tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW December 15, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EST
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barnd. and i'm jenniferrgilbert. we ssart &pof eaat baltimore.. police shooter. keith daniels.../ . ive... atttte scene.../// p ááwhereááá.. at....least.../ one bulllt...// went ... eyy../ keith. e're live outsideethe upclose barbbr shop on arford p the shoottng happened - inside the upclose barber ssop behind mm...... the people scrambled out of the al - place.. including the it happened jjss beeore seven tonight.... shakir abbul heerd a gunshot when he tepped outside of his business next door oothe barber shop. he saw the barrer stumble to the &psteps outside..........ittwas abdul's friend..who tolddhim ""e said the guy as trying
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& o rob him... and he ri rrsh him.. and the guy hot him. he was conscious...cause he told me what appennd... parents for hii." thhre's a beauty shop in the rear of the barber shoo... at one point ww're told.. a femaleeemployee heard the confrontation.. lockkd hersslf in he bathroom and palled 9-1-1. no one else was hurt. meantime, police say at this critical condition at an aaea hospital. live in east baltimore, kkith daniels, our .../ dysfunctional government .../ is.../ at... ii... agaii...///. ááamericaáá.../ ffces.../ another shutdoon .../ ááunlessáá a... budget deal .../ i... reachhd by.../ the weekend..../// áámikeáá emanuel.../ has... a look.../ at....why.../ both parties.../ are... playing "chicken"...// ááwitháá... p the... country.../ yet... aaain. again. senate democratic leaderr were summoned to the white house to talk about a gooernment also discussed, officials say, scrapping the milliinaire &pthe payroll tax holiday of -
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extension.. lateein the reporters... he didnnt nw he blasted democrats for taking it to the brink.boehner says: "ii's pretty clear to & senntor reiddwant to t obama - so that they caa get leverage d on a jobs bill because the united staaes senate can't threat of a government e shutdownnlooming, republican leaaerr had focused on the need to pass he carefully negotiateddpackage.mcconnell pays: ""espite the federal funding expiriig two days from now on fridayynight my friind plocking action on the funding bill thaa would keep the governmeet open. that's our most immmdiate conccrn, and we should address it first because the deadline is literally just two days away." senate majority leader &psugggetion by mccoonell and somm ddmocratic appropriators that he as innentionally not allowing the government funding deal to move forrard.
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reii says: "the bill is not complete. hiinkcould complete it very quickll i people sat doon and focused on how, whaa we need to do to get out of here. but ow it's noo care hat jim moran says or mitch mcconnell says. thhebill democratic congressman jim moran disagreed with reid, and believes it s dangerous holddig up a complicattd deal with time running out.morrnn says: "if weehavv a reasonable agreeeent with thh republicans on funding the goveenment,,ww shoull seeze that opportunity pnd do it, not hold it up ffr what may be more polittcal considerations." meanwhile, the white house is concerned ii the spending billl is passed house republicans wittout waiting for the resolved. ss officials reelly doesn't have to be that complicatedd and we knoww i we takeea step tooprovideethat tax reelef in a balanced way, it'd be good for our families, it'd be gooddfor our good for the economy overall." regaading
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scraaping thh illionaaie sur-taa as the pay-for for the is not surprising since n that - republicans have refused to go votes in the senate or the house to get it done. on capital hill, mike emanuel, foo news. a baltimmre mmn is facing extradition after he was tracked down in north carolina. carolina. baltimore police charged kendalll ynn last mooth with first degree rape. he was arrestte in charlotte, north carolinn. ppllce say he raped a woman in baltimore in 2006. anne arundel county police are searching for a sexual assault ssspect. the crime happened in glen burnie. the victim says she mee the suspect at a bar and he attacked her round 2 this morning on hospital drive. if yyu'veeseen him, please call police. can.../ the... state.../ use.../ taxpayer money.../// p tt... sue people.../ state? today...// to... dismiss.../ a.../ by the state.../ ffledd.& ááagainntáá...
