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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  December 6, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EST

12:30 am
"they were literally tearing chunks of flesh vvt said it looked like a shark att" attack"a series of vicious dog attacks.tonnght...the citt takes action aa outrrged pet ownees eet with police. good evening, i'mmjennifer giibert. jeff barnd issoff attacks in southhast ll le are baltimore. janice park is live at patterson parr park to tell us how police are getting involved. janice? police say the attacks were pevere in thhs neighborhood paaterson park theyyve given out 10 citationn recently for unleashed dogs. in the middle of tonight s meetinggthe owner of the pitbulls blammd for the most recenttattacks showed up.
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joanne dolgo says the pitbulls attacked her poodle, tearrng it s flesh off anddinflictinn &ppittull ownerrangel perez say his gate as vandalized and says what happened november 11thhwas a regular dog fight. 3 "i couudn't beliive it, these lick you to death, hey onll nn - being more defensive it was a regular dog fight, when thhy were hittinn with bricks, and it was 2 by 4's possible nails when it comes to theepitbulls there will be a heaaing wed to decide whether to euthanize them. a baltimore city police
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officer is ursing a gunshht wound tonight after being shot officer. investigators say the officcr as shot today whill serving a warranttduring raid at a home on pine cove avenue in odenton.. ballimore county police say it was one of their officers ho &paccidentally hot the city pfficer ii the arm. it's a shooting that caught neighbors by surprise. 3&mrs. mcmiilan: i'm devaatated. i have small children, mm neighbors have small children. they play uu wouud never have thooght e - something like this wwuud havee been going on in our area." police arresteddthe drug suspect outtide without incident. they say the shooting happened when the officers went insiie the home.. wherr they fouud nearly 30 pounds of marijuana.... doctors at shock traama say the injured officer is expected to make aafull a eputy sherifffwho took a bullet serving a highhrisk aa earing held for baltimore -
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city sheriff's deputy james lane.lane wassshht in 2008 &pwhile arresting a murder suspect in this west baltimore home.the sheriff's department intially said laneewas shoo by misgivings abouttthe official persiin of events..... douuts &phe shared ith us in an exclusiie interview.that intervvew might coot him his bullet ade a bigger hole in - my ace thamn probably .388a&the suspect supposedly had a .3814:33:06"it tells me they are lying aaout he whole " thing"no word yet on a decision in lane's case. the sheriff's department has also &pdeclined to release findings into lanees claims. a violent confrontation between police and occupy protessers in washington d-c yey yesterday"thissis peaceful ppotestthis is peaceful protest" built that wood structure saturday night.park police told protessers to ake it
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down.they refuued.then, police started arreeting peopleesome their half-finished they brought in a cherry-picker late last night to take them downin all... 31 people weee arrested. ...and crime continues to be a baltimore ccmp ii mmkeldin square.police say thhs woman - desiree nicholssn - stabbed another woman during an argummnt over a thh victim was rushed to johhs wounds in the arm and thigh. oq: we ave an leedisheartening obligation to rract react the victim is in stable pondition. nicholson is being held on 75-thousand dollars bail. hhs ssmeone been using baltimore'' "e-- card readers"
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&pto hack into credit carr accounts?two brothers who were victims offcrrdit card fraud to city parking officials. t rashid and jim malii say ttey're convinced someone used a skimming deviie to steal their account information att one of ttese parking kiosks. they bothhparked in the samee area while visiting their phey say ttat's theeonly place where they bbth swiped their cards.
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astronomical water bills by mistake.... the city begins the process of replacingg antiquated water meter readers. 12-thousand homes that still have a 40-year old system, are being refitted with the new &preaddrs. some of the old one didn'ttwork... so customer's biils haa tt be estimated. public works officcals say thhs is the first step towaars a complete overhaul: (celeste amado-city public works)"in the futtre we will be upgrading the entireemetee reading system so that ll readdrs outside oo homes will be remote read." read." the overhaul will cost 130 million dollars and take 5 years to complete. & somm baltimore city council members are outraged tonight... after learning a stealing scrap metal for again. sveeaa montts 45 recorded hearley bruce scraping metal investigation, bruce as come clean and admitted that he's been doing thhs for 18 years.
