tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW January 18, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST
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fighting for justice...... justice...... 3its a case raising concerns over taser gunss... and why it could set a precedent. good evening, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert.the parents of a man who died after being tasered by police.... are now suing for 145 million dollars.they're claiming wrongful death -- and excessive force by a frederick county sheriff's deputy. deputy. melinda roeder .../ was... in... federal court today... / where the trial... is underway....//áásheáá explains... how this case../ . could lead to possible changes in police policy. ((take pkg))melinda: the attorney who represents the sheriff's department claims the deputy who fired his taser gun properly followed police training and procedure.but the parents of 20-year-old jarrel gray... say he didn't deserve to die... and they believe excessive force was used.--- vo-----the trial began today in federal court in baltimore. among the witnesses expected to testify are two ffiends of 20-year-old jarrel gray.gray pas shot twice in the chest with taser... after authorities were called to break up a fight he was involved in back in november of 007.... outside his home
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in frederick. gray waa drunk at the time.... and according to authorities, he refused to comply with the deputies orders to stop fighting and show his hands.gray died two hours after the taser incident. the ase has raised many questions regarding the use of stun guns by police. criminology experts say although it's rare... tasers can kill... and therefore, should only be used in extreme cases. 09:51:11 "police departments continue to tain... more training is necessary."melinda:although it's believed gray did not have any pre-existing heart conditions.... family members say gray is also hearing impaired... anddit's possible he didn't hear the officers commands.but that information will not be part of the trial. testimony is expected to last through the end of the week. melinda roeder... fox 45 news late edition so far, no one can explain how forty animall turned up dead inside a columbia townhome.
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townhome. authorities were called to the glen shire townhomes yesterday where they discovered forty dead animals including birds, cats, rabbits and a guinea pig. police say 19 of them were packed inside a freezer. neighbors became suspicious months ago when they heard the sounds and smells of animals. 3 (4:47:55) "i opened the storm door and i knocked and thats when i smelled, i wouldn't say deecay but maybe feces, urine." urine." police are still searching for the residents who live in that &phome. so far, no one has been charged. arson .../ investigators.../ are... at the scene .../ of... a... southeast baltimore..../ fire..././. it.../ broke out .../ in... a... / vacant home.../ on... east baltimore street.../ ááspreadingáá.../ homes..../ááa fire victimáá told us .../ he thinks drug usershad broken into that vacant home. 3 "they in there trying keep warm.... who the landlord is." 3 is."no... official word .../
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on... the cause of the fire.../ áá andáá no reports ...of injuries. occupy protestors return to east balttmore... after a showdown with state police.... but tonight.. a very different scene... keith danielsslive at the demonstration , where tonight there's no sign of confrontation ... keith? 3 it's aaquieter place at this hour.... the demonstrators were back here tonight.. after coming face to face with police and state troopers. they're focused on the site behind this fence.... the spot where the state has plans to build a juvenile detention ccnter. but occupy protesters are fighting for schools.. not jails. 3 3 (mcguire) "i felt great, i'm really happy with what we
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were doing. i think that what we're doing is what the city and state of maryland neees to be doing. so, i'm thrilled." 3 ad lib a.../ carroll county ...firefighterr../ was hurt .../ áá whileáá... helping... victims.../ at... an... accident scene. scene.kyle hale .../ was... struck around .../ 10: 30.../ last night.../ at... sandy-mount.../ and... patapsco roads.../// in.,.. finksburg..../// ááinvestigatorsáá say.../ several cars.../ slid--down ...// the hill.../ ááandáá... couldn't.../ stop.../ áábecauseáá... of... icy conditions...//// ááanddá... hit... the firefighter. (girl driver)"a car justtlost control and he was trying to help another accident and was struck"(girl driver)"were just all praying that everything turns out ok" ok" the... firefighter.../ was... rushed.../ to... shock traumaa.../ injuries.ous,.../ take a look at this video.p-g county police want our help fighting back...finding the
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man who robbed this armored tru. happened about 8 yesterday morning at the walmart on crain highway.... and watch closely... it happenes really quicklya man walks up... grabs money from the guard... and runs off. anyone with informatton is asked to call police ...and baltimore city police want you to take a close look at these guyy.on january 6th... they drove up to the loading dock at sinai hospital... ...and ástoleá a large piece 37-thousand th these are áreallyá good pictures of the suspects... ...and we asked police about that...police say they are from a surveillance camera. anyone with information is asked to call police a.,../ grandmother.../ in... northeast baltimore.../ is.../ afraid.../ her home.../ lose... áábecauseáá.../ she... can't pay.../ the.../ 16... áthousandá... dollar.../ water bill.../ she... got.../ in... the mail.../. evelyn ... foster ...says.../ it's... not her... fault. .../
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áá sheáá says... the city.../ worked.../ on... pipes.../ undee... her sidewalk .../ 2... years ago.../ ááandáá.../ broke.../ a... line.../. áástilláá... she's.../ been... getting... outrageous bills.../// (evelyn foster)"16 thousand dollars is for the water that is running downstairs.. not downstairs but down under the ground and thats what they are charging me for" we... called.../ the... city... public works department. .../ ááofffcialsáá... told us...// ááthey'reáá... looking... into.../ evelynns case. tomorrow.../ the... governor.../ will... unveil... next year's.../ budget...///.ááit'sáá expected.../ to... shift.../ the burden .../ of... funding... teachers pensions.../ to.../ local governments. 3 the.../ plan... calls.../ for.. .a.../ "50-50" split.../ with.../ counties..../// áátheáá state... would share.../ áhalfá... the... social security costs.../ in return....//. ááoneáá... county... executive.../// ááisn'táá... liking... what he hears. (ulman) "these are tough times not only for the state but for local governments. we all rely on the same taxppyers to fund our services and so it'll be tough and there's already been a lot of cutbacks in highway user aidto local governments and other areas." areas."maryland's.../ one... of... few states.../ ááfundingáá...
