tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW March 7, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EST
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"you know i looked at it and aid, oh, 40-dollar citation i'll just pay it. posted speed limit and i kkew it was wrong." wrong." big problems with baltimore's speed cameras. cameras. why the city was forced to mail out hundredssof traffic ticket refunds. hello,... i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. more mistakesswith the city's speed camera program..... tonight, the city is racing tt notify hundreds of motorists whose speed camera tickets are . inaccurate. jeff abell.../ live... in... north baltimore.../ with.../ what... happened.../ , jeff.... jeff.... the city calls it a simple proccssing error..... but tonight, hundreds of accused violators are demanding to know what went wrong. 3 two of the city's speed cameras have been caliirated
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to the wrong speed limit. one of them has been snapping violators on south hanover street.... the other one the alameda..... in both casess the speed limit is 35..... but the camera has been ticketing motorists based on a 30-miie per hour limit. some 12-hundred motorists have received tickets which, the city admits, should never have been issued at all.... 3 "the number of errors is less than one-pprcent of all piolations so we regret the inconvenience but by no means does this represent the majority of citations." "if this was just an isolated &pmistake, i'd tend toobelieve that but the fact that there have been other caaeras in other locations with the exact same errors leads me to believe its less of a mistake and mooe of, for lack of a the city is now notifying all 12-hundred motorists who received tickets....and says those who have already paid will be
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refunded in two weeks. live in north baltimore, jeff abell, fox 45 news late edition. a baltimore police officer is now under investigation.... of a 13-year-old girl. death girl.monae turnage's brother found her body in an alley... hidden under some trash bags sunday evening.her family had reported her missing late saturday night. she was supposed to go roller skating with some friends, but ended up inside one of the friend's homes. that's where the kids got their hands on a 22- caliber rifle that accidentally discharged, killing monae.but what happened afterwards is still under investigation. and it appeers a police officer ácoullá be involved in a ppssible cover-up. two boys - ages 12 and 13 - have been arreeted and charged with involuntary manslaughter. but department officials confirm an officer as been suspended while detectives work the case. a source tells fox 45 the officer is in relltionship with one suspect's mother.... and ámay
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what to say and how to handle &pthe situation.instead of calling police righh away... pomeone dragged the girl's body outside. and the victim's mmther wonders why. it.">police are also looking into how the kids got their haads on the loaded gun. police.../ are... investigating..../ a... shooting.../ in... wicomico county.../ ááthatáá left.. .a.../ 4-year-old boy dead.../ and... his mother .../ wounded. wounded. it... happened ... last night.../ at... their home.../ on.../ old railroad.../ road... in.../ hebron....//// áásha-niceáá kellam... awoke.../ to... find her soo .../ shot...// áásheáá... injured..../// áápoliceáá... say...// the boy.../ was... playing.../ with his ...fathhr's handgun, .../ ááwhicháá was... kept.../ in....the bedroom..../// áátheáá child... died.../ at... the hospital..../ firefighters.../ were busy ...this morning .../ áábattlingáá flames... in... baltimore city. just... after 2 a-m..../ a... wwman was rushed to the hospital... in serious condition .../ after a fire.../ in... northeast baltimore...//ááyouáá can see... crews on the scene.../ at...
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harford road .../ and... cars-well street...//'/. áátheáá the front lawn of the home....//.áátheáá still under investigation. crews.../ can... be seen... dousing... baltimore..../// around... 8 this morning....// áábeforeáá firefighters arrived.../ ááheavyáá smoke ...was shooting through the roof .../ of... this building... on... fair fax... road...///. were evacuated a precaution...///.áánoáá one... was hurt. to help reduce the budget might have to pay of services. lawmakers are considering extendthe sales tax to nearly 30 services...not currently taxed. (gilchrist))"car repairs in there, towing i believe is in there, photography services, staffing agencies are in similar efforts to expandthe pales tax to services...have been rejected. that brings us to our question of the day.should he state begin charging sales tax on ser? services? not surprisingly, most of you
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are against yet another tax in these uncertain economic times. let us know what you think on our facebook page. 3 the c-e-o of the baltimore city schools isn't apologizzng for the amount of money his driver earns. andres lonso says he works 80 hours a week, so its no surprise that his driver pulled in more than 70 thousand dollars in overtime. last week we learned alonso's driver earned a total of 155- thousann dollars last much as baltimore's mayyr. " all i can say to my folks my people my parents hey 'm way i'm alwasy here for you.... its a resource if i didn't have the attention to other things likee who was that in front of me &pin the road." road." alonso says most big city school superintendants have drivers to get them to and from schools and meetings. and he says it would cost the
