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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  March 3, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST

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executive... faces what could be career ending accusations... tonight.. ohn leopold fights hello,... i'm . jeff barnd barndand i'm karen parks... anne arundel county executive john leopold is indicted of using police... for political dirty tricks......and
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transporration... for sex. keith daniels... joins us... from with... áleopold'sá.../ siie... of the story...k? keith? read the indictment yourselfgo to fox-
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baltimore dot com slash newslinks 3 the.../ driver... of.../ baltimore's... school superintendent - / áámakesáá./.. as... much as .../ the... mayor...///.áábuuáá.../ the... áschooll systemá...///. says.../ ááit'sáá not.. .a... big de. deal. ralph askins.../ &p was ...the highest earner ...of overtime... last year.../ in....the.../ city... school system...///. ááhe'sáá the driver... of.../ dr.../ andres alonso....//// áátheáá... baltimore sun says...// as-kins... made.../ 155-thousand dollars.../ last year.../..áámoreáá
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than... half that.../ in overtime! "our drivers... eeded to go." 3 over... the past... four years - / the... school system... paid out.../ about .../ 14-million dollars... in overtime..../// ááraisingáá concernn ...over whether.../ it's ssending.../ its wisely. join... our waste watch. áifáá... you see government waste../ áácclláá... our hotline.. 410-662-1456. ááoráá... go to fox--altimore dot coo. questions about president barack obama's birth certificate come up again... himself america's toughest sherf sheriff joe arpaio says his proof that president obama's lonn-form birth certificate is fake.the sheriff brushed asidd
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only only one who ffund this &pevidence sot in (az sheriff 2-h) :08 exists iidicating that forgery and frauu may have been committed." :17 :17sot in 20:41:57 (sot 2) "i are bigger issuus than his birth certificate." certificate."sheriff arpaio has been under investigation for raciil profiling and for not adequately investigating hundreds of sex-criies in arizona.theewhite house released the pressdents birth certificate last year.. here's... our... question of the day. áádoáá you... believe... the ppesident's.../ birth certificate... is genuine? genuine? here's a look at our facebook page...this is causing a lot oo discussiongo to facebook &pdot com slash foxxbaltimore t join in rush limbaugh's iery tirade against a georgetownn university law turning into a fundraising bona. bonanza...limbauuh says: "it makes her a slut, right? it makes her a prostitute. she wants to bb paid to have sex. sex.thattwas what rush
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originally called sandra fluck she was the star witness at a recent session held by house democraas. defending the president's mandate on female contraception. she says the lack of coverage for contraception in the student health are plan... ...imposes an undue financial burden on female students.yesserday, rush "doubled down""on his comments that would be the videos of - all this sex -- posted online, so we can see. sse.the deeocrats senatorial campaign committee sought to fundraise off the flap. conservatives are mobilizing, too...... with groups of women, tea party activists, and religious figuues into a coalitioo called "citizens for rrligious freeddm." the.../ governor.../ is defending.../ the... gay marriagg bill.../ he... signed into laa.../ yesterdaa. &pyesterday.((applause)) ((applause)) crowds.../ gathered .../ ...martin o'malley.../ signed... the bill..../ ...the 88h state .../ to... allow.../ same sex... marriage...///. áátheáá law.../ is... set to ...// take effect.../ in... januaay 200-13,.../ áábutáá
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opponents.../ have launched.../ a... petition ddive.../ to... áoverturná.../ it.../ áááadáá let voters... decide . o'mallly: "they're welcome to do that, but at the end of the day, the vast majority of see this bill as they rrght l - balance between proteccing religious liberties and also protecting equal rights under the law." law." opponents... need.../ more thhn... 55-thousand signitures.../ from... too.. get it... on a ballot. &p if .../ you'd... like.../ more information .../ on... the petition.../ ááandáá... too.. see... mooe stories .,../ on... the.../ / áágoáá to... foxbaltimore doo com...//. ááclickáá on... "same sex marriage".../ undee hot topics. laurel policc.../ hope... this... video.../ ááhelpsáá... them.../ capture.. .a... hit and driver.look... at... the victim.., at the top of your on... the sidewall.../ of... route 198... in laurel...///. áátheáá white... pick up... truck.../ merges from... route one.../// ááthenáá suddenly....swerves right...// into... the man,.../ áárunningáá him over .../ ááthenáá taking... off.
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it'ssterrible because tt east you could have stoppee anddsee what you can do to hell the per. person.whatever you it with your carryoucan tell something went wrong. he knew he hit someone. he just wasn't human. human. the victim,.../ a... hite male,.../ had... no... -d.../// ááandáá... is... hospitalized.../ with severe ...head injuries. the... steelworkers union... says.../ the... tin pparrows point.../ ááwilláá temporarrly... shut down. down.the union.../ &p says...// causing.../ the slowdown....///áánoáá word.../ on... when... it will start, p../ ááhowáá long will past,.../ ááoráá.../ how... many worrers .../ will be....affected.../. áár-gáá steel... ccmpany ...has nn - comment 3 3 it's a bad day for presiient barack ooama...when asked to high gas prices... most people blame him himthe poll by pew show's he's not the only ooe people blame...he shares blaae with ...but 18-percent of the n.
