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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  February 23, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST

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breaaing news out of the love murder triil, after nine hours huguely is guilty of murder. hello, i'm jeff barnd. &pbarnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. about 6-30 this evening, the guilty of 2nd degree murder, now they've also decided how long he'll be in prison. prison. joy lepola joins &pus live tonight from trial. and joy, bring us up to date.. date.. 3
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stay with fox 45 for continuing coverage of the trial ffom virginia.fox45's joo lepoll wiil be in charlottesville for our morning showw omorrow startiig at can also go back testimony by ooking at exclusive content on our website, fox baltimore dottcom. a string of breek-ins in one baltimore county community has residents on edge. pollce say in the past three than two-dooen home burglaries in the perry hall community. phe latest happened monday at a home on bangart avenue. investigatorsssay the burglars used a brick o break a glass door oo the side of the carpoot. they then ransacked the bedroom and dumped some jewelry boxes - but nothing was taken. 45:18 that's ery scary. makes youuvery uncomfortable. you don't feel at home in your wn house becauseeyou're afraii 25 25so far, police havv no suspects. they're asking
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residents to be igilant of suspicious vehicles and people. stay ahead of the criminals tracking your neiggborhood with fox45's exccusive spot ccime system. head to fox baltimorr dot com and click on spot crime under hot topics. as with all our web content it's totally exclusive to fox 45 viewers. advocates .../ speak--out.../ against... a... federal programm.../// that ... p identifies.../// illegal aliens... in jaill --chanting nats-- naas-- members...// from...// casa de maryllnd...//// allied outside.../ cennral booking... this ááprotestingáá the... "secure communities"... directs... police.../ - to check.../ if...// people... they arrested..../ ááareáá... u-s cittzenn... /// by... comparing .../ fingeeprints... to.../ áácriticsáá.../ say... - áthatá... leads... to... racial profiling. "we dont want to be one of those places ii the country where local law and local policies have a damaging effeet and drive away immigrants who make up such an important part of our economic and cultural fabric offour city and community." community." seccre &pcommmnities.../ is...
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used... in... nearly/...// every jurisdiction... in maryland .../ and.../ 41... other states. here's... our... question of the day. áá shouldáá police... check... iimigration status .../ of... peopll... they arrest? arrrst? áámanyáá.../ of... you.... are... sounding-off.../ lood and clear .../ on this one...// áájoináá... the... debate...// on our.../ facebook page tonite...// 3 3 a new audit confirms tonight, the ciiy has beee over billing numerous people cameeforward with complaints in a nnmber of fox 45 investigations. and noowtonight.. a city report reveals a frustratingg and costty crisis. daniels, live in north bbltimore wiih tonight's waste watch report.. keith. keith. jjnnifer.... neighborhood have complained.... the city's comptroller's office did the audit..... and tonight, ccording to this 25-page report.. baltimore's water department overcharged more than 60-thousand customers in the city and baltimore county.
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3 the report, reeeased today, covees a three-year-period beginning inn2008. among the findings.. neaaly meter readings were in ""rue" overbilled... charged to customers in error. &pwater officials.....say they're not surprised by the audit's revelations... from the beginning, they've blamed an outdated meter reading system and billing system. &p............both of which, they say, would cost millions and miiliinn of dollars to updatt. 3 "a decisioo has to be made to puttthe kind of investment it takes to put a new systtm in place. there's just been a lot of waiting to decide to bite the bullet to make the investment it takes and it's not a small number. you're talking bout 411,000 accounts." when those meter and billing made. live in north be - baltimore, keith daniels, ox 45 news, late editionn sparks.../ were flying.. 36:17"untii here is odaa
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accoutnablity, until people know what you're doing, i don't understand this process" controverry.../ over... last year's./.. grand prix.../. ááasáá the mayor ...seeks new deal .../ to... keep the race.../ here...// áááutááá.. the... mayor.../ áálastáá... year's... race.../ wracked up... $12 million.../ in... unpaid debts...//// ááamongáá áácittáá comptroller... joan pratt.../ ááwhoáá &p says...// áábaltimore'sáá deal.../ with... "down force racing"... tt... manage ...the eeent.../ ááwasn'ttá.../ properly vetted....// áásheáá didn't.. get,... a copy.../ of... the contract.../ ááuntiláá... late ...last week.../ áánotáá enough time... to review.../ it.../// áábeforeáá... today's vote.../ by... estimates. 48:55"we ar e one city, we're one team. i want the city to succeed the administration wants the city to succeed, but we need to beinvolved n the process and we were not 49:05 the... board.../ controlled... by the mayor... vvted áforá... thh contract. .../ ááprattááá.. and... city council ppesident... jack young...// voted ...against it. state lawmakers aae also debating whether to expand gambling beyond slot machines.
