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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  February 3, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST

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i love you. you do ? fireworks because of the holidays and once i parked i started hearing all this scream. screaming.... a big break for police in the mall murder i. investigation. the men they say are behind this bloody day at the towsoo town center.
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hello, i'm jennifer gilbert. gilbert.i'm... jeff barnd. four... men.../ are charged with murder...../ in... the shooting... of a .../ 19 year old towson town center... last dece. december.... karen parks is live at baltimore county police headquarrers where detectives are still trying to figure out how the four were connected to the victim.... karen? paren? police don't know how the suspects were connected to the victim...but they do know....this shooting was not r. random.... 3 police say 19 year old tyronee chester brown fatally shot 19 year old rodney pridget december 19 at the towson town video shows fran williams....jjrmell brandon and william ward communicating by cell phone while following the victim through the mall... pridget was found lying on the exteeior sidewalk of noodstrom with multiple gunshot wounds....he was pronounced dead at the scene... 3 we should nnte this investigation remains open....we do not know wwy pridget was targeted only that he was targeted they went to the mall looking for him....
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all four men are being held at the baltimore county detention center charged with first degree murder and use of a handgun during a felonn crime... 3 first... on fox.../// ááinmaaesáá... behind bars.../ on... facebook....///ááaáá.,./ . ssrprising allegation.../ that.../ brings... to light.../ áátheáá crackdown .../ oo... contraband .../ behind bars.'s this image on facebook that's aa the center of it all. charles johnson, aka, "chucky t"..... seen in his cell on his profile picture. joonson is an inmate at the baltimore city detention center suspected of using his cell send messages to witnesses. sweep forrcontraband at the jessup correctional institution with the country's first cell phone sniffing dog unit. officials say the dogs are part of the state's multi million dollar efforts to keep cell phones and other
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contraband out of the hands of inmates. 3 "it isn't just the dogs.. we have to have all these components.. technology, intelligence officers.. better staffing in certain reass.." areas..."experts say cell those inside lockups but it r - can also have grave consequences for those on the &poutside including witnesses i criminal cases. tonight, we've obtainnd shocking video of a city officer kicking and punching someonn. nowwthat officer is suspended. this videoocaptured by a city surveillance camera in 2010 shows officer donyyll briggs approaccing a norrh pulled over. then it appears the officer punches aad kicks ricky thomas. tonight the attorney for officer briggs says he was onny defending himself after thomas had pushed him to the ground - something the camera doesn t show. this is the bpd holding itself accountable, and you're going to see more of that, we are going to encourage people, when they witness
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inappropriate activity to call inteenal affairs" affairs"officer briggss was given probation by a judge and now faces an internal investigation to see if he keeps his job a... clue... is... released innthe death... of an abandoned baby. infant girl... died... aftee she was left on the porch of a home.../ in... washington dc... last month....// ááthisáá picture... of a... multi-colored towel .... that the hild was wrapped in.../ was just released.../ áápoliceáá... hope this &ppicture... will jog... someone's memory...// and... help... ttack down the person responsible...//. 3 just hours ago, police released the video from a deadly head on crash with a city bus. bus. it happened n decembee 28th in bbthesda. a truck driver crosses the median and slams, head-on into a packed city bus. the violent impact is captured by the bus's recording system. the pickup crosses the divider on rockville pike at alta vvsta road.
