tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW January 7, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST
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know we don't kw howe're gog to leave this world, but i never expted something li thiss happen, never." nes lid one, she was divorced with no children. ary was aeal go peon....".......but she did ha family in t city. lynette deshields ys her great aunt had been living on biddle ithoupower since june. bge confirms there w no service. deshields ays family members were preparing to ve hines tonother relative's home later ts month.... but hinesnted tt rein in herome.(deshields) "she wanted to stay where she was really familiar wh.. she loveher igs like family."(ms mayfield/neiggbor) "she was a good friend and i'm going to miss her."
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a... follow up a story .. youusaw... first on fox../// ááhowardáá county police.../ are... accused of.../ writing tickets.../ to... meet.../ quotas. quotas.a.../ judge ...threw out./ several tickets.../ thursday .../// afteráá... a... lawyer.../ uncovered...olice memos...//// áádirectingáá... poli...// to... write .../// at... least.../ 2... -4... citations.../ an... hour.../// ááoneáá roll call... sheet.../ shows...// áápoliceáá... making. --ops.../ a... moh...// getting...a... prize...////. áátheáá... polic chie..// says./ it... was...// n... opetion.../// ááthatáá... wa.. part.../ of.. .a.../ federal grant... progr.. // (mmah) "wh those grants comes sompectations. in this particular caseuhm, an employee who was in arge of administering this program put guince out based those expeations.. that after we became awwre of it, i can s how that can be misinterpreted... but we do not have quotas in this police department." he... pollce chief.../// is... calling the judge ruling.../ a... bad one..../// here's. our... estion of the day.../. ádoáá you think. police departments... use quotas?
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joináá.. the..debate.../ on... our... facebook ge...///. áátelláá us... what you think...///. ááfacebook áá dot com baltimore. a dundalk man has been charged with attempted murder after police say he lit his girlfriend on fire back in vemb. november.josephhmiller is accused of pouring paintt thinner on his girlfriend at their home on liberty parkway. gasoline and was burned when he ignited blaze.police say tried textiuish himself, but made no attempts to hep his girriend. rose ann owens suffered severe burns and remains spitalized. baltimore... police./ ááloingáá r... 2--me.. wh.. robbed .../ a... bolton hill... man.../ at.../ gun-point...// ááthenáá forced him... to trel.../ to... seral.. a-t-m a-t-ms. janice park.../ in... bolton hill./ ááwitháá new police... ve.../ just released. janice janice?
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"actual sketches, do i know them? and weneed to catch thebaltimore city police are on the unt these twmen...suspect one...and suspect two...also knowntogo by jerome. both men are belved to be in their 20's... 's..."a retir policema tolme about it...and i as stun" stunned""i'm not ang, i'm outra" outraged""the ccis agnst peple e getting more violent, with knives th gs" onight...people iving in this bolton hill neighborhood react to theabduction that has left them angry.december 30th...pole sathese two men first robbed a man by gunpoint...then forced him into came the long...terrifying trip to different atms.three hours later...the victim was releaseintosome bushes. buss."and people living pere, sayythey dot recognize either of theee suspects, and that's why they believe each of these men came fm the outse into their neighborhood"toight these neighbors wilnot only ta a hard look at these sketches.but will also spread the rd: word:"they shoulde ready to
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do some hard time...i'm sad this ishe path their on...i'm very sad" convicted sex offender is linked to several more attacks in baltimore city. city.33-yearld nelson clfford is crged with attacking thhee women during separate incidents in november and december.the first victim. a 29 year ol mother...was raped in her home on greenmount avenue while her children were in a room next door..dna from that case linked clfford to two other attacks.. rape in attempted rapin west baltimore, whe a woman s threatened wi an e each cas, the women we attacked ile sleeping.
