tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW February 15, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST
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i'm jeff barnd...///. barnd...///. and i'm jennifer gilbert. prosecutors have nearly wrapped up the first phase of the yeardley love murder trial . for days, they've told jurors ffllow lacrosse player george huguely is responsible for the horrific, beating death of the cockeysville nativee native. tomorrow,.../ will... try to convince.../ the jury.../ áálove'sáá... death ...was.../ an.../ accident...///. áájoyáá lepola.../ in.../ charlottesville, virrinia.../// áácoveringáá... the... trial...// that's... getting...// national at. attention. 3
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easy access to the chillren. children. keith daniels, live at northeast middle school where the suspect claimed he was a mentor.. keith. keith. ennifer... the suspect is charles shelly.. he's 44-years-old. the alleged victim is a 13-year-old sttdent here.... who accordiig to police, trusteddshelly..... police say onen day after school in december, shelly drove the girl to a parking lot.. where she told police he removvd her jacket, touched her breasts.. and rubbed her bbck witt baby oil.. before he tried to kiss per. arrnts say shelly claimed he was a mentor to young females at this sccool to help them get into a good high school. school officials say he was not aa mentor or an emplooee. still tonight, students and parentt ell s.. shelly was a faailiar face at this school. 3 "and everyone knew him.. so,
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i think that he, whethee he was an employye or not, he pefinitely had a lot of access to the children. i mean even my daughter said that he would of class, from time to time, and i don't know what capacity phat was in. but why would he be allowed that much freedom evennif it was in a volunteer a school spokesperson told us yesteeday.. that shelly was not a mentor.. today.. we tried talking with principal wanda young about the 3 news late edition.daniels, fox 44 baltimore, keith daniell, &pfox 45 news late edition. police... prelease video.../ of.. .a... convicted killer.../ áályingáá... to... police...// about.../ the day... she murdered.../ her.../ co--worker. do you know how many imes they hit me on the ead?-butt to-he cut my stomach and my chest first and i was ttying tt fight him. he hit me in the d headbrittany norwood .../ talked... to police... / áoneá... week .../ after she killed... jay--a purray,.../ &pat.../ the... bethesda.../ "lulu-
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lemon"... store..... áánorwoodáá... &pclaimed... murray was murdere .../ ááandáá.../ ásheá... was raped.../ by... pwo men ...who burst... into the store.../. áádaysáá p later... / áásheáá áátellingáá police.../ she had... to move... / murray's car. prior tt him sexually assaulting mm and zip tying me . now...// áthiiá... is video ...from the... apple store.../ nnxt to... the... yoga shop...///. ááitáá shows ... apple store... emplooees.../ álisteningá... to the attack.../ ááandáá muuray... crring... for help...///. didn't... call police.../ ábecauseá.../ it... was just .... - an argument...// áánorwoodáá was senttnced... last month... to life in prison. 3 a military-style police training program is undee scrutiny tonight. city couniclman braadon scott wants to know why the city needs to spend extra money onn the program called diamond diamond training teaches city pollce officers techniques learned duringthe war in iraq.
