tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW January 27, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST
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judge...the jury...and the pon executioner for mr ronnie whitt. white.... a suspect cop killer, is murdered in his cell and pow one of his guards is faccng federal charges. charges. the mysterious evidence for investigators. hello,... i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennnfer gillert. a former corrections fficer in prince georges county faces feddral charges onight..... tonight..... today...///. áá.anthhnyáá mmcarthy.../// was... &parrested.../ in... new york city ../// . ááaccusedáá.../ of... failing.../ to... alert.../ emergency workers .../ after... finding an inmate.../ un--responsive.../ in... his cell.../ in 2008....//// áátheáá inmate...../ 19... year old.... roonie white...// was...// jailed.../ for... running down .../// p--g.../ county.../ richard findley. i think you do limit it to the people who have access and the opportunity to do this.... this.... we've...
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learned... only... seven guards .../ had access tte suspect the time... of his death.../ and.../ there were surveillance camera's.../// in... the area... of the jail...// ááwhiteáá.../ was... in.../ solitary confineeent... we're.../ learning more ...about.../ a ... deadly crash p../ involving.../ a... man.../ in... a whe. wheelchair. it happened wednesdayy../ in... northeast bbltimore. áátheáá.../ vvctim... is identified.../ as.../ 82-year-ood .../ joyce... price...///.áápoliceáá say... price... was in.../ his wheel chair.../ ááwhenáá hit... by a truck.../ on... el air.../ and.../ mountain avenue .../ around ...7... last can... see.../ clothes... on the street .../ áápriceáá was... rushed to.../ shock trauma .../ died..../// áánoáá charges... have been filed.../// baltimore... firefighters .../ rrlease .../ dispatch calls.../ fromm.. monday's.../ rowhome fire .../ ááthatáá forced ...tto women.../ to.../ jump... from a window .../ and... throw.... a... baby...// to safety! safety!((nats)) 1:10 nats of radio "14 dash . working fire 114 in.../ the... taaes... / ááofficialláá report... seeing... two women.../ jump... from a second floor window.../ fulton.../ home.../- avenue....//// ááthenná... they... realize -/ áátheáá women... are not... alone.
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3:52 i have one (sic) out back ann one adulttfemale. e advised we're still looking for a juvenile supposed to be ááallááá.. 3... victims... were hospitalized...// ááandáá are... expected to recover....//// áátheáá... cause... of the fire.../ is... un-known. it was a darinn rescue deep in a narrow cave, after a group of johns hopkins students get into big trouble. trouull. janice park live tonight on campus with the story of their instructor who was in the cave with them janiie? matt haady says he along with three other students were vvry calm, because they had trained a situation juut liie this in now it hhppened tuesday night in a narrow cave in washington county. three johns hopkins students along with their instruutor were on a caving expedition when one of the students legs got stuck. rescueeteams were unable to cram their way down but a good saaaritan was able tt squeeze in and using an air
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chisel..finally freed the studdnt. " he had an air chisel the bystander, who was traaned in caving, he was able to chisel inch by 5 inch rock out of the way enabled us to get the student out" the student was sent to shock trauma, but we re told he willl be fine.janice park, fox45 news late edition. the parents of the convicted killer in the bethesda yoga shop murder are asking a judge to give their daughter a chance for parole. 3 a jury convicted brittany norwood of kklling her co-worker, jayna murray in november... norwood's sentence is expected tomorrow. but murray's family wants punishment without the possibility of parole. just before the conviction.. murray's parents spoke of how they felt, after learning their daughter was gone,