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now uncooered bbuce could rettre with his full city. there is o law that prohibits city employees convicted of crimes from claiming their pensioo. peeeral council embers want that changed. 17:36:58 we should look at sanctioning ann eeping aapart think we really need to lookk at this legislatively. :07 17:43:11 when you're talking about public employees and they do someehing on the taxpayer dollar thht violates &ptte public truut therr should beesome penalities that go along with that :16 :16 despite bruce's admmssion, he is still on the city's payroll tonight. that rings us to our question of the ddy. should employees convicted of crimes agaiist the city be alloweddto colllct their pension? pension? it took just minutes for a lot of you to weigh in on this one...most of you ttink thee shoull lose their pensions... join the conversation...go to facebooo dot com... slaah 3
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it's good day for little called a hhro afttr saving his grandfatherr his 4-year-old grandson ith - panden, when he passed out from low blood sugar.the bby grabbed his grandfather's iphone, and without realizing &pit....recorded groond... as the boy is he & running through the woods. panden didn't know his own phone number... but he started &ppushing buttons...and somehow rediiled his parent's number. "i was justtrunning back and youuafraid of?" "i wasn't afraid of nothing." (reeortee) "whaa did you want toodo?" "i was crying, because i wanted my parents." 3 kanden got hii parenns on the phone... and told them his &pgrandfather had fallen asleep and wouldnt waae up.... his parents kept kanden on the wwods for two hours. they finally found him, and rushed carl to the hospptal. anddii's a ood day a &pchildren's hospital in
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guinness world record for the largest collection of bottle toos the hospital of one thousand ppundd. - phey plannto recycle the bottle tops and uss the money to buy important medical equipment.. and a bad ay for some really expennsve cars... that end u ... including ferrrris and a lamborghini....slammeddinto pach otherrin estern jappn. they wwre beeng drivennby luxuryycar aficionados... on their way to hiroshimaathat's when one of the feeraais ran into the median... setting off a string of collisions. witnessee say thhe were traaeling far ovee the speed limit. a beaatiful start toothe week, but some rainy weather is on tte way....lets check in withh chief meteorologist vytas reid to see when it will arrive. vytas? 33
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3 a major annouceeent from the ppstaa service ... he drastic changes underwaa... and how they'll affect when you get your mail. "it's allays been in tte back of my mind. i've held his in for 16 years." years."a bombshell accusatton
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against a former reddsox clubhoose maanger.... what ttis mannsays happened to him at fenway park. and a restaurant becomee a littll mistake that caused a big mess... and what the driver had to say after the prash...
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ugh, time to color. woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon!
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tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven. aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam! just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back. with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam haircolor! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. trying to survive.... the u.s. postal service way.doug mckellay has more on the effort o save the agency &ponntheebbink of baakruptcy. bankruptcy. 3 3 it's business model has fallen victim to theechanging technology of e-mail ann social media. that, and overly-generouu etirement benefits have led the quasi independent postal servvce, which takes nootax payer money, to fourteen-billion- dollars in losses this ear bankruptcyy to stem its f - lossee, it today announced draconian cuts.williams says, "we've got to deal with excess
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paaacity. gottaabring ourr revenne below our cost line and we have o do eveeything we can do to save this postal service."" under changes expecced to take effect in early pril, the postal service will reduccette number of sorting faciliiies from &phundred seventy five, resulting in the loss of tte savinn oo three-billion nd - dollars. that, in turn, means longer distances and longer delivery times. soo for first class mail ill no even if mailed ii the same city. instead it will take two to three days in the contiguous united stttts. it like pay checks, and aterial prescription medications. but the changes announced today are just the beginnnng.donohue says, "we have to take twenty- billion dollaas out of his organization to get us o goodd firr financial footing." eliminating saturday ddliveey, the closure of thirty-seven- pundred poot offices nationwide and reigning in pensiins benefits for postal wo. workers. one prooision in a senate bill under consideration would return an overpayment of eight to the posstl ssrvvce made into it's rrtirement system and buu-outs to reddce the postal
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service wwrkforce byytwenty percenn. in arlinnton, virginia, doug mckelway, fox &pnews. tww men say a former red sox clubhouse manager molested themmat fenway park innthe 90ss now, one f the alleged victims is sppeking ouu for the first time. time. donald fitzpatrick was accused of molesting at least nine boys when hhewassthe sox clubhouse manager etteen 1971 pnn 1991..he died in 2205 while serviig a 10-year prison, a man who worked in the clubhouse as a teee has come forrard with mmre says fitzpatrrck assaultee himm twice - once in an equipment room and once in a restroom. he was 16 at the time. i want my life back. i wann t - be normal again. i want to get to interact with the kids that i supposedly have. i just want like 've been running all my
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life. the statute of limitations has expired for filing lawsuits, but tte men are seeking $5 million settllments from the 3 we've had unseasonably wwrm weathhr... but will it tick r.'s check back with reid... teorologist vytas 3 3 serving a
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,3 3& and then she pulled my unddrwear down and me."p-searched me.""- an elderly woman strip medical request that made 3 medical request that made 3[ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable
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and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement.
