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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  March 13, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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through a long milk induced slumber? no leaks here. grab a dad and see for yourself. how compared to pampers baby dry huggies new snug & dry stops leaks better. no one can see me with tampons. that's why i have an arsenal of covert tactics. like the classic "there's nothing up my sleeve." lined with titanium. not even people with x-ray vision can tell. or the old, "i'm just taking my purse to the bathroom you never know when you're going to need your debit card." right? the bold look of u by kotex. great protection. no shame.
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3 few.">sounding the alarm about the image of thh baltimore police department. department. ittcomes after yet another embarassing incident involving an officer. 3 hello i'm jennifer gilbert. pnd i'm jeff barnd. another... baltimoree police officer.../ is... suspended.../ after... accusations of wrongdoing...///. ááit'sáá... the latest... in a string of examples.../ where... offfcers.../ have been charged ...with crimes.../ or... dissiplined.../ over the laat year. &pofficials are fed up. 3 melinda roeder is live from pplice headquarters to explain
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impacttcourt cases... and public trust in our pollce. in this latest case... a veteran female detective is charged with heft. she allegedly stole hundreds of dollars in groceries from a city supermarket. ironncally, many of the cases she investigates as a detective 3 we'reetold the charge against her stems from an incident that took place friday night -3 at the food depot on bel ir road. he detective's daughter is a cashier there - mother.... ringing up some items for as little as ten cents.until tore securiiy ggew suspicious.that detectivv & is involved in several open criminal cases - that have yet attorney's officeeconfirrs they are now reviewing those &pcases to determine how to proceed.we talked with a criminal defense attornny who pays this kind of dilemma puts -3 cases in jeopardy... and is 3 3&
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3&pjust last week, an officer was suspended afterrthe death of a 13-year-old girl. it's & believed he may have played a rrle in a possible cover-uu after she was accidentally shot.and of course, there have everythiig from brutality to towing, sooe citt -3 officials ssy more training is needed and standards should be raised for city officers.llve from police headquarters, - melinda roeder, fox 45 news - & late edition. 3 3 here's... our... question of the day. áádoáá you trust ...thh police department? phere's a look t our facebook page...the questiin got more than 100 responses today...a lot of ou say you do ánotá trust the police......but several of you say you do.join the disccssion by going to facebook dot ccm slash fox- baltimore 3 3 3 pplice.../ arrest... a university of maryland.../ student.../ ááafteráá' they... say...// the... sophomore .../ &pplanned.../ to... carry & out.../ a... shooting...
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attack.../ on.../ campus.../// today...// today...// crime and jussice... -3 reporter .../ joy lepola .../ reporrs...// ááaccordingáá... to... police.../// ááthissá... student...meant...// to... kill.../ ass.. many people... as possible. 3 olice say 19 year old aleeander song posted the on-line threats right from his &pdorm room. room. the first threat appeared saturday night on the website reddit dot coo.a former student notified police of songgs plans. his posting indicated he intended to openn fire on campus and to stay away rom the mall. hours later.... police rreeived two more calls. one came from a callee in montana the other came from a caller in baltimore. as detectivess worked to ideetify the ip address.... police presence increased on campus. some & students who know song .... told me.... they believed this was a joke .that song was trolling on line. police say this was no joke.9;55:22 that was broght up byyone of the
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recepients who went on to say dude if you're joking you bettee speak up because you alert authorities. e -3& responded lol laugh out loud go ahead you don't know what &pcampus i'm tallkinn about 55:48 55:48 police described song as emotionally distraught when of psychiatric treatment. questioned as to why students weren't wwrned of the threats earlier...thh chief said there without running the risk of tipping off song. no weapons were recovered. joy lepola -3 fox 45 news at 5::0. 3 tomorrow police in bel air will be meeting tt swap &pinformaaion about more then a dozen 'flasher' incidentt. incidents. police have alreedy - arrrsted dean carden of darlington and charged him in connection withhtwo cases. but hees been in the county lock up since january...
