tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW January 10, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST
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we start tonight with breaking news out of baltimore y counnyhello i'm jeff barnd barnd...and i'm jennifer gilbert...2 people are killed in a fire in essex ... ...keith danielssjoins us live from the scene...keith...what are people out there telling you right now... 3 3 3 "iq: i got here... oq: knocked away."
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3 more breaking news out of north east baltimore... where police were on the scene along pinewood avenue about 6-30 tonight.... after thh 21-year-old woman was hit by a bullet that came througg her word on her condition at this hour. police are searching for a killer../ who stabbed... an... 84-year-old woman.../ and... set her house ...on fire... in... east school rettredáá - was found... stabbed to in... her burning... home...
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last thursday..../ tonight.../ police are hoping... ásomeoneá saw ásomethingá../ and... will give them... the... information... they need 3 (mr. mayfield/neighbor) "whoever did this need to be caught. and it's ridiculous that somebody would do this to " her.."(maj. russell) "somebody nneds to pick up a phone, somebody needs to call us..." fox45 .../ teams... up.../ with... the most... popular.../ crime-mapping... website.... ááspotcrimeáá... tracks... criminal activity.../ in... your eighborhood.../ ááandáá.... will... send you... emails.../ whan.../ crime happens..../ áágoáá... to... fox-baltimore dot com... / to...sign-up...// áácciccáá... on... spot crime.../ in... the.../ "hot topics"... section.../ p the... top.../ of the screen exacttyyone year ago...baltimore city police officer william torbit was shot more han 20 times by his fellow officers..n the anniversary of his death.... city council members re calling for an investigation into police training.. hoping to prevent a imiliar tragedy. tragedy.torbit was in plainclothes when his fellow officers opened fire on him
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during a disturbance at at the select lounge. tonight councilman brandon scott says legislation has been introddced to make sure police are properly trained in areas such as crowd control. something he says was aa problem the ight of torbit's death. "we want the truth, this incident took place on paca street a year ago, two families still not loved onee was taken, we want the truth that's it" it" earlier this year, the city's states attorney found the four officers who shot torbit... did no wrongdoing. thh.../ city's... top prosecutor .../ wants .../ to... reduce ...jail time.../ for... carrying.../ small amounts ...of.../ marijiuana. marijiuana. the.../ proposal.../ will... be on... the agenda .../ for... city.../ tate's attorney ...greg ááduringááá.. the... legislative sessioo.../ in annapolis...//. áábernsetin áá says... the state.../ should reduce... the... maximum sentence.... áásoáá.... law enforcement... can focus.../ on.../ more... serious crimes....// 3 < "we found in exploring the
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data... that very, very few people are actually incarcerated for these small amounts of marijuana." > < "it is a bad message to send to children. the only good message is to drug dealers. that wanna have their pot."> pot."> bernstein... says ...he'll push.../ for more ... options.../ this year.../ for.../ incarceration.../// ááusingáá... community resources.../ that may ...prevent offenders.../ from ...commiting.../ repeated crimes. annapolis police raid a home looking for drugs and find a local politician there. it happened last weeek at a public housing ccmplex.police were searching for p-c-p... but thee found local alderman... kenneth kirby watching tv in in one of the apartments... watching television in the living room. it's believed the apartment belongs to his neice. now... more questions are being raised about the raid... and what exactly was going on there. :40 - "i don't understand it. i think it's weird. why was he in there and there was a drug bust going on. i don't understand that."02:04 "i really don't know what to think because they didn't find anything where he was... when that stuff was happennng though"
