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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  January 17, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST

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this is my right. it's my gender identity. identity. &p a controversial propose law in baltimore county. &pcounty. 3 the private facilities transgenders would why some people say it only d - legalizes peeping toms. i'm... jeff barnd. barnd. i'm jennifer gilbert. a proposed law in baltmore county causing controversy. some people say it amounts to legalizing peepinn toms. toms. crime and justice.../ reporter .../ joy lepola .../ says... /// áátheáá laww../ would ...allow dressing rooms.. / - áálocceráá rooms ...and restrooms.. /
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ááifáá they're dressed... as women. women. occupy baltimore was back today...protesting a
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proposed juvenile detention penter. janice park live at the site now, tells us 6 people wound in riot gear surrounded them. janice? 3
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all that s left of the occuuy movement is this schedule, but thhy say they ll be back tomorrow. now where they had built a symbolic school earlier here has now been replaced by this state troopee car. 3 the occupy baltimore movement where their mantra was schools not jails. police say the group creating an opening in a fence and trespassed onto state property, building a symbolic school. to make sure this protest didn t become violent, throngs of state police, city police and dozens of police in riot gear were on hand. shipley: uh they refuseddto leave they were arrested charged with trespassing 4 males 2 emales, they were taken to central booking" booking"corey reed: 56 46 "it was mazing ... oq: stories and frederick douglas." protesters orginally planned to sleep out here ffr 5 days but where we re standing city police took down their green tent. but they say they ll be back tommorow. see... more of the protest... and arrests online.../.áágoáá to,,.,. fox-baltimore dott com.../ slash...
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raw news breaking news now out of south . baltimore... a man wws shot n the back on terra firma road...thats in the neighborhood between rundel elementary school anddwoodson elementary school.police were finishing their work at the crimm scene when we arrived... ... but they telllus that a man was shot in the street theee......and ran to a home nearby.the victim is expected to urvive. áápoliceáá.../ forr.. the driver.../ who... struck .../ a ..../ state troopee .../ ááthenáá tooo off...///. off...///.it... happpned...// on... i---83.../// early.../ sunday.../// near... ruxton road.../ in... baltimore county...///. áájasonáá jamee .../ p was hit.../ by.. a... ppssing vehicle... /// ááwhileáá... he... was.../ ciiing.../ anooher driver.../////. áátheáá trooper .../ is... home... with... bumps and bruises...//, bruises...///,the suspect.../ was... p... 4--door,.../ áátanáá or... gold.../ buick lasaber...////.ááanyoneáá with information...// policeácalláá'... - an infant dies after being found abandoned on a d.c. stree. street.the baby girl was found near the steps of this house in northeast washington.she was wrapped only in a towel
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... no diaper nor any clothes. emmanuel dugger was on his way to the store ... when he poticed the baby late last night. dugger says: "03 "i walked to my father's house to have somebody with me to see what i was seeing and came back out the house with a towel just in case it was a baby. then wee unwrapped the child and realized it was a baby." 16 &p16the baby was rushed to a hospital ...but later died.she appeared to be just two weeks word yet on why she was on that street. opponents...// of... the... death penalty.../ rally...// for.. .a.../ repeal. -rally nats- hundreds took their plea to annapolis... cclling for maryland lawmakerssto abolish capital punishment.police were on hand to make sure the rally troy davis ... the georgia of inmate execcted last september ... also spoke out. 15:31:17 "we have to do what's right to correct our istakes. we can't continue to kill
