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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  December 8, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EST

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33 bracinggfor a snowstorm. it's alreedyyinches deep ouu west. west. 3 you''eelooking live at what's happening right now in the city as the torm makes its way into balttmore. & 3 p ello, ... i'mmjeff barnd. barnd. ad i'm jennifer gilbert. it'ssgoing to get &nasty out there as thh night goes on. on. 3 lee's...// start with... phief meteorolooist... vytas reid.../ for... a look.../ att.. what's &phappening.... and... ow bad.../ it's... oing to get. pet. &p
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3&p follow...// the... winter bbast...// using...// p our...powerrul...// doppler...// - raddr...// &pááá--radaráá.../ is... noo availabbe.../ -3 at.../ foxbaltimorr dot comm..////. ááalláá -3 our cootent, .../ p is... completell free. & 3&p and keep up to date with sccool closiigs and foo45 morning news starting at 3 you're going safely.3
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33 two female bltimore city police officers... accused of plaae. keiih daniels.../ headquarters .../ ááwhereáá// we've learned thh officers & have been suspenddd. suspended. jeff.... the departmmnt ii confirminn tonight the rumors that have been generating a 3&pinttrnet..... 3 the story broke n twitter today.... a opulaa city bloggerr leaked petails..... the & department says two emale officers, who arr meebers f the mounted police unii, ... are under investigation ffr violations. the officerssare accused of engaging in a sex act with a man at a city bar... the department is not rrleasing specifics, but says the ooficers were off-duty and & not in uniform. another officer reporred the ncident which proopteddthe pnveetigaaion.. and public reaction. p33 (woman) "it's just crazy, like
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do.." (man) "i mean people that's suuposeeto be ppstanddng ann uphooding the law and to do something like that, that's a lttle bit ridiculouu and asinine ii you ask me." 3 police say they're not releasing thh & beccuss they say that coold hurt theii investiggtion. livv at city policee headquarters, keith daniels, foxx45 nees late editionn 3 3 breakiig news.../ 3 ááaáá.../ &pp stabbbng... onboard...// 3 ááitáá happened... in the... cherry hhll.../ neighborhood....///áátheáá vicctm... was taken... to shock trauma,...// & ááhisáá injuries... are ot... considered.../ áápooiceáá are... investigating this....// s... a... possible.../ robbery attempt...///. áánoáá... 3 disttrbing details surface 3 of the pit bulls that lmost killed a poodle neer patterson park. park. during a hearing today.. on whethhr the & pitbulls shhuld be euthanized... we found out that one of the itbulls haa been adopted from the bbltimoreeanimal rescue shelter. thatt adoption came only days after
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it wassseized during a drug raid. police & seezzd five pptbulls from the & home.... but that information dog's new owner. 3 13:40:47 they told me they testtthe dogs bbfore ttey get let out. they don't get aggrrssive dogs or whhaever so we went with him.did hey tell you aaout hhs history? as a & matter offfact attthe time they're not allowed to ddsccss hiitories. -3& histories.. perez says 3 had the dog he namedd"tango" bben used for fighttng or shown ny signs of agggession.... he would not pave adopttddthe animal. a & deccsion will be made withinn &p30 dys on the animals fate. 3 he suspended his campaign but his supporters are still behiid him. him."i wouldn't mind it if he gottback inn in"marylaad republicans weigg in on herman cain...four days aftee he drops out of the race - for president.cain was n linthicum tonight...talking
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pbout tax reeorm and energy independence.he told fox 45 tonight that dessite pccusations of annexttaaarital affair...aad sexual &pparrassment...he believes his & reputation isn't taanished: 3 "the feeling that i gottwhen i had to make thh announcement was broken hearted y not - broken, 'm not a broken persso because of this experience, i'' brokee hharted because i wanteddto hanne dc from thh iiside" & inside" cain says he will be 3 decide who he will endorse. 3 new teet scores how baltimore students are still strugglinn commared to other -3 city chool diitricts. 3 pccording to ttii yeer's nationnl assessment of educational proggess- ooly eleven peecent of baltiiooe city fourth graders are proficient or dvancee in reading. the numbers aren'tt much better for iggth & raders. only 12-perceet of & them are poficient or advanced readers. 3andres alonso/city schools ceo: 13:30 n math we hit the ball out of the park. both in fourrh grade and eighth grade
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weewenn up over fouu scale pointt 377jeaane allen/center por educatton reform: 34:28 it's one thing to say we're & doing grrat with advantaged with disadvaataged kids, you haae a eal problem 35 the n-a-e-p tess is givvn o a & small sampling of students pcross the counnry eeery wo years. city school leeders say they look forward to the numbers being even better in 20--3. 3on the eve of its 20tt anniversarr...camden ards iss & about to undergo...some renovaaions. 3 1.8-million dollars iin 3 picnicarea..t wiil be open to will feature new statues f - all thh orrolesinducted inno the hall of fame. 3& (franchot) "we love the - bbseball team, we want them to &pggt back to the brooks robinson era nd anyyhing we 33 associate them with baseball, that's a-okay by me." me." 3 the renovations to camden yards are exppcted to be completed by ooening day. 3 attorree general .../ errc &pholder's... best defeese .../ áááiáá...
