tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW January 19, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST
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won't find an administratton that has contained spending as much as this administration has been called upon to do." do."but its not jjst about cuts. the governor plans to collect more money for the state... and the people who will pay the price. hello... i'm jeff barnd. and i'm jennifer gi. gilbert. there won't be an increase in maryland's sales tax this year. year. but.../ as... john rydell reports.../ reports.../ áágovernoráá... o''malley's... budget.../ áácooldáá... still... cost you.../ more money... 3 governor o'malley...wants to doubleethe annual flush-tax for homeowners...from 30-dollars... to 60-dollars. the governor...also wants to shift...half the cost... of funding teachers pensions' the counties. and the governor wants to reduce or eliminate income tax deductions and exeeptions for higher income residents.a family of four earning 150- thousanda year... would pay nearly 200-dollars more. morr.(governor) "of the unpopular choices that all of us wish we didn't have to make, this is the fairest way to go about this." this."(pipkin) "this is tax,
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tax, tax and then spend, it's an outrageous budget even by annapolis standards." standards."the governor is also expected to call for an increase in the gasolinetax. but details of that plan... won't be announced until next week.john rydell, fox 45 news...late eidtion. we asked: áá doáá you think... it's fair.../ to... take more .../ from... marylanders.../ ááearningáá... more than.../ $150,000... a ear? year? áájoináá... the... debate...// happening... right now...// on...our.../ facebook... 3 the plan to raise the gasstax came froo a blue ribbon commission appointed by governor o'malley and here's what it would d. do. raise the gas tax by 15 cents a gallon over 3 years after would use a formula to calculate future incceases . 3 if.. the gas tax increase passes it can't be challenged because it's an appropriations bill.americans for prosperity began a petition marylanders can let their lawmakers know what they think
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of the proposed increase see the petition at fox baltimmre dot com.look for "stop... the gas tax" .. /under... "hot topics". breaking news.../ in.../ harford county.../ tonight. tonight.shots .../ fired.../ during... a.../ "road rrge".../ incident.../ on... i-95.../ near... mountain road..././//. áápoliceáá say.../ icholas... hider...// ffred shots .../ at... another driver,.../// áánoáá one... was hit....// áástateáá troopers.../ eventually... tracked hider.../ at... his home.../// ááheáá... faces... assault... and .../ reckless.../ endangerment... charges../// 3 a baltimore county man is behind bars in connection with a hit and run that hospitalized a state trooper. police say 30 year-old matthew wood ...turned himself in this morning..../ the crash occured around 1 oclock sunday on this part on i-83 near ruxton roadthe trooper was hit while giving a ticket to another driver. wood faces several charges including leaving the scene of the accident. "the mirror of the other car....close this cass case
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the trooper is still recovvrinn from a number of bumps and bruises. there's a push tonight for tougher d-u-i laws from one family.. after a little girl is seriously hurt in a car cras. crash. 18-month-old ava ddlricco is in the hospital in baltimore.. after a car crash in ocean city nearly killed her and her mother. policeehave charged andre kacynski with driving while impaired in connection to the collision. iivestigators say he was high on p-c-p when it happened last month. now ava's family wants stricter d-u-i laws.. as legal analyst weigh ii. in. (crawford) "the problem with the drug laws as related to alcohol laws, they're commingle.. but they definitely lag behind in my trooper and the officer's ability to detect whether or not someone is under the influe" influence." ava's family through a
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website, has gathered nearly 9-thousand signatures in a petition that's calling on state llwmakers to take action. meantime, kacynski goes to trial in march. the old-time carousel in baltimore's inner harbor may soon be taking its last ride. myranda stephens is live at the inner harbor harborwith why the city says the iconic fixture must go! jennifer, this carousel - which sits next to the maryland science center - has been in the harbor for 31- years. but soon it will have its last go-round. that's because the city sent out a notice to the owner - richard knight - saying it was terminating his lease next month - and the ride needs to be removed by marchh31st. the city says knight hasn't paid rent in over 5-years. but he says he thought he had an understanding with the city - because it's a long-time attraction that only makes 25-
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thousand dollars in profit year. 3 47:22 so at 25-thousand i owe them maybe what, 25-hundred doolars a year in rent. so they're going to close me down for that? laughs, they lose more of that on the hilton i'm sure of that laughs 37 knight is meeting with the city next week... and hopes to ask for an extensionn in the meantime - he and his family made theseeflyers asking for the public's support... and started an online petition called "save the baltimore carousel-dot-com." live in the inner harbor, ms, fox45 news late edition. ravens playoff fever may be having an impact on baltimore politics. politics.there's word that maaor rawlings-blake took back two skybox tickets to attend this weekend's playoff game she had given toocity council president jack young. young and and the mayor are in a dispute other whether the city to bbing back the grand
