ------------------------------- takinggit all off to get what they want. why one old caleedar is going to let them see the world. -------------------------------- ------------------------------- 3 you're.../ looking... at whatts... happening.../ right
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they're getting ready to kkep you safe on the roads tonight and into the weekend. weekend. tte plows are in position and the warehouses are filled to crews are on call and ready to gg forrthe year's first snowfall. 3 we are talkkig abouttsnow in october, the amazing thing is that sha is ready, we think about snow 4/7 335 days a year they're taking eetra steps to be ready to cllar bbanches off the roads, since the weight of theesnow with the leaves still on branches coold take out a lot offtrees.
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3 3&stayyahead.../ of... the storm... with... breaking nnws.../ updates.../ from... fox-45...//. ááheadáá... &p to,... the app store.../ on... your... smart-phone.../ and.../ search.../ fox 45...//. ááalsooá find... the link.../ at.../ foxxbaltimmre dot com. the snow is already falling the northeast. in wuster massachhsettt, the snowfall covered cars ad bbaaketed streets in a thick white bbanket. plow crews were caught off guard and scrabbled to attach ploww to their trucks. the same scene tonight in upstate new york. albany flakes of snow. it starred melting as it hit the warm grounddbut the sluuhy conditions re just getting started. 3 p3 3 another... patienn.../ at... the state... mental - hospital../ in jessup..../ 3--rd... murder.../ in... just over... a ear.../ the... maximum.../ lock-up...//áátonightáá ccanges... are being made.../ to.. prevent.../ this...// from... happening again. p3 keith daniels.../ there... tonight...// with...// more... / about... the suspect... and the victim. victim. jeff....
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investigattrs saa tte autopsy reporttis back.. ann tonight, according to that reeort..sommone beat the pattent to death. .................another murder at what some workers call.. a troubled institution. instiiution. clifton t. perkins is not a prison.. but it does haae 7 maximum security units's the state's psychiatric hospital.. where nearly all of the pptients face serious criminaa charges. (dr. jordan-randolph) "if they're on the maximum security unit, on the maximum side, they're not allowed to move around the hospital independently, they're restrictee o their ward where they're monitoree...." ..........state officials, another patienttis found murderrd inside the facility. rogelio mondragon, he was - mayo, another pattent, is the accused of killer. both men were paaients in the
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maximum security wing at the hospital. maryland state police believe mayo beat mondraggn to death.(shipley) "most of thoseeinjuries appear to have beee inflictee on the head and neck...." last week.. police charged another patient ith killing his roommate... just over a year after another patient- on-paaient death. in phe lltest case, ospital ploor of his room last night.... mayo spoke with investigators. they also colleeted evidence.. including hallway ccmera surveillance footage..shiplly) "the signiffcance of that is that it was determined that the victim was in his room alone and the suspect entered that room on two occasions wittin a certain amount of time when no one else was inn that room."......... three patient-on-patient deaths in recent alarm for thh union representing 300 hospptal employees..... and today, state officials &pannounced that they're making some security changess including addiig more monitorinn sttff.(sharrstein)
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"some things were implemented aaready this week. some things re being iiplemented today. if theee are new things that are identified, they'll be implemented as well. so, we'rr in the position of doing everything that we can identify to address what is really an extraordinary situation." ad-lib again.../ the... 3--rdd.. murder.../ at... perkinn.../ in... just over... a year.../. year...///. ááseptemberáá.... 20--10...// was strangled.../ .. - with....string..../. ááaáá.... patienn... accused ...innher murder....// murder....// áálastáá... week.../ david.../ ricaanola .../ died.... in... the.... maximum securityy.. wing..../// killed.../ his... ... - psychologist in 2006.../ pi... accused.../ in... murder. ááábingingáá... us.../ to... the álatestt murder.../ that last night. city police... arre
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investigattng.../ 2.. homicides... in.. west baltimor. baltimore.the first.../ happened ...shortly after... 10 p-m.../ when a man... was found... shot in the head... / at... braadishh avenue ...and... ellicott second man... was stabbed to death ...around midnight... myrtle avenue..../ááno áá word... on suspects.../ or motives. 3 a ... deputy.../ shoots a man.../ ááwhoáá... jumps ...into his cruiser....// ááitáá.../ happpnedd../ ttis morning../ in... northeast baltimore...//. hass..the story.../ of....the áchaasá.../ itt.. caused. 3 it was shorrly before 7-am... hour...was shaken. ((ong) "i heard two gunshots which was unusual that early in the morning."rosstta long...wwo center...quickly learned those shotsscame from ther gun of a deputy sheriff. hh was on his way to work...when he was ambushed. (lightseyy "the puspect gained entry inno his marked unit, lunging a knife at him, he was able to pull his service weapon, shot the individual in the left arm."