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nelson clifford s a ry uniqueo, wwere very confident that prior tothe dn hits, that nelson cliffd was the offender responsible f these incidents. he enters in the early morninurs when e vtims are sleeng, he cahes them unaware. unaware. clifford has a history of sex crimes dating ack to 1997. he's being held without bl. anpolice have relsed this deo of a psiblsuspect in the attack ona tnsgendered teen in north happened backn november.a 16-year-d boy said he was walking down untestreet near east 23rd... when e suspect oed him against a fce and sexually assault him. anyone with information should call police. 3 a.../ jury.../ is... now decidi.. the... fate... of a man.../ accused... of raping.../ a.../ 12-year old ..irl.../ at.../ a... roller rink. // áácrimeáá... and... justice reporter.../ joy l/ po.../ was. whereáá jurs...// deliberate.
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the attorns foo two aboron dotors charged with murde.. are gog afr prosecut ahe police chief. doctor sven brigham and picola riley are accused of performing late term abortions at a clinicn elkton, where police found dozens of fetuses stuffed in a freezer. their attorneys now want cecil unty's top prosscutor and elkton'police chief held in contempt for discussing the case in public, even tugh the indictments are sealed. brghamppead in urt this morng, wre he post bond at hf a million dollars. riley mains jailed in uta we'r../ still... more .../ than... a... week away...// from.../ he... ravens.../ home... playoff game... //// áábutáá... everyone.../ is.../ still... celebratin../ "purple pride" pride". baltimore... county's.../ historic urthse ./ is... áthedá... i purple.../ tonight../// áááá one... of... seral buildings.../ state--wide...// ááshowingáá support ...for the .../ ravens. many.../ of... you.../ have.. been wearing... your... purple e...///.áátakeáá a... lk.../ at... cameros... ng... purple
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los.../. ááthanksáá ... nicole shultz.../ for.. .senng...// this picture. and... take... a look... at this.../ game ffce...///.ááshe'sáá staring down ...our challengers.../ in... e playoffs. sh us ur purpleride or if you went all o, your purple house. post ur pics on our facebookpe. hd to fabook dot c slasfox baore d cli on the side fox45 tab on the le. 3 a warm wintes night, sounds weird doesn't it. it. fter.../ hitting... the sixties.../ today, .../ áá5--daysáá .../ into... jaary.// here'.../ meteorologist... tony pagnotti .../ to... check .../ what's happening now. 3 the...
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college of cardinals.//. what this major... promotion.../ means... or the... ahbhop of baltiomre. 3 she's really fu she's super cute, too. lauuhs laughs moments from beingut down, a foster family saves her life. the dramatic journey from und to peefect home for one pup. pimping... apparently... ain't eas../ but... campaigning... apparently is...//. how... one house ill-repute.../ is.
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the... an.. acced of killing...// a ./ 16ear old.../ whose body .../ was... never found.../ ááisáá... sentenced.../ to... 30 years...// jason... gross... was convicted .../ of... second degr... rder .../ in... the disappeance.../ of.../ rochelle battle...///.áásheáá went missing.../ home.../ october 2009...////áágrossáá was linked... to the crime.../ thru.../// ell phone./ records. .////policeáá.. say...// he... murderedattle.../ at... his home.../ in....middle river,.../// "i believe in him, i tnk he's iocent. i've knoon him for 20 years, thas not to say he's not without his demons, i know he's got his demons. i just donthink she's dead." dead." this...// is... the cond. "no- bod...// mur conviction.../ .. baltimore county. .../ áhisáá attorney.../ plans... to appeal. anne arundel... county .../ police...// inveigate.../ the county... of...he yr....//// ááitáá... happened...// on.../ ians... alley./ in laurel, .../ ááwhereáá 36-year-old... gregory sears.../ was...