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innocent people...what does that do?" 31:27 31:27'we absolutely need the death penalty i call it..... for victims. as it stands now.. the death penalty can only be sed when there is d-n-a evidence... video evidence... or a voluntary confession. state lawmakers... against... the... death ppnalty.../ plln... on.../ pushing... the repeal .../ this... session. governor o'malley is putting thefinal touches on his fiscal 20-13operating budget...which will be unveiled thii week. week.and lawmakers are anxiously awaitingto see how it will address a projectedone billion dollar deficit.the governor says his budget will meet speeding limits imposed by a legislative committee...and willinclude a mix of cuts...and tax hikes. (governor) "some other states have decided to rely entirely, excluseively n cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts. and what that means is they'reenot seeing back."the governor is also exxectedto call for an &pincrease in the"flush tax".th
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30-dollar fee is imposedon homeownnrs to pay for upgrading sewage treattent ppants. meanwhile... a broken water pipe makes a mess at the james senate office building in annapolis. senator nancy jjcobs sent us these photos of flooded after a 3-inch pipe from the sprinkler system broke.crews are woring to repair the leak. bad... day...// for... jon huntsman.../// ááwho'sáá... dropping out... of thh race.../ for... the republican.../ presidential.../ nomination...////. ááhuntsman'sáá endorsing... mitt rommee...// ááheáá... says ...the camppign's.../ gotten... so nasty.../ áátheáá candddates... are ignoring.../ the... real concerns.../ of i believe it is now time for our party to uniteearound he candidate bess-equipped to defeat barack obama. 3 &p the... former governor of utah.../ hhd... trouble.../// ii... iowa.../ haapshire.../// great day...// for... an institution...// in... little... italy.../// áásouthernáá.../ living magazine...///
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says.../ vaccaro's... / pig--noli.../ pnd... almond slice cookies .../ are.../ among.../ the... 5.../ best ... treats.../ in... the southern.../ u.s..../// zoppo says: 11:09:55 "we were shocked becauseenobody knew that it was coming and then we got the call and all the newspeople started oming we were very surprised and exciting at the same time." 10:4 10:04 áátheáá... italian macaroons...// adorn...// the... largest trays..../ at.../ the... albe-marle... street,.../ location...// áátheáá... pig-noli.../ and... almond sliie.../ are... soft cookies.../ made ...of.../ almond paste.../ topped ...with.../ nuts.../// ááandáá... go... grrat...// wiih... a nncee..// hot... cup.../ of... coffee...// áácongratsáá... to..// vaccaao's...// ../. áánowáá - that... we're...// one... win .áátheáá bowl..../ &pravens... defeated the texan .../ 20---13...//// ááanddá now.../ it's... on to...// "brady-ville"...// ááravensáá... fans.../ have... mixed emotions.../ going into... next weeks game.../ in fox--- boro...// áábutáá they hope... baltimore.../ comes out... on top. "ravens seem to man up and
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play their best football against one of the best teans out there, so i am actually looking fooward to it"" i thinkkwe've got to be on top of our game...otherwise we are going to have a problem" problem" the... last time... the ravens went to new englann.../ in... the playofff... / áá2áá... &p33---14. ../// we asked: áádoáá you thinkk.. the ravens... will... make it.../ to... the super bowll áájoináá... the... debate...// on ouu... facebook page tonite...// some et weather moving in toni. tonight.... let's check in with chief meteorologisttvytas reid tt see how it will affect your morning commute. 3- 3
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disaster at sea...when a cruise ship capsizes off the coast of italy. 3 what... could be... to blame.../ for the... deadly accident.../ and... the reason.../ the captain... could be... facing charges... camera...beating customers!whyy those officers coull be getting off the hook... and.../ a... townhouse.... leveled .../// ááwhyáá... firefighters.../ were... knocking...// on... the door.../ moments before.../ a.../ masssvv explooion....
