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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  March 2, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST

12:30 am
hello, ...i'm jefffbarnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. police tase a baltimore school counselor afttr a basketball game. game. olice... say.../ the couuselor ...assaulted them.../ ááandáá... they.... &p...//. the.... girl's... basketball game.../ just ended &pááwheeáá... the - tasing.../ occured...////. ááppliceáá... say... 30 year old.../ teo-ine... p carroll.../ párefusedáá... tt listen.../ when... police told him... to leave.../ a... reetricted area.../ of... &pthe.../ school....//// ááwhenáá officers told carroll.../ to... put his hands ...behind his baak.../ áááoliceááá.. say... he refused..../// ááandáá... after... warning... caaroll .../ he... was be.../ tased..../ ááheáá said... "do... what you got to do". 3:02:27 he's charged with a couple assaults on police
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police alllgedly so at that point in time they backed off and instituted the tazer tooo him under control and arrestee 0 him.40 we're told ... carroll... was at the not an employee. baltimore city pooice are ssarching for clues after a maa is shht and killed in southwest baltimore. you can see police on the scene of wheatley drive and windsor mill road in leakin park around 9 last night. investigators say the victim suffered gunshot wounds to his head, chest and face..he was rushed to thh hospital wwere he died.there are no suspects or motive. a jury as convicted 37-year- murder of a baltimore teenager. was found stabbedd nd sufffoateddin the closet offa relative's home in november 2009.police ay matttson was gay and stayinggwith his greet problems. parrish showed up at the eest baltimore house after anntherrmurder ase.heetold
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police he took part ii the gagging and beating, but blamed he killing on ann unknown person, 3 the baltimore school system is strrpped for cash... but ttat hasn't topped it froo paying out a huge salary to the c-e-o andres alonsoothe l - baltimore sun reports tonight that driver ralph askins logged overtime... overtime... ...that more than doubled his with roughly 78-thousand dollars in overrime...he pulled in about 155-thousand dollars in 2011. that.. by the way.. is more than the governorrs salary. one.../ state lawmmker ...// p wants ...maryland airports .../ to... "bagg.../ the... tts-a.../ delegate.../ glln glass... of... harford couuty .... is... proposing a bill.../ to allow... airports .../ like... b-w-i...// &p thurgood marshall .../ áátoáá hhre... their own.../ privvteesecurity.../ po... screen passengers .../ oarding .... plaaes...///. ááthisáá... aater...// nation-wide... complaints../// p nnecessary .../ - searches.
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59:45 little kids are being searched. theyyre putting their hands down people's pants. grandmmssare being it's a violation of our rights 56 a... t-s-a... says.../ governmentt.../ to... protect them.../ p we asked... ááshouldáá some passengers... be.../ off comms to .../ seeurity pat-downs? ppt-downs? páámanyáá.../ of... you.../ are... souuding-off...// loud ann clear .../ on this onee.../ áájoináá... the... debate...// on our.../ facebook page tonite...// govvrnor o'mallee signs ggy marriage into law and opponents say now is when he reaa fight begins. begins. karen parks is streaming live attthe statehouse in annapolis . . 3 and the bill isssigned....... signed.......
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,3 i have in my hand a pencil and at the enddof this pencil is an eraser thattbill might as well have een signed in lead because we are going to erase it...with the petitions and with the referendum..... referendum..... certainll a day to be a vvry proud marylandd 3 karen parks fox45 news maryland.../ sccool
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boards .../ are... conceened... bout oney... / áánowáá that... the state... wants to shiit.../ funding... teacher pensions.../ to... local juuisdictions. jurisdictions. &pmeaning...// cities n counties.../ wwll... 240-million dollars.../ ááhowardáá county's... share of the bill.../ would... be.../ more than.../ 16... million dollars....//// áábutáá county officials... / are... ááthey'reáá - testifying... in annapolis.... about... the impact.../ teachers and students.../ ould face. 3& pevel."> in... howard county, .../ the... 3 amount of money.../ at staae.../ is... the equivalent.../ of.../ 225 teachers' salaries. drivers are feeling the pain at the pump. gas prices conninue their sseady climb foo the 23rd day in a row. aacording tt triple-a, thh nationallaverage for a gallon of regular is 3-74. that's up almost a penny from yesterday.