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100-percent... of teachers... pensions.../// good day for six maryland schools honored with a blue ribbon designation. among the winners... crofton meadows lementary in anne arundee county school... woodlhome elementary chool in baltimore countt and ring factory elementary school in harford ccunty.the awards are given under a state and national program that recoggizes schools that exhibit high performance or significant improvement in reading and math as measured by state tests. "these are schools that really stress the importance of community as well and they have partnerships and they really try to help other students in the community as we" well"maryland blue ribbon schools go on to compete for national blue ribbon awards, which will be announced in september. good day for burger king lovers.the fast food giant is &ptesting home delivery at a fe restaurants in the washington
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d-c area. if it goes well, they might expand the idea. they've even developed a new packaging to keep your burgers and fries warm.they're going to charge a 2 dollar delivery within 10 minutes of the - restaurant. bad day for the people trying to make a steve jobs action figure.the idea has officially been and the jobs family put tremendous legal pressure on the toy-maker to shelve the project.and they died in october, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. after all that rain.... it turned into a nice afternoon... but not for long. 3 some changes on the way.... let's check in with chief meteorologist vytas reid. purple pride.../ is... about.../
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to... pay off offrememmer this from last week...when the ravens staff went around town... paanting the "releetless" logos 1 ágoldená ravvns logo in several maryland counties. counties.if.../ you... find one, .../ áátakeáá a... picture... of it.../. ááyouáá could... win a trip.../ to... the game.../ sunday.'ll.../ need... to send ...your picturr.../ to...
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the áravensá...///ááweáá have... instructions.../ on.../ how... to do that.../ on... our.../ website..///.fox-baltimore dot com... slash newslinks 3 3 disaster at sea... the new discoveries inside a capsized cruise ship ... and the phone call made moments before the accident... a state trooper stops along the highway just in time.... the aftermath of a major car crash caught on camera.... "he heard some noises coming from the first floor, s he walked downstairs, he armed himself with a firearm firearm a homeowner shoots an intruder... but did he pull the trigger too soon? his heartbreaking discovery after the fact ...
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more bodies.../ are... pulled... from the wreckage.../ of.../ a... cruise ship.../ ááthatáá capsized.../ off... the coast .../ pááthisáá as... newly released.../ audio ttpes.../ paint.../ .a...clearer... picture.../ of... what happened...// áálauraáá ingle... pays...// áátheáá... recordings.../ could... seal.../ the... captain's fate.... 3 3 ((nats: reporters yelling questions)) captain francesco schettino returning to jail - after appearing in court, where he gave áhisá version of the events following the crash of his ship, the costa concordia. leporatti says: "he replied to &palllthe questions he was aske and preseeted with and he has given a proper version of the facts and the developments."" verusio says: "the
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reconstructton of the events that he provided has not changed the prosecution's charges." schettino ástillá faces possible charges of manslaughter and abandoning ship. more audio recordings released fromma phone call between schettino and an italian port authority official shortly after the crash are not helping the captain's case. during and the official argue about the captain's reluctancy to return back to the tilted falco says: "get back on board! send someone back on oard to coordinate." schettino says: "i am de falco says: "i am giving you an orddr captain. you must send someone on board." schettino says: "we are going on board to coordinate."de falco ays: "exactly, you have to go back on boaad to coordinate the evacuation. is that clear?" schettino says: "but we can't go back on board now." ((nats: explosion)) meanwhile, reecue crews, using explosives to open up the hull discover more bodies inside the wrecked cruise-liner.marini says: they were wearing life jackets and were between 50 and 60 years old. they were found in the
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ingle says: "crews are also g) working to try to keep the 500-thousand gallons of fuel on board the ship from leaking onto the coastline, and turning this into an environmental disaster. in new york, laura ingle, fox news." 3 we asked: ááshouldáá the... captain... of the... italian cruiseliner.../ face charges? charges? áámostáá... of... you say...// absolutely...// áájoináá.... the... debate...// on our... facebook page tonite...// a state policc trooper was stopped alonggan ohio interstate... when he witnessed a mjor car crash. crash. take a look at this daah cam video... the trooper happened to pull over just before a four car pileuu.four car can see one car stop in the middle of the highway.... seconds later... a van swerves and slams into the back.....followed by a a semi tractor-trailer... amazingly, there were only minor injuries. a florida man makes a devastating discovery after shooting an intruder in his hom. home.... ""e heard some
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noises coming from the first floor, as he walked downstairs, he armed himself withha firearm and at that point is when he turned the corner, met face to face and pulled the trrgger and shot." 3 turns out the intruder... was pctually his'd been out running errands with their children, but came back because she forgot something. police say it was clearly an accident.the woman is recovering from a gunshot wound to the chest.... her husband won't face any charges. the rain is moving out... but some windy weather is on the way... 3 lets check back with chief meteorologist vytas reid for a look at the forecast. 3 3 the dangers of prinking during ppegnancy...