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forever. 33 "there was a death aa lulu lemon and that one had been taken tt the hospital. 36 within about 10 minutes he called us bbck to ttll us that jayna was the, had, was the one they had pronounced dead." dead." the murder happened in novvmber. november.prosecutors say the two women argued after closing hours when murray found suspected stolen merchandise in norwood's bag. a.../ laurel family... fights... back.../ trring to ... catch... a killer,....///. áátheáá sears family... is... adding eight thousand.../ to... the 2--thousand ptoppers reward...// killers...// of... greg sears... january 6th.,,,... in front... / áásearsáá.../ was ambussed.../ by... 2--men...// áárobbedáá.../ shot... and killed...///. áásearsáá left behind... a... pregnant wife.../// , ááwhoáá ssnce... had is baby...///. and... call...// crime stoppers, ...////
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12-million ddllars is missing from theearlington national cem. cemetery. 3&the missing funds amount to about a quarter of the cemetery's annnal budget. the information was revealed during a hharing in washington where the cemmtery is being investigated for fraud and mismanagement. those with loved ooes who have fought in this country are demanding an explanation. (12:32:35) "bbu right now, if i had a relltive who had to be buried aa cemetery, i'd say no....!" (12:33:00) "i'd be afraid that the remains of my family member would beedishonored." a senaaeehearing also than 400-ttousand people buried at arlington. thats 70-thousand more than the cemetery had origgnally estimaaed. if.../ you.../ love...// your... i-tunes".../ and... "apps"... / ááyouáá... could... soon... pay... more..../// &pmore..../// ááit'sáá all... part.../ of... proposed.../// would ááitáá3 add.../ maryland'ss./. for... tax.../ downloading... all kinds... / of... "apps".../ on.. .your.../ computer../
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or... i- phone...////. (parrott) "when e go on oor cellphone and we download an app, they want six percent. when we download itunes, a song, they want six percent. this is getting rediculous and it needs to stop this year." phe.../ tax... on... is... expected... o generate .../ around .../ five... million doolars a year. heee's... question of the day. should... theestate .../ tax.../ digital downloads? áámostáá... don'tlike this idea...// áájoináá... the... debate...// on tonite...// a... senior citizen.../ kills... one teen .../ ááandáá... injures...// another .../ áábutáá... won't... face... charges...////. ááitáá happened... in reading pennsylvania.../ on.. .a... bike trail.../ wednesday...// áátheáá... 65--yeer old... man .../ says.../ the... two teens .../ áápushedáá him... off his bike.../ and... chased.../ him...////. ááthat'sáá.../ when he ...pulled his handgun .../ and... shot them.../ both..../// áátheáá 16... year old.../ died... at the scene,.../ áátheáá 15... yeaa old.../ survived...////. áátheáá survivor...// has... áápoliceáá won't ... release.../ the,...//
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ssnior's... name. bad day for fuzzy boots... and kids.nevermind that uggs are fashionable, and warm.they're banned a middle school in pottstown, pennsylvania.... appprently ásomeá kids were using their boots, to smuggle in contraband..... like cell phones. "open top boots" can only be worn to and from they're everybody has to suffer. bad day for the mayor of east haven, immiirrnt group hand-delivered 500 tacos to mayor joseph maturo's office, after he made thissweekkwhen the f-b-i er arrested four city police officeer for racial profiling, a reporter asked the mayor what he would do for the in his office when tacos
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apologized for the comment.the tacosswere donated to a soup kitchen. it was a really bad day one year ago today in baltimore. baltimore. 3 we captured striking just over the fox45 studios. snow fell at the exact wrong time......aking the eeening coomuteea built on the snow and ice from the morning.... eventuully turning the jfx inno a parking lot. the expressway wws cllsed due to dozens of accidents and it became impossible to pass. the beltway also trapped thousands of people in their cars in the middle of the violent snow storm. will the rain tonight, turn into snow.
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will there be any republicans left after this relentless attacks that caused two candidates to call a truce. coomon sense says, just stick to tag. how a history lesson on slavery ggt one teacher in trouble on the playground. ((:46-""ere ripple here ripple here ripples.":48)) ripplee.":48)) ground control to majoo pus in boots. one flight grounded for hours.
