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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  November 22, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EST

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exchanging words, he lunges at " me"(conaway) "if i had taken a swing, i just wouldn't aimlessly throw punch, i would have hit him.." him.." a showdown between..../ baltimore's... clerk of courts..../ and... a... blogger. blogger. tonight..... police investigate two sides to the heated confrontatioo ... as bad blood finally boils over.... i'm jeff barnd. barnd. i'm jennifer gilbert. hhated words and accusations of thrown punches. punches. keith daniels.../ live.../ in... noothwess baltmore.../ ááwitháá the... story.... of... a... confrontation.../ between .../ the... city's clerk... of courts... and.../ an... internet... blogger..
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jennifer.... conaway home in the ashburton neighborhood...... frank conaway says trouble stepped on is property thiss morning.................and tonight, we've got the story of how he says.. he chased it away. connway says he felt he and his family's safety was at pisk.. when adam meister, confronted conaway outside of his home this morniig. conaway claims meister as pelling obscenities and verbal criticismssagainst his family. then things heat up... tonight, both men with their side of (meister) "we were exchanging words.. he lunnges at me with then he tries toorun after me and i keep running.." running.."(conaway) i'm not as fast as i used to be. i couldn't catch him, but almost. anddthen he turns around and goes into a karate k" kick.." eister is an independent blogger known to have writttn several stories over the years criticizinn the
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politicalll connected conaway family.. including the latest story involving homestead property taxes that may have cost conaway's daughter,, belinda conaway, her seat on the city council recently.the conaways sued meister. mmantime,,a police attorneyys office will ddcide - in this case. live in northwest baltimooe, keithh daniels, fox 45 news late edition. montgomery... county police.../ need...// &pááafteráá... .- a... "flash mob" robbery .../ in... silver ááthisáá video... shows.../about... 50... young people...// sttrmiig...// this 7-11.../áágrabbingáá all... the snacks.../ they... could carry.../. ááthenáá... took offf...///ááppliceáá... stopped...// 6 suspects.../ and... wantthelp.../ identifying... the.../ rest.../// rest...///get.../ a... closer look... at the video.../ at.../ dot com slash raw news gunmen... continue... robbing.../ goodwill stores... in.../ baltimore county...../áátheáá latest... happened...// on... west ...padonna road.../ friday..../ááaáá
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gunmaa... forced into... an ...// office.../ ááthenáá... stole money... from cash registers.../ and... a ssfe...///.ááthisáá ndá... hit...// at... this store....//áátheáá one... on... east joppa waa...twice hit...// ááanyoneáá... with informationn../ áácalláá 3&one person is ii serious codnntion tonight after a fire ripped through a row home in southwest baltimore. 33 it happpneddaround 6:30 this morning.. here on lehman street...firefiggters found a victim inside unconcious and in cardiac arrest.that person was taken tooshock trauma in &plife threatening condition.a neighbor describes what he saw this morning. ""here was a lot of black the whole block pretty ered - was crazy" crazy" tte cause of the fire remains under investigation. a.../ sad case.../ of... animal abuse.../ in... baltimore county....// ááaáá pitbull puppy.../ soá neglected.../ áásheáá was malnourished,.../// ááandáá lost... nearly...// all... her fur...///. áábutáá.../// pleas... from... facebook.../ helped... save the.... animal. noee.../ came
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from... baltimore county... animal control.../// the humane society... doesn't know how she got there.../ áátheyáá say....she was... extremly... p neglected.../// ááthereáá are... no plann... to... punishi...the wnnr...//. 3 33 "we found out she was going to be euthanized with another dog, but we took them in both...they had a very happy ending, they were set to be euthanized at 3 and we got them at 4- a little after 4" 4"vets are already nursing noelle back to she can be adopted soon. federal authorites arrest a illegal silicone injections to women who wanted o enhance their buttocks. buttocks.kimbeely smedley was arrested after aasix-month started when an exotii dancer from baltimore became seriously ill afterrreceiving illegal treatments.she told police she underwent the injecttins inside a downtown hotel room. the f-d-a says smedley - who &ptraveled around the countryy. and was widely known among strip club dancers... for her
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butt innections.she was nnt a licensed doctor or nurse. 3 treat."> authorities caught up with smedley at a marriott hotel in washington d-c.... where they say she was planniig to inject more women. maryland.... health officials.../ revoke.../ 157... nursing assistants' .../ licenses...// ááafteráá learning... that a state employee.../ awarded them .../ to people.../ who áweren'tá... q. qqalified. police... say..../ áátheáá state porker.../ pocketed... áthousandsá... in... the scheme.../ áásellingáá... and... giving out...// certiffcates... to people.../ who... weren't... properly educatee.../ or áááudittrsáá... say.../ redd there... / áábutáá no one... with the department.../ of... health.../ and... mental hygiene.../ was... willing to listen. . 13:57:32 many certificates were issued that shouldn't have been issued /butt to// 13:54:40 if you are issuing a license you should have that money and it should get n the bank... you know its simple mat. math.