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shot.../ in... his driveway...// early...// this morning....///ááseará... told police... he was shot.../ by... 2--men.../ wearing masks..../ááhe died... at shock trauma....// the... pope.../ names.../ the... forr...// arbish... of... baltimore.../ ááoáá.../ of... 22... / new cardils. cardinals.1:00:12 o'brien speaks 00:15 00:15 72-ye-old.../ edwin... o'brien.../ will... serve.../ as...dviser.../ to... the.../ pope...////.ááhe'lláá... be... eligible to vote.../ in.. .a.../ papal election.. til. his.../ 80t.. birthday....////o'brienáá.../ served... in baltimore.../ from... october 2007.../ until.../ last august....////ááaáá formal.../ elevation ceremony.../ will... be held.../ bruary 18. a pit bull mix that was abused and aut tbe put down... now has a new srt... with a new family. mynda stephe has me on herourn to a &ploving home. 3 natssof girl walking dog "c'mon" it's hard to te da noellthe dog - orr this newamily. matt05 s really fn. she's super cute, too. laughs 09buttlife hasn't
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always been cute for noele. the 7-monthld pit ll mix the humane society last november as a victim of dog abuse. she hardlyad any hair, sores ver hhr body... and was about tobe pudown. 2 it was very sad. especially when you have a little puppy like that 13 utfter noee's ory red n fox45... the agency wa with callfreople wantinn to rescuher. including don and chriie... who already had two o scdogs at hoe couinity to elle in as a foster dog.but it wasn't long before they deided to make her a permanentparof their famil n 59:46 the plan wast ways tadop47 59:49 we didn't know how she was going to wk out with the other two andhen it ended up being one big happy family, we just d to keep h 56d doctorsay her progress... couldn't be better. dr. zink 5340 beinin ahome was a very important part othe treatment. not only did we put on her on medication we sen hersowhere wherwe kw that she s ing getots of love andcare 49myranda 10:21 of course, not all foster cases end in adoptio but woers re at the hane socie saythas okay, too.
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bemo 814 wn they go into a foster home,you're savg that life but you're saving another animal's life by opening up space here 22 but in this case...there's no not ing anywhe 00 in reisterstown, myranda stephens, fox45 news at ten. doctors say elles abt 80- percent recored. the attribute her success to medication... and a loving hooe. we're.../ loving... th... rm wther.../ a tropical january. january. is this a al heat wave or are going to have pay for all our good forte soon? on? 's go to meteologist ton pagnotti wthyourkywah
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3 a.../ dramatic end.../ to... an.../ oklahoma city.../// police chase...///. chase...///. look.../ at... this... dashboard camera.. from... a cit.. bus....áá4... burglary suspts.../ light.../ áácrashingáá into.. .a... pick up trk..../// ááá... more cars .../ collide../ áátrngáá to... avoid... the wreck...//.áátheáá spects ...get out .... and flee.../ áábutáá police... nab.../ 3... of them.../// soon after....//áánoáá one... was... seriously hurt. a target truck driver got pn icy akeup this morning. morning. the driv lost control of the semi and careened off the road in minnesota. the truck landed itself into this icy pond and shattered the layer of frozen water on top. e semi sank up to the
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windshield, threatening to trap the driver in an icy prison. he ma his esca and belly-crawled across the ice to help. hwaa taken to the hospital and isdoing ne. they.../ say.. politics.../ creates ./ strae bedfellows ..//// ááhere'sáá proof. proof.00:05 "if a client comes into the bunny ran d says, 'm pimpin' for paul,' ty are going to he a real good ti. aren't ty girls?" "yeah!" 00:12 00:12a.../ new... kind of endorsement ...for... ron paul.../ at... the famous ... "moonlite bunny ranch". brothel.../ n... nevada....//// áátheseáá... workers./.. support paul .../ because ..e's.../ for.../ states' rights...////.thisáá den...of iniquity...// is... asking...// patronn.../ to... donate paul's... campgn../ on... their... out. 00:32 "he knows whatwomen's wants and women's needs are. andwhen it comeso a man that going to be in the office, you want a man that knows his way around a man." 000 00:401:26 "people will lisn to us, and if they listen to us, they'll look at ropaul and they are going to like him." 1:31 1:31lots..,./ of... women.../ at... the ranch...// áusedá... oba..../ááuntiláá.