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plaintiffs.../ challenging...// a.../ $1.5--billion ollar...// state project...///. owners .../ filee... suut...// ááquestioningáá... tte..... projjet .../ awarded...// tt... developers...// wiih.... to... goverror... áátodayáá.../ lawyers... for the sttte.../ thrratened.../ to... ágo-aheadá.../ with... their claim.../ ááifááá pllintiffs.../ don't... drop theer.../ case,...// < "imagine the implicatioos if the first amenddenttexists ii happen."" fox 45.../ "freedom of information"... requests.../// with... the.../ state... attorney ggneral's ááseekkngáá... details ...about he .../ prrjjctt..//. ááalláá of... our requestt .../ haae....been.../ turned down.../ oo... join... ourr paste watch. ááifáá... you see goveennent wasse../ áácalláá... our hotline.. 410-662-1456. &áoráá... go to baltimoreedot com. a nnw program is kklling stone.((demolition)) ((demolition))this is the
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first...of be town's part of the city's...vacantt...tovalue program.baltimore...has foundation...whichhas donated 1.5-million dollarr.thee to transforr...this neighborhood...into a 7-acre park....ithhballlields...// basketbaal couuts... ann for ponntimm residents...finaaly... a rayyof hopee (sydnor) "i just sse families together again and poeple meeting and greeting peoppe, people walking in safeey,,i see a lot of love in the community, these aae things i dream of eeery day and at 73 years old, innend tt stick aroond long enough to see it ha" happen."the first phase of that expeeted... to be... late 3 a.../ new business baltimore.../ is... providing.../ home deliveries. deliveries. for .../ the... ppiie... of... one ...pine tree.... páásantaááá will... deliver it... to your door .../
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on.,.. a bicycle.../ bring you .../ ... "pulled pork" sandwich..../ &p ááii'sáá caaledd .../ "pook n pine"... tree delivery servicc."...// áááasonáá ttr--aldo.../ came up ...with the idda.../ áábecauseáá he riding.../ aims... to sppead .../ some... holiday cheer p../ with ...this.../ truly "green"... concept. < "these areedouglas fir chrrstmas ress anddwe get them from a trre farm up in myself.">doon myself."> jason... runs the of his hooe on federal hill. &pthe salvation armm says its i dire need of donations this holiday season. officials say donations to the pppular rrd kettle and angel ttee programs are ffr below this year's goals. more ttan a thousand anggls - or kids in need of toys - are still left to be adopted - and the deadline is this saturday! sallation armyyworkers say they believe people want to give - but just haven't made it a priority. 3 it just mmy be that people are just takiig care offtheii
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own right now and they're own,,then at some laaer date, problem is, we're running out of time officials say tte biggest need isstoys for children ages 10 to 122 to find out here you caa dooate - go to our wee site - foxbaltimore-dot com... slash- newwlinks. p lindsay lohan... making a judge.../ happy../ happy...// lohan... appeared...// foo... a... robaaion progress... hhering....//// ffom.../ ... 2007... case../// ááandááá.. &p a... graad theft case .../ this year....//// áátheáá...// troubled... starlet,,.../ actually... ot praise.../ court. roo the.../ - sautner says: "ms. lohha, yoo haae acttallyydone tteework and done it, not only on time but early.". depending on what yoor schedule is - do as many days as you can. the morgue doing... communitt servicee .../ aa... the county morgue...//// in court .../ january k
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17th..../// bad... pecking... theehalls... /// p ááaáá... new ssrvey..../ says...// áááheáá number ...of peoppe injuuee.../ while... putting up.../ holidaa decorations.../ ii... on the rise...//. áá13áá... thouuand... treated...// in... e--r's...// so... far...// áámostáá... from... people...// trimming their... house...// ááonáá... and... using...// ladders.../ &pp to... ecorate.../ prees.../// p great daa..../ for...former.../ american iiol... winner...// faattsia...//// áásheáá... has... a new .../ aby boy....// áápeopleáá magaziie repprts.../ fantasia...// gaveebirth... tuessay .../ in... north carollna.../ to.../ "dallas xavier"...// áádallasáá was...7- pounds,.../ 9--ounces .../ nd... 21 inchess .../ long...///. áfantasiaáá... revealed... her pregnancy .../ in august,.../ at... a concert .../ 3n....jacksonville, floriia. 3 an overcast day as the raii startt to rolllin. in. youre.../ going to need... a... bigger... jjckkt as the weekeed / approaches,...// here's.... chief meteorologist ytas reid or a look aa what's happening now.
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p.5-- mmllion americans.../ served.../ in... p 30,000... were... - áánearlyáá... 4,500... have diedd../// since... the war.../ broke--out...// 9---years ago....///// president.../ is... pulllut .../ as... a... victory...// áábutáá.... think... he's juss playing.../ politics. politics. the president and first pady heed to fort bragg to acknowledge the successes of each step of the iraq wwr -- from the irst waves of the invasion o theefinal groups heeding back to the u-s. bama says: "we are ending a war
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with a finallmarch toward home." the resident says - the war was controversial - but soldiers' patriotism never wavered - sacrifices. 202 fallen heroes &ponce called tths nooth carolina bbseehome. nats: "we know too well theeheavy cost of this war." about one-time high of 170,000. but all arr slated to leave py december 31st. obama says: "we are leaving ehinn a soveeeign, stable, and &pself--eliann iraq." in &pfallujah, once the heart off the iraqi insurgenny - thousands took to the streets to cheer the american withdrawal. even as a top u-s spokesman warred - especially from al-qaida. regenerate capability to come 3 back in an evee worse way than &pthey have been n the past." republicans - like senator john mmcain - don'ttbelieve the time is riggt forra complete withhrawal. mccain
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says: "i also agree with our military ccmmanddrs in iraq who are nnerly unanimoos in their belief thaa ome us should reeain."davis says: (onn cca fox neww tag) "while ammrican troopp are pulling out of iraa, ssoe us marines in baghdad. innwassiigton, bass- jennifer davis, fox news." 3& it's going to be a week. yeah, ut it should bb warm before the showers get heree here. let's go to chief meteorologist vytas reid for a looo at yyur skywatch orecast. &&p3 is your garbage in order?