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investigators say the pickup driver was killed instantly. they say the metrobus driver saved lives by reacting quickly to the oncoming truck and swerving just enough to lessen the impact to her passengers. a letter ssnt home from school has touched off... a debate about homosexuality in montgomery county public sch. schools. albbrt einstein high school sent home a letttr from p-fox which is a group that believes being gay s a choice. the quarterly mailings are approved by the school board but the message ii this one has parents up in arms. theep-fox group encourages parents to explain to their children that being gay is a choice. the school says there's nothinn they can do about the letter, they even include a ddsclaimer saying they don't sponsor or endorse any message in the mailings. everything in this flyer.... it reiterates a societal view if you're not in the norm, not l heterosexual if people wereeto actually &pread the content.... you don't hhve to be gay if you don't
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want to be. &p angry parents say they don't want any of theee controversial flyers sent home any longer. 3 politiiians.../ who ...break the law.../ áshouldáá not... get pensions! ááthatáá... from... a state lawmaker...// lawmaker...//anne arundee county... delegate,.../ ron george, .../ ááintroducedáá a... bill today.../ áthatáá would stop... elected officials.../ who... commit crimes... while... in office.../ from getting ...their pension and benefits...//. áágeoogeáá says... the bill.../ would close ...a.. loophole ... current law.../ ááthatáá allows individuul.... to... still get... benefits.../ ááifáá first. they....resign - 22:37 what happened with jack johnson and sheila dixon and others we've had other county with the county councilman and things, where um, people realize this is
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pappening and it's got to stop 2 52the bill ...alreedy has... 61...--o- 3 sponssrs..../// áá71áá -votes... are needed to pass. join... our waste watch. ááifáá... you see government waste../ áácalláá... our hotline.. ááoráá... go o fox-baltimore dot com. the gas tax debates takes a new twist as an old law is now being ddbated. that's because it is actually áilleealá in maryland to sell gas for less then the statewwde average wholesale pri. price. the law has been on the books for more thenna decade. it was designed to protect the smaller businesses, from going out of business. however, with prices going up áandá talk of more taxes, some consumer watchdoo groups say it should ((((marta mossburg))))"you shoulddgive consumers the best optionssto get the lowest prices possible.. and this law banning people from charging a price prevents people from getting the lowest prices." businesses say the old law
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protects them aad allows them to remain iable competition with the big wholesaaee competitors. if the gas tax increase can't be challenged becauseeit's an for prosperity" began a ricans - petition drive so you cannlett your lawmakers know what you think of the proposed increase. see the petition at fox baltimore dot com.look for pstop the gas tax" under "hot topics." as... lawmakers ...debate whether.../ to... raise the.../ gasoline tax...//// áátheáá... governor ... wants protection.../ for... money raised.../ too.. repair highhays. all.../ mmney... generated from... the gas tax../ . is... supposed to go... toothe... &ptransportation trust fund....// áábutáá... governor 'malley.../ and... some... former transferred money... out of that fund.../ to... balance the state'ss.. oppratingg budget...//. áástilláá.../ the governor says... most of the money ... transferred... out of the ttansportation fund.../ has been repaid. (governor) "the dollars that were taken to the the prior adminsitration havee been paid back. the ooes that
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we made a budget decision on counties have not been." the been."some... lawmakers... want... an... &pamendment.../ áábanningáá... governors... from raiding.../ the &pfund.../ to... pay for..,. otherprograms. pere's... our question of tte day. lawmakers ...only be allowed.../ to... usee.. transportation money.../ for... transportation projects? projects? head.../ to... our facebook page.../ ááandáá let... us know.../ if... you want ...youu transportation.../ tax dolllrs.../ a baltimore county bbsiness is responding to governor o'malley's proposed tax hikes. 33&scott carothers sent us this photo that hangs outside of his bay country rentals business n main street and reads gas tax, flush tax, app ttx, tech tax... when it comes to news in your neighborhood... see it.. shoot it.. send it. you can upload photos and viieos tooour website. go
