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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  January 24, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST

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(bob) 11:30:02 some people juut don't care they just go backkthere and do what they want wanta baltimore county priest facing charges tonight... the establishment he was caught inside... and the embarassing condition police found him in. &pgood evening, i'm jeff barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert.a balttmore conty priest is arrested afterrpolice say they found him partially naked in an adult bookstoreein abingddn. áácrimeáá... and justice reporter.../ joy lepola ... says..../// .../ was... quick...// to... get this priest.../// ouu.../ p of the parish. parish. another.../ another....
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disturbing... sex case.../ in... wicomico counny....///áá43áá year old... steven kiggins.../ was.../ arrested thursday...// ááheáá... ááandáá is,... the head.../ volleyball ccach... at.../ wicomico... high pchool...////ááhe'sáá... accused of... hhving sex.../ with... a student.../ ááináá... a... classroom...// roughly.../ once .... week....///.ááforáá.../ 2... years....//// &páákigginsáá...// has been... released.../ on.../ 50-thousand dollars.../ bond. bond.ááhe'sáá... no longer.../ teaching, ...//// áámeantimeáá... in... 2007../.áátheáá revious... volleyyall coach.../ pled.../ guilty.../ to... having sex.../ with.../ a... 16
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year old... player. three people escape from a burning rowhome in southwest including an infant who was dropped from a second floor window. tonight, all three victims remain hospitalized with burns and smoke inhalation. thee fire on fulton avenue was pn early morning wake up call for neighbors.the intensity of the flames is captured on cell phone video and posted on you tube. neighbors could hear the mother's crys for help. (woman)"ii was desperate. someone..body.. was in.. it was bringing tears to my eyes cause.. i couldnnt see her but i wanted to help her." so far, investigators have been unable to figure out what caused the intense blaze. 3 a... dozen people... are homeless .../ ááafteráá flames ....ip thru.../ their... apartmmnt perry hall...//. ááflamesáá broke out....on tte balcony...// of... this complex...// on.../ arlen road.../ just after... 7 o'clock.../ last night...///.ááyouáá can see... the... damage.../// ááasáá crews.../ try... battling.../ heavy billowing... from the .../ roof...//áánoáá one... was hurt....// áánoáá word ...on a.../ cause...//.
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tonite... p we... know the name... of the woman .../ killed.../ in... a... hii and run.../ in... baltimore county...///. áápoliceáá... say... beverly moore.../ was... struck.../ last night...// at... 7-- courts.../ and... nevesscourr.../ in... perry hall...///. áápoliceáá... are... looking for.../ a... 2005... too.. 2007.../ light colored... ford 500.../ áásimilaráá... to... this picture.../ ááifáá... you have... any inffrmation...//, ááyou'reáá... assed... to call..// police. we'vv learned the - baltimore city firr department has suspeeded its dive team involving a team member. keith daniels, live at the inner harbor where there's word the team is suspended pendinn the outcome of an investigation.. keith. 3 jennifer.... if you fall into e inner harbor.. or any other body of water in the area.... chances are the city's fire department's water rescue team would be dispatched with divers if go deep under water forrany search or recovery mission...... 3 the dive team has been used in such emergencies as that
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deadly water taxi accident that happened at the inner harbor in 2004. kevin cartwright, a spokesman with the fire deparment says the teammis suspended until an iivestigation intt an incident that happened last month is complete. investigators want to know how a diver's air supply was cut-off during a search for a missing montgomery county boater. the diver was revived. but now, with no dive team, qqestions tonight over whether the city is at risk of a timely response if needed. needed. (cartwright) "i absolutely woold not say that this is a hazard. we don't have dive or acciddnts every single day. we do have a few throughout a year's time, a calendar year. is a dettement to what e do on a day to day basis." basis." 3 cartwright says during its dive team's suspension.. the fire department depends on its partnership with citt police divers and other teams in the
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area to ensure a timely response to any water rescue pmergency. live at the inner harbor, keith aniels, foo 45 news late edition. a.../ ááwhoáá survived.../ the... ship wreck.../ off...// the...coast of... itaay...// ááisáá... now... alking.../ about.../ her... experi. pxperience. anna.../ figueredo ... of silver spring.../// was.../// on... the cruise.../ &p ááwitháá... her daughter.../ at... the time...///. áásheáá says.../ the incident... was so .../ terrifying.../ áásheáá thought.../ they... were going.../ to... die...////. ááfigueredoáá... blamms.../ the... for... abandoning the.../ ship. my daughter sent a text to the family saying, "the ship s sinking. we love you."-butt to- when he knew nothing can be fixedd he left, he leet. left. the wreckk.. left... 13... peopll dead.../ ááwitháá... at leastt../ 20 others... still missing. put a g-p-s tracker on a to - suspect's vehicle.