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[ male announcer ] meet lafayette. we asked him to be part of an experiment to prove that febreze air effects can eliminate tough cooking odors. [ moderator ] take a deep breath and then tell me what you smell. wow. it takes you kinda to like an island. like a paradise. [ sniffs ] vanilla. [ sniffs ] i smell caramel, like a caramel candy. [ moderator ] go ahead and take your blindfold off. ah man. ♪ [ laughs ] wow man! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] eliminate tough odors with febreze air effects so you can breathe happy guaranteed. ♪ dead.../ ááá9áá
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missing.../ ááafteráá a... cruise ship.../ hits.../ a... reef...// off.../ italy's .../ coast...///. áátonightáá.../ new evidenne ...shows.../ the... captain.... veered off... course.../ on purpooe... / ship's... head waiter .../ could... wavee../ to... his family.../ on land. ral-it-sa...// vas-silvia.../ has... more on.../ the nvestigation. 3 3 the capsized cruiseliner contiiued to shift in the shallow waters off italy's
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unpredictable movements ppsed a threat to divers, causing viitims and urvivors. the - enormous gash in itt hull is ptill visible above the water line was testament to the accident but some passengers said the ship's crew was the bigger danger last friday night. "it was the marx brrthers watching these guys trying to figure out how to work the boat. they couldn't coordinate, the shouting at eech othera i felt the disaster itself - hitting the reef - the capsizzng of the boat was manageable. but i to kill us." costa - the company that owns the ship - has praised the crew's pesponse - saying they acted bravely and swiftly to help evacuate more than 4,000 individuals. but it has also suggested thh captain may hhve francesco schettino had taken the 'costa concordia' too close to shore. the ship hit a submerged reef that the cappain says was not on the charts. maritime expeet kim petersen says that's beyond unlikely. "it's virtually
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impossible in an environment where this ship happened to be sailing. all shoals and rocks are well-marked on both electronic and priit charts." schettino is now under arrest, and may face p to 15 years in manslaughter, shipwreck and abandoning ship. ralitsa vassileva reporting. --tag-- prosecutors are exxmining thee ship's data recorder and expect to have resulls within days. two denvvr cops caught on tape beating customers can now return to work. this surveillance video shows the two officers spraying mace and roughly handling unruly customers outside a diner back in 2009. a handcuffed suspect is also throon to the ground. last year both officers were fired for exxcesive force, but now city fffcials are ordering those offciers to pay. some of the victims are now trying to fight that puling. ortega says: "i was the person who was grabbed and then maced directly in the facc." face."ortega ays: "i ust hope a jury of my peers will be able to serve us justice,
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myself and the other women invo" involved." but not everyone is siding with the customers.. the city oo denver can still appeal the decision to reinstate the officcrs. and take a look at this scene out of new york... where a townhouse was totally leveld by an explosioo.a construction crew hit a gas main while digging, sending the leaking gaa into the home. firefighters knocked on the door moments before it burst into flames.theetwo firefighters were taken to the hospital with burnn and smoke &pinhalation. two construction workers were also innured, but investigators don't believe there was annone inside the home. it's getting cold and rainy out there.... tonight tonight let's check in with chief meteorologist vytaa reid to see when the rain moves out... 3
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she's not supposed to be buried there, she's not jewish. i had no idea what she was. controversy over a woman's &pfinal resting place.... why some want hhr body removed prom this cemetery... and a criminal... &p with a guilty conncience.. / áátheáá surprising thing... he did.../ moments after... robbing a bank...
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walking and listening to music... may not be a good mix. mix.researchers attthee universiiy of aryland.../ increase in pedestrians ficant - getting struck by cars and wearing fact, they say those cases have they believe the music ccuses a noisy distratcion thaa makes it more difficult to hear potentialldangers. < "plugging up your ears ann not allowing you to hear outside noises - alarms, sirens - ... the distraction of paying attention to the music that you are listening to> to."> somm tates have begunn considerrng laws to make it illegal to wear headphones while walking outdoors.