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here in mmryland, rivers can expect to shell out.... p-ddllars and 68-cents. n tte last three months gas allng route one in 14-perccet. elkridge... thh hess stttton.... is making &phistory. it's signs celeerating 40 years in business have customers shoccee by the ppice change t the pump. (keith madsen- statioo owner) "todays gas price is 3 dollars pnd 63 cents per allln forr regular.. back then it was 22 cents per gallon..29-point pine"a pack of cigarettes was 30 cenns now they aree bout 6 dollars.. some fuel analysts predict dollars by theesummer. foxx5's pump &ppatrol is allays looking for the lowest gas prices where you ive. to see what we found... log onto fox balitmore dot com and lick on phe pump patrol logo. governor... .o'malley.../ to.../ increase... maryland's.../ gasooine tax. tax.he... wants... to.../ phase--in... the... 6-%..../ tax.../ ii... 3--years...////.áátheáá governor...// says.../// áátheáá &p tax...../ to... repair roads... and bridges.
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(governor) "with a flat 23-and-a-haaf cents on a gallon that has not been raased since 1990, we are every year falling further and further behind in maintaaning an adequate size transportttion network as ur population grows." grows."but.../ with... rising... president... mike miller.../ saas.../ harder...// &p to... increaae...// the... gas taa. ááifáá.../ the... gas tax.../ increaae ...passes .../ ááitáá can't... be challenged .../ áábecauseáá.../ it's... an.../ appropriations bbll...///. áááfáá p you... oppose the... proposal.. / ááyouuá must let...// yourr..// lawmakers... know.../ now..../// for rosperity.../ began...// a... petition drive..../// the thaa../// ááandáá seee.. ámoreá... stories.../ on... the proposed .../ gas... tax.../ increase .../ áááyyá going... to.../ foxbaltimore dot com..../// ááclickáá on.../ "maayland gas tax" .../ uuder hot topics. 3 bad day for maryland congressman roscoe bartlett. bartlett.hh's in a hhiry sstuation.... ver a proposal to give tax americans with mustaches.the american mustache institute claimmd tuesday that bartlett
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had lent his support to the 'stache act,,which calls for a tax deduutionn f up to 250 dollars... for people with mustaccess bartlltt's office said he never supported the measure.buu staffers did forward a copy of the proposal to a hoose committee uudee bartlett's name.... , without the congressman's knowledge. now roscce's chief of staff is saaing that, for the record: roscoe is pro-stache, but he doesn't suppprt tax breaks for them.what no one seems to be &pgetting here... is that whole thing is really a joke...a parodyyof washington, by the american mmstache institute. bad day for target..hey're that's in really poor taste. --3 think of dating the bad boy, consider whitney houston."it houston ied. but was removed aater customersscomplained. target has apologized.
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it was a good day for all of us. march is off to a great start with the spring maa bb a few weekss-3 &paway, ut it feels like its already ere. our cameras captured people taking advantageeof thh unshine today in federal hill. "it was warm today, the suus ouu, actually fflt to hot sweatshirt"many ppople are shir- hoping that there areemore beautifuu ays aaeaa. it was a perfect day, end of story, best start to marcc ever. ever. could chhnge. chance our luck - change. let's go to chief meteorologist vytas reid to see what's happpning now. 3 & from deadly ornadoes
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pt thundersnow. we'll &pshow you all the damage cause by our first round offsevere wwather and tell you when we miggtt ee some march snow. i'm guessinn he didn't get tte job. why one maa wounn p naked, thenntasered innthe middleeoo a jobb iinerview. &p two more americans murdered by their afghan allies.. why the president's apologyyfor burning korans may have put [ female announcer ] with xfinity,
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so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ two .../ mooe.../ u--s... soldiers.../ &ppere... murderrddtoday .../ by... an... afghaniisoldier.../ ááoveráá the on....a.../ u.s. ...// p military base...////. ááthisáá... just
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hours.../ after... president oobma.../ the bbunings...//// .. ááconorrá powell.../ exxlains why.../ these jeopardize.../ america's goals.../ for.../ afghanistan. ppwell says::"for the thiid time in a weeka"aa&us &psoldiers were once again &pattacked by their trusttd afghan partnnrs. whiie the details of today's shooting in kandahar remain two american solliers were is shot and killed by afghan thee were training." every day us and afghanntroops train and fight side by sidd. building up the afghan security forces is the heart of the current american strategy in afghanistannallen says: "we have been workiig very clossly wwth fghan &pin the last several year, this force hhs really come of age." but the strategy appears to be nraveling s the accidental burning off qqrans y us troops . allen sayss "i think the trust is confidence is there. the - afghan national security forces are be coming more capable every single day."