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office memos, .../// áátheáá... white-- house...// is... using.../ a... pcollective amnesia"... -3 ddeense .../ to... explain why.... - áátheyáá...// may... have --3 álledá... to conggess....// &pááwilliimáá/... la... jeunessee../ showss./ "fast and furious"... probe...// ááisáá leading... to calls.../ foo ...the rrsignation.../ p of... too.../ obama ooficials. officials. 3 holdee says: "i did not know about fast and furious"not the attorney general...nor his deputy breuer says: "i cannot say for sure whether i saw 3 former chief of ssaffohlson - says::"as ii ttrned out senator i did not rrad hat weekly report."nor appaaently did officials at a-t-f or homeland secuuity napolitano saas: i did not knowwof fast &paaddfurious"mcmahon ssys: ""o onn was aware guns were walking at my level or above me."so officials charged with stopppnggguns at the border - pctually had federal aggnts helping smuggle themwall ssys: &p"i could not bblieve thatt someooeein a-t-f would so calloosly let firearrs wind up in the hands offcrimmnals.""n violation of uus. and of the ppesident's top officials knew it obama says:
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"he was not aware of what waa happening in fast and furious. 3 says: "weehave nn record of up..some lawmaakrs simply ddn't buy itcornyn says: "they & ere memos wwth your nnme on it.. addresseddto you.. referring to thh fast & &pjust saying thaa you dddn't read them?"holder saas: " i didn't receive them."(oo cam tag)investigators say attorney pgenerallholddr received ten &pmemos and three reports & regarding fass and furious, 3& pis mail. his aides do and thee tell him whaa he needs to & know. well three of those aides had connerns aboot tte tactics in fast and furious but again apparently didd't tell the attorney ggneral. many in congress ind that implausible and will grill holder aaoot itttomorrow. in -3&los angelesswilliam la jeunesse, foxxnews. 3 3 bad day.../ for....former ...illinoiss goverror ../ rod blagojevvch.../ áásentencedáá... to,.,., 14----years.../ in prison /// //// ááblagoáá... &pmade... one statement -3 the press.../ beffre ...heading home .../ -3 to... see his children.
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3 blagojevich ays: rudyard kipling in his poee....iff among the things he wrote was if you can meet with triumph ann disassor nd treattthose two impostors just the same. 3 lago.../ was... charged... with trying to seel... barack obamaas ...vacant... senate ssat.../ to the... highest bidder.../ no parolee....n... pederal prison../ behavior.. / &pááblagoáá... coulddbe ...released .../ in... time for .../ & "celebrity apprentice.../ 3 bad day...// for.../ aatoo.... alec baldwin .../ kicked off... an american aarlines fliggt...// & at... j-f-k airport... / for... refusing .../ to... turn off pis phone. phhnee.reporterss... were... swarming he & actor.../ following the incident... last pight... / ááheáá even... &pápushesá....a reporter....// reess.. say... balddin was pllying .../ the... popular game.../ "wwods with friends" .../ nd... wouldn't... shut off the phonn...../áátheáá argument... betweee the attendant... / áácaused áá... thh plane... to be deeayee....// delayed....// áá ifáá... p you're... keeping score.../ áátheáá... word parrogant" ...// is... wrth... 11-points.../ n.../
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&p "words with friendss. & 3 ágreatt... day... however...// & foo... really ugly... hhlidayysweaters...// -3 áámarreáá blackmaa's -33 ...creations ... in veemontt..// are... you'vee.. ever seen --/// well...////. áásheeáá outfits...// folkss../ with... tte tackiest clottes ...// & christmas partiee,,,../// & áásoáá... this yeer.../ 3 áfashionaaleá.../ to,... catth up...// tt... aunt miilie's...// tacky... "frooty" sweatee...// 3 -3 3 former penn state coach & jerry sandussy issback in jail. why hh won't be etting out for a long tiie. -3 3 p aad another accused coach gets off the hook. whyy syraccse's finn won'' face any - charges for molestinggboys. 3 3 i enddd up takinn nnedles and putttng them in ppeecs oo meat meat a man feeds needles to a neighborrs dog. why he says he wasn't aacually trring -3 po urt the animaa. 3
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is... back in jail....// he'll... e ssaying there....// ááhe'sáá... unable ...toopost ...the -3 quarterrmillion dollar baill../ forr.. a... new round .../ of... "sex abuse "... chargess...// áááavidáá lee at... the arrrst .../ ááandáá... how... the investigation.../ is growing .../ daily. daily. 3 new sex abuse charges against &&pjerry sannusky. theeformer penn state assistant football today... after tto ánewá accusers were questiooed by a - grand jury.both alllgedd saanusky through the second fouuded in 19-77 to help disadvantaged &paccuuer claims he was assaulted in 19-97 whhn he waa 10 ears old.theeother says thh inciient happpned in 2004 &pwhen he was 11 or 12..- pennsylvania attorney generall linda kellyyissuing a statement saying quote: "as in mann of tte othhr cases identified to date,,the contact with sannusky allegedly fit pattern of -& 'grooming' victims."sanduskyy was already charged with 40 counts of child sex abuse...
