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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  December 14, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EST

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family.... look out below, there's a potentially deadly problem on the beltway. beltway. how debris keepssfaaling and for it. hello,... i'mm...jeff ba. gilbert. in seconds, an interstate drive turns very dangerous as largg rockk rain down on the beltway. you saw irst oo fox. and aren parks .../ is live... in arbutus ...// to... explain why.../ this stretch ...of tte beltwayy../ may be morr ddngerous than we irst th. thought. we thought this started last night.....but we spoke with another viewer....who said his problem startee last week while driving under this bridge here at ollins ferry
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and theebaltiiore beltwwa... paal said he and his pamily including two small kids were driving along 6955 last hursday......when a rocc the size of a tennis ball crashed intoohis windshiild.... no one was hurt......but he pulled over and realized the damage that was done.... last night an stimated 15 cars were damaged......windshi and ssratched........traf ficcwas stopped for hours.... olice estimate close to a hundred rocks fell frrm the bridge operated by csx..... p3 bridge and smacked my f the - winddhield and broke it..... &pit......t soundee like a gun going scaree me and my family... heard in at y face and my coat...."" scared me a matter oo trying to find a safe plaae to stop" csx released this
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statement today....we ave looked into this issue and cannot find anyindiiation of phere he materiallmay have come from......the bridgeeis strrcturally sound......we will continue to look into thhe situation.... another.../ big story .../ you're ... áonlyá... seeing.../ firrt on fox...///. ááthháá... who's..../ snap photos.../ .. of... ppeders.../ on... the beltway..../// ááisáá... caught... sleeping... on the rydell... says...// - this... is sparking...// outrage...// among... critics...// of... this.../ program.../// 3prydell) "the photoowe have of the beltway at the charles st. xit, a lot of folks that travel this area are familiar with those white ssuuv.s parked onnthe shoulder, the onee that haae the speed cameras inside."the photo was taken shortly beforeenine this sound asleep. the person who th took tte photo says he was there for about 15 minutes and
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back to the site this saa an operator of the speed - take off. one critic is now reacting to the photo. (broccin) "it's a very has to be theee physically i would assume you have to check where the cameras are goiig o be positioned and doing thee manual things to the cameras so iffhe's sleeping hen at 6 o'clook, wwll whh is it not important then but when he wakes up at 6:45 it ii &pimporrant, ittneeds to be investigated."(rydell) "the stttt highway administratioo is defending their use of speed cameeas here at the this is still an ctive work zone. as or that employye in the vehicll, a spokeswoman tells uu 'we take these claims investigaae. in lutherville, john rydell, fox 5 news ate edition." 3 &pmaryllnd is one of 12 states which allow forrspeed pameras.... and for cash- proving invaluable.ey're - invaluable. 3according to maryland's
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comptroller, the city of camera revenue thii past more thannthe city had 3 "what are they doing with it? and they keee saying they're broke!" broke!" "i'm all for the city mmkkng oney as long as they don't get mee" me." the city has added more than 20-cameras since it started the progrrm two yyars ago. after more than two months in mckeldin squaree baltimore city police served ccupy protesters their eviction notice early this morning. &pthey cleared out the camp peacefully, which is a welcome change from how previous occupy evictions have gone in other cities. joy lepola shows you how the protesters deciied to llave withhut a figh. pfght. 3 3 3 3 cover joy vo vo
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22:14:12 i've said repeateddy i respocet he right to &pprotest the right to ree speecc but this was about a permanent encampment. encampmmnt. 7:40:57 i think all rawlings blake did here was open the floodgates floodgates 3
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occupyymovements around he couutry are facing eviction as many cities decide &ptheii welcome, ii there was any in the first place. in police areeinvestigating a - vandallsm of aastatue at the former ite of the occupy camp. somebody spray painted base. crews ere out today - reeoving the grafffti. the former campsite remains off llmits for protestt. occupy d.c. went mobile today nd caaped out inside the capitol. part of the &pthe doorrto speaker boehner'ss office. they say they're demanninn full voting rights for people n the district
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congress. they vow to be on a hunger strike ntil their demands are met. you.../ were the first.../ o... of... the... "occupy eviction.../ áááiaáá... the... sign up at.. poxxaltimmre dot com .../ and... look forr.. "mobill""../ at... the... right... of the screen. all of our content is totally free for fox45 viewers. p3the...// national... transportation... safety oard.../ áallá... cell-phone... all... too ../// 3 pamiliar.../ making calls.../ áátextingáá... while... ddiving...//. áátooayáá... the.../ n--t--s--b...// called or... a... nationwide ban.../ on... using cellphones, .../ ááhandheldáá... &p or... hands-ffee...// in... emergencies...////. áácongressáá... pould... have to .../ vote...// forr.. the nationwide... ban ...///.ááitsáá to text.../ gal - while...// driving.../ in maryland. we...// asked...// áádoáá.... ou... gree...// with... the n-- t--s--b's...// &pcall... to ban.../ áallá... ccll-phone use.../// while driving? áátherr'sáá a... ddbate...// going on...// on our... facebook page tonite...//
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&p it out...and join th 3 a settlement is reachee for the family f a man shot by a family will get hundreds of phousaads of dollars frrm balli. baltimore. still tonightt wanted his day in court. - dwight pettit originally sued for 10-million.. and he the case.. despite the famill's feer of a marylandd law that could cappa jury's award at $200-thousand dollars. 3 33:42 in all the work out 0 million or more 351 3 33511fficer ommy sanders shot and killed edward hunt in january of 2008. it happened outside he dollar store at center. innhis criminal trial last yyar, sanders told jurors he saw hunt hiding drugs and thought he hadda gun hunt had no drugs and was unarmed. sanddrs waa acquitted in that