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changes... have been put ii place.../ in hopes ...of keeping this.../ from appening again. the future of maryland thoroughbred still in john rydell reports...there's still no agreement betweentrack ownerss and horsemen overlive racing days in 20-12... 20-12... (((aciig))for yet another year...maryland's thoroughbree racetracks...are expectedto lose money.and the owner of yet reacced an agreement...on how many llve racing days...will be offered next trying to do is to bring the e - parties together and get to a successffl outcome, a win--inn senario."one year ago...track owner frank stronach...propos ed just 47 racing days at both pimlico and laurel. maryland's racing commission rejectedttat idea...and after goveenor o'malley interccded...track owners agreed to146-live racing days. those in the industry...fear stronachmay try to reduce that &pnumber....n 20-12.(mcguiines) "it would kill the breeding
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industry, therre would be no more bbeedinggiidustry, the farms woulddgo, they ould all be developed."track operators &psay they're still negotiating with the horsemen and schedule. but without an agreement...the commission chairman...says all racing in limbo.(ulman) "the preakness is always in jeopardy becauasee last year, heir proposal was to run a meet around the preakness, we reeected that, so clearly the preaknnss is in accomplissed." (rydell) "with a december 31st deadline just around the corner, the racing commission plans to meet again in mid-december and its members are optimistic that a compromise can be reaahed to keep maryland rrcinvg iable, at least forr2012.but it's an agreement...that cannot be implemented...until the racinn commission...givvs its &prydell, fox 45 news at ten. 3 grrat day.../ for...john deere...// john... deere employees.../ in... moline... illinois.../ are... breaking... a world record....// ááusingáá hundrees... of thousands of anned foods.../ too.. build a... life-size replica.../
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of... the company's... new.../ "s-seeies"... combine...///. ááthey'reáá... hoping... to create ...the largest.../ caaned food.../ sculpture... the world.../ has... ever seen...///. áááheáá... record... ps.../ 227-thousand ...cans...//. áádeereáá... workers... want to in this... sculpture. ááaáá 98-year-old man... in conneccicut.../ publishes...// his... first book, .../ áájustáá.../ a... few... years.../ after learning... how to .../ read and write...//. áá98áá... year old...// jim henry/// authored.../ his... book.../ "in... a fisherman's language".../// henry...wrote.../// 29 chapters...// and... pretty much ...covers .../ all... of jim's...// 98 years.../// bad day.../ foo a...// washingston state.../ baaista...//// ááááthisáá... is... a good.../ reason...// drivers stop... in.../ pfor... a cup of joe.../ a bicycle.../ man ...on - somethinggelse...////. áábikiniáá... clad... heather...// keees... a bat behind he coonterr. / ááandáá... some... mace,....//// áábutáá... whattunfolded...// happeeed... too quickky.../ to... use... them...// them...// heather says, "he told me to give him all the money in the
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till and at first i though he was joking, i was ilke are you serious.heather says, i started closing theewindow and he pushed thh window open, pushed me side, umped in all the money anddi jumped out of the window.. and ran over to the smoke shop, and was like i'm getttng robbed can somebody elp me." me." the robber...// tookkoff.../ áágettingáá... away... pith about.../ 00 dollars.../// gray skies today... and some scattered showers. showers. let's check in wwth chief meteorologist vytas reid... to see when the rain will move out. 3 &pp3 p,3&police foil a terror attack
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time... how close the suspect came to reason tth f-b-i didn't stop e him sooner. --pooice pepper spray, screamin- screaming--- police under fire for using pepper spray at a student protest.... coming up... a first-hand account from one of the victims. the racc to rescue a driver in a fiery rrsh ... the clever way witnesses helped save his life. way witnesses helped save his life. &
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♪ [ female announcer ] light up your season with a brighter, whiter smile. with crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. it penetrates below the enamel surface to whiten as well as a $500 dentist treatment. the secret's in the strip. for a smile that's sure to stand out. crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. for faster results, look for our 2 hour express holiday special pack. life opens up when you do. who converted to isllm -- was