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36-yeaa old johntae daugherty was shot in the arm...and hospitaaized.while neighbors are left to wonder...whht confroot a deputy "this world is gone crazz, that's all i can say, ii's just gone crazy."(waller) "i just think ppople aae gettinn desperate or basic necessities so they feel ike they don't have ny other choice."deputy giddeon shifaraw...was not hurtt..and police do not believehe was tarreted.((ightsey) "weere very lucky as a department to have deputy giddeon shifaraw alive and well and homm wiih his family."(rydell))"and for thooe ho bring their kids to this daa care center, which is llss than a block way frrm this mmrning's incidennt it's another reeinder just how careffl they have to be regardless of the time of day." ((ong))"now that it's getting daakerrin the morning when they come in just to be a littleemore autious."and be pary of nyone who looks balttmore, joon rydell, fox 45 daugherty.../ faces... several charges.../
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ááincludingáá... assault.... stayy heed... of the criminals.../ in... áyourá... peighborhood...//. áásignáá up.,.. for the nation's... mosttpopular crime subscribers...//. ááittsáá - spot crime.../ ááandáá it's... only... availaale../ at... foxbaltimore dot com. jurors will likely decide on &pmonday whether walter bishop should be put to death or pass year. jurors onvicted bishop in the killing of ray porter. police ssy porter's wife hired bishop to hoot her husband in an elaborate murder or hire people.bishhps family says he may not haveeunderstood that he was waiving his rights during the police interrogation. i guess this is all new to him and he's probably scaredhe say he probably needed help to could talk to hii himwalter bishops confession is an hour ong process... p..where the man goes from denying he did anything... &p....o diagraming tte crime fo ...after saying he was ánotá
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at thh scene of the crime... police present him with aa picture... does that guy look familiar to i was in the areathat would be you and that would be matti do not knoo who shot rayi was in the areasee wwat i'm sayin now we've een doing this all with everybodywe doothe hey show me what you got kinda thingtheres still pllety moreestuff thats want to watch the entirr riveting confessionn from bishop? head toofox baltimore dot com and click on our raw news link. the hhur long, detailed explanation and confession of the murder is on our website. and as with all of our content, it's absolutely free tooall fox45 viewers. &p3 relatives...// area... soldiers.../ pre-game show . -
12:41 am at... m-and-t bank stephens... has - more .../ ááonáá.../ how... thhy scoredd.../ a... wonderful opportunityy../ to... connect...//// with.../ their... loved ones. nats of phone???there was aa different kind of excitement staddum... as faailies of their own team of tars. 43:39 cause i havennt seen him in forever 43for the fiftt yeer - the ravens and the ational guard teamed up for what's called "taakkforcc raven." allowing families of soldiers serving in afgganistan a channe to see and talk to their loved ones via satellite - inside the stadium's control room. sgt. rosendale 34:44 right about now i'm at that stage,, here you're really starting to miss her agaan, it's kinda like uh, we'lllget she is she's right there on - the screen 55the soldiers are part of an 80-membbr battalion based in havre de grace. pthy've een serving in months... as part of peration enduring freedom. karen 19:12 i saa him mother's daa he left the sunday aftee mother's day 11nats of caryn??caryn waters
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llst talked to her dad, major norris watees,,junior throuuh beats this... not even an g - &pactual ravens game. caryn 24:03 it's a thousand times better. i love football, but stadium is sooo differenn13 myranda 557555this is actually alllpart of a test run for the ravvns, which will broadcast the soldiers live during sunday's game against the cardinnls 03lt. kohler 29:06 so we're gonna have solliers on the field, and soldiers in making a presentation so it'ss pll a timed sequence of events 16a ig produccion for the soldiers... that's already scoring big with their pamilies. 20:41 the happiest bank stadium, myranda stephhns, foxx5 news at ten. sunday's.../ soldiers.../ - before.../ kick--off...// ááasáá... part oo .../ an... earll tribute.../ to.../ veterans day. 3 pthe... ravens and cardinals... face off sunday.../
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at... 1--pm...// ááonlyáá... on fox45. former ravvns ttght end todd heap will bb back in town onnsunday as a member of the arizona cardinals. cardinals.heap... took out... a... half-page ad... in the sports section.../ of the morning.../ . to thank ravens fans... for his letterr../ 3 heap ssid... it was not... his ecision... to leave baltimore.../ ááandáá the... city... will always... be special to him...//ááheapáá played... 100seasons... for "my son was really excited that a ravenssplayer was going to come tt the sshool" throuuh. the school scam that has daahed the hopes of thousands of kids in baltimore. an entire highway consumed in a fireball. how this massive innerno wass touched off. trapped at the bottom of he world. the amazing story of how ne scientist survived in nature's hhrshest environment.
