tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW March 16, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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hello i'm jeff barnd. i'm jennifer gilbert. breaking news in p-g counttwhere an amber alert is in effect. effect. police.../ need your help.../ pinding... a... boy.../ who... átheyá... say.../ was... kidnaaped...// by... his mother .../ from.../ "dodge park"... elementary school.../ this morning. morning. 3 looking... for.... 9 áá4áá... eet tall.../ aboot.../ 80 pounds .../ ááheáá was... last seen... in a white polo.../ and... blue pants, .../ ááhisáá school uniform...//. áátheáá suspect's.../ sslvia garcia,...//// ááshe'sáá... 5--2...// 130 pounds .../ with... black hair... and...// brrwnn eyes.../. ááshe'sáá... driving... a... 1993 black mercedes.../ 190 class.../ with... maryland tags....//. ááannoneáá who... spots the boy... or his mother.../ áá calláá police. in tonight's other big story... get ready tt pay higher income taxes andmore for items. all part... of.../ maryland's... opprating budget...//// budget....///
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approvedd.. today.../ by... / the state senate...///. senate...///. you don't have to be a feel the pinch.the 35-billion dollar the senate...includes...higgee all working marylanders.those earning 500-thousand...will ppy an even higherrraae. and millionairrs...will wind uu paying... nearly 25-hundred dollars more a year. ((take sot))(pinsky) ""s it wrong to ask people who have more means to pay a greater percentage? is it radical, not at all." (colburn) "now that it looks likk we're recovering from the recession that we want to increase taxes against economics 101 says you don't iicrease taxes during a recessi" recession."senators...reeected a plan to reduceeincome tax deductionsfor mortgage interest.thhy also reeected a music. but the tte senatt has extended the sales tax...on items you purchase on-line. the faces the house. john rydell, fox 45 news...late edition. we asked:
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áádoáá you agree.../ with... the senatee plan.../ to... tax.../ on-line... purchases? purchases? mosttá... of... you.../// are... against... this...// áájoináá... the... debate...// on our.../ also in annapolis... the mmryland house oo delegates has apprrved a meassre that pould allow inmates to earn sentences by receiving academic degrees or certificates. the bill was inmates convicted of murder t - from benefiting from the prrgram. the measure now moves to the state senate for the baltimore city police department releases a report outlining ig changes in tth department. it comes folllwing the tragic death of officer william torbit. janice park is live at ppliceeheadquarters headquarters tonight with information about what's in &pthe lengthy report. officer william torbits family says they re pleased with the changes the department is implmenting. but they say there s still a lot to do to cleen uppthe baltimore city police depprtment. a 110 page reeort outllne
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problems and solutions to what s beiig called one oo the darkest nights in police history. in january 2010 officer william toobit was shot more than 20 times by fellow officers who did not recognize him as an officer since he was in plain clothes. tonight the department says it &ps learned hard lessons. and now all officer muss be in uniform. and if they re not &ppolice crowd control o &psituations. "one f thh biggest changgs, officers that are working the street, taking enforcement actionn will bb in identifable police attire, in outer garments that say police" 3 to read the entire report for yourself u can head to our website a former caregiver in baltimore county..... could... spend the rest of his life behind bars.../ after admitting... he sexually abused... an autistic man...// . . 57 year old ... .tony chestnut ...admitted he.../
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targeted... his victim.../ áábecauseáá the man... was unable speak...//. áávideoáá recordings ...of the abuse ...were played.../ for the judge ...prior.../ to...sentencing ....// chestnnt received 40 years. .../ the judge called his behavior .../ absolutely outragous...///. 6:07:12 it was more than the sex act and it showed that the victim really didn't even understand what he was doing or how to do it and the def had to physically make him do it.and that's what really stuck in my mind frankly in 25 years it's some of the worst video that i have everrseen. :28 :28 leaving court,chestnut's niece told fox45 shh did noot believe her uncle was a sexual new federal guidelines... could meannhundreds of thousands of dollars in finess for the citt of altimore. baltimore.a new federal mandate went into effect today requiring all public pools be accessible to people ith disabilities. that meanssa public pool must eether have a pool lift, sloped entry orr speccal stairs.pools that don't comply could be fined a
