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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  February 25, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST

12:30 am
paying the bills without documents"state lawmakers want " &pto fill a hole in the transportation fund...... by taxing gas......but a new audit reveals...sloppy record- keeping at an agency that ses your money a.../ new... audit.../ raises... serious ccncerns.../ about.../ spending.../ wwthin.../ the... m--t--a...// ááanáá agency.../ that... relies.../ heavily.../ on... the state's.../ transportaaion...
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fundd- / ááandáá your... gas axes.áámelindaáá roeder...//tells us.../ what... / áknowá../....and.../ ádon'tá m-t-a ruun ll the state's 3 buses aan trrins. an agency funded through booh fares collected from riders... and taxes.this new audit shows ranginn from poor record keeping when it comes to ssfety inspection... to a lack of supervision for some services. among those expenses are payouts made to vendors and heelth care providers through their insurance system. basically, the audit says many bills the agency pays have not been prooerly verified.the audit also claims m-t-aahas a record of hhnding out reduued fare cards and providing mmbility services for riderr who havennt provee that they
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check it."> and evee thoogh m-t-a is exempttfrom paying gasoline taxes.... the audit shows the agency failed to seek rrimburrement from from the state and the feds for taxes paid. a fiscal failure that totaled nearlyy3--uarters of a million dollars laat yeer. another ssgn that the state's &paccurately managed.meliinda roeder,,fox45 news late editton join... oor wwste watch. ááifáá... you see government waate../ áácalláá... 410-662-1456. ááoráá... go to pox-baltimore dot com. adding.../ the....sales tax gas .../ would add ...18 cents.../ already.../ pigh prices. cost... an average ...of...// - &p 3---4.../ in... maryland today.../ áá4áá cents higher... than.../ last week.../ááá2áá cents higher.../ year,.../ .a... gallon of gas...////. -
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áátriple-aáá are the highesttprices.../ for... this time.../ of year... ever but...// &p those prices... vary..///. ááevenáá in... the ame... neighborhood.../ááif áá you... get ggs.../ at... the mobil... oo... york rrad,.../ near.../ wind-- wood.../ avenue.../ááyyu'lláá pay.. .3-69.../ a... gallon.../ gallon.../ááaáá... half mile... south.../ on... york road.... áátheeá eexon ...near... belevedere avenue../.ááit'sáá... 3-55... for a gallon of gas.../ 14---ent.../ difference we'll.. help youu.. finddthe best gas prices... where you live...//.ááatáá ffx-baltimooe doo com ... slash pump patrol if.../ thee.. gas tax.../ increase ...passes .../ ááitáá can't... be challenged .../ áábecauseáá.../ it's... an.../ &pappropriations bill...///. ááifáá you... oppose tte... proposaa.. / ááyouáá muss let...// your...// lawmakers... kkow...// now....///ááameriiansáá... for rosperity.../ began...// &p a... petition drive....// ááseeáá... theepetition... at.../ fox baltimore dot com....//. áálookááá for.../ "stoo... the gas tax" .. / we're... trying to ease .../ p your pain...// at... tte pump..../// páit'sáá our...
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"fill up... with fox" ...contest....///ááwe'rráá giving away... 100 dollar... gas... cards! ááwatcháá ámondayáá../ to... fox45 ...morning news .../ for... your... ccance to win...//. go... to.../ foxbaltimore dot com.../ for... officcal... contesttruless we'll ... take... president obama's.../ energy policies..////. ááandááá why... oil proouction... is áupá... despite his policies.../// ááináá less than ...10 minutes.../// áárighttá here... on the ...late edition lawmakers have approved same-sex marriaae in paryland.. but tonight, there's a push from oppooents to petition the referendum.ferendum. republican delegate nnil &pparrott has already begun the process. he sent draft lannuage for a pptition to the observers call this business of pushing unpppularr legislation to voters.. a growing ttend. and they say the time is right. right. (crenson) "undee the state constitution you have o get 3% of reeistered voters to signnthe petitions. if you caa use facebook, emaii and a number of other social media
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to get thoss signatures, it's to door." door." if.../ you... ant... more about...// sending... the bill.../ to... a... &pstatewide vvte... / áágoáá' to... foxbaltimore dot com...///. áálookáá for.../ "same sex marriage... peettion".../ under topics...///. ááyouáá can enter ...your name.../ for... more information.../ on... the petition. we asked: ááwouldáá you -& for... vvters too decide.../ samee sex maryland? paryland? áámanyáá.../ of.... you.../ are.... loud and clear .../ - on this one...// áájoináá... the... debatt...// oo our.../ facebook page tonite...// 3 george huguely.../ coold spend... 26-years.../ in prison.../ ááforáá the murder ...of.... yardley love...////. áánowáá.../ a... says.../ - ááhe'sáá.../ at the decision. ian... glom-ski.../ is....a... professor.... at.../ vvrginia../. ááoneáá of... 122 jurrrs.../ who found.../ huguely...// áággiltyáá... of... second degree murder.../ ááglooskiáá says...// he... didn't believe.../ huggely.../ ááet outá.... to... kill love... that day. p3 24:32 george's statement wass
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very painful and i feel for pim. um, buu he bears respoosibility for what happennd and i wish we weren't &pput in that situation to make woulddve never happened. 51 3 glomski.../ also said.../ left... permanent scarss.../ &p on....áhisá... life.../..ááhuguelyáá will... be áformallyá./.. sentenced.../ april 16th. 3 3 fight back.../ aaainst crime.. / ááandáá fugittves.../ ááandáá fugittves.../ && our.../ fuggtive files .../ ááhopingáá &p you... can.../ help... put.../ wanned suspects .../ ehind barss karen... pprks...// ááliveáá warrant apprehension ...task force.../ headquarters .../ &p in... north baltimore.../ ááwitháá this...weekks.../// ffgitives. a small tip could lead to a big bust. the hotline number is 410-637-8970.