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involving eight other boyss over a 15-year period..the 67-year-old ex-coach maintains & hissinnocence. meanwhile, a central pennsslvania ccllege psays sanduskyywas ádeniedá aa volunteer coaching posiiion llst ear.according to juniata -3 college... a baakgrounndcheck revealed a high school was investigatiingsandusky on see abuse allegations.downs sot: "mm professorsstold me a &pcouple weeks ago thht he knew -&thht hh came in and applied for a job. and the schoollhad donn its diligence and done background check. i was &ppretty proud f us to knoww that we did the right thhng.. 3 ssheduled to appear at aa prellminary hearing next tuesdaa. he may ace somm of 3hearing... as some f the young men reportedly plan to new yook, ddvid lee mmller, fox neww. 3 former yracuse university 3 bernie fiie, will ánot face charres over accusations he sexuully abused oys. 3&ppwo former ball boysssay fine mmlested them when hey were attorney announced today thaa their allegations are beliivable, but the statute of
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limitaaionsshas passed... so prosecutors can't ursue 3 "the bottom line being that in 02, 03, 04, 05 and in 2011, bbbby davis nd miie lang would be judged to be credible...but for the obvious problem of thh stattte of limitationstheir allegations would have resulted in the parrest of bernie fineeat least for he misdemeanor charge of - sexual abuueeinnthe thirr pegree." fine was ffred from syracuueefine was ffred from syracuse laat month.he denies - 33a... date.../ which... will live... in infaay....// áit'sáá... the... 700th attack... on peaal harbor, .../ ááanáá attack... that plunged.../ thee u.s..../ into... world war two. in,... 3 ááoneáá teacher... used thh date..../ to... draw paralllls... between... pearl hhrbor.../ 3 ellicott mmlls... middle - school ...teacher .../ is... also....a major.../ &p with the... maryyand national guard....// áádanáá p ood... returned last ponth.../ frrm -3 afghanistan. "well m glad the
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peneration before us secured & our freedom and im glad to see this presenttgeneratioo is equally dedicated to maintaining our ountry our -3 freedommour coostitution. " "major woodd.. has done... two -3 tours .../ in....the... near east.. 3 3 the snow isscoming. cominn. 3 get ready... for ... áddlightfulá... ádelightfulá.... orning commute. ccmmute. 3 chiif meteorologist vyyas - reid, ow bad is it going to 3
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3 hiding neeeles and -3 blades in meet and feeding them tt a dog. why the man &padmits doing it aad says it wasn't wrong. 3 a story oo surriial. ow this dog made a three ttousand mile journey home. 3 3
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3 3
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3 & 3 common seene says, talk it out, don't kill a dog ovvr a neighborhood feed. feudd this is the laat picture of jinx, taken just before she waa put to sleep. the og lived with her owners in mooroe county, michigan. over the past few weeks, one cooplaining about dogs barking and keepiig him up at night. instead f talkkng to his neighbor, hh rolled uppsharp needles in lunch meat aad bacon and fee them to his neighbbrs animal. police say the neiggboo confessed to dog, ut claams hh didnnt know 3 3& i ended up taking needlessand putting them in pieces of meat -3 mmati feel bad thht hhssdog diid, i really do, becauseeii - have a dog myelf and i mine 3 &p3 there's such a thing as karmaa and it will ccme back and get you aad i havvefaith innthat &pand he'll get hissin the endd i'm sure he's getting some of pt right now. p3 in ichiian,
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kiiling or torturing an annmal is a - pnnounceddwhat ccarges tte neighbor will face. 3 p3 common sense says just saa the pledge. the university of connecticut is facing laasuits afterrthey addee the pledge of allegiance to theirr & pregame ceremonies. tonight, ome fans and atheiit groups are upsee claiming -3 saying the pledge violates the separation of church and state & under the ffrst amendment. they say the hrase oneenation under ggd is offenssve and violaaes their rightt. pcommoo ssnse says just don't sayyit if you don'ttwant to. 3 3 -3 3& oh my goshh se either swam the mississippi, hiked the rockies or she hitched ride somehow somehow an ncredible journey. how a family's best friend waa rrunited with theirr ownees after eight years and 3 3 p- 3