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prix? today young tried to downplay the controversy. 20:45:27"i really want to move forward, i mean we have a lot of important things that we have to do for this city and to talk bout tickets and sky boxes is not something i want to deallwith right now" now" and the mayor isn't commenting either. getting to this week's game could be an expensive proposition for ravens fans. but a charter bus company says it can get you to foxboro stadium and back for 85 dollars. dollars. 'roar-baw's' charter bus serviceeplans to pick up passengers at several locations in the baltimore area... as early as 3 am.... sunday the bus ride each way is nearly eight hours. but the cost and the convenience haa the phones at the bus company ringing off the hook. 3 "they are die hard fans that are going and they get on that bus and sleep all they can.. and of course we will make a stop for breakfast somewhere.. " " there are 55 seats
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available on each charter bus... the company ii waiting to see how many reservations are made befooe deciding how many buses.. will go. now it's time to do some trash talking. our sister station w-g-m-e in portland maine has the audacity to think the patriots will beat the ravens. ere's how you can respond... go to facebook dot com-slash w-g-m-e 13.. to let them know what's coming on sunday. 3 bad... day...// in... oklahoma...// oklahoma...// country.../ music legend... garth brooks.../ is... suing.../ an... oklahoma hospital.../ for.../ $500--thoussnd.../ dollars...// ááheáá claims... he... donated the money.../ after... being promised .../ a... building.... would... be named.../ after... his mother...//, coleen...// ááwhoáá.../ died of.../ cancer..../ áátheáá hospital... denies.../ áeverá... making ...a deal.../ with brooks...//, áábutáá confirms.../ he... made .../ an... &panonymous .../ and ...unconditional.../ donation...///. ááináá.../ a... statement, .../ áábrooksáá says...// he... was.../
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"stunned...//. great day ... for... inspiration...// ááhaydenáá braun... is blind.../ ,ááábutáá that ...doesn't .../ stop him.../ from.../ pursuing.../ one.. of his.../ passions... / ááplayingáá the piano..../// ááheáá knows ...the placement.../ of... the keys...// ááandáá... re-creates.../ music .../ after... hearing it...///. ááhisáá passion... for music.../ began .../ when... he was.../ 4--years old....// ááwhenáá... organist,...// was... done playing.../ after.../ a... mass... 3 h. braun says, "after he left the bench i went over there... unbenounced and i just started playing, playing the whole song." braun's talent.../ has... taken him... to... washington, d-c - -/// áá toáá play... at.../ president... ronald reagan's.../ prayer breakfastt and a bad day...// for... tennis racquets.../ ááaáá... good... craftsman .../ never... blames his tools,.../// áábuttá...// tell that... to.../ marcos .../ bagh-datis...//. ááwhoáá... vented... his anger.../ on... his equipment.../ ááafteráá fflling... a...guy... who's name...// i... can't... ááthisáá... is... the.../ australian... open.../// áábagh-datisáá...// went...on.../ to...destroy.../ the.../ braad... neww../ raquets...// in... his...
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"...the president's own jobs council said that energy pipeline projects like this one can create hundreds of thousands oo american jobs. the republicans blast the president. the political and economic cost of a white house decision. the captain's excuse.the reason he gives for abandoning &phis sinking cruise liner. and a polar bear cub tries to beat the odds. why he ended up the obama l hospital.3
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energy -- and thousands of rosen has the strong reaction that came quickly fkrom capitol hill hill in rejecting keystone x-l, president obama accepted the recommendation of secretary of state hillary clinton... who sixteen months ago had spoken in support of the pipeline."considering relevant environmental issues and the consequences of the prrject on energy security, the economy, and foreign policy... the president wrote in a memo to clinton i have determineda"aa&the keystone xl pipeline project, as presented and analyzed at this time, would not serve the national interest."sot carney says: "...the statee department -- which, again, reviews this process -- made clear that setting an &parbitrary deadline through this purely polltical effort....would severely hamper their ability to review an alternate route in the proper way." "keystone one," an existing pipeline, already pumps half-a- million barrels of crude a day
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from alberta, canada to oklahoma and illinois. keystone x-l would have run all the way to texas, and brought online an additional 830-thousand barrels a day. proponents argued keystone x-l would have immediately created 20-thousand direct jobs, and another 320-thousand jobs by 20-15. a visibly angry house speaker accusee the president of selling out jobs for politics, and surrendering u-s energy security to china.sot - boehner says: "...the president's own jobs council said that energy ipeline projects like this one can create hundreds of thousands of american jobs. the unions support it; the states along the proposed route support it; and itthas bi-partisan support here in the congress of the united states." wary of further offending the big labor unions, which backed keystone, leading democrats offered a mostly muted reaction.sot - feinstein says: " have to take a look at this new roof and be sure there are not problems with it. and i think that's doable. so i find the whole thing unfortunate." environmental groups waged a three-year war against the project.sot - moglen says: "...and the real fear here is that ttis pipeline is unsafe, and it could create billions