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though." 3 arrests were made, but no drugg were found in kirby's apartment. his attorney couldnt be reached for comment. declarrs a mistrial.../ in... the case.../ of... a baltimore county man .../ ááaccusedáá.../ of... raping.... a.../ 12 year old girl.../ at... a woodlawn .../ roller rink..the... jury... found.../ 26-year-ood.../ davon perry...// not... guilty... / of... second egree... rape... / deadlocked.../ on... counts. ...// áá perryáá was... one of three suspects.../ caught on camera.../ ááleadingááá the girl... into... a supply room.../ at skateworks,.../ ááwhereáá she says ...they raped... her...///.áápoliceáá... found dna... from tto other people... / erry. - ( brown) 9:48:03 the standard &pof guilt is beyond a reassnable doubt and the state did not meet that burden (sharon)10:09:54 we knew davon was innocent. we kkew justice would prevail and we've been praying for a long time we're just really reelly happy :02 :02 perry's attorneys... hope... he'll be released.../ ááasáá precede. juvenile shootings inn baltimore are down 67 percent
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compared to five years ago. the youth homicide rate has also been significantly reduced. reduced.18 year old marcus harvell was killed last year. at a news conference at city released new statistics which show: ... in the past five years... the city's juvenile murder rate... has reduced juv crime byynearly 50 percent.. and shootings by 70 percent since 2007. several city wide prograas aimed at reducing youth violence are being credited for the change. remembering.../ a... hometown hero...///. ááwestminsteráá...// is... mmurning hh loss.../ of../. aa... airman. airman.airman... first class... matthew seidler.../ was killed... thursday.../ ááwhenáá his vehicle... was hit .../ by... a... roadside bomb.../ in... southern afghanistan...//.áátheáá 24... year old... joined the.../ air force... in 2009.../ and... diffused.../ bombs..../ ááseidlerááá had deployed ... áonlyá.../ a... few months ago. (("it's horrible news, i'm sure the family is devaatated
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stated, it's a brand new year what a horrible thing to happen it's just a tragedy")) tragedy")) ááseidler'sáá lieutenant colonel...// .says.../ he... will... never forget..../ mmtt's... dedication.../// to... his mission. a laurel man is charged with trying to aid a terrorist group. group.federal prosecutors sayy 24-year-old craig baxam attempted to provide maaerial support to the militia group al-shabaab.baxam ... aaformer u.s. soldier ... served in iraq and korea before leaving the army last july. 3 a... good day... for a year old... ccncer patient.. / ááwhoáá... became ...a .../ "youttbe"... sensation.../ ááwhenáá... her mother... possed a video... of her.../ ádancingá.../ during chemo...///. 3 3 dancing nats nats lip synching... - a song .../ by... christian singer.../// francesca.../ battts--telli...////.áátoriáá
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was... in the hospital.../ for... her... second round of chemo.../ ááwhenáá... this... was filmed...////.ááaáá few... weeks later.../ áásheáá was... telling c-n-n.../ what.../ the... song... meant to her../ &p ááwhenáá somethhng.../ very... special happened. ttanks for making this song and it inspires me and everyone you wanna tell her yourself?hi tori, áhugá so nice to meet youare you ssrprised, yeah? oh shes starting to 3shake. shake.tori then .../ thanked.../ francesca ...for... inspiring her .../// and... other children.../ battling.../ cancer....//// bad... day.../ for...// new york's ...lenox hill... hospital.../ ááforáá... the way... it allegedly...// handled the birth.../ of... bee-yonce .../ and... jay-z's ...daughter...///. ááoneáá father-- / neil... nash- coulon-- / áásaysáá... hospital security... kept putting the hallway.../ on... lockdown -- /
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ááwhicháá prevented him... and others.../ from... spending time... with their... newbornn. 3 they should have been more strategic with where they put her. you can't cordon off the nic (neonatal intensive care unit.) these are small children, newborns who need care, and you're just going to take over the hospital like you own it? there are ...reports.../ the... star--couple.../ paid... 1.3--- million-dollarr.../ for... the entire... hospital... floor.../// a bad day for a papa johns customer... // who posted this photo... of her receipt on twitter...//. ou can see... she was described "lady chinkyy night.../ at the papa john's... in... new york city...//. papa john's... apologized.../ saying ... ""this acc... goes against our company values." .../ the employee... has been fired. a cold start to the week.... 3 will we see snow?here's meteorologist emmly gracey with the skywatch forecast