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áminimumá 100-thoosand dollars. cities likeebaltimore - which hass50-public pools - is a huge financial challenge. 2:15 the challenge with that is it's an unfunded mmndate 18 the mandate has come down but no federal money has been given to help you comply 23 and of course as it's no secret, our budget is really strapped 26 the city says it's filed a waiver asking for more time to come up with a plan to bring its pooos into compliance. another baatimore cathollc school is closing the prchdiocese of baltimore confirms st. ambrose school in end of the year the of budget trouble and ecause - deccining enrollment. 3 blagojevich. he's now a federal prisoner prisoner you can...see. him walking into... the federal correctional denver to begin... erving a 14-year sentence the former illinois governor was found guilty on... 17 counts of corruption
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he was accused of tryinn to sell barack obama's open senate seat four years ago. a high schoooteacher will be honored as one of the best teachers in the u.s. u.s.---nats of cheering-- - in a surprise ceremony david brock learned he will be inducted into the national teachers hall of fame students and staff cheered as brock learnnd of the honor he teaches biology at roland park coontry school and is overjoyed. "i'm as close to speechless as i have ever been...and they would all tell you reducing me to speechlessness is nearly imp" impossible"brock began teaching 23 years ago. inductees will be honored in washington d-c in may and will officiallyy be inducted in june. bad day for southhbaltimore.a nnw report says theecurtis bayy and brooklyn areas are among tte nation's most polluted zip codes. a report released
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&p president obama says there is no silver bullet.. to the problem of soaring gas prices.. &p. and he rought that message to prince georggs county community college today. theeees no uch thing as a quick fix hen it comes to high gas prices." gas costs 26 cents more per gallon right now...then ittddd last year at this same time. as the prices continue to cceep up.... political analysts weigh in on how it might affeets the presidential campaign. (rrchard vatz) "i think if prices keep going up,,without any sttlling on that i think it could hurt the president but i dont thiik it will be the definative issueon which
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he wins or loses.. its just pomething he has to be &pconcerned about" still, there's a lot of blame being tossed around washington over gas speaker of the house john boehner says the high prices run parallel to a weak energy policy from the megyn gilliland reports, the speaker released a chronolgy of increasing gas prices and ddcisions. policy decisions. -in february 2009, the obama aaministration canceled 777 leasss for oil and gas proouction in utah. the price gas was $1.81 a gallon.-in march of that yearr speaker boehner cited an abc news rrport that the white house solyndra loan process while delaying other domesttc production.a gallon of gas was $1.94. two ears later solyndra went bankrupt and with it $535 million taxpayer dollars.-in june, the president urged senate support for a national energy tax.a gallon of gas was $2.50.-in
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january 2010, the policies adding delays to domestic drilling and the leasing process. a gallon of 2010, the administration - blocked the production of deep ocean energy.a gallon of gas was $2.88.-nine monthsslater, the white house expanded its &pproduction.a gallon of gas wa $2.86.-in march 2011, the whiie ouse opposed two house bills that republicans say would have created energy jobs and jump started production.a gallon of gas cost $3.96.-in june of last year, he white house opposed a house pass bill that republiians say would have broughtt27 million barrels of oil to the market.a gallon of gas was $3.65.-in
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november, the administration pushee for a five year moratorium on the produution of offshore energy..a gallon of gas cost $3.42.-and in january of this year, obama rejected the expansionnof the keystone pipeline from canada to the gulf coast.a gallon of gas was sellinn for $3.39.i'm megyn gilliliand reporting. republicans and democrats do pump today are not directly - tied to the country's long term energy policy.but when policy decisions are made, there are often quick &preactiins which create a rrller coaster for prices of gas the pump. 33 a.../ terrible day.../ for... the u--s...// in afghaninstan. afghaninstann the fallout.../ from the... &pcivilian massacre.../ by... a... u.s. soldier.../ ááandáá the... burning of koran's.../// has reachee .../ critical pass..//. áááheáá afghan president.../ waatss...american troops ann... back... on their bases....///
