tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW November 25, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EST
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we.../ start... with... breaking news../ from... milford mill...////. áápoliceáá are... who.../ stabbed,,, a... victim.../ in... the stomach.../// áápoliceááá... seaaed--off.../ the scene.../// and....are searching.../ ffr... the stabber..../ áátheáá critical conddtion.../ at... shock ttauma. hello./.. and... happy thanksgiving.../ i'm... jeff barnd...///. áámanyáá are... saying... the... ááafteráá... one... of i &ptheir... apparent upporters a... vettrans memorial./ memorial. janice park .../ looks... at the outrage.../ the... causing. hh jeff,people
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walking in wy-man park today were angry to see the words occupy life spray painttd on the union soldiers and sailors monument.but tonight occupy the monuuenttis meant to --3 immortalize the heros of the civil warr..but now, vandalism...including a hash tag...and the worrs occupy life plaster the back of it. during their thanksgiving meal at mckeldin square...we asked protestorss..if their group was responsible: "we're not saying it's you guys but we want your monument in wyman park, it hhs the hashtags, i going to ring give them hell, i want a rew to cleannthat up" up" "i eel like they're really setting themselves back by defacing monuments" several folks we spoke to today at occupy baltimorr believe the vandalism s someone's attempt park fox45 news late edition. áátheáá search... is on.../ for... a missing.../ 4-year-old... irl.../. girl.../. police say a
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woman imply walked off ith her. her name in is ry-kia brown. she lives with her mother on tivoli avenue near harford road in northeast baltimore. family members say a woman they had juut met was at the home uesday. the woman told the child's mother she was running an errand ann wantee the little girl to go with her. the mother aalowed her to go. and tonight or the child. 3 3 if you know anyyhing about this diasppearance call baltimore police. 3& tte...// turkey's...// eaten...// áátheáá... dishes... are done...// áátimeeá... for... bed? áánoáá.... way... for..../ shoppers...// lining--up...// for... "black-friday...// mong them...// áákarenáá... arks...// live.../// in line...// áábutáá... where?
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still... ruu... the event.../. áámanyáá off.. the hungry.../ who... once &pácameáá.. for.. .a... now... áservingá... the 3 p"it got me better. i don't have to eat from the table i'm working doing better and i'm just volunteering myself...." mmself...." "whhn you see thousands in line, it tells me how far we need to go..." go..." orggnizers... say... they helped... people.../ this usand - before.... sitting down dinner... / áásome áá people ...spent the morning .../ workiig up... an... appetite. it.../ was... a beautiful morning... on tte green... / ááforáá the... 16th annual... turrey shoot.../ ááhostedáá by... baltimore's.../ classic... 5.../ golf courses--- / áápineáá ridge,.../ carrol.../ park...// mount pleasant,.../ forest park ...and....clifton áátheáá... "shotgun style"... start..../ áálet'sáá play.../ a... round of golf... inn../ áá beforeáá... the.... holiday festivities begin. "by doing it as a stogun wheee thh same time, its perfect, because that way they caa get their golf in before they have celebrate thanksgiving."- -
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ttanksgiving." each course .../ offers... speciil for.../// ./ a..." ttee in contest.../ n... par three... holes. representative.../ gabrielleegiffords.../ surprises troops.../ in... tucson.../ today.../// ááoneáá... f... her first... appearances .../ since... being shot.../ in... the january...//. áájamesáá rooen... haa a ookk../ at... how.../ she... gave back... this thanksgiving. thankssiving. merger ssys: "ma'am you're an inspiration to the community,, to the base and to the nation. (thank you). gabrielle giffords... helping servv thanksgiving dinner to service membees and retirees at davis- monthan ir force base in her hometown. it &pmarked the arizona constiueet event... since being shot in the head last january during a meet and grret with consttuents outside for the holiday gathering, piffords sported a baseball cappand an apron with her pront... she was joinedd by her husbandd retired astronaut mark kelly. the congresswoman... using continues to undergooa robust