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scott ays he is concerned by reports thattthe foundation which runs diamond training spent more than a third of the money received from the city on dining and travel 19:37:41"it doesn't seem appropriate in a budget ciisis and so one of the things i'm going to talka bout is the need to still have the consultant as we're going into do ww sitll need to have the consultant oo/"19:33:51 19:37:51the brochure....used to promote the program to ooher cities.... also includes commissioner frederick bealefled who credits diamond training with makinggthe city safee breaking.../ news..... out of... annapolis...//.áájustááá.. a... few hourr ...ago.../ áá2áá committees... in the house.../ áápassedáá a ...bill...// that... would same-sex.../ marriage...//.ááthatáá means.../ áátheáá...// bill... / moves... on to.../ the... áfullá house.../ oo delegates....//// áágovernoráá... o'malley ...says...// áátheáá... bill.../ is... a few.../ votes.../ short ...of... passing .../ &p there....///ááaáá bill.../ to... legalize.../ same sex marriage .../ passed... the ásenateá... last year,.../ áábutáá.../ died... in the house on alentine's day deliverymen are extremely busy. while sales are up, the downside
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for some of these businesses, is the price of gas. at raimondi's... valentines day ii the biggest saaes day of the year. it's drivers are travvling all over the region. the rising cost of gas is adding up and eating into their prooits. 3 3 "gas is always an issue" in the last 2 months.. hes spending a lot on gas there's no oubt about that." that." gas cost fifty cents more.. per gallon... this valentines day.. compared to governor ... o'malley.../ un--veils.../ more details.../ about ...his bill.../ raise... maryland's...// gasoline tax. would... "phase in"...// a... 6--percent... hike.../ ááweáá cents.../ per gallon.../ in... taxes... / ááthisáá would add... about.../ 18--cents... ámoreá .../ to ...// a... gallon...///.áátheáá... money... would be... costs...// and...// maintanence...// áátheáá governorr.. says.../ ááifáá the... price of gas.../ increased.../ more than ...15-percent.../ in... a year.. /
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would átemporariiyá... the... extra tax. (governor) "if we don't do this as a people, we will all be paying more in terms of traffic congestion, gasoline wasteddidling in traffic, time away from families, time away from work." work."lawmakers ...// are expected... to hold hearings.../ on... the.../ gas tax... bill.../ in... the next... few weeks. &pif.../ the... ga ...passes .../ ááitáá can't... be challenged .../ áábecauseáá.../ it's... an.../ appropriations bill...///. ááifáá you... oppose the... proposal.. / ááletáá...// lawmakers... know.../ now....///ááamericansáá... &p for prosperity.../ began...// a... etition drive..../// ááseeáá... the petition... at.../ fox baltimooe dot com...//// áálookááá for.../ "stop... the gas tax" .. / under... "hot topics". president obama s calling on congress to extend the payroll tax cut, which is set to expire in about two weeks. if lawmakers don't come to an agreement by the end of he month .... the payroll taxx willlgo up and bbnefits for the long-term unemployed will e. end. this as thh country sees a major drop in unemploymentt. which fell too 8.3 percent last month ... after it stayed above 9
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monnhs. still many families sttll struggle to makeeends meet. the average price of a gallon of gas was less than 2.00 a gallon three years ago. now, it's at $3.51... and prices could top more than $4.50aby memorial day! day! a stagggring 46 million families now rely on food stamps. stamps. and the national debt has skyrocketed as wella&from 10- to more than 15- trillion dollars in the last three, are sot - wsyx america1:23-1:244 absolutely not.sot - wlos america04405 - no..not really. sot - wsyz merica3:47-3:53 no. (laughs) not with the economy. i don't have a job hardsoo - wlos americaretty - 3:34-3:35 no (laughs)sot - wpec america1:02-1:04. better off four years agosot - wsyx america2:23-2:25 i work harder than i did 4 years ago. so i guess so...yeah.sot - wloo america1156-1:59 i'm retired. does that mean i'm better off? off nnw. how so. because i am - retired and enjoying the means i have in reeirement.
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that bbings us to our question of the day. are you better off now than you ere four yeers ag? ago? head to our facebook page and let us know if you're rrady for 2212 or hoping for a return to 2008. a new reeort reveals widespread problems with this country's voter regiitration ro. rolls. the rrport, found one in every eiiht registrations in this country is innaccurate. and close to two million regissered voters are actually dead. the report laims election boards are far too slow in pdating their records. 3 "we're not talling any great numbers but we receive numbers from vitallstatistics from people who have passed and our records are modified." modified." the report does not reveaa whether errors in registration led to voter fraud. this summer, maryland will join seven other states in allowing vvters to register online.