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county say an annapolls based company cheated them out of thousands of dollars. they say the odyssey group, llc who has ravens... promised them ravens players... who would come to their schools as motivational speakers.janice park tells maryland continue to ccop up...saying they've been takenn it was an idea that both students and parrnts were -exc. about..."my son was really excited that aaravens player was going to come to the school""avens players &pcornerback ladarius webb...would come to their chaaacter and anttibullying. schooo officials say everythiig was set up...and pitting in their auuitoriums...waiting for the players o come: player on their hometown a football team is going to come talk to them about bullling and not to have that come to
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fruitionnis very disappointingg out of 17 schools in anne arundel countyy..that booked with odyssey llc...more than 14 thousand dollarr waa paid to the group....ll of it now seemingly quickly angered parents at schools where funds are already sparse: sparse:"that's not right" right""that's crazy, we work hard with fundraisers and extraaevents wiih kids to have group has no affiliation with the ravens...and says players shouldn't be blamed. a statement from theegroup's to plan and chedule the bookings, but the projecttgrew too fast and odyssey very quickly had ore bookkngs than available players"" went onnto say that the company's owner joseph gill admits many m: missakes:"he always tells me to stick to my word, now it looks bad on the ravens pllyer even though it wasn't his fault" janice park fox45 odyssey lll as promised to
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refund money to all the schools. but spokesman for anne arundel county public schooos says so ar, not a single penny has been returned. t... saint mary's...// trade.../ their... dorms...// for.../ cruise sh. ships.ááit'sáá... becauue... of this mold.../ found... in the.../ than... 200 students.../ will... live... on the ship.../ ááthey'lláá... likely... stay there.../ until... the end... of the semester...//// the engineer evacuated from a south pole research station affer having a sttoke is being treated at johns hopkins hospital in baltimore. as kathleen cairns douceuu is recoveriig....and speaking publicly for the first time.... about her weeks spent simply waiting to 3 still wearing her overalls from the south pole... renee nicole dduceur reveals details of her tough journey... after suffering a ssroke in mid auguss. she was stuck at the research station ffr six could make the flight to (renee-nicole douccur)"there was no treatment to be done
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over there he onny thing was to rest and stay calm." renee was finally rescued october 17th... and rought to new &pzealann.. before getting a fllght baak to the u.s. (caiinssrenee was brought here to jjhns hopkins hospptal monday night this is where some of the nations top neurological experts were able to evaluate her condition " she has undergone extensive another mri, this time with an possible tumors.. which we did not find..and we connirmed her diaggosis thattshe did have a stroke."doctors say the high altitude and less oxygen at phe south pole may have renee lost half of her vision &paad some of her speech... buu it is sllwll.. returning.. (renee-nicole douceuu)"the prognosis is good i'll probably recover a signnficant majority of that back""hile rehabilitation... she doubts she will go back to the south pole, althougg she consideredd it an advennure of a llfe time. (renne)"its just that challenge.. for individuals
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remote isolation and if everything goers well we will emerge onnthe other ide 8 months later...when the planns come back. "nowwrenee hopes to bbeback in her own hometown in nne hampshire.. by next week. in east baltimore kc fox 45 news at 0 in baltimore , kc, news 13 in baltimore, kc reporting. while renee-nicole douceur says she may considee going back to tte south pole...... she sayy she may give up her hobby off skydiving.. for good. 3 the.../ "occupy movement.../ braces... for winter. pinter. protesters.../ around the park.../ downtown...//. ááthey'rráá... hhre... for he long haul....// áápeopleáá... nationwide...// are... by... sending tents,,../// sleeping bags...// aad... winter ccats. a.../ tweet.../ at... the... mayor's ../ request.../ saying.../ áátheyáá... ould hem... to keep theer place.../ neattr..../// ááandáá... thee... need... parking spaces... for 3work. meantiie.../// ááaáá... maryland... has the ámostá milliooaires.../ in...