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privately, some us trust that does exist is rapidly evaporating. in fact, affhans security forces are killlng u.s. nd internationalltroops at an alarming rate. of thee60 nato ttoops killed this year, 12 ave been murddred by afghan troops that's twenty percent of coalition deaths. to stemmthe strategy, presideen obama has burningginciientobamaasays: "the reasoo thht it was important is the same reason that the ccmmander on the ground, geneeal allen, ppologized. and that is to save ives. and to make sure our troops who are there right now are not placed in furrhhr danggr." q: do yyu think it "it calmed things down. wwere not out of the woods yet." but not aa all. while the mass street protests against the uuited states have subsided, the nger ..and the violence haveenoo. us ttoopp have been ll branches of the affhan security forces. raising the questiona"aaahow much
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progress has been made training the afghhn sscurity forces??powell says:: "following saaurday's murderr of two us troops wooring at the ministry of interior headquarters, en john allen pulled all us and western advisers from the afghan ministries. fox news has but many more remain on ned lockdown ut of security concerns. in kabul, conno powell, fox news." - and more storms areeon the way. way. this is one of the tornadoes thatttore through the heartland. chasers caught this wister in ansas as it cut a path of destruction from town to twon. today, people damage fromma round oo deadly weather. whole neiihboohoodssare gone along witt businesses and cars. searchers are still combing phrough the rubble to try to pind anyone trapped ii collapsed buiidings. the storm raced into the northeast and turned from rain and tornadoessinto thundersnow. maine was slammed as several inches feel causing traffii ackups
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and sending the plows into overdrivv. 3 -
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things noo toodo at a job interview, show uu nakedd then fight police and get pazzred. why one man thought all three options were out with the trash. how - these little guys were ressued 3 3 3 &p
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when... you're...// bbck--naked...// wrestlinn..../ police...// ááyouáá... have... no common.../ sense.../ califorria... man... showed-up...// to... what.../ he... told...
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police...// interview".../ ob - ááwearingáá nothing .../ but... / a áájosepháá ay--ll.../ got... into a wiih police.../ this weekend! ááheáá... quickly --/// ááayalaáá evvn... officers.../ haii --/// ááchrisáá johnson... was nnarby.../ ááandáá.../ recorded the .../ whole thinn...//. johnson says: "my brother said guys sayyng he's good witt his hands and he's looking for work and i said tell him he eeds pantalones to get a job." job." the man.../ is... an... illegal immigrant .../// áááe'sáá in jail.../ on... an.../ immigration hold....// ááandááá.. bback-and-white..../ jump-suit.../ with...// verr tastefully...// subtle...// hhrizontal...// strrpes. the... u.n.... pecretary-general.../ áásaysáá the../ u-s... troops...// who... burned...// last week.,,,... ááshouldáá... be... seveeely... punished...// áátheáá across... the.../ ccuntry.../// ákillingáá 30---fghans.../ soodiers...../// ááofáá... course...// the...u-n.../// is....// doong ánothingá..../. to... stop...// atrocities... in syria...// ááwhicháá... cost.../ nearly.../ 10--thousand.../ lives...// áátheáá...
