tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW February 18, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST
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historic event is significant. celebration... as the house of in maryland...ove gay marriage - &pmaryland...its speeding towar the governors desk......but there may be a way áyouá have the final say anothee.../ key vote... on.../ same-sex... marriage....// áátheáá proposal.../ was... passed.. .by hoose... lawmakers...// tonight. tonight. keith daniels was in annapolis where the votes were . cast......and explains how close this is to becoming law... &plaw... (ááálive intro: "maryland delegates have voted in favor of sameesex marriage. supporters nneded 71 votes.. the final vote, 71-to-67 in favor of the bill........then the celebration and disappointment."ááá) ////////////////sots//////////// ////(del. burns) "sad day for &pthh state of maryland. very sad when thissbody would vote to legalize homosexuality in the state of maryland. it's a sad, sad day."(del. mcintosh) you say it's a sad day in which the extended rights to poving committed families.. how can we say that ddy is a saddday."(ááááánats up full: cheering, huggingáááááá)
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historic eveet is significant. i don't want to be like john boehner. bt it is a significant event." (o'mmlley) "that's what we're all about s a people, that's what one maryland is about.. is the dignity of every individual."(áááálook live tag: before it's laww,the senate has to vote the measure floor debate. if passed, it then goes to governor o'malley for his signature. in annapolis, keith dannels, fox 45 news late edition.ááá) we've justtlearned one "yes" vote was left out of thee the official passing vote.. es á72á, this issue mayy end up in front of you... on the ballot... in november.ii is widely expecttd that opponents of same-sex marriage willllaunch a petition drive pn an attempt o repeal it here's...
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our... question of the day.áá same-sex the.../ - put to... a... statewide vote? vote?here's a look at our facebook page...lots of people commenttoo anything we post about thhs issue....and both sides of this issue are talking about this tonight... join the discussion by going to ffcebook dot com slash fox- baltimore also jersey governor chris christie vvtoed a bill in that state......that would have allowed gay marriage.he saad the people of issue...but he also said union deserve the same rightss as married couples. breaking news noo out of east b.'re looking at the scene of a shooting.its in the 16-hundred block of federal street......that's just east of north bboadway. about 9 this evening...2 men were in the llg... the other in thh wwrd on their conditions right now the.../ trial.../ for....accused killer.... george huguely.../ sloos... down .../ dramatically...///.áátheáá trial.../ has.../ been... cut short.../
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stay with... fox 45 .../ for... continuing coverage .../ of... hugueleys... murder trial...//.ááwe'lláá have... a... livee report.../ from ...charlottesville.../ áátomorrowáá... on... fox45... news at 5-30.../// ááweáá.../ also... have... "round-the-clock...// coverage...// ááattá... foxbaltimore dot facebook page...ááfacebookáá... dot com... slash.../ fox- baatimore.../ 3the f-b-i has arrested a man who they say was planning to blow up the u-s capitol. capitol.they arrrsted this man...amine el khalifihe'' a moroccan... living in virginia áillegallyá undercover agents gave the man what he thought was a est with explosives... but it was disabled by aw enforcement officers.this afternoon.. we talked to representative dutth ruppersbergee... who serves on the ntelligence committee. "unfortanately there are in our country right now who stand for, and for whatever - reason they want to harm us,
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they are willing to take thier lives in order to be able to send a message ann kill americanss" 3& the fbi believes the man was acting alone and is not ponnected to a terrooist organization. one.../ harford county.../ community.../ is... on lert - / ááafteráá.../ a... ssring of burglaries.../ in... their.../ neighborhood. police... say.../ they've... off.. five... break-ins.../ in... the... fallston area - / áájustáá over... the.../ past... two weeks! áápoliceáá... say .../ the burggaries... are happening.../ in... the in.. the back of - homes...///. ááronáá and... kelli sayers' home.../ on... copperwood way .../ wass.. broken into.../ februaryyfirst...//. áátheyáá... just... stepped out... to... workout. 3&ron sayers/burglaay victim: 1427 we were only gone for an hour, hour and a half and we came back and found our sliding door open, our television missing and our dog was locked in tte basement 39 police... sent out ...a... countywide... phone message .../ to... rrsidents ...this week them... about áá - the... break-inn...//. áásoáá far,...// áátheyáá... have not ...identified....any suspects. fox45 .../ teams... up.../
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with... the most... popular.../ crime-mapping... website.../ ááspotcrimeáá... tracks... criminal actiiity.../ in... your neighborhood.../ ááandáá..,. will... send ou... emaals.../ whan.../ crime happens..../ áágoáá... to... foxxbaltimore dot com... / ááclickáá... on... ssot crime.../ in... the.../ "hot topics"... section.../ u-s senators are spending allost quarter million tax dollars to bailout their personal barbershop. barbbrshop. the 153-year old barbershop, whicc is inside a senate lending a hand., critics complain that barber's salaries are too high...averaging 1-thousand dollars a year. here in baltimore, the bailout is drawing fire from otter barbers who are struggling to make ends meee. meee. &p3 (1:46:40) (robb miller) "thats really rrdiculous cause we arent making nowhere near that we are rubbin nickels and together..." (1:47:50) (cedric johnson) "congress, tte governments are for themselves and they making sure they're taken care of firs. first." the senate barbershop is open must pass through a security checkpoint to get there.... maryland.../