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the... u--s...// áá72áá... out... of... every.../ 1000-- marylanders.../ áareá.../ millionaires...///. áámmrylandáá.... beat.. hawaii... for the top ssot..../. ááalláá...// "top 10"... states.../ increased... their millionaire ratios.../ this year,...///// áámmllionaireáá.../// house-holds...// are... áupá... from.../ last year. this year it's all about the - pumpkin smash.... the... maryland zoo... kicks "zoo boo"... weekend...// with... the help of... four .../ áátheáá ppchyderms ...stomped on pumpkkns..../ making... mush... out of the giant gourds.../ ááitáá..../ was...horrific...// to... hearrthe pumpkins...// screaming...// áátheáá &pellphants.../ then... snacked.../ ...attracts ...a big crowd --/ of... both kids -- an range sshere of plamms consumes a whole
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tomorrow niiht when 'america's for an all new special. sppcial.and theeshow will frederick......robert william mulkern junior.he's wanted on 149 felooy chargee including chhld pornography.....on allegations that he was year-old girl.ved with a 15--- john says: "im hopiig tomorrow niggt the world is a lot smaller place for this guy because he's on, right up near the top of myypersonal most wanted." phe two-hour speeial airr &ptomorrow at 8 pm right here o fox 45.after the show, stay tuned to our news at 44's oyylepola will continue to hold criminnls accountable segment.she'll spotlight local
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criminals you can help catch from inside police headquartees. eeplosiin... &pshuts down... a texas at... thhs inferno... / on the... freeway... near... &psugar-land.../.áátheáá truck... / full... of... diesel fuel.../ iinited... after midnight...//.ááhazmatáá crews... were on the scene... / mopping up... the mess.../. ááamazinglyáá.../ no... one was injured. a ajor mixup sends a young girl home from a philadelphia daycare ith complete strangers. strangers. dad.../ has... a... lot of explaining... to do. was... ájustá released.../ after... doing... 3-years... in... jjil.../// ááheáá didn't know... áwhatá... his daughter... looked like.../, baby... when....he... went in....// áátheáá daycarr ...gave him... the girll../ áásayingáá... it... wws his... daughter....// ááhe á... thought was strange.../ when... she wasn't... happy... to see him,...//// áábutáá broughh ...her ome.../ to... meet the.../ family. 3 lawson: "we having juice and donoughts first she wouldn'tt talk to nobody and i was like yal gotta understand she really dont noo us." lawson: the phone uh jusiah siting on -
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rightthere and she ssii my name not uziaha i'm ziah and i was like something wrong." the police.../ ggt involved ...and switched .../ the children...// áá alláá... are....with .../ their... áproperá families tonight. 33& jumping ver fall and divinggstraiggt into winter. wwnter. tonight,.../ we're... bracing... for the... fiist... snoowall of thee season.../// it áácouldáá arras. gracey .../ is... ily tracking... everything...// with your... skywatch forec. forecast. 3
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