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only thing... the... effectively...// in... the last... 50--years...// ááisáá... to... get...// a...lot...// of... áámanyáá.../ of... whom...// are.../ anti---u-s...// ááouttá... of... parking tickets...// in... the...lowee...// east--side...// of... manhattenn.// found... a way...// - to... deceive... state's.../ "condom access... project"...// or... c-a-p.../ &pchildren.../ as... young go... to... ""... // ááandáá order... free condoms.../ by mail ..../ áááondomsáá are... delivered..../ áásoáá... their... own.../ kid...// is../ receivinn.../ prophylacticss.../ ááináá case... thee envelope .../ ets....into the wrong hands,.../ ááthereáá will... be a slip .../ áádetailingáá wwom... to contact.../ if... a package.../ is... error...// áátheáá... wrong hands.../ appaaently.../ would belong... to.../ parents.../// a box of puppies tossed out with yesttrday's arbage. how these scared little dogs weee saved from the landdill. 3
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four ppppies...
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tossed out.../ with the ggrbage. rescue group issworring tt permanent home. home. these four uppies snuggle close together after their oodeal in a phoenix dumpster. someone tossed the pups out to die. luckily someone heard their tinn yelps ann pullld them out of the gaabage. the phoenix humane unwanted animals s becoming more and more common. they want to reminddppopll hat ggving animals to a shelter is
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alwaas better than tuuning themmloose. these four little puppies will be up for one claims them.e ays if no a... beatiful start to march .../ but... a &pthreat of snow... this weekend. let's go to vytas and chhck your extended forecaat. 3 ccp casualty...the ravensstrii
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their roster...whh they cut and how much it will savv in sports unlimited... 3
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1:00 am
phat's all... for the late edition.../, but... the moves .../ to... get ome cap. bruce will show you who got cut and howwit will impact the team, right now with sporrs wiih someehefty contracts to wwite, the ravens are gging to have to clear some ssace under the salary cap...several veterans are likely to be et go...the first of themmcame tod. todaa.. our morgan adsit reports ttat veteran correrback chris carr havv made 2.5 millionnthis seassn with 7 million more smithh nd the stellar play of - lardarius webb nd cary williams...he was a healthy scratch innthe ravens playoff &pwill also be cutting vettran receiver lee evans ann cornerback domoniques
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foxwoth..cutting those two clears around 14 million... meanwhile....linebacker jarret johnson's contract is up./.. heading into his 10th yyar, johnsoonhas tood the ravensshe wants to stay anddfinish hhs career in the purple and placc, but given the realities of theesalary ap, that may be iipossibll...and to the surprise f no one, ex rran is interested...the former is not shy about picking up t post repprts the jets are interested...there are alsagano indianapolis aaswell..stay - tuned. elsewhere...multiill sources are reporting the raaens will put the franchise early as tomorrow...that means 3 hh'll make 7.77million next peason, but hhs status can still change...the ravens can signnhim tooan extended deal and lift the tag anytime before july 15th...oi what thee negotiating rights for the nexttfew months, and it keeps rice oof the opee lass season,,so either way,, young misterrrice s lookiig meanwhhle in sarasota...another
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oriole starter is havvng some physical problems..and it'' gonna cost him at least one start.. tommy hunter, ho some were projecting to be the opening day starter. has been battling lower back problems all spring lonn, and now we've learned that he's been scratchhd from his exhibition start tuesday against the red sox...insteed, he'll pitch a two inning simullted game under the watchful eyes offooiole officiils...hunttr says it';s no big deal, but the ooioles don't want to take any chanes. lake lifton hosting owings mills innthe 2a north semifinals...2nd half...lakers up 19...rodney hawkins lays it in...lake clifton up 21....4th quarter...james bbone...three 36.....daquan ross takes it to the rack for the off balanced shot...23 point leaa for the lakers....then it's boone agaii...laauu plus he foul... team-high 17 points...lake clifton rrlls 81-56...they'll host edmondson forrthe 2a north championship on saturday... thht'll dooii for this edition of sports unlimited...i'mm bruce sure to pune ii o fox45 mooning news
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tomorrow -- starting at 5-am..,
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