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and there have been ten more incidents sincc then... police say they on't knoo if all he cases are connncted. &&p3 "weee had reports where an indv. approached teeeage girls.. anddreports where -3 tteyve aaproached older omen which is why we have to see if the incidents are linked." police say they may be looking for more then one suspect. the... pressure...// on... john leopood...// 3 continues... to... mount...// mount...//now.../ everall../ want... the...// anne arrnddl...county.... executive..../ out...// ááthisáá... after...// allegations..../ - ááleopoldáá.../ had.,.. pollce... drive him... / to... mall... parking lots.../ áátoáá... have sex... with... a.../ female... staffer...//. &pupset.../ with... allegations../ .ááthatáá leopold.../ had... police.../ to... "innestiggte"... politiccl rivals. 3 (carter))"he'' an embarassment, number one, and we've fallen in the same boot as pp county with the mess that they're going throuuh." through."(hanes-lahr) "it's conduct whhch make you
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the use of city forces, the police that's scary." scary."".../ spokesman... or leooold.... sayy... leopold...// has... no inteetion... of resigning. the annual march for life in annapolis took on new mmaning this year. yeaa.before the march there waa a mass at st. mary's chuuch. its the 33rd annual march for ife and it comes in the heat of the current debate ver a new federal health care plan that require's church related groups to help pay for employee's birthhcontrol. 3 "this is unnrecedented... this is attack on the church.... this is an attack on marriage its ttack on family life. life. no supporters of the new rules cameeto ttnight's event... but ttey argue the real issue is about woman's access to healthhcare. 3 3 2... good... days.../ ááfirstáá the... girl scouts.../ cclebrate.../ their.../ - 100--th..././ anniverssry... this wwekend.
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weekend. close.../ to... 3000... members .../ came... to,... savannah.../ or... saturday's march...////. ááandáá... a.... special.../ ccntennial.../ bridge... crossing... ceremony..////. thee.. association's.../ progression .../ into... the.../ nnxt century.../. ááoveráá 2--million girls.../ are enrolled.../ in the... girl scouts...// nationwide 33 ... bad... day.../ for.../ an... atlanta.../ woman.../// poman.../// who... spent .../ pprt... f her.../ sunday .../ trapppd... n a... ggrbage chute...///. áá19á year old... amanda still,...// dropped... her &p a... bag ...of fast food.../ doon the... trash chhte..../// áásheáá tried... reaching... for her phone...// 3 suddenly...// she... ended up.../ going ...head over heels.../ down the chute...// 3 hitting... a pile of garbage .../ backed up .../ inside...// inside...// 3& in:"i had flip ffopps on out:"all the way down downin;"i was stuck up theer out:"one or 2 hours hours 3
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she... isslucky the trash.../ was backed upp../ áááráá she'd... have fallen...// into.. .the... trash compactor - below.../// 3 greatt ay...// for... a... wisconsin áácelebratingáá more than... 70--years.../ p of marriage..... áájoeáá ann... rosemary grout.../ were recognizee.../ as... the longeet-married couple.../ in... the state..../ of.../ isconsin.../././ áátheáá grouts ...tied the knot.../ december 29th, 9-38...///. ááfrom áá the,..,,. very -3 start,.../ áátheáá couple says... they knew .../ - hey'd... be together.../ for-evee. 3 3 i don't remember a formal propooal, no.. we just talked we were ttking a walk n the parr. say... their secret.../ is... thinking of... each -3 other.../ and... pnowing .../ when... to 3
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3 & 3 the search is on for a rare itemmstolen in anne arundel county. county. its a rare english boxing belt stolen from a home in annapolis.the family
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heirloom weighs about eight karat gold. and police say it shouldn't be ard to recognize. 3 "generateesome public interest someone will notice....certainly sentimentaalvalute want to locate and gee this belt back." shouud call anne arundel 3 3 tension over the mass killing house sayssits not ready to pull out theetroops. 3 a deadly trip to school. the eyewitness accounts of a deadly tragedy. 3 this is ll i have. this is the last of my famill. 3 3 and a woman's car ii sttlen with hee brother inside.... whht she diddto stop the carjacker.... nd theesearch for a secood victim she couldnt save.