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rehabilitation program in houston. her husband supported her on hhr leftt side... and helped served ham to the soldiers..orman says: we have a lot of members who have unfortunately sustained injuries and are dealing with a lot of the samm issues the congresswoman has had to deal wiih and her family haa had o deal with." base officials had originally asked part in the annual but when giffords found out about the invitatton she decided she anted to go herself.norman says: "these aiimen a lot of them are 19, 20 yearr old and it's thee first tiie ttey've been away from home, especially during &pthe holiday season. to have her to be here as part of our &pfammly, to let them know thhy're home ithh heir family now and ww're serving themma comrodery and to just be part of this day is an amazing phing."rosen says: "as a membbr of the house armed services committee, giffords has earned a reputation as a strong supporter of soldiers, veterans and their families. earlier this year she was named honnrary military spouse of the year byythe national magazine "mmlitaryyspouse." in washington james rosen, fox
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news." 3 bad thanks giving...// for.../ hulk hogan, ... .../ he... reached ...a divorce settlemenn .../ with his... ex--ife,.../ linda, .../ ááhe'sáá... giving her...// 70% ...of all his assets...// ááplusáá... 40--%.../ ááonáá/... top... - &pof that...// ááheáá... 3--million...// dollars...// ann../ ice rink... is turned .../ into...// a... bowliig alley... this than. thanksgiving. "nats of turkey bowling bowling it's.../ the... fiith annual... turkey bowl... in cinncinatti.../. ááparticipantsáá aim... frozen turkeys the bowling pins... / and releasee../. áásoáá what's the secree... oo... ttis yeerr's... winner??. "this is my first turkey bowl that i've ever een a paat of and iithinkkmy strategy to ii was thatti didn't realize it wassthis cold, and i didn't helppd my throw a little "
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3 the winner... took home 50-bucks.../ ááaáá d-v-d.../ and... the... turkey bowl trophy. .../ áátoáá.../ play.../ everyone ...had to &pbring... two canned goods.../ r... a.. five dollar donation. a... bad, ...bad day ...for.../ pat robertson. robertson. what's that one thing at thanksgiving that you have to have? is that a black thingg ii is a black thing pat! really? really? not only... is he taaking secretary oo ssate,.../ áábutáá... it's about... the... all americcn... ac and cheese....// ááii'sáá... thing.../ pat...// áárememberáá folks.../ pat robertson...// proves...// ááanyoneáá... can... run... for preeident.../// a perfect fall day
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for the fall feast. feast. let's see what's happening now witt meteorologist emily gracey? pnd emily? how was your turkey? 3 & there's a lot of serendipity to the program." from a sombbr dutt to helping theeliving beat their injuries. how arlington national ceeetery is treating america's wounded waariors. you think tte obama administration woold ave
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there.../ is... a group ...// of... our... nation's wounded thanks todaa ..for a áá pelping them.../ ... heal....//. ááthatáá help... is... coming .../ from.../ an... unnikely source...///. has... a look.../ at... the.../ amazing program.../ from aalin. arlington. the horses you see at arrington nntional cemetery pre best known for pulling the caissons that takeethe nation's fallen solliers to their final resting place. but in their down time - these animals do more than just hang out n their
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stables. through - the u.s. aamy caisson platoon equiie-assisted program - they team up with platoon &psoldiers to elp he country' ssattered lives through horse pherapy. pence says: "now phee get to help their wounded waariir comrades recover. ttere's a lot of serendipity to the program." pence says: "what we have seen is as the riders and horses get to know particular bonding that taaes place." one of those wounded warrior riders is samantha nerooe. the army lieut military career has iicludedd four deployments - from bosnia to baghdad - and caused her to experience more thann70 mortar attacks. she now has post traumatic stress ddsorder. nerove says: "thii has been onn of the most valuable things i have done n tte process of my recovery." at first nerove was afraid to get on the orses - but she was surprised how powwrful she felt when sheefinally did.