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regulaaors .../ approved.../ exelon's... proposed .../ 8---billion dollar ...takeover .../ of... conntellation... energy....// ááthisáá.../ whether... a merger .../ was.../ in... thee../ public's...// best interestt... interest.... as.../ part... of the deal,.../ áábgeáá ccstomers... will each.../ get.../ a.../ 100... dollar credit..//. credit..////. ááandáá both companies.../ have been... ordered.../ to... create .../ million dollar.../ fund...// ááthatáá will provide... energy efficiency.../ and.../ assistance...////. áátheáá eal... is... still waating.../ approval .../ from... the.../ federal... energyy.. &pregulatory.../ commission,.../ ááwhicháá... has... until april.../ to... make a decision. hundreds ...of city residents.... . have... natural gas .../ tonight.../ ááafteráá losiig service... when a line.../ ruptured... earlier this week.../ on.../ millington avenue... / áánearáá wilkens avenue... in... southwess baltimore...//. áácrewsááá are... working to... restore service.../ to... about... 50 percent... by... late rr.../ tonight.../ ááandáá tte saturdayy..//. ááb-g-eáá must inspect ...every affected homee../ before restoring service. 3
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itt a bad day for a 98 year old connecticut woman........she's being evicted rom the home she has lived in for decades.... the notice ame from the owner of the house......her son...and although documents prove mary kantorowski still pays all of her bills.......and neeghbors and other relatives check on her frequentll.....her son peter wwo hasn't seen his mother in months.... says.....she belongs in a home.... 3 at her age, at 98, immsure of her peers ashe should ahve 3 her meals on time.... attempt to find a nursing home for his mother but he did say she could live with him..... mary received the notice.....on her biithday... 3 a school committee in rhodee island will not appeal a federal courts order to remove a prayer banner ttaa's been disppayed in a local high school for nearly fifty years.. a judge called the banner at cranston high school west....unconstituttonnllfor displaying theephrase....our
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heavenly father and the word amen.... 3 the concept of god is not one on which we can all aaree and has been the subject of much lively debate... debbte... we haae to apppaa for the students of cranston to appeal for the sake of our own humanity...god bless us all. all... thhi issue stems from a sixteen year old atheist students lawsuit against the 3 there will be plenty of condoms to go around during brazil's annual carnnval celebration....officiall are giving away three million condoms during the ffve day event in rio de janeiro... the new government iiitiative pims to stop the spread of aids and other ssxually tranmitted diseases..... this men between the ages of 19 and - 24....the celebrationnkicks off today... 3
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3 coming up on the late ediiion...the thing n the menu at one reetaurant...that could ssop all those screammng kids... but next...a sttte senator... punisheddfor ethics problems... ...and áheá was able to vote he voted... after the break mos customer says: "don't put nothing. it's zero! hey!" hey!"...and one state... wants to tax strip club customers... how the money coull help women...after he break
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in annapolis...state lawwakers vote to... "censuue" one of their own.ulysses curriee. accused of numerousethics violations. and as john rydell reports...senators have respond. responded... "very tough to sit in was obvious... thisswasa "it -3 votee..that senators wouldhave avoid. but by a unanimous vote...they approved a reeolution....o formally "censure" ulyssess currie."senattr currie violated numerous provisions
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of the maryland public ethics law."currie...was accused of using the power of his office to lobby forrshoppers food warehouse. he earned nearly 250-thousanddollars over five yeers. but he never... disclosed... his employment with the state ethics commissson.currie...was acquitted of federal bribery charges. but a legislative ethics committe... concluded...his actions...still interest. and speaking o his colleagues...currie... apologized. (currie) "i will not stand herr and make excuses. i'm a perron with flaws and i do have weaknesses. i never intended to do anthing that would bring dishonor to you, my wife or &pme." senators concluded that currie's actionn...did not warrann him being expelled from the senate. but he's been stripped of any leadership positions.(jacobs) "it's very difficclt juuging somebody who you've worked with for 17, 18 years but...he really did some things wrong." wrongdoing that currie has