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vehicle.the u-s supreme court made the ruling today.they say installing the device and using it to monitor a vehicle's movement ... as shown here...violates the fourth amendement's protection against unrraaonable searches. this came before the high court because of an accusee convicted in part because the f-b-i tracked his movements..... even after their warrant had expired. same-sex ... marriage.../ ááandáá... offshore... wind power.../ two... of...// governor o'malley's...// priorities...// for the ...20-12.../ general assembly. &passembly.the governor... says.../ ááwindáá turbbnes.../ off... the coast... of.../ occan city.../ ááwilláá... expand...marylandds .... ggeen energy.../ plan...//// áheáá governor ...also plans.../ to... lobby.../ for... passage of...// a... same-sex... marriage.../ (governor) "what sort of state do you want your children to live in? one where we have two classes of children, one wiih a lesser protection under the law than others? that doesn't seem to me to square with our notions of equal protection under the law." law."a... same-sex... marriige bill...
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passed... the... state-senate.../ last year....///áábutáá.../ failed... to pass ...the house. 3 it's no secret that there's lot of depressed people today, after last night's rrgic ravens loss. loss.but is there an actual ravens depression? depression?we spoke with a psychologist today...who says fans were so invested in the game...that many people today are suffering from various levels of loss and depression. he says some people can get so upset, they get physciaaly sick: "the degree of enthusiam that certainll lend itself to profound diappointment, intense depression, acute depre" depression"doctors say they best way to get through this type oo depression can be daily exercise, spritual &pcontemplation or simply talking it out.
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here's... our... áádoáá... the ravens... have... what it takes.../ to... make the... super bowl.../ next year? year? most of you are optimistic about next year....and think they do have what it takes. join the discussion on our facebook page tonight. bad day .../ for... pteven tyler.../ ááwhoáá... ssng... like a cat...// caught...// engine...// ááwwenáá... he... sang...// the... sunday's game.../ in .. - foxboro. ...// ááináá case missed it,...// áátakeáá... a listee... --singing nats--- nats--- while... some... defend... the rocker... / áácciticsáá say... this one.../ can.../ go... into...// "the awful anthem"... hall of fame.../ along ...with.../ carl lewis.../ and... roseanne. maybee../lerr.. can take from... e of the ngers.../ he'll...
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juuge .../ n... aman idol... ááit'sáá... a... good day... for actor.. jim &pcarrey's.. daughter .../ jane.../ ááwáá. .. f aitto eingomething we dont &pdarling, lets give them somehhing to talk about"--- &paboot"--- áásheáá sang.../ something to talk about.../// ááandáá impressed.../// áátheyáá... put her ... to... the next.../ round..././/. áátheáá y. confessed...// áásheáá... it... grow..g up.../// as ...thee funnymaa's daughter, ...// áásayingáá...// it'ss.. &p difficult...// growing up... in daddy's... shadow.../// áábbtáá... she seem..tyo be...// on... her way...// a gloomy day.../ be--fitting the footballmood in this city city but better weather is on the waymeteorlogist emmly ggacey joins us with the skywatch
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porecast 3 -3 young: "this was just a vicious senseless killing, this was a beautiful puppy" puppy" a puppy found to att .... hhw the killing could in ade law..... and public shame for animal abusers.. --fire nats, people screaming-- screaaing--
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scary moments at a hot air balloon festival... // the freak accident... that caused a firee ../... and... what made... this dangerous situation even worse ... a rrbber's interesting eettance cauuht on camera when he comes crashing through the ceiling.... what he did next that was even more surppising...