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reigns of the horse we are grabbing the reigns of our life." and though injuries, nerove says when she peels them - the horses do &ptoo. nnrove says: "i had a flashbackkon mickey and he was a troopee, he stayed right &pthere with me." the proggam was considered recreational therapy when it started in 2006 at virginia's ft myer. but the therapy component 3hhlp now foo the best stretch in k, theeworld." nerove says the beauty of thii therapp is - the sense f calm and control she feels on the horse - surrounded byyother ssldiers with her - eeen when she says: "everyday i come oot --33 hereeand i just feel this amazing, amazing, sense of ride.....when i 3
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this time...// to... the workers..../// ááafteráá... the company the eeecutives.../ made off... with mmllions,.../ áátheáá... employees ...filed.../ for... federal.... aid...//. &ppátheáá program for people.../ who... llss their jobs...// due... to overseas .../ competition. competition. aayone.../ with... common sense.../ kkows .../ solyndra...// páwasáá doomed .../ from ...the start, .../// thanks...//;' for... the...// stellar... decisions...// being made.../ in ashington...// common sense says, let &psomeone else do it. survived.../ a... helicopter new zealand .../ is... vowing .../ to... get back... in the air...// --crash nats--- nats--- greg .../ gribble... as using ...the heeicopter .../ to... set upp.. a... christtms tree .../ wednesday .. // áábutáá... theeblades... hit a cable, .../ causing the crash..../ áátheáá phopper... landed on its enn../ .breakiig in half.../. ááamazinglyáá.. / wiih... nothing more.../ - than... a.. slight llip. because it happened so quick ii was like a dream realll... it was like bang ann thee ii my belt. 3
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áátodayáá , he caught.../ the... biggest beaver, ...// you ever...// saw.../ saw.../.// this.../ massive beaver.../ was... captured today.../ in... blaine, minnesota..../ ááitáá tiis... the ssales... at... 75 pounds..../ áápeopleáá... noticed... large treess...falling... all over the place...////. ááonáá closer inspection...//, ttey... saa .../ the... tell-tale.../ beaver sign.../////. thhy... found the massive beaver.../ in... a... &pnearby trap....// áátauntingáá... the trappers...// áánoáá... word.../ on... what will happpn.../ to... the... surlyy.. beaaer..../// let's ... take... a final look... aa the extended... skywaach forecast with emily. emily. & 3
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3 thanks for being with us this thanksgiving. iim jeff bbrnd. right now, herees morgan 3dsit. i'm thankful for the opportunity steve biscotti gave onn guy to do this. and no matter what happens in thiss game or any other, we are going to come right back in here eady to work.. these phings don't llst forevee, and if thanksgiving's about that. anddputting it in that kind of perspective. bbother verse rother... first time ever n the n-f-l for head coaches.the 9-and-1 49ers at 7-and-3 ravens.two games in
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five days for both teams... john taking on jim...major bragging rights on the line.... 2nd quarter..tied at 3... time...alex smith to tte ginn he's gone...75 yard ckle and for aa illegal chop block... t-d caaled back....then it's the ddfense...joe flacco airs it out or torrey mith... tarell brown makes a great pick...check out the replay... hooks smith's arr...55 yard settle for 3...niners added a & break....3rd quarter...3rd and 7...flacco to lee evans...out of cold storage...fights for the first down...kkeps tte drive aliie....latee in the drive...flacco hits ed dickson...the 7th receiver to catch a pass n the drive... &pfirst and goal....samm drrve.. 4th quarter...dennis pitta catches is first ccreer touchdown...ravens take a 7 point lead....late in the 4th...terrell suggs brings
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down 3rd of the game...9th team sack..tying aa franchise record....on 4th and incomplete...the ravens win on thanksgiving..16-6...the much anticipated handshake between brothhes...john gets the gatorade bath...ravens improve to 8-and-3... &his numbers aren't sexy... but best offenssveeperformance from joe flacco all season... in total control with his receivers..15-of-23... 161 yards... 1 t-d.he hit 8 differrnt targets... anquan boldin at the top... 4 receptions... 63 yards... .hhw his third on thh season.the team tied a franchise record for sackk in a game... 9 on thhnksgiving... terrell suggs 3... cory redding 2-and-a-half. ray lewis missed his 2nd straight gaae with a bad toe.. 3&packers at lions... kicking off hanksgiving football .2nd quarter no score... green bay's defense finally coming alive these past two weeks.... clay mathews intercepts matthew stafford's tipped pass.
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.that ssts uu aaron rodgers o his man greg jennings... 3 yard score... 7-0 packk... rodgers with 307 passing yards. .3rd quarter... ndamuuong suh... gettiin a reputation as today... dead on... ejected ground... aad then kicking him. .later in he quarttr... jones busting loose for 65 &pyards and the score... 1-0 packers.packers stay unbeated... 27-15. &pcowboys hosting the suddenly hot dolppins....3rd quarter... fins down one...matt moore marshall...terreece newman on - still makes the catch...that's worth 6 upp romo to jason witten...pushed outtof bounds right nto a &pcheerleadee...thaa's 265 pounds barrelling into her... she's ok... and stayee in the game..same drive...the up and connects with laur-rentt robinson for the go ahead score...2 tds and 2 picks for
1:03 am takes the lead seconds left...dan baiiey kiccs it right through the uprightt...dallas wins 20-19... streak... time to announce the winner of our high school game of thh week contest...if you''e happy, great.disappointed... weel then vote more next week by going to fox baltimore dot c. com. with 51 percent of the vote you picked dunbar at overlee in the 1-a state sure to turr in tomoorow night for the pctiin... that's it for ssorts unlimited...i'm morgan adsit... happy thanksgivvng...gooddight. goodnight.
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