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p detectives are waiting to informatioo you give will be kept strictlyyconfidentiaa. look closely as we review four suspects... all as sex offenders. offenders. police are looking for 5-year old christopher horak. . &ppounds. 50--ear old dennis horkey is 5-feet 9-innhes taal and weighs 170 pounds. &ppounds. 52-year old aadre mmrtin is 5-feet 6-inches tall and finalll... 37-year old raymonn wyatt. and weighs 220 pounds. pounns. if you any infoomation on these 410-637-8970.ll ouu hotline.. 4.
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you can alss call metro ccimestoppers at 1-866-7-. 1-866-7-lockup. and.. see all of the fugitives.. bb going to 3 bad day.../ for the president's... mandatt.../ on c. &pcontraceptives...77states.../ filedd lawsuits... against... the rule.../..átheyáá say... the rrle.../ eliggous eeployers... to - offer insurance .../ ontraception.... violates... their religious liberties...///.áánoáá commenn... from the .../ wwite house bad day.../ for dogs.../ do... their business... anywhere they want.../ááandáá don't ...pick it....up..../ ááanáá apartment complex ohio.../ will test... a... dogs d-n-a../. áátoáá see... if... t matches ..the dropping...//.ááifáá
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the... owner gets fined. it just hold people accountable oq: just made sense for us usthe property manager ...also says .../ áááinceáá dog-- pooo...// that ...can harm... other dogs good day.../ for... 26---year-old.../ marine.../// ááheáá attenned... a... week-long... milittry session.../ in nevada .../// ááandáá... decided... to.../ hit... the strip.../ and.... play the slots...//. ááasáá you can see.../ dollars..../// ááhe'lláá use... his winnings help... his mother .../ and.../ pregnant ssster.../ áápayáá off... bills.../ and... prepare .... for... &a... new baby. quite a change in the weathhr of the way...meteorologist emily gracey is here with your first look at your skywatcc forecast
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cafe hon.../ was... in the nntional spotlight tonight../ áá.wwtháá the airing... of... kitchhn niihtma. nightmares.brazen.../ celebrity chef... gordon ramsey .../ turned ...hampden's... cafe hon.../ insiddeout.../. ramsey ...told owner.../ denise whiting.../ &pááthatáá should... putt
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her staff.../ thru.../ aa.. lot of--quote--... &p crap...//// ááwitháá ramseeys tooch../ .cafe hon... de-cluttered.../ and... streamlined... the menu...//.. gaae uu ...the hon trademark.3 "debbie pleass, denise, you areea ude bitch...and i'm tired oo it, the crring ii real, tte crying ii reaa" business... has improved... since the show. 3 p3 of all the things to lie about......what one coming up on the late edition but next...hhghhgas prices... even thoughhdomestic drilling is up...the president's áactualá policies...after the preak pp cochran says: i just don't know what happeneed" happened."...and a 9-year-old... in a prison jumpsuit.the thing that happened at school... thaa
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lead himmáhere......when the late edition continues
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president obama and hiss people.../ are... keenly aware --/ &p ááofáá the... correlation... between the &ppain at the pump -- / and.../ re-elect-- ability...//. áájimááá ....he resident's record -- / on ennrgy...// páandáá why... he may... be.../ taking redit... for pooicies.../ ááheáá did not ssuport 2008 the president and the white house haven't been shy about claiiing credit ffr doing everything possible to keep gasoline prices low. carneyysayss "oil and ggs production in the united states has risen everyyyear office. oil production is now higher than itts been in eight analysts say production is rising -- not because of president obama but rather in spite of him:geraad says: control, production in the - gulf oo mexicc is down 30 percent. lease sales in rocky mountains on federal lands are &pdown 70 percent.." he says the president has put 85 percent of the outer
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limits.... and is only aking &p3 percent of the areas under his control available numbers from thhnk tanks and the federal energy information administration confirm that.. nevertheless, steadily rising gas prices &pare a politicallliibility... one reason the president now takee credit ... for the results of policies he ran agaanst in 2008: "mccain and bush support a drilling plan that won't produce a drop of oil for seven years. " 3 &p the president initially wanted to driie up oil prices to make renewables more attractive. and hee till denies drilling would help: ooamm says: "you know here problem, and you know we can't just drill our way to lower take ears ... which ii why analysts aague the administrationncan't now take preeit foo deciiions about &pdrilling .. made by president bush
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...a 9 year old boy is out on 50-thousaad dollars baill../ a gun to sshool...//.it went seriously injured... a girl in his classroom classroomthat's the boy... / in... a orange jumpsuut..../.he... was held... on 250-thousand &pdollars bail...//.the ggn going off.../ may have been accidental.../just before the gun went off -- / he....slammed his baccpack on a desk...///. then.... a... loud bang was hearr.../ and... you could see... a hole the boy's backppck --- as... eight yeaa old.../ am-eena... bowman.../ fell to the floor... with a gunnhot wound to the sttmach p. coohran says: "i apologize to the fammly of the girl he's a good kid. i just don't know what happened." happened."court documents ...allo show ...theeboy... may running away from home. &pit's goiig to feel lessslike áaprilá meteorrlogist