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áácontroversialáá peace talks... with the taliban.../ are... also dead..../// the afghan president... also said... his own troops.../ should... take over security.../ in... 20--13.../// ,áá aáá full... two yyars .../ scheduled withdrawal. oregon....a would-be robber in - the blue helmett.. starts spraying.../ something...//. the owner wasn't going to let him... get away .../ and... threw something from the counter at him...///. that didn't ssem to be enough... // seconds later... theeowner grabbed a bat... and started attacking the crook...//. the man was hit so hard ... the owner broke his bbt -/ and the suspect ran out 3iihout any money. 3 3 3 3 3 33 3
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in nursing homes... is associated wwth an increased risk of death. researchers studied nearly a thousand female nursing home residents with an average age of eighty-four. the team discovered more than ninety percent of residents had lower-than- your doctor can determinn whether you're low on vitamin d with a simple blood test. 3 p who'd... have... thought.,..// baabers...// would... / be...// up-in-arms...// with... their... poles? barbers... in... minnesota... say...// ááthatáá... iconic...// blue-and-red... striped...// spinning... pole...// áábelongsáá... áonlyá.../ in barber... shops...// hhir-salons...// áábbrbersáá... say... salons...// are... steallnn...// an... age-old...// symbol... pf... their.../// centuries...// old... profession...// áátheyáá... want... lawmakers...// to... ban...// of...// salons.../// áálawmaakrsáá../ say...// before... they...// vote... on it...// áátheyáá... must... takk.../ a... pole...// in utah 2--people... go...for...// an... early
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morning.../ drive.. ááoneáá... is... 8-years.../ old...// áátheáá... other... is...// his... 5-year old...// ssster...// áábiiáá... bro... was driving... sis...// to... the... store..../ t... 2--am...// áábutáá... .../ swerved.../ off... the road ...//// ááluckilyáá...// the van.../ stopped... by some... trees.../ lining... a...// river...//// áánoáá one... was hurt..../// ááwhereáá... were... the... parents? áásleepingáá...// 3 breaking recoods despite a deadly disease. hoo one baltimore power lifter s beating the odds in the gym/ 3 3
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&pthat's it for us. us. here's... bruce cunningham../.// with a lot... of march madness.../ in sports unlimited. pimmy patsos has the glass slipper in his briefcase.... his 15th seeded loyola greyhounds are in pittsburgh at this hour, taking on 2nd seeded ohio state... cinderella, anyone? anyone? it's not going too well for
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the greyhounds right now... phey trail the buckeyes by 17 points in the 2nd half... llyola has been in foul trouble all night...ooio state is 17-of-20 from the charity jim boeheim and number one syracuse layinggnumber 16 unc- asheville....1st half...matt dickey drills the three... bulldogs lead the top ranked orange by 4 at the break.... 2nd up 4...scoop jjrdine at the line...misses the front end f the 1-and-1... jp primm gets the board for the bulldogs...but look at the replay...primm starts behind the three point line and is past the shooter before it violation...jardine made 2 free throws to push their lead to 6....after a three pointer cuts it to a one possession game...bulldogs think syracuse turns it over...but the official signals orange ball... wait... what???? clearly goes off brrnddn triche and out of bounds...should be unc- aaheville's possession...but that's how this one ends... orange narrowly escape the biggest upset in tournament history...72-65...they'll meet
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kansas state on saturday... the ravees have lost another veteran starter to free agency...their 3rd in 2 days..., a starring offensive lineman. lineman. ben grubbs has decided to take hisstalents to the new orleans saints..and e gets a big peal...5 years, 36 million...10 million dollar bonussand 11 million to keep him...but theirroffer reportedly was around 5 million short...a pro bowl selection this season, grubbs was the ravens number one pick in the 2007 draft..and he sees a lot of the ravvns defeese in the saints offense... 3 3to sarasota, where one of the biggest question marks for the orioles is brian matusz...once a first
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roundddraff pick, he may have been the worst pitcher in the major leagues last season...he threw well last time out this spring and today faced the mighty detroit tigers in a big . test.. facing reigging al mvp and cy young aaard winner justin verlander...advantage chavez... takes him deep for the solo matusz with a great outting... strikes out alex aliva to end the frame...6 strike outs in 4 scoreless innings by matusz... but the o's lose 4-2 to the tigers... it's now time to announce our high school game of tte week winner...brought to you by varsity sports network dot com.. com... you picked hill academy of canada visting calvert &phall...tune in tomorrow night for the highlights...thankssto everyone who voted this week... that'll do it for this editioo of sports unlimited..i'm bruce sure to tune in to fox45 morning news sure to tune
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