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thee... president.../ signe.. a bill.../ ááallowingáá people... to eat.../ horse meat...////.ááandáá... the.../ employees...// aae.fond of...// stallions.... 3 baltimmre's st gh school hoop star hints where he's going to college... aquille carr's decision next in sports unlimited... 3 has he switcd sides? why john mccain says he's endoing president obama in 2012... 3
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3 3 it will go down in history as one of the bigge political gaes of all time. time.and.../ we... have.../ senator.../ john mccain... / to... thank.../ for it.../ it...///sen. mccain: "i am confident with the leadership and the cking of the american people, president obama will turn this cntry around. we believe in america. we believe that our best days are eadf us..." gov. haley: "president rney." s. mccain: "president romy. excusme! president romney. ppesident romney. esident--"mney: "not to be confused!"sen. main: "-- roey! argh! president mney! presidt roey will rn -- will turn this around." aund."the.../ affe...// haened. during a campaign stop.../ for... mitt romn... in... soh caroli...///.áádon'táá... ...surprised...// ... see... this...// in...a...// president obama...// re--election... ad.../
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3 it could be april or january with this warm air air. will... the flowers...// bloom...soon.. re's... tony pagnotti../ wi a look... at the... forecast. 3 that's all... for t late edition.../// áábutáá..../ ts weekend...// has...serious...// implications...// for... the.../ ravens. vens. after tonight's azing cotton bowl we look to the big boys and th nfl, with morgan adsit and sports unlited, she kicks it off right w. 3 the ravens front office can relax...eric decosta...
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director of player personal... is staying in baatimore. ere for a handful g-m positionbut tay the ravens announc won't terview. interviw.ozzie newsome released this sttement...eric pho has h opportunits to interview with otheteams recently and or the years, is anotherne wwant to keep and will keep.e ha chosen to stay with the rave, and were excited that will. he is a most valuable asset an will contue to help us win championships."decosta scoutes llege talent for the draft...his big tgets along the years have been ray ric anjoe flacco.he been with in 1996. three rave n to tha-p all prteam oday...all first teamers..linebker teell suggs, densi tackle haloti ngata, and fullback vonta leach. .suggs leade team in sacks with 14 and 7 rced fubles.... allrave and 5 sacks.and of course leach clears the way for ray rice. high schoolame of the week me...brought to you by varty srts network dot com.
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ou fir action post holidays. holidays.boys hoops... edgewood at aberdeen.3rd quarter...edgewood up 6... roderrrison in the corner..swish...three gives th rams a 9 point lead....90 sends later...gles soaring back...eric briggs knocks down the trey...aberdeen trails by 4...rams transition... thomas dillard splits the the rack for two...rams back up 10... edgewood holdson to win: 61-46. patterson junior point guard... aquille carr is making his college committment annoucement hursday..but he might have let the cat out o the bag today via twitt... carr tweeted two words... seton hall..then he tweeted... thanks to everybody that shed me to where i'm at. eton hall. carr has said he's looking at a handful of maryld, baylo and memphis. injws with the orioles. nick markakis had surgery to repair a torn ab muscle... it was aevere tear that an intial m-r-i didt reveal.... markakis hopes turn to game action by the end of spring training so he's ready for
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oningday....the right fielder won his first gold glove this season but had his worst year at the plate...2-84 hit 40 doubles for the first time since his rookie season... towson deems theas the turnaround tigers.from a drtic change a footbald-3.a program that only took one yr. year.andll u the thumb f b his third season as towson head coach... ambrose took towson to a c-a-a title... home playoff ge... and now credits going where credits due..ambrose winning the eddie robinson award... a-k-a f-c-s coach of the year. freshman running back terrance west... joining ambrose with a national honor... receiving the first every jerry rice award... freshman m-v-p of the f-c-s. "ring of honor" professional wrestling makes its debut in night. more than 30 wrestlers will compete in a television taping at the due burns arena. they say they're coming to charm city ith something to ove. fans of baltimore we are proud
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to be here, we are proud to call this our home. so on january 7, youome out and support us. us. thehow starts this turday night at seven... at the du burns are. for tickets goto -o-hrestling dot co com. andou he two chanc to watch ring of honor wreling t-v. it ai sardays at o m on fox45... and then again at 10pm saturdays onhe c-w that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimi..i'm morgan adt...thanks for watching.goodnight. goodnig. 3 want to make a difference?you can.the three thingyou ca do impact the 2012
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