tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW January 26, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST
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"and i lookee ouu my blinds and i saw him in the fetal position and they were you know, kicking his face anddhis stomach.. and i yelleddto my roommate to call 911.. so, she immediately ran downstairs called 991.. opened the door, y" yelled." a neighborhood forced to fight back against cr. crime. why people living in the heart of balttmore city say they're under attaak tonight. 3 helloo... i'm... jeff bar. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. a string of robberies.... has one downtown neighborhood feeling beattn and bloodied by street thugs. thugs. keith daniels.../ live... in canton.../ áátrackingáá... the... string of crimes .../ entire neighborhood.../ on... alert. alert. jjff..... we're live on south belnorddavenue near fait.....'s a busy block with lots of street lights.... ........still, neighbors say that wasn't enough to stop a
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robbery and a beating here...... this man has the city's latest robbery victims. rob seeley has a swoolen face anddbroken nose. the robbery and beating happened last night at about 6-30. seeley told police he was wwlking on belnord avenue to pick up his bike from a friendds home.. when he says 5 young men, 3 of them in ski masks, turned the corner, approached him.. then jumped him. 3 "just started attacking me, threw me down on the ground and grabbed my phone and my wallet.. didn't have any cash in it, phone was actually a comppny phone. so, other than the beating, that was about all" all.." neighbors say seeley's robbery was the third robbery that happened in the an hour of each other. incident.. that one on belnord . avenue.
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mmantimee neighbors to be aware of their surroundings and take care.. when waaking these streets. live in ccnton, keith daniels, fox 45 neww late edition. 3 first on fox... charggs have now been filed against an elkton middle school student caught on video punching his autistic classmate in the face! face!11-year-old andrew simpson is now charged with diiorddrly conduct and second degree assault. he's the boy in this youtube video - seen punching his autistic classmate in tte face. but simpson says he was acting out other kid hit him first. andrew: 34:55 i feel preety sorry for what i did cauue i dad: 44:37 don't want this &pto be character defamation &pabout my son, your son... wor is outtthat bullying is wrong 46 simpson was alsoo suspendee 11-days from school. his father says police never
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got his son's side of the story. he now hopes the charges will be dropped. 3 there is new information tonight about whht led up to the fatal three car accident timoniuu..... the driver.... aaron mccoy was tueeday's ccash.....the passenger jenard tolliver bailed out of the car minutes was caught llter.... .and tolliver told police the two weee involved in several burglaries in northern baltimore county.... the most recent incident happened in the fourteee thousand block of jarrettsville pike riggt &pbefore the accident... 3 we alleady know that the suspect vehicle the honda accord was stolen from howard county so its possible they are connected to crimes beyond that are in other jurisdictioos we just don't know yet.. yet.. 3&tollivee has been charged wit two counts of first deggee burglary and one count of grand theft auto. he is being held at the baltimore county detention center on five hundred thousand dollars bail. 33 breakinn news.../ in.../ north
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baltimore....// áápoliceáá... are... combing the area .../ for... a suspect .../ after... a.../ shooting. shooting. it... happened .../ near... howard street...// and... nooth avenue.../ toniie...//. áátheáá victim... was shot.../ at... least... once... in his now .../ áánoáá... - word.../ on... what ...led up.../ to the shooting. fox45 .../ peams... up.../ with... the most... popular.../ crime-mapping... ebsite.../ ááspotcrimeáá... tracks... criminal activity.../ ááandáá..,. will... send you... emails.../ whan.../ crime happens..../ áágoáá... to... fox-baltimore dot com... / to...sign-up...// ááclickáá... on... spot crime.../ in... the.../ "hot topics"... section.../ near.../ the... top.../ 3 ááoneáá.../ baltimore city agency...// p ááhasáá... it's... own troubles .../ keeping ... costs.../ under... control...// control...// ááweáá about... plans.../ - to... spend.../ nearly.../ 2--million dollars...// átoáá and... new furniture .../// in... the departmmnt .../ of.../ oofices.../ ááaáá project../ that... was already.../ $200--grand...// over... budget...// ááturnsáá... ááisáá... ect.../ 3 getting... ricier 3 "they thhnk that the well is a bottomless well, that the but instead the water is