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so much for resting in peace. peace.paul steer folllwed his sister's wishes when he had juliet buried in ttis jewish cemetery in connecticut. juliet died of lymppoma at the age of 47.juliet was christiaa, not jewish, and now a jewish woman is suing to have the woman's body dug up.... .... and moved out. she's not supposed to be buried there, she's not pas. h. i hhd no idea what she - paal steer's sister is the first to be buried in a new cemetery.but the woman suing says... it is supposed to be reserved for non jews who hhve ties o the congregatiin.steer says the other families who have reserved plots there, are white, ann he believes racism is behind the lawsuit. a suspected bank robber in ohio apparently had second thoughts. he robbed this cincinnati bank friday, got in a cab, then called 9-1-1 to
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turn himself in. take a listen for yourself. suspect: umm. i was the one that robbed the us bank and i need to report it to turn myself in. dispatcherr ok hold just a moment. where are yyu in the tower place mall? suspect: i'm right by humler and nolan's. police say the man got away withhabout two-thousand he was arrested, shortly after placing that call. 3 3 pou've seen big cats before, put this one could be the heavyweight champ.... champ.... pcming up.../ . the push... toohelp... a fat feline... shed some pounds..... 3
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this next story brings new meaning to the term "fat cat." cat." get this...////. ááan áá oversized cat .../ is... tipping the scales.../ at... an... animal shelter... ii canadaa..//. áátinyáá as... they... called him,.../ weiihed in.../ at... 35--- pounds...//. in... a... taped upp.. carton --- / ááleftáá on... the... reception counter, .../ ááwhereáá aa... emloyee.../ thought... it was... a box .../ of... donated supplies. "so it stayed there for a couppe of minutes and all of a sudden it staated to ove and puur a little. so we opened it up immediately and innide was
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tiny and another cat oo normall size." 3 because... of his... weight.../ áátinyáá has... been moved.../ into... foster care.../// and... placed on... a... strict diet... /// áásoáá far, .../ he'... ddooped... more than three pounds. 3 --toss to vytas--- vvtas--- you can be in charge of your oon personalized forecast. i-radar is now availableeat foxbaltimore dot com.
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use the interactive tools to track coming storms doww to your street. go to foxbaltimore dot com and cliik on i-radar 3 3 four straight trips ...toothe playoffs...////four wins...///soo.. hy does joe ...still... take flack???... ray lewis... defends his in sports that'll do it for the late edition,.../
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thanks for joining us, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'mm ennifer gilbert... up next is bruce cunningham.. sporrs unlimittd starts right now. happy birthday, joe flacco...he turned 27 today....and as he heads to the afc championshhp for the
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second time in hhs career, thh ravens quarterback should be the toast of the town. but he isn't..aad it's kind of bafflin. baffling.. flacco is the first quarterback in history to win a playoff game in each of his four seasons in the league, but is numbers were somewhat down this year...but there were so maay ropped passss bringing those numbers down...and he suffers in comparison to the likes of tom brady, dree brees and peyton manning...he may never reach pretty darn good...e's still - the relatively advanced age of 33, ravens safety ed reed knows his days are growing short in the nfl...there have been aa lot of injuries over his 10 year career, and there are those who feel he's slowwng down..and is not as effective as e once waa..but sunday, he
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defied the calendar..intercep tinn one pass and very nearly another to help lead a string ravens defensive effort... down in college park...brenda frese and her terps are coming off their point defeat at the hands of number 11 miami...tonight the 8th raaked lady terps looking virginia... under a minute left in the first rogers drills the three...terps led by 4 at the break....2nd half... maryland up 6...brene mosley knocks down the ccrner three... terps on top by 9....then laurin mincy drives and gets the layyp to high 20 points for her...terps rebound from their lone loss
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of the year to beat virginia... 68-61 the final... kevin mccalin coaching in his 3rd game for the suspended todd bozeman at morgan statee hosting hampton....2nd half... bears up 2...ameer ali takes it coast-to-coast for the layup...morgan state up 4.... later it's ali again..from long range...3 of is 14 win theirrfirst game with they bozeman suspended...68-56 over the pprates... that' ll do it for thii edition of sports unlimited... i'm bruce sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting t 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. 3
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