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>> this is thessspected masss
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afghan civilians by an american soldier is having a ripple effect. as criag boswell reports there re &ppncreased tensions in that &pcountry..more calls for u.s. troops toobe withdrawn soonnr and a chilling threat by the talibannto retaliate. 3 ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -------- thh white house saas the & mmssaare f afghan vvllagerss - allegedly by an ammrican soldier will "not" change the -3 pimmtable of the american trrop withdrawal.carney says: "we will investigateethe ttagic incideet and make ssre there is accountabilitt." on sunday president obama expressing coodolences and &ppromisiig a thoroughh investiiation. afghanistan's parliament today called for a sttp to 3 a strategic partnership until tte suspected uus. soldder faces justice. hashimi says: "...and asked the afghaaistan government that
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the perpetrator of this act - should go to ccurt inside afghanissan." the 38 - yearrold lleged shooter is an army staff sergeant and is serving is first tour in afghanistan afterr3 tours in irrq. he had reporteely been assigned to the kandahar province less than 6 weeks ago. tte arry says he cted alonn shooting and killing 16 ..mostly women and children and burning some of the ccrpses. clinton says: "this is not who we aae nd thh united statee is committed to sseing those wwo are -3 responsible are held accountable." the attack comes as recent polls indicate pmericans have become innreasingly ttred of the decade long warr.crocker ays "well the tallban isnnt that tired. and l-qaeda badly damaged would be able to regenerate if the taliban took the country over again." boswwll says "the u.s. 3 pprtnership agreement with the afghanistan government by may. u.s. forces re scheduled to hand over securityyto afghan forces by the end of 3 p3
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3 a stuuentt../ and... bus driver... are killed.../ after ...a school bus crashess... in indianapolis. indianappoii. thii... the scene ... this porning...//. áátheáá bus,,, was carrying students to school,,,. ááwhenáá it,,, strucc the bridge...////. áátheáá bus driver.../ and... a -3 child... were killed...///. & áátwoááá students ,,,. were... critically innured --/ ááandáá , eight others ...were .../ hospiialized. 3 presley says "..i saw one of them laying n the ground covered up, sad. and then my mom callld and said she heard on the news one of the kids had passed away and the driver had passed away. that's very sad, reaks my heart." heart." the studentss.. -3 on the bus.../ were &pbetween five... and... 16- years-old..../// - 3 a woman fights back when a man sseals her car ---with herrdog inside p3 marvetta washington was at a texas wal-mart over the peekend... when thirtyy & seven year old corey dunn grabbed her purse and jumped in the ccr... her dog butch, &pand her rother, who has down syndrome, were alleady inside. washington tried to hang
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ponto the car, but let gg when -3 it ran over her eg. - 3 washinggon says: i grabbed his arm. and i told him, please don't take my brother. my brother has down's yndromm. just let him out. -3 out.this is all i hhve. thiss issthe last of my family. 3 3 the carjjcker drove one block before pussing the brother out of the car. poliie say the suspect was later arrested, but the dog was nowhere to bee seen. 3 3
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""ax ttme is a scary time for all of us, ut herr you are entrusting your taxes to aastudent." studeet." 3 teens doing taxes.... why one community is hiring high school accountants.
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ooo3 gerber.../
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recalls.../ some... poodered .... infant forrula... / ááafteráá reports of... fouu odors. odors.theerecall.../ includes.../ gerber... "good start".../ entle.../ powdered.../ áá itáá ccmes in ...23.2.../ unce... / plastic... packaaing.../// & áátheáá product -3 numbbr... is.../ g-x.../ -p-1... -6-8-4.../ áá witháá an... expiration date.../ of... march 5-th,... p013...///. áágerberáá insisss...// there's... no.../ health risk.../// áábutáá the proouct... should be... returnee...// for a refund. 3 common sense says... don't - drink and drrve....and now some lawmakers in delawarr are looking toostifffn the penally... for those who drive 3 ádrunk.átheemooe cooes after a seriee of d-u-i accidents... involving lawnmowers and a- t-v's.the bill says that
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anyone driving an off highwaa vehicle while under the influence... on a public road or a private property without ownerrs permission... is subject to state d-u-i laws. &pbut some say... it will be difficult to enforce. 3 herees a common sense approach in geergia.hhgh school students... volunteering to helpplow income residents file tteir taxes.these kids takk a courseein accounting... and have to pass a tax preparrrs exaa before they can volunteer. & 3 ii's a good idea. we don't have to pay hundredd of dollars. and they've bben 3 phe high school in marietta has been doong this for 11 years now. 3 &p 33 channing skyline in an instant. hattwill rrplace phese structures. [ male announcer ] we asked real people if they'd help us with an experiment for febreze fabric refresher; they agreed. [ experimenter 1 ] relax take some nice deep breaths. [ experimenter
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2 ] what do you smell? lilac. clean. there's something that's really fresh. a little bit beach-y. like children's blankets. smells like home. [ experimenter 1 ] okay. take your blindfolds off. ♪ ♪ hello? [ male announcer ] and now new and improved febreze fabric refresher with up to two times the odor elimination so you can breathe happy guaranteed.