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criminal trial. 3 bad day for jjseph amendola... sandusky--- the former penn &pstate asssstant foottbll coac , ccarged with sexually abusing 10 boys.when hiss lawyer was talking to reporters todayy....he announced that anyone who child mooesser.... should call 1-800--eality.somebody did. turns out 1-800-reality is actually a gay sex line. bad day for the dooald. he's announcing he will ánotá be moderating a g-o-p presidential debate aaterall. the announcement comee after onll two republican contenderr agrred tt participate. ppnnsylvania senator rick santorum were on board. but the majority of the might make theeevent all about announce that he's running. rump says he's not willing
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to give up hhs right to run as pn independent. itts a gooddday for chriitmas spirittwith a purple twist. and all this linebacking santa wants or children's faces and maybe a cure for turf toe... toe...--nats offray at table with kids--- kids---ray lewis handed out today at the walmart in port covington.eaah kid got the and their families.. . ray hosts the event every year for underprivileged childree, and says it's always humbling. "you know coming hhrr is ike, you, because you know, you try to come in, you try o control &pyour emotions, but ii's alway hard, ecause you know some of the stories in here." jjst one of several eeents hosted by the raaens today.. 3a baskets to more than 150 r a beautiful day. it's downright nably
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tropical for this time of year. year. let's go to chief meteorologist vvtas reid for a look at your skywatch forecast. forecast. 3 3
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throoing high explosive grenades into a crood of kidd ceeebrating christmas. why one mannkilleddthhee people aad shot overr120 more. 3 thune says, "theepresident needs to quit campaigning. e needs to get bacc and start governnngg a staleeate in congress pould cost yyu 15 hundred ddllars. why some lawmakers are digging in tt stop a plan to keep your taxee low. stalling american familiee with predator ddones.. you won't believe why these battlefield rrbott are beeng used over our own coontry to just hours ago, house
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republicans passed an eettnsion to the paaroll tax cut which would prevent the every americaa's taxes from
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going up by almost 15 hunnded dollars. but democrats are digging in for a fighh n the seeate to block the bbll after the president insists wealthiest ameeicaas. mikk cost you thousandd of dollars -3 if the two parties don't mmke week. boehner says, "we've got reasonable, responsible bill that really will help the american peoole, really will hhlp create jobs. i'm glad that we aae where we are and i look orward tootte senate it." however, thh - a formal veto ttreat adding to tte political drama..that drew an angry response from senate republicaassthune says, ""he president needs to quit campaigning. he needd to get back and start goveening and stop blocking the keystone &ppipeline." meanwhile, have been hammering out a deal to fund the government from this friday night through next september. it's muss-pass legislation, and leading
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white house and senate democrats for holding it upp rogees says, "we can't moveeuntil they signnthe conferencc ill and ii's a shame they are ttying around with a government shutdown heree it is being hhld administration officials say thee do not want congress to pass this spenddng ill first out of concern lawmakers could leave toww.carney says, "throogh past xperience, we reppblicans that they'll get that payroll tax cut extended forrone-hundred-sixty miilion americans at some point at pacc aluee" since &pboehner needs democratic vote spending bill, majority eader trying to strike ppovisions democrats do not like. reid wants three-hundred-million dollars, up from two--undred- five million for the commodity futures trading commission to implement dodd-frank oversiiht. and demmcrats want to trike sevvral republican piders which woold tighten &ptravel to cuba, bar tte energ fluorescent lightbulbs, aaloo ban abortion funding in
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washington, d-c. a key house ddmocrat saas hii is the nature of the ame.larson says, "i think all of this is theater. let's b honest about this, i mean this is all theattr. this is done, the machinations, the danne of the here." senior admiiistration offfciaas taae &pthh position nothing getssdon until everyttinn gets done. government funding bill, that has invvlved many compromises and could sttll fall apart is a high-risk gamble. on capitollhill, mike emanuel, foo news. 3 tell marylandds lawmakers you want thhm to help reach a deal to avoid a tax hike. head to com and click on the your dot - voicc taa on the leff side of the screen. p a.../ europp .../ ááafteráá... a... craaed... gunmaan.../ goes onn.. a.../ ppree.43-48 sirens up full full the... wail... of sirenn.../ drown out... the scceaming, .../ mobss..//
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ááasáá they... ran away... fromma christmas pageant.../ inn... belgium..../// áápoliceáá say... the man ...// lobbed... 3--grenades... into a crowd .../ ááandáá opened fire... with at....a... bus sttpp../ p acked with... innocent ppeple...////. áá2áá... teenagers.../ &p nd... an older... kiiled... in the blasts....and gunfire.../ áá theáá p attacker... wounded .../ 123... others...////. after... the... massacre...// áátheáá... gunnan... shot himself in the heaa...////. dont'.../ get... any - better than this. phis. almmstthalfwayythrough the &pmooth and we're still in thh 50's, unbelievable. let's check in with chief mettorologist vytas reiddfor a look at your skywatch forecast. 3
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predator drones every move. the shocking reason one of thhse stealthy planes was stalking n entire family for daas. heetaa mahhl of unbellevable opulanne of this kind of the commodes and what it will take for you to try out this throne of thrones.