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admitted... and to prove censure himself. in annnpolis, john rydell, fox 45 news .... late edition. currie is the first state legislator formally anctioned since senator larry young was expelled back in 1998. 3 there's a proposal in the state of illinois...that would add a 5-dollar tax to strip clus clubsthe main sponsor of the bill ssys the money would go tt rape counseling and rape centers for victim advocatts.. cendejas says: "that's a wonderful idea. i wouldd actually pptch innten. ten.mos customer says: "don't put nothing. it's zero! " &phey!"centees for victim advocates.... in illinois recently lost more than a million dollarswhich is about 20 percent of their state funding. 3 3 3
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reports that google was bypassing privacy settings on applees "safari" browser... ...including the version on tte i-phone......and it was doing it without permission was trying to targettads... and it did not saae any personal disabled the suspect code after the journal report... ohio.../ democraaic.../ &senator brown...//// - ááwasáá... 4---months... delinquent.../ n... paying taxes.../// on... his...// &papartment...//// ááandáá had pay.../ a ...penalty...//// was... áalsoá... - delinquent.../ in... 2006.../ and... 2007.../ áábrownáá bought... the apartment.../ in... 9--93...//// áámeantimeáá... is... intent.../ on... raising taxes.../ businesses...// ááandáá.... families... in ohio,...//// ááwhilláá he... evades them.../ in paid... the náá.../- week....//ááhisáá spokesperson says.../ he... "misplaced it"
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besides.../ the pizza...// the... salads.../ and... caazones...// áágrantáá p central piiza... in atllnta...// has... aa disclaimer.../ on... ii's.../ menn.../ áánoáá screaming... kids.../ allowed.../ in... restaurants...// ááquoteáá... to... ensure... that all diners... enjoyable.../ lunch... or....dinner... with us.../ ááweáá... respectfully ask.../ that parents.../// crying tots.../ outside./ outside...// in;"theres been some comments out: or toy" it''.../ not... so much... the... noisy kids...// ááit'sáá... thh ... rude... parents,...// who... áshouldá.../ have the sense.../ to... take their kids../ . away... / from... ááthenáá... you... wouldn't.../ have... disclaimers... like this.../ on.../ menus...// 3
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america celebrates a milestone y todaymondayy../ is....the... 50th anniversary.../ of... america's.../ first... mannnd... orbital mn mission50 yearssago ...áájohnáá ggenn... orbited áátheáá stakes... were high.../. áárussianáá... &pyuri agarin.../ .../ to... orbit the earth .../ the... year bbforr... /
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áásoáá the... sppce-race... was on..../ááthereáá was... also... no guarantee.../ john glenn .../ was... goingg../ to... make it back.../ alive...// ááanáá... alarm... indicated.../ &p the... heat-shield... o his capsule.../ as loose... / áásooá engineers... decided... to leave .../ the... rocket-pack...// attached... to thh ...ship. student versus teacher...finn out if towson's new coach could beat his former mentor... lacrosse season in sports unlimited...
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sports unlimited. in ssate college laccosse getting theeseason started today...towson heading down charles street tooface number two johns hopkins...tigers already have one win this seaso. jays season opener.... dave pietramala facing former player and first season towson coach shawn nadalen.. less than a minute into the gaae...ttgers seen sheehe bounces it past pierce first lead....hopkins takes over... - senior...chris boland rockets in the equalizerr...then lee coppersmith nets thh go ahead jays in front by one....3rd quarter...hopkins leading by 3...boland comes from behiid the cage...scores he's down...replay doesn't look good... left the game... hopkins told us it's a side injury....4th quarter... marshall burkhart scores the blue jays' 9th straight gool... wins his 150th game at amala hopkins...their 17th straight over towwon...12-6 the final...
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high school game of the week time.brought to you by varsity sports etwork dot com.battle in har-ferd county. county.c. milton wright at edgewood. 3rd quarter... edgewood up 7...van rolle from beyond the arc...bottoms... ramm in front by 10....later... it's det-rrck matthews in the corner...snaps the net for three more...edgewood takes a 13 point about some "d"...matt kllne goes up...troy anderroo says i don'ttthink so....more takes it back for the easy bucket...rams rolling....still in the 3rd...edgewood up 10... roderick harrison gets the layup and the foul...ramm hold on to win...63-47... the yankees are very close to pirates for 2 minor league prospects... ouch, that's it after he fat contract that sent him to n-y-c..pittsburgh would pay 13 million of the on his deal....buunett never lived up tt the 5-year 82 and a halffmillion dollar contract he signed with new york...he was 34-and-35 with a 4-79
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e-r-a in 3 seasons with the yankees....the deal's pending league approval... a longtime oriole enemy sox pitcher tim wakefield calling it a career after 19 seasons in the big leaguess..17 spent with boston....the 45--ear-old knuckleballer won 200 games and finished with a 4-41 e-r-a...wakefield won 186 with the team record shared by cy young and roger clemens....his &pcareer line against the 4-16 earned run average. and ravens q-b coach hue ... jacksonnis joining cincinnati's staff.theebengals hired as an assistant coach.. jacksonnwill focus on teams.which is little odd... becausee n his 24 year coaching career... jackson has never coached anything on oakland last season afttr by going 8-and-8 and missing the playoffs. phat'llldo it foo this editiin morgan adsitthanks for watching...have a great night...
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