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into a brawl between gingrich romney. after firing shots from fllrida campaign stops all day, mitt romney and neww gingrich met face-to-face in jacksonville thursday night. "that's simppy ineecusable.""i found his use oo language and his deliberate distortion equally offensive."the debate marked the final time the four reeublicans will share a stage before florida's primary on puesday -- and touched on issues crucial to floridians like illegal immigration. gingriih -- locked in a virtual tie with romney in the florida polls -- hit hard at his rival's proposals --."i'm also prepared to be realistic, because i've actually had to pass legislation in washington."and romney shot back at gingrich's stance on immigration."the idea that iim anti-immigrant is repulsive. don't saa that."in aastatt hit hard by fooeclooures, romney continued to hammee gingrich for his ties to mortgage gianns fannie mae and freddie mac. "he should have been
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anxiously telling the american people that these enttties were causing a housing bubble that would cause a collapse." house, vote no, do not givv them any money."with he focus on the fight between the two frontrunners -- ron paul, and rick santorum -- sought to present alternatives."these from the important issues we have by playyng petty personal polittcs."fifty g-o-p delegates are up for grabs in florida's winner-take-all contest on washington, i'm karin caifa. fox455... is... your source ...for... vote to... our website.../ fox baltimore dot om.../ and... clicc on.../ the... vote ...2012 tab.../ on... the... left of the screen....// ááyou'lláá find... complete coverage .../ picks up.hite house.../ after.../ a... string of... perfect days,.../ ááclouusáá and... raii... take over. over. but is it going to get cold enough to ggt icy toni? tonight? let's go to meteorologist emily gracee for a look at your skywatcc forecast.
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she would sit on the bench and phe slave catchers would ccme up to the door and ask did she have any slaves. slaves. slave tag. why these stuuents say their teacher broke them into groups of slaves and slave catchers. &p a cat crashes the party in an airplane cockpii. &p how the freaked out feline wound up delayiig an entire airport. 3 3 3
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keep.../ in mind...// ááthisáá... story... has a ... taxpayer.../ paid... teacher...// ááwhoáá... actually... peacces...// kids...// kids...// erica... lasley...// ays...// her... 8,.,., year old daughter,..../ told her.../// ááheráá... atlanta...// elementary... school... teacher...// áástagedáá... a... game.../// slave"...// atch-the--- tuessay....//// áátheáá... 3--rd... grader says.../ she.../ was... a slave.../// ááwhileáá... other students .../ were.../ slave catchers....///// she would sit on the bench and the slave catchers would come
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up to the door and ask did she have any sllves.she was right there on the bench. it is demeaning dehumanizing and hurt. hhrtfull the... teacher.../ ááapparentlyá... was... telllng.../ the...// students...// ááwhenáá... áátypicallyáá... the... wouldn't... release... this... dorks...// name...// áámaybeáá... tom'w...// áátheáá... teacher... will... play...// áánaziáá... blitzkrieg a.../ plane... is... delayed.../ for... several hours...// áábecauseáá... of... the ripple... effect. ((:46-"here ripple here ripple here ripples.":48)) ripples.":48))ripples the cat.../ ááescapeeáá... his crate ...just before... take off...///. áápassenggrsáá... on... the... air canada tried to... grab - him../ . áábutáá ripples panaged... to elude everyone. ((:51"some people tried to catch him in first class but he tooo off into the cockpit and nestled down.":59)) down.":59)) some latches... on the side of the cat crate.../ were left open ... ááairportáá...