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to foxbaltimore dot com and clickkon the "see it, shoot &pit, send it icon. you can als send photos directly from your cell phone to "pics at foxbaltimore dot coo." 3 3&if you're like me... you've had a lot of bad days lately whennit comes to sneezing, and . we may know why. it's a really bad allergy season.blamm is on the warm weather. it's been a winter for the record books... december was the sixth warmest on record with january not far behind.we haven't really had a deep frost on the allergens like pollen and mold spores are way above average. 3 ((:42 six more weeks of winter it mmst be :45)) :45)) bad day if you're ready for spring.punxsutawney phil declared winter isn't leaving us yet. the groundhog saw his shadow this thousands of people booed in
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disappointment. winter has been mild , o, six more weeks miggt not be bad. and it's a good day after all, if yyu listen to the leopard. at the maryland zoo... áa--mariáá made her prediction. workees... hid treats the purple box.../ representing winter.../ and the orange box... representing spring...she made her way to winter first. then.... spring..ome zoo workers hope... she was making her ttack... on winter, ... áámeaningáá spring... is just... weeks away. p3 &panother ...warm.../ wiite day .../ as... we head ...into february. februaryy will these ideal conditions holddout as we look forward to ? ffidayy chief meteorologist vytas reid is tracking it all with your skywatch forecast. 33
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komen stumbles into the pbortion debate. how the breast canner charity ended upp enraging over half of the country. from girllriend too daughter. why this billionaire decided incest was a great financial move. fighting back gainst an armed robber. how oneebold business owner protected his cash buu gave one criminal the
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a huge backlash is building aaaanst the susan g. komen
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foundation -- the naaion's leading breass cancer charity. melanie alnwick explainsswhy komen announced thhs week that it was cutting ties witt planned parenthood -- because it had changed it's ggant making rules. rules. the susan g. komen for the cure foundation - foundeddin 1982 - launched the pink ribbon campaign...and raises millions of dollarr each year with it's race for the cure fundraising events.the foundation says it's invested almoss 2 billion dollars inn breest ancer research, health services and dvocacy.tuesday - komen said planned parenthood no longer met the criteria for its's how ceo nancy brinker expllined it in an online video response.((--sot nancy prinker / inet video--)) &p11:26:35we are working to elimiiate duplicative grants, bring more dollars for higher impact programs - and wherever possible we wwnt to grant to a provider who is actually providing a life saving stringent eligibility and ore performance criteria to support these new strategies 11:27:01butt to 11::8 the
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scurrilous accusations being hurled at this organization many of us who put our heart, soul and lives into this organization 11:28:20that didn't quite quell the online charity navigator and tings n guidestar... plunged as page after page of negative posts rolled in.several online petitions gottstartee... congressman jjm moran -- and other lawmakers publicly asked meanwhile -- former supporters said they were moving their money -- to planned parenthood. that orranization now reporting... it raised more than 400-thousand dollars in just one day. a short time ago -- komen held a conference call -- ceo naacy brinker said these grant criteria changes were two years in the making. a... sheriff's deputy in florida... facing ccarges .../ after ...he's caught on camera.../ in... a... road rage incident.... "give me the phonee give me the phhne now! (don't touch me) give me the phhne or
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you're going to jail... give me the phone. the off-duty deputy became eeraged when a passenger pulled out her cell phone during a traffic stop.... and the driver.. n immigrant who didnt speak english... says backktt cuba.then put his o goo- elbbw on the passenger's throat.... and snatched the phone from her hand...///. áátheáá deputy faces several charges including suspended withouttpay.... 3 3 another beautiful day in charm . city. but is our llck about to change. change. vytas we're all fine ith just skiiping winterrthis year. 3
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fed up and ready to fight back. how one store owner tricked this robber into getting shoo for a few ollars more. &p instead offmarrying hi girlfriend, one illionaire adopts her. why he decided sleeping with hhs daughter was better thannthe alternative. 3 3 3