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3 bad day for beauty. beauty.girls, check your could be loaded in lead.a study by the food and drug administration found four hundred lipsticksson the market tested positive for lead.some safety groups are calling for limits.but the f-d-a ays the lead detected does not pose safety risks. 3good day for getting there onn time.u-s airlines saw aasharp &pdrop off in the number of lon delayy and canceled flights in december.the ild weather &phelped make the holiday season....smoothhr sailing for aii travelers. bad day ffr allen iverson.he may be broke.iverson was recently ordered ttopay over 860-thousand dollars to a jeweler.....and he couldn't cut a check.a georgia judge has ordered the seizing of iverson's bank account, so thee left will be garnished.iverson was among the biggest
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suuerstars in the nba, earning more than $154 million duriig his career....and that doesn't include endorsements. 3 3it was a gooo day to get outside. maybe to deliver that speciaa valentine's day gift if you're a man and know chhef meteorologist vytas reid to see what's appening out there right now.
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whitney returns to the east coast. the latest on the investigation into what pilled the pop superstar. the cost of going green. the eason the governor says an eastern shore windfarm is key to our energy future. in my day, you went to school or yoo flipped burgers. why one city is giving away your tax dollars tt kids that 3
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the.../ body whitney houston .../ - ááisáá now... back.../ in her..../ jersey...// houston.../ was... ffund dead... in a bbthttb .../ at... her... hhtel room.../ saturday..../// ááhouston'sáá funeral scheduled... for saturday.../ at... the.../ "new hope"... baptist church.../ in... newark...///. áásomeáá... church mmmbers.../// are... responding to allegatioos.../ on druus. he... was - baak on her mark, back on top, back being whitney. reporter:
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as far as you know was she poing anything hard? no. no. no. and i can't say ii enough, no she wasn't. again. fine. shh was whitney pollce.../ are... waiting on.../ toxicology results.../ to... deterrine.../é the... cause oo death...//. ááitsáá expected... to takke.../ eight weeks. governor.../ o'malley.../ makes... a... personal plea.../ to... lawmakers...// áátooá pass... hii bills. as john rydell reports...that incluues a controversial measure to build pind farms off the coast of ocean city... city... 3visitoos... to ocean city... may one day see a muchh differenthorizon. overnor &po'malley envisions... of win energy...and...creatinn lean - hundreds of construction jobs (governor) "i knowwthat we arr not going to hit our reeewable portfolio standard.""unless we take advantage of the most abundant natural resource wiih the technology available to us
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(rydell) "butt he governor's revised proposal for offshore wind power is still raising concerns among some lawmakers who quustionnwhy utility ratepayers would still have to subsidize tte longterm customers...would pay no morr than two dollars a month to subsidize wind farms...and that...would not start...for anotherfive yyars. but ratepayers could becharged that monthly fee...forannther 200years. critics...also say there'sno guarantee that wind farmswill generate a reliable flow ooenergy.... year round. (pipkin) "when we need power the most which is in the summer months when it's the hottest and we need air &pconditioning, ttat's the time that we haveethe least wind." but supportersslike dr. cindy parker....f theejohns hopkins bloomberg school of well worth it.(parker) "two compared to how mucc extra we're paying for all this bad healtt that we're getting from our current sources of ellctricity." in annapplis, john rydell, fox 45 news...late edition. the governor also
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testifiedon a bill whhch would doubll theannual flush tax on homeowners frrm 30-dollars to 60-dollars. he says it's sewage treatmmnt to 3 3 a warm, sunny valentine's day. but...// will... it be... another ...cold niiht.../ to... cuddle up..../ with your .../ squeeze? let's go to chief &pmeteorologist vytas reid for forecast. 3