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city even more if he divided the work between two drivers. state lawmakers...are once again taking aim at smokers. smokers.this time...they're consideringa bill which woold ban anyonefrom smoking in a car...wherethere are children. (barnes) "the epa has reported that the toxicity level in cars where people are smoking even with windows down is ten times the level deemed safe. thaa problem is exaorbated with children." children."but opponents ssy thosedecisions...should be left up to adults...and not government. a.../ small town frederick county...// ááwilláá have... the eyes ...of the world .../ on... it. it. just.../ 24 hours... after the white the... g-8 summit camp david, .../ ááalláá hottl rooms... in thurmont.../ are... booked...////. ááyou'lláá... find... the camp david museum...// at... the... cozy inn.../// ááthatáá hotel ... played host... to the for ddcades. ../ (man)"most of the peopleewho come take ovee the whole motel" (vickie grinder cozy general mgr)"we will have the press corp.. white house press
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corps.. weveehad it over the almost 7 decades willl primarily be news agencies" agencies" thurmont's ...56- hundred residents... hope the summit.../ will... bring in... business.../ and... tourism to town.. 3 omney and ssntorum have each one three states so far tonight, but the big prize this super tuesday is ohio. right now santorum and rooney are in a dead heat in the critical state. jonathon mann explains why ohio will probably decide the nominee. nominee. pichigan is the boyhood home of republican front-runner mitt romney....challenger rick pennsylvania...and right in between the two is the u-s state of ohio...both candidates think it's a place they can win...and perhaps even a state they have to win."it really is a test of both the seriousness and the staying power of any
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presidential campaign, in either party. and when it there's a lot of diverse constiiuencies there."ohho offers a microcosm of the u-s eleccorate...a mix of urbann and rural voters...evangelical christians and catholics...and a combination of moderate repubbicans and those who vote conseevative."ohio could make the differencc. they allays do. you aaways seem to be right in the center. no matter what the election, no matter when it is, ooio is the key." plus, ohio is bellwether state for the u-s general & republican presidential candidate has gone on to win the white house without the state of ohio. "voters here are very concerned about electability. they are aware of the central role thh state will play in november. and voters that are concerned about lectability here, are breaking heavily toward mitt romney as they &phave in other states."and wha does that mean for rick santorum?"f he loses ohio, it's going to be a tough slog states. it's doubtful he's going to give up, but it's a real signnl that the romnee
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campaign is going to have strong momentum going into the rest of the state primaries." jon mann cnn reporting 3 at this exact minute, romney and santorum are seperated by fewer than 6 thousand votes we'll let you know as soon as we can declare a winner. 3 bad day for american politics. a former first lady isn't mincing words. words."it's been i think the worst campaign i've ever seen in my life. i just hate it." it."barbara bush talking aboutt the mmd-slinging in the presidential campaign.mrs. bush says the tone of the ccmpaign has jus yesterday during a conference in dallas.mrs. bush has recorded some campaign phhne messages for mitt romney, but says she hasn't officially endorsed anyone. great day for some local boy scouts.13 year old ben foster and 12 year old aidennleyen of
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troop 247 in perry hall.....had their heads shaved tonight..... for a great cause..he two collected donations and sold rafffe tickets.and the winners got to shave ben and aidee's heads. ben's cousin, jackson jones, just turned 3, and was diagnosed with leukemia. jax has been at johns hopkins where they ave nicknamed him "action jackson".last week he had to have his head shaved, because his hair was falling out from chemo.that inspired ben and aiden, the two boys with the longest hair in the troop to shave it all off..all of the money collected will go to fight leukemia, and help jackson's family with medical bills. after a few flurries yesterday, we're ready for a spring warmup. warmup. get ready to shed your winterrcoat this week. week. chief meteorologist vytas reid explains why with your skywatch forecast. 3
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a motherrand her two children trappeddin the center oo the storm. how she gave up hee body to protect her kids from not one ut two deadly tornadoes. from french tips to handcuffs. how one midair manicure landed one woman behind bars. the world's most expensive chicken mcnugget. why someone shelled out over
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dozens of towns are gone after two round of deadly storms last week. a southern indiana mother sacrificed both her legs while shielding her children from not one, ut two powerful tornadoes which home. drew douglas went to her hospital room for the first interview with the heroic mother. mother. "here's all that remains of the decker's home after the two tornadoes whipped thrrugh henryville. just before the devastation struck stephhnie decker put herself on the line for her kids. she grabbed a large comforter and wrapped them inside, and then rested herself on top of them, to shield them from all the debris." "i was reaching around holding them, and trying to keep everythiig away from them so it didn't hit them."the reckage that piled on stephanie broke seven of
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her ribs and almost completely sevvred both of her legs. "i had two steel beams on my legs, and i couldn't move. i was stuck."decker told her eight-year-old son dominic to make sure the coast was clear pefore getting help. stephanie's fear was confirmed. a second twister was headed right for her family. "and they're screaming, 'mommy i can't live pithoot you. i don't want to die. please don't let me die.'" despite being pinned down by the steel beams, decker cooered er two children a second time in the commorter. after two tornadoes, just minutes apart, leveled their home, dominic aad five-year-old reess didn't suffer so much as a scratch. "anybody that knows her, has no doubt that's what she'd do." unable to remove the heavy debris lying on top of their badly injured mother, decker's young son went for help. the phone lines were down, so stephanie used her cell phone for something else."and then i took my ccll phone and i made a video for my husband,