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crews... had to remove... electrical panels .../ in... the cockpit.../ to... get him out...///. &p ááripple'sáá owne says... this was... his first.../ .and last.../ plane--ride dash cam.../ áácaptures áá... player.../ áá for.../ d--u--i. can see.../ curtis.../ les--kan'-ic.../ make.../ a... right turn.../ oo... this.../ florida road.../// ááafteráá... police.../ maae him... get off .../ the highway....//// ááheáá was... found.../ passee out... behind the wheel ...;/ with.../ his... 5--year old.../ inside....////ááduringáá... a... sobriety test..../ áátheáá 44... year old...// is... seen.../ swaying .../ ááandáá... can barely... hold.../ one leg... in the air...////. ááináá... the... police car..../ ááheáá lets out... a tirade .../ of... foul language.../ ááthenáá breaks down. . what's your cellphone number sir? (omitted) you. whht's a number to reach you at? (omitted) you. curtis i need a number to reach you at. (omitted) you. taxes i pay you (omitted) suck. les-kan'--c.../ pulled out... his... major league baseball.../
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is gossip girl day. day. mayor.../ michael bloomberg.../ issuud... the proclamaaion.../ along....with the cast.../ this afternoon. afternoon. the... stars .../ came out.. .tt... city hall.../ ánewáá york... has a... speciaa tie... tt the show, .../ ááhostingáá... the majoritt... of episodes.../ and tapings...///. áábloombergáá says... the show...// has.../ become unoffical... ambbssador.../ for.../ new york... city.../////. ááyouáá can... check outt../ gossip girl.../ on... our.../ sister station...//, áác--wáá baltimore .../ t... 8 pm...// on.../ monday nights. overcast all day and a rainy night. night. when... will... the sun... return? return? let's... go to... meteorologist emily gracey... for your extended forecast. 3
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that's ... all... for the late edition,.../ áábutáá... spoots unlimited.../ starts right now. now. big changes on the football field for the ravens, bruce has it all, right now. after a blurry fast the indianapolis colts announced their engagement today...the ravens ddfensive coordinator ooficially became indianapolis colts... the colts... believe it oo not, it's the first time in his long career his first year as ravens d coordinator, pagano's defense was third in the nfl in both yards and points allowed...and his hiring caps a whirlwind week in which he went from crushing disappointment to unexpected triumph... "it's an all-time low
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and then, you know,,the last thing i ever expected came across my table. and now here i sii at an all-time high so whatever it was 72 hours ago i was here. my family will teel you that and they were there. and now i'm at the top of the pinacle." if yoo want to be an nfl head coach...become ravens deeenisve coordinator...pagano is the 4th d-coordinator to leave the ravens for a head coaching gig...marvin lewis spent one seeson as redskinss defensive coordinator before taking the bengals job...mike nolannleft for san francisco ann is now the falcons defensive coordinator...and we all know about rex ryan with the jets...pagano inherits the number one overall pick where the colts are expected to take stannord quarterback andrew luck... 3pagano isn't the only first time nfl head coach....ampa bay will hire rutgers head man greg schiano tt the same position...he'll receive a 5- year deallto replace raheem morris...schiano has been in
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piscataway new jersey for the last 11 of his former players ray rice tteeted... "congrats to coach greg schiano... the bucs are gettinn a great man and a great coach"...he turned around the scarlet knights program...going from 12-and-34 in hissfirst 4 seasons to 56-and-33 since... meanwhile...despite the fact that 8 of them were selected, don't look for much of a bowl...four of them have dropped out, including this guy, ed reed...the veteran he's nnt alone...ray rice, - haloti ngaga and terrell suggs are also sitting it oot...ray lewissmarshall yanda, ben grubbs and vonta leach will be playing in the game... a very nice evening wednesday in college paak...maryland's terrapins paid tribute to the man who led them to their onny national championship... championship... before the game with centerr which williams helped - build, wassdedicated in his honor...two replicas of his autograph arr in the backcourt on both siies of the looks great, too...and gary's successor wants him to remain involved as long as he'd like to....
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"he's been great. he's been publically what he's saying about me and that means than stayinn away. but i hope as time goes on, maybe when all his players are gone and mine are in that he comes to practice and hangs aaound feels like a big part oo it. i greaa for me."t, it would be it's now time to announce ourrhigg school game network dot com......brought com... with 71 percent of the vote you selected st. john'ss catholic prep and indian creek in boys hoops...thanks to everyone who voted this week... tune in tomorrrw night on sports unlimited for thee highlights... that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce sure to tune in to fox45 morning neww tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.go. goodnight. 3
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