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ended with an unbelievable phone call. & call. 3 a... virginia faaily.../ will... get... thhir... dog baak .../ eight years... after... she ran awayy & away. just amazing to me, just kept saaing you'rr in -33 virginia cause we're in california. p3 oh my gosh she either swam the -3 mississippi, hiked the rockiis
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or she hitched a ride somehowpsomehow the ruitt... family lost petunia 2003..../// áátheáá dog ...left their spotsylvania county home ../ and... took off...//. áásomehowáá thh dog... made itt across... the entiie country,.../ ááexactlyáá - how.../ may... never be... known..../// ááwhenáá peeunia left..../ ááelaineááá pruitt... was only.../ ááshe'sáá nearly... &p 9... now....//// ááaaá few days... go.../ áápetuniaáá as found... wanderingg...ii a california... wildlifeerefuge. 3 & 3 well petunia will be returniig to weether a llt pifferent than califfrnia. california. lee's look at - the snow and ur extended foreccst with vytas.
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3 ....the terps get a scare from unheralded mount st mary's... bruce cunningham has full details next in ports
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3 the late editonn.../ áábutáá./.. a... big weekend the ravens.../ 3& colts... to come to town. town. bruce cunningham 3 with a look at how ray rice s working to extend indy's zero win season. seeson. 3 3 as tte ravens got back to work today, they got someeneww that pleassd hemm but by no eans surprised them...afterrrrnning wild last sunday,, heir & pint-sized dynamo of a running -3 back was nnmed afc offensivv player of the week.. week.. 3 ray rice had his bbggest day
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ps pro last sunday in clevelann, ushhng for a career high 204 yards and a touchdown and his 7 yards er carry averager was the best in the nfl amonn back wwtt more than 10 ccrries..he alss leads in afc in yardd from scrimmage &pin that cctegory...and even he's impressed with whatthe's 3 33 3 college 3 collegg basketbal....nd you might do well to keep anneye on jimmy pptsss' loyooa - greyhounds...they ave won 6 in row, and their 6-1 tart is the best in school division pne history...tonight, they were on the road...down in the district taking on george washingtonn.. washingtonn.. 3 you thhnk jimmy p s fired up? -3 ...and it was well-
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placed...because dylan cormier has a verr big night...the shophmore out of cardinall gibbons drives anddgets it to fall...greyhounds pulling away.....laterr..cormier akes the pass and busts the three...he had a game high 26.......the greyhounds go on a 17-0 run, capppd by this juutii drummonn three pointerr..loyola runs it'ss reccrd to 7-1, getting a big pin on the road.. 65-55 the final down in dc...... 3 meenwhile....mark turreen's maryland terrapinsshosting mount st mary's t the comcast ccnterr...terrell stoglin wws punning all over the mountaineers earry on...and mmryland built a 16 point lead over thh visitors from back ccme the mountaineers...chad holley with three, and the teeps lead &pis cut to 6, 58-55......and barberrwith the baby hook inside, and the terp lead is gone..tied at 55.....but the terps bounne back...freshman nick faust ets the feed fromm sttglii and busts that -3 treyy..terps by one......and then later, stoglin froo tte
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maryyand eecapes withha tough one 77-74...their record now 5-- 3 the ravens' game next sundat night at san diego will remain - p prime timeegame...there ere reports that it would be to make room for tebowmania, as the broncosstake on the patriots that week.again, next sunday remains the night pamee.kickkfffstill set for 8:25pm 3 and alss tonight, towson falls to 0--8 losing to asalle 89-51...and that'll do it for this edition of sporrs unnimited...anddbe sure to -3 tunn in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight..- goodnight..- 3
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