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telling him i love him and my children that i love them." after what seemed like a lifetime, a neighbor and four others finally arrived with the 37-year-old mother writhing ii pain."he came down and i said i'm dying. you've got to save me."tourniquets were made to keep her from bleeding to death. she was eventually taken to the university of louiiville hospital, where she continues to recover. both of her legs, casualties from the massive storm."but if i can make it through that, i can live through anything." decker will have another surgery thursday and hopes to be walking with the help of prosthetics in the next ttree months. we...// have... new video .../ of... those... deadly tornadoes .../ that ripped through... america's... heartland. heartland. thiss.../ is... cell phone video... just in... from the second round of storms.../ hat hit ... captured... the huge neáá - tornado... that tore through... southern indiana...///. ááevenáá with... the shaky... cell phone video.../// the
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amerca...// aa../ woman,,, goes to... jail.../// áábecauseáá... of... her... manacure...// áájeanááá danielss.../ was... on a ...southwest airlines...// flight... from califfrnia .../ to... teeas sunday.../// áásheáá started... painting her fingernails.../ in... her seat...////. ááaáá flight attendant .../
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asked her... to stop, .../ áásoáá daniels... went to the bathroom.../ to.,.. finish.../ the.../ job...// profanity.../ sparked... the heated.../ argumenn...//// ááwhenáá the... flight landed.../ in... houston, .../ áádanielsáá was... arrested...// áánowáá she... wants to know.../ why.../ things... went.../ so far...//// "i said i'm sorry, i apologize and i put it away. about ten minutes into the flight i diicovered i only ad two nails left to paint so i thought well if i went to the bathroom and did it, it wouldn't offend anyone." anyone." police... are... asking...// the... d--a...// to... charge daniels.../ with.../ "abusive... profane language.".../// what.../ you're seeing... is a chicken mmnugget.../ ááwortháá... more than...// 8--thousand... dollars...// ááaáá... nebraska woman.../ sold.. .a... three-year-old.../ mcnngget .../ ááthatáá she... says...// looks... ájustá... like.../ george washington.../// for... $81--hundred...// pollars...// áárebekaháá speight.../ got... the... mcnugget... at... mcdonald's .../ &p three years.../ ago. ...//// áásheáá was about... to... toss it,.../ ááthenáá spotted washington...//////
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...prince harry. harry. usain bolt, the fastest man in the world, met with the royal on a ttack in jamaica today. today. this wasn't just a friendly visit, as you can see by prince harry's jamaica track suit, he wants to race. after some negotiations, prince harry and usain bolt get on the starting line with another sprinter. harry took off and usain came ut of the blocks at a friendly jog probably because he didn't want to show up the prince. it's... going start feeling.../ like summer ... at this pace. pace. let's go to pytas for the extended 33&pforecass.
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the orioles' bats were booming in the florida sun today... would it be enough to get them theii first win of the spring? bruce cunningham has the sports pnlimited. ♪ strea-ea-ea-ea-eam ♪ stream, stream, stream... ♪ strea-ea-ea-ea-eam ♪ stream, stream, stream... ♪ when i want you... ♪ my arms... ♪ when i want you... ♪ ...and all your charms... ♪ whenever i want you, all i have to do is... ♪ ♪ strea-ea-ea-ea-eam [ female announcer ] stream full seasons of shows and top movies instantly. introducing streampix. that's all for the late
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edition.../ but ...spring training... is... heating up in florida. florida. bruce has your orioles report and a whole lot more with sports unlimittd starting right now. we begin with the orioles in spring training..after last night's debacle against pittsburgh in sarasota, the orioles were looking to make a much better showing against a much better team, the boston red sox... sox...4th inning...4-0 red sox and the birds gee two back...rookie outfielder xavier henry shoots this one riiht back up the middle...catcher taylor
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teagarden...and then ryan flahertt ome around to score...the bird would eventually tie...anddthen lose 5-4.. a glimpse into the future...last year's #1 draft pick, dylan bundy worked the fifth inning, facing four hitters,and the only flaw was a walk ...birds host minnesta tomorrow in sarasota back here in baltimore...the corner of charles and cold spring is a very happy place loyola ghreyhounds are going - to the big dance.. dance..they arrived back aa bwi this morning...looking a little bleary-eyed, but happy nonethjeless...last night they defeat fairfield to win the maac tournament and get the automatic bid that comes with it...their first ncaa appearance since 1994...and they're apparantly not afraid to dream big...very big.... 3 lacrosse...dave pietromala's second ranked johns hopkins blue jays hosting manhatttn...
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petyro was a defendewr, so he with the deflection right into the stick of john keastter,m who fiies point blank...hopkins led 4-0... ...later, hopkins running the it around to john greeley aad watch him just attack the goal...keeper no chance...neither did manhattan...hopkins win 11-0, thei fvirst shutout since 1988 it's another tuesday night, and around here that means another edition of our prep player of the week in it's 3rd decade, it has honored the area's best high school athletes since way back in 1991...this week, we're back on the basketball court, checking in with baltimore resident legend... legend... that'll dooit for that'll do it for this
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