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machines.supporters ssy marylandis falling behind nearby statesthat have already legalizedtable games like poker...and roulette wheelss anooher bill would create anooher casino in prince george's countyy..either ata racetrack...or at thenational hhrbor...on thhpotomaa river. (miller) "every labor organization possible is going to come tt testifyybecause it coast than any other site, it means morr jobs, construction jobs, it means moreepermanent j" pobs."but if gambling is expanded...state lawmakers well as maryland voters in as - november's election. 3 bad day.../ for.../ warren... buffet...// áánewáá jersey governor.../ chris christie says.../ he's "tired"... of.../ people... talkingg..// about... tax reffrm.../// ááandáá... that... billionnire...// warren buffett..../ it...// áááhristieáá.../ says...// if... buffet.,..// wants... so bbdly.../ to... pay more.../ taxes,.../ ááheáá should... just wwite a check.../ and ...shut upp"...//// ááchristieáá sparred with... ppers morgan.../ &p over... the issse,...//// ááárguingáá... that..., as governor,.../ ááhe'sáá... "not ...going to let.../ the... most vulnerable.../ suffer....//// áábuffettáá... wouldn;'t...comment...//
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áááoráá... would... hh.../ cut... a checkk..// he president.../ with.../ mick jagger.../// b-b buddd guy.../ at - the ..white house. house. ppeeident singinn!! ( come home baby don't you wanna ) white, and blue concert.../ was held the east room.../ recognition... of... black historyymonth...//.áábuddyáá guy... gooded the pressient.../ to... take the mic ../ and.../ sing... a verse... of the... finale song.../ "sweet home chicago", .../ ááannáá he... did....///ááthisáá cooes... just weeks ...// after... his.../ ámuch-talked aboutá...// al green... perforrance. peta...// in... áthisá... case...// áástandsáá for... people...// for... the ethical...// treatment...// of... asi--nine... behavi. behavior... this.../ woman... is beeind bars.../ ááafteráá pooice... caught her.../ trying... to hhre.../ a... hittan...///. áámereditháá lowell... offeree to pay.../ an ...undercover agent.../ mmney .../ áátoáá kill... anyone .../ wearing fur.../ she wassvery serious about her wanting someone to be killed inna fur coot she had a strong belief that she is so against fur and harminn animals to &pmake fur products that shh would hiie somebodd to go out
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and kill someone. someone. f-b-i... offiiials say.../ lowell .../ preaaed... a... facebook &ppage.../ ááusingáá... an... alias.../ and ...offered.../ up... to.../ 850... dollars.../ for... the hit.../// ááandáá... doctorrs.. always.../ called...// vegetables...// ""brain-food".... 3 she probably connused the fur is murder slogan with murder for fur. anyway, no heavy fur oats needed in baltimore 3oday. sunshine and warmth and more of it on the way. way. let's go o chief meteorologist vytas reid with your skywatch forecast. 3 -3 if someone lies about
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being a war hero, does it count as ffee speech rotected by the first ammndment? amendment?we'll show you how a web of lies from one lawmaker supremcourt. 3 so no future president will pver bow to a saudi king again and so every american can look forrard to $2.50 a gaalon gasoline. a big debate in the desert. why rick santorum could be the when you wake up
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tolen photos of whitney's body in her gold casket. we'll sw ou the controversial pictures and let you decide if they go too far.
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the gop contenders takee the stage for the 20th time to tear each other apart in a race for the white house. it was a night of fireworks, anger and a lot of mud slinging in the arizona esert. as sandra endd eports, may be nough to launch him into the leed. lead. a critical face-off between - just weeks beffre super ers - tuesday. polls show mitt romney and rick santorum running head to head - and from the start of the debate in arizona, the two candidates sparred over how to tackle the country's debt. --romney--im going to cut the employment y 10% and ink the pay of
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government workers with the pay ii the private sector. goveenment servants shouldn't get paid more than the people who are paying taxes. --santorum--i'' gging to pepresent 100 percent of aaereicans. we;re not raising taxes on anybody. the candidates sat ext to each other in the 0 minute debate sponnored by cnn. former house speaker newt gingrich has shown he's stroog in debates bbt is laaging the polls. tonight, he made an appeal evvry voter ouldd relatt to. --gingrichh-ii've developee a program for american energy so no future presiient will ever bow to a saudi king again and so every american can look forward to paul who isstrailing theepack showcassd his usual frankness. thisstime in response to a campaign ad crrtical of credennials. --paul/santorum-- moderator: this week ssnator television ad thaa labels him a fake. why? >> because he's a fake. >> i'm real. i'm reaa. >> congratulltions. >> thank you. >> this maa be the last this primary season, but ate they'll ccntinue to square off on the campaign trail. in
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if someone liee about being a war heeo, does it count s frre speech protected by the first amendment? decided bb the supremeecoort. court. it all started when xavier palifornia in the late 80's. he told voters heed been awarded the congressional medal of honor for being shot 15 times, surviving three helicopter crashes and other acts f valor. the problem is that none of it was true, alvarez had never even been in the military. now heeand his attorney are chaalenging a law that maaes it illegal to lie about military servvce, the so called stolen valor law. they say that congress could make any law, even bbnning lyyng on your facebook page r dating profile if the stolen the isk.wis allowed to stand. 3 3ii's impersonation. on his valor wi a common virtue,