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of dollarssof damage to the environment and to the public." sot - gerard says: "... clearly the president has fallen victim to a very small, extreme group of individuals who do not want oil and gas production, or importation, here in the united states." while republican presidential candidates were already seizing on today's decision as a campaign issue, the transcanada corporation, build of both keystone pipelines, indicated it will seek a new presidential permit. at the state department, james rosen, fox news. 3 crews suspend the search for survivors on a cruise ship that wrecked off the italian coast last weee... leaving 11 dead and two dozen missing. missing. the search was stopped because the ship moved... making it too daagerous for divers.experts water even more. the costa concordia slammed into a reef after veering close to shore. ...and now... therr are worries about getting half a illion gallons of fuel off the shipthe captain gave an excuse today for abandoning ship while passengers were still on board. he says he tripped... into lifeboat. a polaa bearrcub born on new year's day in china is
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fighting all odds to survive. animal hospital say the cub - which was rejected by its mothee is now in stable sufffring from several b is ailments including problems with her digestivv and respiratory system. but staff members say the bottle-fed female could be ready for her first public appearance by june. p3 3 3
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your .../ favorite websites.../ may... be.../ 'down' today... //// ááoráá may be... asking you.../ to... / sign... a petition. petition. it's.../ part... of.../ a... nationwide protest .../ against.../ "piracy laws"... congress... is considering.../ this intent.../ is... to prevent .../ illegal posting... or 'pirating'.../ of... copyrighted.../ material.../ ááfromáá music... to movies.../ and books..../// áácriticsáá... say.../ would... censor... /// internet usage... / ááandáá force.../ shutdown.../ of... websites.../ ááthatáá.../ rely on .../ content..../ áálikeáá.../ you--tube....///// it."> critics... also... say... since... the internet...// is... world--wide...// áádangerouslyáá... unstable...// gov'ts.../ &p abroad.../ may follow... america's...// lead.../// common sense says....when the roof collapses.... it's time to go. go. not so.... for a woman
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in philadelphia.neighbors say she's a hoarder....and the house is ticking time can see the sky through the collapsed roof.neighbors say the woman who lives there goes to work every day. despite the fact she has no heat water or door neighbors get water in their homes every time it rains.then there's the rats and oaches. neighbors want the city to do something.. and a missouri libary is using common senne when it comes to overdue... librrary... books...// the springfield green county library is taking food donations as a way to pay off any... late fines each item donated reduces 50--centsoff your total fine schmidt says: "it gives our customers the ability to reduce the amount of overdue fines on items by 50 cents for every food item they donate to the library. there are 170--
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a run for their money... finch says: "i think getting exercise is very important." important."this is bill finch...he just turned 100 yeaas, listen to this...he still runs one mile twice aaweek...or he plays a little badmiton.bill... also holds a record.when he was "just" 96... he set a national record for completing the fifteen hundred 3 3
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late edition. edition. here's bruce cunningham with sport unlimited. as the ravens and the patriots each went back to work today, their official injury reports are a study in contrast...the ravens' report was empty, except for ed reed who wasslimited today with that ankle he hurt last sunday againss houston..on the other hhnd, the patriots list is a long one... one... they had 14 players listed,
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mostly in the limite participation category, but this guy, quarterback tom brady did not practice at all...he has an injury to his left, non-throwing shoulder..but last saturday against denver, he played every snap, and there was no indication he was injured further in that game...bill belichick loves to put a lot of players on the injury report, but virtually all wind up playing..preseumably, tom brady will, too. as mentioned, the ravens are surprisingly healthy, and fired up to have a shot at the super bowl...morgan adsit spent the afternoon in owings mills with the ravens and she takes it from here... here... 3
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it's now time to announce the candidates in our high school game of the week contest... brought to you by varsity sports network dot can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of by going o fox-baltimore dot com and clicking on high school game of the week... here's this week's slate of games... games... for friday january 20th...annapolis at south riverrin girls basketball... poly welcomes dunbar in boys hoops...mount st. joe and st. frances meet in boys basketball...and perry hall visits milford mill in girls hoops...we'll announce the winner on thursday night... that'll do it for the edition of sports unlimited...and be sure to ttneein to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnighh. 33 3
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