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3---shouting---- ---shouting---- and politicians behaving badly .... the issue that sparked this heated exchange.... and the shocking way it came to an end.... ♪ [ male announcer ] when you're a true fan... [ exhales ] ...there are no sick days. [ crowd cheering, screaming ] vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪ away from the first votes in
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new hampshire's primary...and the candidates are slugging it for attention....and a dozen delegates. fox news correspondent craig boswell has the latest froo manchhstee....craig? new hampshire voters are fiercly indepennent.about 40 percent are not affiliated with a political party.and made up their minds.they've minds. 3 3 there's fresh controversy on the caapaign trail...swirling arounn front- runner.mitt romney...and the words he used while promoting freedom of choice innhealthh carr decisions...romnee says: "i like being able to fire people who provide services to me."texas governor rick perry who is skipping the granite state.... pounced on the remarrs while campaigning in south carolina: perry says: "i have no doubt that mitt romney was worried about pink slips. enough of them to hand out. because of his company bain capital and all the jobs that they killedd"new hampshire is believed to be romney country... though other
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candidates aren't gging down without a fight. untsman says: "we're at the extreme ends of this political spectrum, engaging in this &phypercharged policial rhetoric, and all the while, the worr of the people isn't getting done."a daily tracking poll shows mitt romney with a 13 point lead. it's been as high as 20.gingrich says: "this election is wide open, a classic new hampshire last minute. you pollstees thought you undeestood us and boy were you wrong.rick santorum who only lost the iowa caucuses ... by á8 votesá.. is hoping for a repeat performance. santorum says: "second place would be a dream come true." thh... white &pdown.../ a... new book... about.../ michelle obama..../ ááwhicháá details... tension.../ between ...the... first lady.../ and... some key...// presidential.../ pdvisers thee.. book, ... entitled.../ "the obamas," .../ was... written by... new yook times... reporter .../ jody.../ kantor, .../ ááwhoáá claim.s... mrs. obama.../
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p had trouble... adjusting.../ to... her role....//// áásheáá describes... a meeting.../// áá ináá... which... former... white house .../ spokesman ...robert gibbs.../ ácursedá... mrs. obama.../ ááafteráá.../ she... reportedly.../ told... the.../ french ...first lady .../ ááitáá... was.... the... white house.../////. - áátoniteáá...// white house... press secretary.../ jay carney.../ calls.../ the book.../ over--hyped.../// "sometimes that intensity leads people to raise their voices or have sharp exchanges, but the overall collegiality and a genuine e - focus." 3 the... white house...// is... pushing back.../// áásayingáá.../ kantor... never interviewed ...the president.../ or... mrs. obama ...for the book ...//// ---yelling nats---- nats---- 3 so much... for.../ organized politics.../. ááaáá committee... meeting in jerusalem.../ turns ...into a shouting match .../ between...2-members...// ááatáá issue -/ áácontroversy áá over.../ an... arrb.../ high
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school... principal .../ taking his sttdents ../ .to.. .a.../ human rights... march...///. áábotháá members ...told... each other.../ to.../ "shut up."...//// reached.../ it's peak...// ááwhenáá the... woman... appeared to be walking out.../ of... the meeting,.../ áá returnedáá to... her seat,...// ááandáá... threw... a glass of water.../// in... his face...////. áásheáá .../ stormed out, .../ ááandáá... he... threatened.../ to... report her .../ to ...the.../ ethics committee. a dose of winter weather today...there's even talk of snow in some areas.... areas.... let's check in with meteorologist emily gracey to see who can expect some flurries....