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slowly going way" away" ááthisáá... while... the... city.../ will... have to million dollar.../ shorrfall.../ for... next year's budgett some lawmakers in annapolisare increases in hiihway tools. ent- they took effect in november... and in some cases...the toll hikesamount to more than 60-percenn.despite several public hearings...onee tate lawmaker says the have done more to makethe uld - (pipkin) "when it did this ddsclose what the inallot - package waa going to be and so actually the board members not disseminated to the public comment on t." so senator e.j. pipkin has introduced a praasportationauthority to make full disclosureson upcoming votes...and allowthe public to comment beforea final vote. tired of all these new taxes? you're not alone. alone. 96 percent of &pmarylaaders say they're taxed
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too much. that's from a new survey by state republicans. and republicans say those taaes will jump even higher if governor omallly and democrats get their way in this legislative year. the includes more than 800 million in new gas taxes, car registration osts and other revenues. republicans don't want any increass in spending, but democrats say that's unrealistic. .../ former .../ frederick county... deputy.../ ááisáá.... cllared... of... wrongddiig.../ ááináá... the... deatt of.../ a... 20 year old.../ died.../ after... being... tasered. tasered. at.../ the... federal courthouse ...this afternoon ../ p ááevenáá jurors ..were visibly... upsst.../ following... today's verdict...///. áájar-reláá gray's family... argued .../ &phe... died.../ as... a result ...of.../ "excessive force"...///. ááhisáá family... sued...for../ 115 ...million dollars ...//// áástilláá... jurors ... sided.../ with...// rudy torres...//// ááwhoáá... defended... the... 14:17:34 at the end of the day no one wins and no one loses i think justice has been done. there were several accounts in this case hopefully it's ovee. over.14:22::5 nd at the end of the day he's not here that
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man is free to go and live his life the ay he wants to and i have to do to my son's burial plot and visit him sooi'd like tt know how he sleeps at night with that :06 :06 he... autopsy .../ listed... the cause of president obama told ccngress exactly what he wants in 2012, but getting it is going to be nearly impossibl. impossible. the president ppsheddfor econooic reform in last night's state of the union address. he asked repubbicans to compromiss on tax plans and make wealthy americans pay more. republicannlawmakers say the president is the one unwilling to compromise and top analysts say last night's speech didn't offer any new options. (12:26:40) "he knows how to make the agenda his agenda.....but there's not much ccmpromise in this...." ended his started and ended policy wins from the past year, talking aboot ending the war in iraq and authorizing the mission to kill bii ladenn
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did the president's job creation claims? head - to our website, fox baltimore dot com ann click on newslinks. you'll find our state of the union fact checker so you can peparate the truth frrm the teleprompter. riggt after the speech, theepresident hii the road. he got on air ffrce one this morning for a trii to iowa.. he delivered a speech in cedar rapids and continued to puuh his message from last night's state of the unionn after alllpart of a three day , it's - economic tour. the white house says it's just a coincidence all the stops happen toobe in swing statee. here's... oorr.. question of the you think the state of union address was really a campaign facebook page and let us know what you think. 3 bad dayy..// for... somali...// pirates/ pirates...// the...// same... team... / that...// ended...// osama... bin.../ laden...// áájustáá... rescued.../ two hostages.../ in... somalia.../ áásealáá
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team six .../ parachuued ...into somalia.../ over-night...// american woman .../ . and... a... danish man.../// from.../// an... &p ááwhereáá they.. somali.... pirates...//// áátheáá... p seaas...// wasted... 9... pirates.../// áásoáá... let's have.. a... mooent.,.. of.../ silence...// ááfor... those... pirates...// ááokayáá... ttat... was... long... enuu.../// bad daa...// for... a... loud... mom...// ááaáá florida teenager .../ called 911.../ police.../ too.. áá shelter...// áá becauseáá.../ she... "heard her mother.../ having... sex.".../// ááwhenáá... police... arrived...// áámommyáá.... explained.../ shee.. was with... her boyfriend.../ ááandáá.../ didn't mean...// to... wake áátheáá... daughter...decided.../// to... stay...// ááandáá... nearest... pharmacy...// &pto... buy.../ &ppar--lugs..../ áánoáá... filed...// great day...// forr.. a... connecticut.. áábadáá... for... ravvns... fans... fans... the./.. ball... that sank...// the... ravees' chances .../ of.../ going... to the... super bowl.../ ááwasáá... caught --/ p by... a... pats fan...// ááaáá... connecticuu doctor....//// áákickeráá billy cundiff.../ missed.. .aa.. field goal.../// with... seconds... left... in &pthee.. game...// .ááterryáá odor -- / grabbed... theeball.../// when... it sailed.../
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into... the.../ end zone ...seets..../// áátheáá... ball...bounned...// his... buddies... - first...///.. i felt like one of those guys on the field... it was crazy. (how did our buddy feel &phe didn't reelly care to be honest because i treated all of them to the game so he told me that if he had gotten the football he would hhve given it to me anyway... he's &pa very generous guy. " 3& patriots... faas... are now requesting .../ to... have pictures.../ taken with it. 3 another warm january day. 3 day. &psounds... like an... oxymoronn../ here. let's go to... meteorologist emily gracey... forecast.ok at your skywatch 3