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this holiday deal is only for a limited time. so don't wait. get fios at this great price. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, go to fios. a network ahead. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. hopeful newt gingrich is not
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backing away from his commeets 3ork..-ptting poor kids o "realll poor children, in reaaly poor neighborhoods have no abits of working and have nobody around them who works so they have no habit of showing up on monday.thhy haae
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no habit of sttying all day, they have no habit of i do this and you give me cash unless it is iilegal." 3 &p3 now,,he's asked businessman donalddtrump foo help to get the ball rolling for kids at one new york schooo. hh's of he poooee schools in new york and offer paid apprenticeships to kids. trump said he thought gingrich's idea wwssa reat plann an elderly woman says the t-s-a at new yorr's j-f-k airport "strip searched""her. lenore zimmerman was headed to lorida.he was going wheelchair with a walker in her lap...she askkd to be patted down instead of going throuuh a body scannnr. zimmerran told the agent she was worriee about the scanner interfering wiih her defibrillatorrthat request... requiring agents to take a ácloser llok.they scorted her to a private room.
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zimmerman saas: "she says will you pull your pants down ppease? and then shh pulled my underwearrdown and ptrip--earched me." zimmerran says the whole thing was mortifying.the t-s-a meanwhiie, is denying hat it does strip searches. 3 "singing... collapse" collapse" a christmas concert coolapse...the students that unuuual reaction ffrm tte he - auuience. 3
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[ dog ] i am a rockstar. my coat? solid gold. my insides? pure platinum. [ female announcer ] a healthy outside starts inside. new iams simple & natural has chicken as its number one ingredient and zero fillers. it works inside for health you can see on the outside. [ dog ] i can't be a rockstar on the outside if i'm not one on the inside. [ female announcer ] new iams naturals. you'll like what's in them and love what's not. [ dog ] i am an iams dog. [ girls ] he's so cute! [ dog ] groupies! get this... a school
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performance takes a turn for the worst. singing, creems screamsmiddle schoollstudents in nnrth dakota were ssnging "siient night" when... the risers ... collapsed.the surprised students tumblee too the ground.luckily... no one was hurt.parents on the othhr hand.. whipped out their apturr thh wiid fall. and take a lookkat this as a car plows right through the door... senddng customers running.a different camera shows the crash from a higher
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gas pedal instead of the tte -3 whether to charge her. 3 cooing up neet...ray llwis has missed three straight games... how the ravens ccntinue to win without number 52...staa p3 3
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that'll do it for the late
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1:00 am
edition, i'm jennifer gilbert. thanks for joining us.... coming up nexttis morgan adsit... sports unlimited starts right now. three strright ravens wins... three straight with linebacker ray lewis on the sidelinee lewis still not ready to go after aatoe injury suffered durinn the seattle loss.lewis 49erssweek...but was shut down aamost think it's not orth playingglewws for thattgame you have to hhnd core... jameel mcclain ann dannel ellerbe have stepped up. "they ppayed at a really hhgh level so that'ssreally a tribute tt thhm, to the coaches and to ray, as far as pringing thoss guys along; so &pphat's a posittve for us.. obviouslyy healthy rayylewis
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plaaing at theecaliber he's paaable oo laying at helps us beat tte colts. is he going to be ready tt ttat? we don't knnw. he says he's going to be ready to do it..we have ppobably been somewhat that he oesn't re-injure it. - so, we'll just ave to ee how it goes aaain this eek." it's the christmas of mmjor league baseball...the winter meeeings.all 30 teams present at a location for a week of dealing and tealing. stealing..veryone's trying o land he it off seassn rades and transactions. &p.all memberr involved in dallas tooay....rioles fans are on the edge of their seats to see what kind of moves neww g-m dan duquette is interested in names out there noww.. aabet puuols, prince fielder and c-j wilson.buck showalter speaking to m-l-b network... says ii's the players in the arm system that will make the biggest impact...
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maryland guaaddterrell stoglin can make a ccaah grin ear to ear whennhe leads his team in pcoring and a win.on the other hand...he caa make mark turgeon not want to start him because of his... at times... spastic play. play.either way he doos more pood thhn bad...and that's whyy he's emmrging as the terps go &ptooplayer..the a-c-c agrees.. &pnaming stoglln player of the 4 reeounds as maryland split two games ith illinois and potreedame. 3&dale hunner and the caps in sunrise, florida taking on the panthers....3rd period...caps once down 5-1...traill5-3... john carlssn's shot deflected in by jason chi-mera...his 11th...capitals down one....14 seeonds left...caps winnthe faceoff...alex ooechkin mmsses...carlson pushes it behind the net...pass comes out to ovie... he cannt get it. dennis wideman with one finnl slap good...caas
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fall to 1-and-3 under hunter.... that's all for sports unlimited...iim morgan adsitbe morning news tomorrow -- - goodniiht. 3 &p
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