12:50 am
♪ [ male announcer ] little owen wanted to play, but his nose was raw and sore. achoo! [ male announcer ] and common tissue made it burn even more. ♪
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puffs plus lotion is more soothing than common tissue, and it delivers our most soothing lotion for every nose issue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus lotion indeed. to give your cold a comforting scent, try puffs plus lotion with the scent of vicks. north dakota...
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bbsted by... ááusingáá... a... predator drone... /// /// their.../ crime...? áátheeáá... 6--cows.../// áátheáá... brossarts,.../// weree.. deemed.../ so dangerous.../// áápoliceáá...// unleashed... an.../ &punmanned... ppedator drone... them....// áátheáá... brossart's.,../ wouldd't... give back .../
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6--cows...// that... wandered .../ on... áátheseáá samee... weapons...// used ... in pakistan.../ and fghanistan.../ are... now.../ being deployyd.../ on.../ americans.../ in... their oon.../ backyards....///// áátheáá... drone... 150--million...// dollars.../// áádoesáá... anyone...// remember...// the... enola... gay...// being... used...// to... track... speeding...// driverss.. / after...// thh... end... of.../ world....warr2? here's... something.../ that makes... a lot of sense...// the... can.../ who... has everything...// toilet --/ worth.../ 130---housand dolllrs --// from... tokyo, prrcey caa.../ is... - decorated with...// 72--thousanddpieccs.../ of... crystal....// ááputáá... this... under theetree...// ááandáá... youull... get...// morr... bann... for your ábutt.á 3 closer to finding god. europeaa scienttsts are close to which ill change the very heart of our uniierss. 3
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3 3- the secrets of the universe.
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universe. scientists.../ working... ii europe .../// announce ..// they're.../ one... step closer... to finding... god. god. the.../ large.../ had-ron... colliddr.../ speed...///. light ááscientistsáá... say.../ thhy're... closer.. to
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finding.../ the... "god ááifáá... successsul...// ááscientistsáá...//. can... possibly...// unlock... the secrets .../// .../ the... very... buildiig bloccs.... of... the cosmoss 3 another beautiful december day. are we ... spoiled by this we? weather? let's go to vytaa for a look at your pxtended forecast. 3 he'' been oonthe sideline for lewis issachhng to get back on - the field...get the latest prom the mmn on sporrs unlimited. 3 &pthe late edition...
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but... it's a big night in sports.../ could pay... finally be back? back? bruce kicks off sports unlimited right now wiih a llok at how the dreaded recovering..reeovering.. p3 even hhugh they have to travel all the way across the continent, vegas ssill likee the ravens' chances this suuday night against the chargers ii saa diego...thiss morning's line had the ravvns minus 2 and half.... haaf.... the ravens dd head wwst on a bittof a hot streak...they've won their last 4 in a row to run their ecord to 0-3...but pbout that four game streak is that they did it without the face of the franchise...ray lewws misseddall fouu of those wins with a nasty case of turf toe...and the question is, will he be ack this sunday meahwhile....for the thirr ttme this season, for the third timm meahwhile.... meahwhile....for the third
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time this season, ttrreel suggs has been amed afc defensive player of the week... ann that includes two of the last sunday, suggs had one of his finest games as a pro, compiling three sacks and a team record three forced fumbles...suggs now has a career high 13 sacks on the season, and is clearly in thh running for the nfl's defensive pllyer of the year award.... 33across town, the oriooes have signed a pitcher frommjapan... llfthandee tsuyossi wada agreed to two ear deal worth just over 8 million.a not ttrow hhrd, but hh doee was 16-5 with a 1.53 eeaned run average in japan's pacific league...he represeeted his the 2006 world baseball nd - classic, it'' anotherrtuesday night, and arounn here that means annther edition of our prep player of the week in it's ttirdddecade, ii has honored the area's finest high
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in 1991...with the hange of seasons, we've moved tte baaketbbll court... it's now time to announce the candidates in our
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varsity sports network dot y game you'd like to see the onnhighhsccool game of the winner on thursday night... that'll do ii for this aan be sure to tuneein to fox45 morninn news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. 3
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