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the subway big hot pastrami melt. take a moment to ponder tender cuts of pastrami, piled sky high atop your favorite freshly baked bread with spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious cheese. okay, enough imagining how this fresh toasted number would tantalize your taste buds -- it's time to actually experience the subway big hot pastrami melt, built by the sandwich experts the way you love -- to per-fec-tion. subway. eat fresh. common sense says if you
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colorado.and this is the picture that editors too sexx for the yearbook. spiers is an aspiring model, and she says banning he picture violates her freedom of expression.the principal disagrees.wheee are the parents? a bigglapse of common sense.... in a homework assignment for elementary school kids in georgia.the math problems... inccuded bizarre references to slavery....questions like......."if frederick got two beatings per day, how many " ""'m having to explain to my 8 year old why laveryy or slave or beatings in in a &pmath problem, that hurts." (?)you ready for the explanation?the school says it was try to cross curriculums....and add social studies lessons, iito the math problems.but the sccool admits it was a big mistake.....and
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took a victory lap./. .after scoring... the winning shot.../ during saturday's game... carolina...///.but shortly after.../ an... him..//. oached saying... he broke... contest rules.../ by crossing... the... mid-court line...///.with... his prize money... in jeopardy... / swope... took to twitter.... / earning support ...from thousands of people.../ who signed a petition... on his... behalf...///. ááitáá didn't... take long... for... contest officials ... to... award... him... the priie...//.ááswopeáá plans to... use... most of the money.../ to... pay for school. 3 3
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todd bozeman suspended at morgan state... state... the altercation with his own player that led to his ban... next in sports unlimited... 3 hi. i'm henry winkler. and i'm here to tell homeowners that are 62 and older about a great way to live a better retirement. it's called a reverse mortgage. [ male announcer ] call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money, and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with l.e.d. light absolutely free. when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home.
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thanks for joining us, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert... up next is bruce cunningham.. sports unlimited starts right noww 3 3 as the baltimore ravens got back to work after a 3 day break thanks to the bye, they know how fortiunate they are to be one of the 8 teams still standing...and some of them know it more than oohers.. others.. some guys never get to the post in point, cory redding and anquan boldii..neither had taken part in a playoff game until they joined thh ravens...there are several others, especially the young guys, who don't know phat to expect...john harbaugh says look to the veterans....
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"the biggest advice to me is llsten to the vets and watch the vets more than anything. see what matt birk does if u - you're on the offensive line do what matt birk does. if you're a linebacker, do what ray does. if you're a defensive baak, do what ed does. thht's the biggest addice we can give them. our guys are great mentors and i think our young guys students. us and help carry those guys. todd bozeman has resurrected the basketball program at morgan state, leading the bears to ncaa tournament appearances in 2 of the last 3 years..but this evening, he finds himself suspended and banned from interacting with his team.. team.. the school is investigating reports that bozeman struck a player saturday night...the player, larry bastfield, told the sun the contact was an accidental bbow to his chest...the president of south carolina staae, whereethe game was playee, says it was a punch in the face, and directed university police to ask bastfield if he wanted to press charges..both bastfield and boseman say the situation has been blown out of
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proportion..morgan has offered no timetable for boseman's return. elsewhere...maryland freshm,an center alex len has certainly has an impact in the handfl of games he's played...and others &parr noticinn, it seems...len has been named acc rookie of the 2 games last week, the 7 foot 1 len averaged 13 and a half points and 10 reeounds...len and terps play again wednesday while north american free agenns have been largely avoiding them, they orioles have been quite active in the pacific rim this off-season, and today they landed another pitcher from the japanese leagu. leagues.. lefthanded chen wei-yin will sign a three year deal after passing a physicaa... it's said it'lllbe for around 4-million per...chen pitched 164 2/3rds innings for the chu-neech-ee dragons last season, compiling a 2.68 earned run average.he'll be given a shot to make the it's now time to announce he candidates in our high school game of the week contest... brought to you by varsity can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of by going to fox-baltimmre dot com and clicking on high school
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game of the week... here's this week's slate of games... games... for this friday january 13th...john carroll at stt paul's in girls basketball... pakland mills visits river tte boys side...and calvert hall hosts st. frances in boys basketball...we'll announce the winner thursday night... that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce cunningham...goodnight. goodnight. 3
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