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people polled blame the preside. president...the cost of a gallon of gas tayed t an average of 3-dollars and 70 cents in maryland today... that's 30 cents higher than we were payiig at this time last we've ver paid at this tiie oo theeyear there's a big difference in gas prices... even in one the shell on fort smallwood road in pasadena... you'll pay 3-79 for a gallon of gaa... at the 7-eleven on mounttin .. road in'll pay juut 3 dollars and 56 cents for a gallln of gas.that mile drive will save you 2- dollars and 30 cents on a 10 find he best gas ppices in your neighbbrhood.go to fox- baltimore dot com slash pump patrol 3 its a really good day for a pit bull mix.....once near gets a econd cha. chance.... kisses the pit prosthetic leg....she was brought to barcs ast year after she was found by the
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missing the bottom of her hind leg.. she was taken to the hospital where doctors decided she was the perfect candidate for a prosthetic leg... leg... 3 3&you see a healthy ibrann loving creature yyur heart goes out to it and its jut natural you wanttto do something for it... it... kissesswas living in a foster home duuing her recovvry......and those foster parents have now decided to keep her for good... the midwest suffers through the second round of deadly weekthe storms destroy entire towns....o far átodayá 13 diedthis is home video from the towns hit hard by today's can see tte funnel across theenneghborhood.this blew apart thhs home...n 33 point... there were 19 .at one
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separate tornado warnings... "it's crazy. itts just nuts right here. there are people their lives are endangered rotttinn storms aad these - tornados that are coming ...and ook at this storm was powerrul enough to drive a bus... through the it's been a tough couple of days down there thereeeteorologist emmly gracey joins us with your first look at your skkwatch &pforecaatt.. eeily? emily? 3 3
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the nuclear standoff with irann..questions tonight about theethings thattcoull trigger u-s action ...and this is the very end of a staadoff with a bank through the shootout and the rescuewhen the latt editionn continues unit members and family
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gathered t dundalk elementty to remember a soodierrand fathe. national guarrsman robert marchanti was killed last week in afghanisttn.. officals belieee it was a burning of orans. tonightts
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vigil at one of the baltimooe county school's marchanti taught at durrng his 16 years as a teacher brought forth tears from studdnts and the pen he served ith. "hh haa a huge impact on all of our livess showed us whatts wrong, smiled and laughed ann one of theebest people i knew"3 knew""i don'ttknoo what i sorry"do if i lost my ad, i'm - 3marchantis uneral will be &pmarch 19th president obama .../// set.../ the... stage...// for.../ a.../ crucial.../ next... few days -- // áátryingáá to... keep israel.../ &p from... attacking iran -- / ááoveráá its ...nucleaa ambitions...///.ááwendelláá goler.../ tells us.../ about... the strong stateeent.../ the... president made../. ááandáá the questions... thht remain.../ about when ...// u--s... will act. - act. crucial meeting with the israeeiiprime minister, hasn't given up on diplomacy
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to resolle the ranian nuclear "because there is time and space available to continue to pursse that path, to continue to pressuue iran, to isolate it, to have the ever- increasing levee of sanctiins bite."" bbt pausing in canada on his way here, the iiraeli leadee said the world should not fall inno what he called the "trap" of more talks with iran. netanyahu says: "it could pursue or exploit tte talks as they've aad delay, so that they can - continue to advance tteir nuclear program and get to the finish line." there have long been questions about how much either man really trusts the ther, but in an extensive interview with... "the tlantic's""jeffrey goldberg, he means what he says abouu using forre in iran if diplomacy fails. he said, quote: "i think the israeli government recognizes that, as president of the unitee states, i don't bluff." &p israelis worry iranian nuclear scientists will, at some point, enter what hey call a zone of immunity, after which military action would
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either be ineffective, or only a brief setback. it is not clear that mr. obama ann mr. netanyahu agree when that zone begins and that makes some lawmakers nervous. lieberman says: "nobody gains space betweennus on the aving question of iran's nuclear programmexcept for thee extremists who run iran today." voted in what many people outside the ccuntry would agree is a mostly meaningless parliamentary election... republiians, hoping to ruu against mr. obama in the fall, continue o a ational advocate foreeding capital punishmentwants maryland lawmakerstootake actio. action.sister helen "pray-jjn" wasin annapolisstoday meeting with eeislators.she wrote the book "deadman walking"...which laterbecame a movie. it describes her effortt todefend a death row inmate. (prejean) "the people of maryland donnt have the will to keep the death penalty need to really embody that in repeallng itt"
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it."a public hearing on a bill to repeal maryland's death penalty will be held next week. 3 aa hours-long stand off with a &pbank robber in california... ends with bullets flying... and its all caught on tape tapewaach this view from above...the ssat team approaches the door of the the door to get something he soon as the robber sees the swat team... erson they arr puuling out is phe bank manager.she was not purt.the roober was hit... nn word on hhi condition tonight - 3 3 coming up on the late edition...see one way