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said to beean hour away from completing work on pipe bombs -- when he waa arrested over peekend.laura ingle reports on the latest ttrror plot -- against new york city. city. investigators in new york say jose ppmentel has no formal ties to al qaeda - though he has been described as sympathizer of the terror group. pimentel was arraigned last night in new york city, charged with providing support for an act of terrorism,
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zablocki saas: "there is abbut this whatssevee." investigators say pimentel was motivated by terrorist propaganda and resentment of u.s..troops in afghanistan and iraq, and that they moved in on him over the weekend, because he was ready to carry out his plan. kelly say: "he talked about changing his name to osamaahussein, to celeerate his heroes osama bin laden and saddam hussein. -&pi us servicemen reeurning from praq and afghanistan."police released thii video at the news conference announcing his arrest... demonstrating the damage the pipe bombs he allegedly was building ácouldá have done. the 27 year old had been uuder surveillance sincee2009 2009 3 3
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the nypd tried several times tooiivolve the f-b-i on this caae. the fbi concluded pimentel didn't have the predisposition or the ability to carry out the plot. he's been heed ithout bail, and will be back to court november p5th 3 a.../ university of california.../ student.../// speaks... out.../ after ... being... maced.../ by police. --police pepper spray, screamin- was... caught on camera... / ááaboutáá... a... &pon the ground .../ ááwhenáá they were... epper sprayed... y policee../ point- blank.../ friday...//. áásophiiáá kaa-ran.../ was... among the studentss. / ááprotestingáá higher tuition costs "after they sprayed us it felt our bodies, our hands, all of were just burning. even hours afterwards wwen we tried to remove our clothes and hower it was like the irst burn all over again."
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two... police &pofficers.../ and... the caapps... police chief.../ are... on... administrative leave...// while... officials innestigate...////. áá11áá people... were treated for.../ the effects... of... pepper spray 3 a fiery car crash turns into a dangerous rescue... in san francisco. witnesses say the car ust into flames afterrcrrshing used a fallen road sign to knock out the windows and a police officer sawed his seat belt tt pull him to safety. the driver was hospitalized but was expected to survive. police say he'll be booked on influence. f driving under thee- phe.../ congressional supercommittee.../ admits.../ defeat today. tonite...// thhy couldnt ...come up .../ with... an agreement .../ o slash.../ 1.2--trillion dollars.../ from ...the... federal deficit...////.ááeacháá arty... blamed the other... / ááwitháá not... .../ over... rasing taxes..../// áásinceáá the committee ....ailed to finn.../ common ground... /ááthereáá... are... ásupposedá to be.../ automatic.../
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across-the-board... cuts.../ in.../ 20--13. &p3 we asked: did think.../ the... super committee.../ would ...find a sslution... to this mess? mess? áámostáá... think so..../ áácheckááá oot... ourrfacebook page.../ at...// foo-bbltimore dot com .../ ááandáá... join... the discussion// 3 a gray day...and the rain shows no signs of stopping... but will we dry out ii time for thanksgiving... 3 meteorologist vytas reid... 3 3
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aae you making thanksgiving dinner this year? the common mistake most beginnees make when preparing a turkeyy... 3"ttis cocktaii of chemicals went into her bodd, and caused horrific ppin."
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pain."a cosmetic procedure goes erribly wrong... what a fake doctoo is accused of injecting into a wwman's butt. 3
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ugh, time to color. woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon! tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven. aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam!
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just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back. with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam haircolor! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. thanksgiving...