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áásomeáá... high are... etting paid --/ to... go to... school. school.. it's.../ a... charter school -- near cincinnati --/ says.../ students.../ who... are there.../ p áon-timee... every-day.../ ááandáá... stay ...out of... troublee../ áágetáá cards....//// áá25áá seniors,.../ áá10áá bucks...// for.../ ááforáá being - there.../ a.. full wwek..../// ááguessáá who... pays? ááamericanáá ásomeá rivate.../ money... davenppot says: "green talks, always."davenport says: we're hoping ttat this incentive will get those kids off tte bbilding where theyycan be thought aaskill to be productive in society." society." critics.../ say... there's... no way...// kids.../ should... be paid.../ for something .../ they're... árequireeá... to... do....// &p sony music.../ responds... to accusations.../ ááitáá exploited... the death... of whitnee houston.../ of.../ two... of justáá hours... after her death.../ saturday.../// áátheáá price... of... one album..../ "the... jumped... á60á ercent.../
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on... itunes...//// in... the... u--k...// company... says...// the... acked--up... prices...// ááwerráá made by.../ mistake...///. áásalesáá... of... houston's... albums..././ and... traaks.../ áásoaredáá... over.. .the.../ weekend, .../// ááapparentlyáá... so... did greed...// áásonyáá... has... apologized...// for... what it...// mistake...// in... mis- pricing...// oprah.../ apologizes...// for... 'begging' vieeers.../ to... watch.../ áherá... network...// ááinsteadáá... of... phe grammyss../ sunday...// áásheáá... blogged... one day.../ earller.../ to... 9-million...// fans...// ááurgingáá... them --/ ááespeciallyáá --/ áátoáá.../ &p watch her.../ struggling... cable p../ instead...// f... thh .../ musicc../ awards...///. say... itt..// was... a...// a... "desperate.".../ move../// ááwinfreyáá removed... the tweet.../ at... the request.... ááandáá apologized.../// 3 a real case of puppy love. 3hat had two pups saying i do..-
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special weeding .../ was... held... this morning.../ áábutáá... husband...// and... wife...// the baltimore humane society hosted the valentine's day nuptials for a couple of catt shiloh ann trixie arrivvd at the shelttr together and families and found comffrr in - &peachother. the pet wedding is meant to celebrate the special bond between shelter animall.
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love....// on... phis...// valentine's day edition.../ oo... sports unlimittd..././// brrce cunningham, hose son off sports unlimited iggt now. 33 3 with pitchers and catchers set to report this weekendd the orioles have one major piece of pre-spring trrining businessstootaae care of...and that's a contract for their best playee..and it ot done this evening... evening... the oos haae announced a deal por a one year contract with centerfielder adam jones... jones was askkng for 7.4 million and the orioles 7.4 million and the rioles countered with 5 million...they settled on one hit 280 with 25 homm runs and 83 rbi...the latttrrtwo caaeer highs...they had a date with the arbitrator on friday, so there is relief all around,,the orioles arr now contract-wise, for spring trainingwe've learned that both sides ave a sire to do a long term deal in the near ffture, prrsumably that process will begin immeditaely
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former ayrlann quarterback danny o'brien broke his siience today..24 hours after the school announced his a prepaard statement rteleased by the university, o'brien called it a quote difficult deeision, adding thht he wishessnothing &pbuttthe best for thh terps &pnext season...he also reveale that he'll be graduating thiss he transfers, o'brien will have two years of eligibblitt left.. llyola's surging ggeyhounds saw their 7 game win streak come to an end on sunday...but phen they get back on the court they'll have the maac player of thh week in their liieupp..erik etherly was so seassn hees done so...the punior from annnndale averaged 19 and a half points and 9 and a half reboundssin games against fairfield and iona... etherly and friends will be going aatre thhir 20th wiin tomorrow night at marist. 3&it's another tuesday night, anbd around here that means another edition of our rep player of the week in it's 3rd decade, it has honored the area's finest high &pschool athletes since way bac the chill to introduce you to a rapidly rising star...
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high school gameeof the week contest...brought to you by varsity sports network doo can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of by going to fox- baltimore dot ccm and clicking on high school game of the week... here's this week's games... for fridayyfebruary 17th...3 games this week...broadneck at annapolls in boys hoops...c. milton wright visits edgewood edmondson hosts southside in boys hoops...we'll announce the winnee on thursday night... &pthat'll do it for this pim bruce cunningham...and be sure to une in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- sttrting at 5--m.goodnight.
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