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kids get involled in the &proddo...the amazingly áyoungá age that some of them start padilla says: "the experience was pretty inspiring." inspiring."...and look at this... a car... that literally drives itself.the common sense ways it could save a lot of money...when we come back 3
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something...// that makes... / sense...// sense...// ááthisáá... robotic,.... car.../ developed by google -- / ááaáá rius... that drives itself...///. ááitsáá guided...// llser scanner....//// áátheáá car... has... two cameras.../ above the.../ dash.../ ááandáá radars... on the bumper .../ to... see vehicles.../ in... the lane.../ ahead..../// áátheseáá... cars,,, have logged,,,./ hundreds of thousaads.../ of... miles --//// ááandáá reactt../ 15--times faster.../// thaa... a human.../ driver..../// driver..../// 3 /levandowski says: "it's what
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it uses to see 360 arrund the car, wheee the obstacles are, and where the car is phyyically in the world." levandowski says: "the implications to society are fundamenttl. you can save aa lot of lives." lives." a... car.../ áádidáá... you... hear / that... dr. alonzo...// ááthereáá... baltimore... you... 155--k...// . kkgusus...// ááthatáá... creepy... mascot...// at... the preakness...// ááisáá... missing...// ááthisáá... from...// thee../ int'l....brotherhood of mythicall../ creatures...// ááheáá... was... preekness.../ at... the - "after-party"... last year...// ááaaparentlyáá... he tweeted.../// his... plans.../ to... travel.../ abroad...// with.. .a.../ supeemodel." áánowáá... 2--other... members... of the... brotherhood...// ááwantáá to... assume.../ the... titll of.../ lood.../ of... the.../ "infield.../ fest"...// ááaáá... leprechaun.../ nd... the.../ easter bunny .../// áámeantimeáá... if... kegusus...// returns...// áádráá... andres alonzo...// caa... ride.../ áhimá... around...// baltimore...// ááthereáá... baltimore... ááwwáá... just saved... you... 155--k...// ááagaináá...// 3
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ridin' at rodeos.... starts at &pa young age. age.looo at this...some kids... as young as á3á to ride sheep at a rodeo in can see they're well protected in flack jackets and helmets......and hanging on with all the strength they have. emma says: "i was thinking
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about, be calm because i didn't want to freaa out and i was like hanging on the side."emma says: "i didn't know they would run into their family and stuff." stuff."some of the kids said they wereescared... but had a good time 3 3 3 rejoice orroles &pffns...the reason the o's are
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closer to the playoffs than they have been in the last 15 unlimited... ooo3
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tha's all for the late edition i'm jeff barndi'm karen praks sports is next welcome back i'm joel d.'s an expensive compromise. the ravens are slapping thh franchise tag on ray ricc... rice... the ravens won't be waaing goodbye to ray anytime soonn his smile is staying in charmmcity..... unable to reach a long-teem deal...the ravens aren't going to risk losing rice on the free agent market... so he'll make season. but the ravens are hopeful they can sign him to a new contract beforeethe season... g-- ozzie newsome released a statement sayiig... our goal is to keep ray rice a raven. we've done ttis with other outstanding
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includinn haloti ngata a year ago."ngata was given the franchise tag after last season and signed a 5-year 61 million dollar eetension 2 weeks into the seassn... remember this play..... couldn't orget if you waated... lee evans could not hang on... and now he's the one being dropped. evans was acquired from but never lived up to d pick - expectations..he battled injuuies all season and only caught 8 passes for 143 yards including the playoofs. the move saves the team 555 million dollars. the ravens also placed ricky williams on the reserve-retired if he decides to unreeire his rights still belong to the ravens... innsarasooa, the orioles saw their first game action of innan intrasquad game...orioles game... it was an upset... the orioles injuries to report...just good for the birds to get back on the diimonn...their first officiaa spring training game is a split squad on monday against the rays at one...then they
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host the pirates at 7... the orioles chances to make the playoffs did get dramatiially better today. same for everrbody elss too. this game last yyar kept the red sox out of the playoofs. but this cominn season.... 5 from each league.... with the two wild card teams playing each other ii a onn game playoff to make it to the divisional round. it's two different extremes in college park...the men's team needs to win the acc tournament next week if they want to make the big dance... the women'ssteem s ranked 6th in the country and poised forr a deep run the n-c-a-a tourney...tonight the lady quarterfinaas of the acc tourna. tournament... this was all lady terps...acc playyr of the ear alyssa thomas...easy layin...she led maryland with 18...terps advance to theesemifinals... seed wake forest who upset the number 2 seed mmami... of sports unliiited...i'm joel - d. smiththanks for watching... have a great night... niiht... 33&
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