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comee... thursday... /// ááandáá the... department of agricclture says.../ if... yoo're ...serving a bird... / áágetáá it... ready now../ ááoneáá.... of... the biggest mistakes.../ rookie... turkey cooks... make .../ is... ánotá... giving the turkey.../ enough ... áthawá p should... be...// - one... day of thawing.../ pounds... of turkey....//. áácookáá... the... turkey... to.../ 165--degrees.../ ááandáá.../ chill... calllng the cops.... assistant principal in floridaa lacked common sensee...for calling the sherriff after a pair of consenting 12-year-olds sharrd kiis on the playground. two girrs were debating over over who iked a certain bby moree so one of the girls walked over and assistant principal called the - sheriff.the deputies took a report, but determined no crime had been committed.
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a trrnsgendered woman hazardous materials into a woman's buttockss. police injecting cement, mineral oil, and flat-tire sealant... into the rear-end of a woman who wanted a fuller figure. thh victim wws in so much pain, she had to be admitted to the hospital and "if you're being injected outside offa doctors officer, its witt some type of chemicaa phats going to criiple you ann kill you immediately or eventually you're going to coos say morris actee as the doctor and patient-- performing similar wwrk on herself. morris-- wwo identifies as aawoman-- is charged with prrcticing medicine without a license and serious bodily injury. police elieve there are other embarrassed to come forward.
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3 3 aamad dash to rescue rabbits on the loose. loose. why these bunnies... were in... serious danger.../ and the act of kindness hat saved their lives. 3 3 3
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get this... a majoo rescue
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effort underway in colorado... after someone dumped dozzns of rabbits along busy road. roaa. áátheáá... society... couldn't respond iimediateel.../ áásoáá.../ good &psamaritans... shooed up .../ rabbits...///. p ...the - áátheyáá... heard... about the abandoned bunnies ...on the news...///. áátheáá 60... white rabbits... areenoo &plooking.../// for good homee. roads are closed to protect drivers froo a huge landslide in saa pedro, california. cceck out the destroyed road! the area has been slipping for a long time- but recent storms &phave made it much worse. now, officials are calling it everyone away. follow...// the...
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using...// our...powerful...// doppler..../ radar...// áái--radaráá.../ is... now available.../ at.../ foxbaltimore dot com...////. 3- the purple aad black revived the run on sunday...why jje was the in - sports unlimited... 3 3 that'll do t for [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable
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and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. this holiday deal is only for a limited time. so don't wait. get fios at this great price. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, go to fios. a network ahead. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. barnd. and i'm jennifer nks -3
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gglbertt up next is bruce cunningham witt sports unlimited.. startinn right now.. 33 3 after ray rice had only 5 carries in a loss to seattle, ravens fans were ready to storm the castle...litterally.. haa the kknd of balance the i ravenssare lloking for...277 passess 28 runs...rice topped 100 yards and had two toochdown. touchdowns... but that doesn't mean he airial attack wasn't working...quite the for 270 yards and two co threw rising rookie torree smith caught 6 for 165 yards and one of hose td''... but don't count out the passing game... 3"weemoved the ball by throwing the ball. we had some big plays throwing theeball today. i keep saying it anddpeople don't want to listen but last
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week the game had to e like that. if you run the ball, if you throw the ball 5 less times and yyu don't ever get a chance to score; you're going to be looking at yourself and saying, "why did we do that?" we're going to do what's going to give us the best ssot to wii the football game. whatever that may be." elsewherr....rex ryan has been the nfl commissioner...for using a profanity in an exchange with &pworth...a repeat offender, ryan gets one of the larger fines ever levied for such a thing...he used a profanity while telling heckling fan &pto shut up.rex says he's full accountable and adds that he won't appeal the fine. .a rarity in the a-l mvp award...tigers ace justin verlander becomes the first pitcher since dennis eckerlsley in 19-92 to take home the trophy...roger clemens was the last starter to win back in '86...verlander dominated american league lineups winning the pitcher's version of the triple crown... 24 wins... 2240 e-r-aa...and 250 strikeouts while leading
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detroit to tte center fielder jacoby ellsbury finished 2nd in voting... itts now time to announce the candidates in our high school game of the week contest... brought to you by varsityy sports network dot can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of bb going to fox-baltimore dot com and clicking on hiih school game of the week... here's this slate of games... games... .all state football semifinals...aberdeen at river hill in the 3a semis.... catonsville visits old mill in 4a...and dunbar against overlea at ccbc-essex for a trip to the 1a championship... we'll announce the winner thanksgiving night... that'll do it for his ediiion of sports unlimited...i'm bruce sure to tune in to foo45 morning news tomorrow -- startin
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