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why agents are oing through some people's ttash and handing out thousands of &pdollars in tickets. &p sommbody buy this town a dictionary.we'll showwyou the ery public mistake one &ptown wishes they had a secondd shot at. 3 3 3 &p3 3 ♪ [ male announcer ] little owen wanted to play, but his nose was raw and sore. achoo! [ male announcer ] and common tissue made it burn even more. ♪ puffs plus lotion is more soothing than common tissue, and it delivers our most soothing lotion for every nose issue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus lotion indeed. to give your cold a comforting scent, try puffs plus lotion with the scent of vicks. so we know that it's ggod to
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recycle..uu shouldn't there be some common sense involvvd? involved? a d-c womannwaa recyyllng shreddeddnewspaper she puussii her cat's litter alreadd? 3&whiie: "i'm accually trying t do something really good for the environment by using the shredded paper and then i get fined for it." it." atricia has been fined - more than 2 housand dollars - placing the dirty, nasty,,cat- soiled paper inside her trash
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when patricia spoke to the trash inspector who wrote hhr the tickets. she says the inspector admitted to diggingg through trash ccns looking for fines....buu hasn't beee g the appeal tt somebody's common pense. trrubbe with the law... but she sayy it's all a big ga misunderssanding. p ttke a look at this surveillance viddo.sure looks likeea robbery.looks llke a real gun.but eventually the ccerk figures out thattit's not....and snatches the gun out of the woman's hand.he chases her outside and ends up holdinn her there untii ppllce laurie southeeland is chargedd ith attempted says..... robbery.but she - southerland ays: "i got in &pthe wrong poccee nd this toy gun feel out." out." yeah, thhtts not realll what
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breaking news most amerrcans are horrible spellers. spellers. it... seems... like people.../ will... never earn .../ the lesson,.../// ááifáá ii... goes...// public...//// ááccosultáá... a dicti. dictionary. we... head to ....he rollinn hillss../ off.. peauttful iowaa..// for tonight's.... , oops moment...////. ááthisáá in... mason city, you... know your states...// ááyou'lláá... notice.../ something missing,,...// áátheáá second... "i"...///. áálloisáá/ --- i --- ana....//// áátheáá ordering replacement signs 've. .../// for... louisiana avenue....///// áálet'sáá... i hope.... mason city...// doesn't... have...// a.../ mississippi street. rain is moving in tooight, followed by some cool aii. but how lonn will ur lass? lee's go o vytas forryour exteded forecast. 3
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big news tonight ...for the rav. goong to be strong enough to get back on the field this week in san diego? bruce is tracking it aal with sports unlimited, it starts ight now. ppsssble good news from the injury front for the ravens... play sunday night against the chargerr...after missing the last ffur gamesswith a bad case of turf toe, he was baak
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while rayy ewis may be &preturnnng, the sittation is not so ccear regarding issues...somee ources are b...3& saying it could be as muuh as spent today in a boot and did e3 not's still not kknwnnexactly what his status will be for sundaythissdespite assurances from john harbaughh on monday that webb would play. if he an't go, rookie jimmm
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corner, and ed reed among others at punt always, stay tuned. college askettall toniggt at the comcast cenner...mark turgeon has hadd n up and down start as maryland's basketball coach...but the terps came in ponight 5-3...aad tonight. the terps took on lorida internatiooal,,who haae a piu is coached by isiah thomas, the former pistons starr who coached and served as president of the year with thh golden is third pantherss..and heeliked what on a 15-4 un...jeremyyallen with's 3 of in his face...mark turreon is not happy......second haaf, terps...terrell stoglin heats up...checc out the strong drive to the rack...and one...terps lead by .......ut with the three...he had's a 2 point game... ...the teeps got 13 of thjeir final 15 from the line..terrell stoglin with the pass 2 of his 20, and he terps escape....5-61 the final...they're now 6-33on the season. coppinnover towson 77- &p57...morgan over umbc 733-0an
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