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nancy pelosi says she has the goods on newt ggngrich... that he'd never be president... now... she's backing down on the rhetoric...// why... the sudden wishy--washy... saying goodbye to a tarnished hero. the plans for an emotional tribute to men jump thhn boom! boom! well this looks likeefun. why the world's largest army could sson fall victtm to natural seleetion. 33 house...
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minority leader ...nancy pelosi .../ áácatchingáá... flak... for comments ...she made .../ about.../ a... republican... presideetiall áápelosiáá... saying... wwll... not become president.../ áábecauseáá... she quote- / "knows things.".../// áámikeáá emanuel .../ explains why...// &p áápelooiáá... claims...// she...// doesn't know.../ &páquiteá... so much... . today. romney says, "eighty-eight percent of the republicans in the house voted to reprimmnd their own speaker, the first time in american history that's happened. ww need to understand why ttaa is and those records need o be if nancy pelosi knows those at things right now, she will &phand them to barack obamm's caapaign if speaker gingrich when gingrich was speaker, pelosi was a senior democrat investigated him. thh housee voted three-ninetyyfive to twenty-eight in 1997 to reprimand gingrich fter a lengthyyethics probe, and he agreed to pay a three-hundred- thousand dollar penalty, in part for giving the panel false information. today,
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gingrich fired back at pelosi, bring it on.gingrich says, "look, i think iffhe she knows something yoo ought to say it and if she doesn't, quit saying it. no republican will be threatened by pelosi, i'd rather have er attack me than endorse me." hammill said she was refeering to the quote, "extensive amount of information that is in the public record, including the compreheesive committee report with which the public may not be fuuly aware." on monday, omney pcallenged gingrich's record in congress.romney says, "the speaker was giien an opportunity to be the leader the end of four years, he had - to resign in disgrace." thii ad featuriig gingrich and pelosi has also cauued headaches for his campaign. they appeareddtogether on behalf of a nonprrfit group fouuded by al gore cclled he protection. yet this is ttreatened that she has dirt on ginnrich..she told talking points memo in december she
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quote: "one of these days we'll have a conversation about newt gingrich." onn capitol ill, mike emanuel, pox newss 33 just hours ago, reprrssntative gabrielle gifffrds resigged after a fiial vote and tearful tributes. tributes. representativv giffords, a democrat frommarizona, gave her official resignation o speaker boehher in front of fellow lawmakers. last event. after a year of pain and hard work, she was at the staae of the union last night, for a big bear hug with the president. it waa a goodbye that crossed party lines. protect the border, passed thoosands gathered this &pmorrnng to say goodbye to forrer penn state coach joe &ppaternomourners waited in lon lines to pay their final respects t a public viewing on campus.... paterno died sunday after a brief battle with lung cancer. he was 85 years old.paterno worked at
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penn state for more than sixty years, but was fireddin the abuse scandal.... paterno was laid to rest afternoon. a public memoriil service wwll be held tomorrow at the university. &p another beautiful.../, warm, ...sunny day... ii januu. january. we've been lucky with a mild far. let'ssgo to meteerologist emily gracey to see if our luck is going to ccange. 3
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common sense says.... don't play hot potato with live exxlo. explosives. (show grenade getting passed around.... guys taking a dive...then grenade explodes) this video aired on chinese television.six chinese soldiers playing a game of hot potato with a live grenade. an exhibition drill. ...designed to imprrve "psschological strengtt". exercise would help the &psoldiers remain calm if they
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were confronted with a reall emergency.looks like they very &peasily ould have had one. common sense sys youuhave to be desperate to do this.a neww york man busted for hiiingg á22-poundsá... of heeoin in his stomach.that's about a half million dollars worth.the man was returning from were suspicious when his... story fell apart.the 19 -year old man wws nabbed at dulles last thursday.police retreived p5 heroin pellets.and believe me, thatts a job you do not want. downing says: "we shut the wattr off.. we shuttthe water tte resttoommand flush any of the evidenceeout. in this inciience.. when he realized the water was off he punchedda hole innthe wall and was attempttng to hide the evvddnce" evidence." officcrs had to put on gloves to retrieve the 55 pellets. then the man passed another 31 at the hospital.police say he had to be motivated by the money.