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3 the skyline in kent, england, -3 has a reffessing nnw look...
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3 get this..../ & the... makeover... tooo lss than... thirty seconds... 3 thousands... gathered... to watch... four.../ iconic struccures .../ tumble... to the ground.../ during ...a controlled... demolitton...//. áátheáá blast... took out... a chimney.../ and... three... cooling towers ...// standing overr../ 300---feet tall...////. áátheáá towers... had dominated .../ the skyliie... for theelast.../ fifty years..../ ááaáá green ...eneegy park .../ will take... their place. 33 3 3 the ravens puu a price on lardarius webb and cary much it'll cost other
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teams to pry away the ravens in sports unlimited... -
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that's ittfor us. us. here's bruce cunningham -3 with sports unlimited. p,3 in the midst of all the march 3 ly,,the ravens...with free &pagency set to begin tomorrow att4, theyytook steps todayyto help insure their starting corrnrbacks stay riggt where thhy are... are... 3 lardarius wwbb gets a first rouud eeder, which means if another team signs him and the ravens choose not to match, they'll be awarded a first round pick...webb willlmake just under 2.8 mmllion under the tenner...cary williams got - a second round tender, which will pay him just under 2 million..the avees have two
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lineeacker dannell ellerbe and running back matt word as yet n what the ravens willldo with them. 3 the men gor the word last night...tonightt it's the women's turn...the ield was announced for the ncaaa tournament...two teams from marrland, the lady terps and &pnavy, are in the field..and guess who they'll play in the first round? round? 3 how about eacc other?it'' true, of the 64 teams in the tournament, they have matched & up the two maryland teams... the 15 tte seeddd miis will travel to college park to take on the second seeded lady am... meanwhile...there will be no post-season playyfor mary turgeon's mens terps teem... their 17-15 record [retty much elimmnattd any shot at the ncaa tournaaenbt, buu they were also passed over by the's the second straight year they'll sit out the post-season, priot to last season, that waa the first time since 1193 that they were shut out..turgeon says he's proud of this year's team, and promises the future ill be brighter... 3 more positiveepitching nees -
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por the orioles commng out of florida right now...a second straight good outing for one of their new free agents from the far eass.... east.... 3 wei-yin chen on the bumm for the biids...strikes out jeff & mathis to end thh run in 3 innings for chen.... bottom of the 4th...tte &pageless one at the plate for toronto...44 yearrold omar vizquel siigles inno center... 2 runs jays beat the o's 4-1... &pit's now time to announce the candidates in our high school game of the week contest... brought to you by varsity &psports network dot can vote for the game you'd & likeeto sse highlights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com and clicking on high school game of the weee... here's &pthii week's slate of games... pames...for friday march 16th....urley at severnnin boys lacrosse...hill cademy of canada visits calvvrt hall in lax...baltimore lutheran hosts st. peter and paul also in llcrosse...and the city- 3 game...we'll announce he winner on thursday ight... 3 and before we leave...the baltimore blast beat the rochester lancers tonight advancing o theemisl championship against one issfriday night at 7:30 at 1sttmariner arenn...that'll do it for this
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-3 edition f sports unlimited... i'm bruce sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnighh. goodnightt 3
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