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emily gracey is back with your skywwtch forecast p3
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coming up on the latee edition...look at that truck... flip over on top of phat ccr...why that truck fliiped over../...and how the driver of the car is doing toniiht ...and the whopperrof a lie... one firefigheter told... about hhs rooe in 9-11.after the break 3
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&pyou nned to know that the pos processing center in is one of 260 proceesing cenners the ost office plans to consolidate. the work from cumberland is ing moved to a plant in
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johnstown, pennsylvania.the move will eliminate 30 jobs in cumberland liar.../ liar...// pantsson fire../ fire...// a... south... carolina man.../ who... told his... fellow firefighters.../ he... was.../ one....of the... first responders...// on 9/11.../ ááadmitsáá he... lied...////. áájordan áá pif-ander,.... is.../ a... former .../ long island .../ fire-- fighter,...//// ááheáá... made... a.../ speech...// in... a &puniform...// at...a...// 9/11... memorial service.../ in... spartanburg,.../ last... yeaa,.../// áátellingáá the ...crowd.../ he attended... "47 funerals.../ in... 3--weeks.../ for... brothers.../ &pwho... died.../ that day....// ááandáá... got...a...// standing ovation.../// tangled... web... we ./ &pweave...// ááwhenáá... we... practice.../ to.../ deceive...// divers.../ searching.../// the concordia.... cruise ship.../ ááfoundáá... 8--bodies.../ on... one.../ of... the.../ passenger decks,.../ ááincludingáá... a... missing.../ 5---year-old.../ italian girl...////. áábecauseáá... weather...// áádiversáá weee unable .../ to... immediately remove.... 44-other.../ bodies...////. áámeantimeáá... that... cowardly...// captain...// &p ááwhoáá... just
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happened.../ to... 'fall".../ in... a life- for...// chum...// ááoffáá... the... austarailian...// coast...// áásoáá... scientists..../ can... further.../ study...// the... eating.../ habits...// of... great whhtes...// 3 p,3
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12:57 am
look at this... frightening videe....//.ááthisááá crash ...happened yesterray dallas...//. ááaáá' tractor trailer.../ áácomingáá downn .../ right... on top... of a car...//.police say the truck was trying to get on to the hhghwayy.....but &pcoming off the ramp.the impac was pushed the car it hit into the llnes going the opposite direction. áásurprisinglyáá.../ the person that car../.áásufferedáá non... life threatening... injuries. &p a good sign for o's fans... field../but how close is he to maaing a reeurn???....
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1:00 am
that's all for the late edition morgan adsit.../ that's all for the late edition morgan adsit.../ & so much for those ravens &ppoundering retirement...ray lewis said no way after the a-f-c title loss....and now ed peed will play in 20-12. 20-12.reports at he n-f-l combine from e-s-p-n thaa ravens g-m ozzie newsome said ed reed told john harbauuh hee plans to prepare to come back and play..reed h considered retirement for a few off peasoos because of injuries to his neck and shoulder.last season wasn't his best... 3 interceptions and went through a stretch of missed tackles... but reed came alive in the post season with 1 pick, 10 taakles and 6 passes defended. today marked the official full squad start to orioles spring training.pitchers and catchers have been there since last weekend...the rest of the team arriving this week on thhir own schedules.that includes o's second baseman brian robert. roberts.roberts, you know,
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sttll not full speed from a concussion.which caused him to miss 123 games last season. he's day by day...and looks doubtful for ooening day.. roberts speaking for the first time today in sarasota...said tee.that's all hees allowed to do... per doctors' orders. "there is no ttmeline as you said, and that's hard mentally as much as anything. they can't telllyou that n six weeks you'reegoing to be ready it's been a disappointing 3
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pears since roberts signed a 4-year 40 million dollar contract xtensson....reat seeson in 2009...but he's only played in 98 games in the last 2 years combined...his connract expires after the 20-13 season...he'llake 10 million each of the next two mark reynolds one of the few orioles at spring training.... 110 percenn and ready to go... he even shed a few l-b's n the off season... 20 pluss. reynolds ii a toss up between third and first...he told manager buck showalter before they headed to floridaahe wants to play third... and that's whereehe is now.. reynolds hoping to improve from last seasons' 26 errors. 3 that'll do it for this editton of sports unlimittd...this of sports unlimited...i'm
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morgan aasit...thanks for night...g..have a great night..-
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