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p of...// a... radiation.../ shooting gallery...///. ááanáá epic... solar storm .../ is... throwing off... radiation.../ so strong, .../ ááflyinggá over... the... nnrth pole.../ is... too dangerous .../ for.../ travellers...////. áátheáá sun... is.../ 93... million miles... away,,.../ áábutáá the... earthhs... maanetic fiill.../ is... still by... the sun's.../ emissions...////. áááheáá explosions.../ are... so strong, .../ áátheáá sun... &pactually ejected.../ a... huge ccunk.../ ááwhicháá is... causing... big problems .../ for ellctronics.../ around... the globe..../// another warm winter's day in charm city. city. hhw much longer .../ willl.. this beautiful weather... last? last? let's go to emily ffr your extended forecastt 3
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that's all for the late edition,/// buu a big night in sports. bruce joons us in the studio with a look at some bigg changes for the ravens. after a triumphhnt seasoo as the ravens defensive coordinator, chuck pagano is going to the next level...this afternoon, he agreed to become &pthe next head coach of the indianapolis colts... colts... pagano will be officially introduced at a news conference tomorrow...aftee two years coachinn defensive backs. he spent just one year as ravens d-coordinator, and he got them to play, that;s for sure...his defense ranked allowed and points given ds reinstated the firey spirit that was often absent uuder his predecessor, greg m,attison...agano tweeted tonighh that it's tuff leaving the ravens, but the offer as just too good to pass up..
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3and now to the night's other big story...maryland hosting it's annual bloodletting with their hated rival, the duke blue evils...but this time there's a twist:maryland has a new coach, mark turgeon, and tonight marked the first time he experienced the bitter rival. rivalry.. and check outtthe intensity on his facee..turgeon may be new to colleee paak, but he's dialed in agginst the blue loved thhs: check out the awesomee rive tt the rcak by terrrll stoglin in the firrt half...terps up by 8......but not for long...the plumlle brothers at the otherr end...mason feeds miles on the alley oop...duke by 3 at the break......2nd alf... stoglin again...yet another within 5.......but mason s - plumlle was playing out of his blue deeils trr to pull away... ..stoglin had 16 on the night...thii long two kept maryland within 6......bnut duke just pullld away from there...plumlee with the great
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looking feed to ryan kelll for the dunk...duke spanks the 12-7 and 2-3 in the accc.. before the game, turgeon's legendary predecessor was honooed..they named the ourt at the comcast center for gary williams, whooretired last year after 22 seasons...a very brouuht the terps their only national championship back in 2002..he was also a two time acc coach of the year, and brought maryland back from the nightmare of ncaa probbtion... and he was quite moved by beinn so honoree... candidates in our high school broughttto you by varsity ..- com...
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for this friday january 27th...alllbasketball games this week...aberdeen aad digital harborrgirls meet at coppin state....dgewood aad randallstown collide on the boys side... lso at coppin... i-n-d and mercy atchup at the towson center...anddst. john's cctholic visits indian creekk.. thursday night... that'll do it for this and be sure to tune n to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.ceógógóby&
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