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wwll conversely we could say a common lie. tolen valor is - the supremeecourt the constitutionality of stolen vaaor laws this summer. 3 3
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is a photo of a celebrity's body fair game? the controversial photo of whitney in her casket ttat one &porganization decided to show tootheeworld. 3 professiinal protester, cindy sheeean is sued by the government. why she owes uncle sam a lot of money but refuses to pay. 3
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3 3 3 common sense says.... no one
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shocked.but the the national enquirer is sparking outrage for releasing his cover today whiih it says is whitney houston in a gold was reportedly taken at the funeral home before houston's enquirer published a photo of elvis presley in his casket on its cover in 1977. the issue sold 6.5 million copies.that was before the internnt. anti-war activist cindy sheehan is in trouble with the i-r-s.the feds want sheehan to hand-over her financial records so they can tally up her federal tax billlsseehan says she's already paid the ultimate price for this was kiiled in iraq.and while it certainly is a tragedy, common sense says... the i-r-s isn't giving her a pass. sooe airline passenggrs were probably pretty upset at a flight attendantts lack of common sense.she was drunk.....
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and the reason or canceling a flight.the 51 year old flight attendant was taken off the plane when it flewwinto grand forks, north dakota on sunday from minneapolis. the return flight was canceled and the 0 passengers placed on later flights.she's been taken off &pduty. 3 passengers forced to take down a man scceaming allah is great. what touched off this mid-air turmoil that brouggt pn the fbi.
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passengers spring into action when a man starts pcreaming allah is great shortly after takeoof. takeofff it's.../ all captured .../ on... passenger's cell phones. phones. it happened.../ right after... this continental flight... ook off... from... portland pregon....// áátheáá suspect ggt into an argument with the flight attendant...// p ááafter áá he... wasn't allowee to sit next to his friend... r....smoke his electronic cigarette./// áátheáá flight attendant,/// tried... to resttrin the man... asshe started screaming.../ allah issgreat.... ááotheráá passengers.../ quickly...// pinned... the guy... to... the ground.../ ááwhileáá the flight attendant... / zip tied... his hands and feet.../. áátheáá flight returned... o pprtland... / where theefbi.. was it could get close to 77 tomorrow but is there a big change on the way to charm city? for a look at the extendee as - forecast. 3
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the terps claim tampering in the loss of quarterback danny o'brien..bruce cunningham explains how they made that in spprts unlimited
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that's all foo the late edition .../ áábutáá some... bad news ...for football... football. bruce is here to tell you why the terpp are fiiing a complaint against vanderbilt. ssorts unlimited starts right now.
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when quarterback danny o'brien annoonced he was transferring, maryland athleticcofficials were suspicious...they thought he had be in contact with his former coach, james franklin, who is nowwthe head coach at vanderbill... vanderbilt...and now, they know it. the terps, thrrugh the acc, have filed a ban on o'brien transferring a - there, but went ahead with the compaint, which vanderbilt says it will fully cooperate with...a former acc rookie of the year, o'brien was recruiteddby franklin at maryland, and after his &benchi complaint alleges franklin against ncaa rulls.. college basketball hereein the city tonight...écoppin state and mmrgan state renew thhir grudge matth...morgan is faltering this year after a vvry successful run under coach todd ozeman, wwile coppin isspondering post-seaoo possibilities..the cross town rivals hooked up tonight at coppin's new gym.... gym....first half action... coppin trailing out of the gate... but they lead he meac pn three point percenttge... living by it... michael harper
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nets it..bears with something to lay for early on... peeding the bbg fella... enough for two with his left.. morggn sticking to what works... inside again to the post... shaquille duncan working logan wiens... and the &ppivot foot... then theehigh glass... morgan up ouble digits..bears on both eeds... blake bozeman... making his daddy proud... strips the point... and it's dewayne jackson going the other... putting on the hurt on with theeone handed sttff...beers hoping for a new season in march... get their 7th win: 91-80.morran adsit goes one-on-one now with head coach todd bozeman. 3- it's now time too it's now time to announce the
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candidates in our highhschool brought to you by varsity .
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sportt networr dot com...youu can vote or the game you'd like to sse highlights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com and clicking on high school game of theeweek... here's this week's slate of gaaess.. we'll announce the winner on thursday night... that's all for the late edition...and be sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- morning news tune in toofox45 and be sure to late edition...that's all for the thursdayynight...t
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