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a maryland lawmaker wants to publicly embarrass people who are found guilty of animal abuse.this after a puppy is found shot to death in a frederick countt field. as matt ackland reports.. the bill would createean animal abuse registry. registry. 3& she was puppy who loved to play. heidi, a golden retriever was shot and killed earlier thissmonth ii "it's gonna take a long time to get over it." lyneetee kaufmann has been heaatbroken since she found heidi dead in a field nner her home. although there is n 8-thousand dollar reward..still, no one has been arrested. young: "ttis was
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puppy" state senator ronald young, a animal lover himself ssys it's time o do more to unish..evee embarraas those who abuse animals.young: "it's n indication of a problem and something i think people should be aware of." just like a sex offender like to create another registry for those who are found guilty of animal bbse in the statt of maryland..their names and addresses would beethere for everyone to see. young: "i ffom doing it but if it ody - doesn't do that at least people will know who and where they are." there has public outrage...and an outpouring of support since heidi was killld.kauffann: " i get cards addressed tt lynette kaufman, golden retriever lady, middletown maryland, they don't have an address, p llnette says she'd prevent what happened to heidi. peopll think twice." ke - senator younn: doesn't beliive
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this new registry will ccst money. in fact as part offender should pay 50 dollars a year to keep the site up and running. some.../ ffightening moments.../// at... / a...// hot air balloon festival.../// in... arizona. arizona. 3--fire nats, people screaming-- screaming-- 3& a...// cordd onn of the balloons...// - broke free -- / áácausingáá... the whole fire...////. ááwindyáá conddtions... are said... tt ave made .../ the difficult...///.. áátheáá pilot...//, when... it... ook // off,...// áwasáá able... to... control ii --/ ii... safely... a mile... from the festival grounds....//// áánoáá ooe... was hurt.../// 3and an electronics store in robbed not onne... but twice in the same day...take a look at the purveillance video... a theif breaks in by crashing through the ceiling... he then goes straight for a gun kept behind
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suspect comes ack abouttan hour later.. this time with a partner in crime. they steal several items before crawllng out the door. the robbers were two teens ... who were later mothers. 3 a rainy dayyhere in baltimore... will we see the sun anytime soon? sooo? lett check in ith meteorologist emmly gracey.
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paying more to send mail... hoo much stamps will cost you .... and the reason thh price -
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newly released records ssow than one billiin dollars in unpaid taxes. taxes.according to the washington post...about 98-thousand federrl, postal owed 1.3-billiin in unpaid
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taxes in's a quick breaadown by departmeet.... &pemployees at the defensee department owed 225-miilion &pdollars.postal workers about 270-million.and congressional staffers about 10.6-million. &pthe news comes as republicans trr to pass legiilatioo that would let federal agencies fire their tax delinquent ploye on sunday, the u.s. postal service's latest rate ike on &peffeet. the ostal service lost 5 billioo dollars last year anddsays it hopes thee1 cent increase on every stamp this year.but some businesses - say with costs up, thee possibility of service cuts and availability of other options they will be cutting service this ear...makes you ponderrif a price cut would bb 3&pa better idea. "thh legs have become a
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monument in sag harbor. people say 'turn at the legs.'" someone's showing too much leg. 3 why.../ a... small townn../ is... gging... toe to toe.../
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get this... a homeowner is &pllg.. or one small new york . &pneighboorhood. a... pai of giant legss.. adorn... this... 1840s home, .../// ááaáá
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former church, ...// ááináá... the... quaint... "sag harbor's"... district...///. áátheáá homeowners ...say.../ its art..... &p áábutáá... the... legs... areeon... permanent display.../ just... blocks from ...main street..../// áá16áá feet high,.../ ááhhrdáá to ignore..../// áátheáá village... ordered the couple.../ to... remove them.... áásayingáá... location.../ are... not.../ cooe....// áábutáá some saa... &pthe legs.../ haae become ...aa.../ fixture. 3 3 joe flacco wants a new contract...the case he makes for staying in baltimore... next in sport sunlimited...
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that'll do it for the late edit.
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cunningham. sports unlimited - starts rrght now. one of theeworst thinns about suddeness of ittall..we're not just ready for the season to be over...but it is...and today, a very sad scene in owings as the ravens &ppa belck ugings an atesnd to a remarkkble heir peason...morgan adpiit up from here... here...
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so now it's the ravens off season....and joe flacco once still has one year left on his rookie deal...but it's time for the ravens to pay up. flacco's proven he can play in the league... and lead the -ra every single could get trickyytough...there's a lot of guys wwo are free agents now...cory redding, jarrrt johnson, ben grubbs.... and there's ray rice whh probably deserves some love &pwith a franchise tag.a fu manchu-less.flacco knows it's out of his control, but he feels he's done his part to make the big q-b money. "those four years that i've played here, e've gone to the playoffs every time and won a game. i think the last two pears 've played in the
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playoffs, i've played well in the playoffs. like i've said this organization thiik you - can say 'hey, he's pllyed really good for us.' you never know what's going to happen so we'll see." it's now time to anno the candidates in our high school game offthe week contest... brought to you by varsity sports network dot com... com... for this fridayy january 27th...all baskll games this week...aberdeen and digiial harbor girls meet at coppin state...edgewood and randallstown collide on the boys side... also at coppin... i-n-d and mercy matchup at the towson center...and st. john's catholic visits indian creek... we'll announce the winner on thursday night... of ssorts unlimited.i'm bruce - cunningham...goodnighh. goodnight. 3
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