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get.../ drunk...// áákilláá... somebody...// ááandáá... get... a...// -go ááaáá.../ wealthy.../ florida....polo club.../ founder.../ ááhasáá "adopted"...// his... ágirlfriendá...// ááasáá... paat... of.../ a... legal battle.../ stemming .../ from ...a fatal.../ 20--10.../// crash.../// john... goodman ...legally adoptedd../ áá42áá -year-old... heather... hutchins..../// ááattorneysáá... for... the family.../ &of crash...// say.../// is... an atttmpt... by goodman .../ to... áshieldá... assets.../ from... any... lawsuit... áágoodmanáá... alss.../ faces... d-u-i.../ manslaughter.../// and....other charges.../
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in... the craah.../ ááthatáá killed... 23-year-old.../ scott.... wilson..../ áágoodman'sáá... trial... is.../ arch 6. g-o-p... presidential hopeful... mitt romney ../ áábashedáá the... white house...// ááonáá an... afghanistan.../ troop withdrawal.../ date.../ ááromneyáá... called out.../ deeense secretaay ... leon panetta -- "misguided"...// for... giving.../ an... end date....//// ááwhiteáá hoose... press secretary, .../ jay carney,.../ ááfiredáá... back,...// carnee saas: "this president hassbeen relentlessll focused achieving itt" it." so... why.../ our...enemies...// dates? ááwhenáá... to... withdrawal...// ááwhatáá... ever... happened...// to... the... good... old.../ "elemmnt... of... surprise"? ááseeáá... that's... why...// that... exceed.../// 10-years...// 3 paper, plastic or lead? coming up next, we'll show you a bold usiness owner that
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dodged deathhand brought one armed robber tt his knees.
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an armed robber tries to grab the cash but ends up leaving full of ead. lead. ááforáá... this... clerk.../ áárobberyáá... was...not an option...// option...// this... phoenix... smoke shop.../ was... hit by.../ 22... year old... brandon mcdermott....// threatened... customers.../// áá andáá shoved.../ a... gun.../ in... the owners facc...////. áátheáá... owner.../ even ámoreá money.../ in... the safe.../. ááthenáá... bends
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down... under the counter .../ áown águn....// his... ááaadáá... fires... thru... the countee.../// ááburyingáá... a... slug... in the robber's leg...///. pbck.../ nd... misses...//// áá theáá ownee's... wiff.../ the car watching .../ the... whole episode.../ unnold, .../ ááshe'sáá just... happy her husband... is the suspect in.../ jail. 3 skipping wwnter and heading straight for spring. spring. are these... warr temperatures ... going to hold out ...into the weekend? forecast. your extended - 3
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mmrk turgeon gets his first ejection aa maryland head coach...find ouu if he'll be suspended... and the surprisiiggnnmber of ttmes gary williams got tossed... next in sports unlimited... 3
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that's all for the late editiin.../ but's a big night... in the sports worl. world. bruce as a full wrap offthe day's deveeoppents with sports unlimited. that sstrts right now. now that the seeson is suddenly behind us, the ravens arr taking stock, and starting to plan the roster ffr 2012... and one of thh first orders of conference...which, as uual, - was pretty newsy..our morgan adsit has more... more...
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with the ravens season over, we are a little
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more than 2 weeks away from caachers report to sarasota on &pthe player who won't be ther is casey fossum... the oos signed the 34-year-old leftthander to a mmnor league deal which does spriig training...ite to --3 training... &panotter player nootinvited to sarasota... edwin jacksonn.. that's becaase he agreed o a one-year deal with the washington nationnls...thh orioles had interest in jackson ut couldn't get a deel done...he had a 3-79 e-r-a with the white sox and cardinals last year... elsewherr...maryland basketball coach markl turgeon was ejected from last night's llss at miami...getting t-d up for arguing wwth he's not going to face any discipline...the acc commissionee's office will not take any action againnt was his firss
1:03 am preeecessor, gary williams, nly had two in 3it's now time to nnouuce the - winner of our high schoollgame of the week contest...brought po you by varsity sportss network dot com... john ccrroll at notre dame prep wins with 57 perrent of the vott...tune in tomorrow night on sports unlimited for the highlights...ttanks to everyone who voted this week... that'll do it for ttis edition oo sports unlimited...i'm bruce sure to tune in to ox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-aa.
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