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study shows there's no safe amount of drinking during pregnancy. researchers studied nearly a thousand women.they found any drinking during pregancy puts the newborn at risk for fetal alcohol syndrome -- especially during the second half of the first trimester.the risk of birth defeets increased for each additional drink per day... 3 she's... known... for her rich,...é sumptous... recipes.../. áábutáá now,.../ t-v chef.../ paula deen.../// comes.../ clean.../ about... her... type 2.../ diabetes.../. áásheáá found out... / she... had it..../ three years ago... //// áábutáá... kept... it.../ a ...secret...////. ááshe'sáá... launching... a campaign .../ a.../ new light".../// ááwhicháá.../// promotes...// diabetes...// medications...// áámaybeáá... now...// ááshe'lláá.../ cut back...// on... the.../ and... sugars...// in... her own.../ recipes.../// a.../ d--e--a... agent.../ who... accidentally.../ shot himself.../ while... lecturing children.../ lostáá his appeal.../ today...// ááináá... a... lawsuit.../ over... he release.../ video .../ ááleeáá page... sued.../ the... d--e--a...// áácitingáá...
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invasion.../ of... privacy...// ááthisáá... video...// went viral...// ááifáá... you... haven't.../ ááseená... it.....// ááwelláá...// here... goes./ goes...// iq: "this is a glock.... oq: everybody alright?" 3 alright?" the... judge... says...// page... failed.../ to... prove...// ááhowáá... or... who...// made... this video... public...// ááaáá... parent... in the room.../ shot... the... video.../// river came bursting out and jumped on the snake snakk a family pet to the rescue.... rescue.... a little dog's big act of courage... pet has been hailed a hero
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after saving two small children from a snake. snake.river the dog is recovering at the vet after he was bitten by a posinous snake. his owners say their pet was protecting their two daughters.... seven year old michelle and 2 year old kaylee... who were heading for the swing when a seventy centimeter brown snake reared its head.thatts when river came to the rescue... river came bursting out and
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jumped on the snake snakethey're a pack animal and where its pack so its definitely their instinct to get in there, especialll when kids are involved. 3 river killed the snake... but hours later... he was parrlyzed from the venom. he's still being treated but is doing just fine. 3 3 torrey smith caps off his rookie year with a trip to the afc championship game...we'll hear from
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thanks so much... for joining us. im jeff barnd. and im jennifer gilbert. up next is bruce cunningham.... sports unlimited starts right now. all during training camp and the pre-season, ravens rtookie receiver torrey smith looked as if he might be a bust...he had trouble catching the ball, was clear the adjustment to it the nfllwas hard for him... him... but that adjustment was made, and smith finished up as one of the leading roiokies in the nfl...he caught 50 passes for 841 yards and 7 toochdowns, all those those ravens rookie records...and 3rd overall among nfl first year players... and last week, the rook got a taate of the layoffs for he first time..and he says the veterans had hhm well prepared...
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tallahassee...flori da state's leenard hamilton's seminoles coming off a big upset of north carolina...but maryland's not scared,,,shane mosely feeds bernt weiss for the dunk....maryland trailed by 3 at the break.....but the second half was all fsu...they go down low or okaro white for a slam of his own...fsu thumps maryland 84-70...their first win over the terps in 3 years...the terps fall to 12-5 and 2-2 in the acc it's another tuesday night, and around here that means another edition of our prep player of the week in it's 3rd decade, it has honored the area's finest high school athletes since way back in 1991...this week, another of our looks back with updates
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