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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  March 20, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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becuase i trusted these people with my inforraiton" informaiton" the victim of identity theft.... 3 tonight, the way one woman is fighting back after a city worker allegedly steals her personal information. hello.... i'm jeff barrd. barnd.and i'mmjennifer gilbert. a housing authority worker in baltiiore is charged with identity theft. she's accused of stealing at least &pnumber to open credit cards and an account with b-g-e.
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melinda roeder .../ live downtoon... / ááwitháá more... on this story... that.../ you're... seeing .../ first on fox.melinda? officials with the housing authority in baltimore say they're taking these claims seriously. the employee - now charged with fraud and indentity theft - hhs resigned. and will soon go to court. in the mmantime,,the viitims is stuck with a big wants justice.and she says she - tarshia tanner used to live at the muccullough apartments... a public housing complex. when she moved out, she tried setting up a b-g-e account at her new apartmeet and was told she already had an account in her name... with an ouustanding bill offmore tthn 15--unnred bucks. she didn't recognize the address listed with the bogus account, so she man who answered told her that the previous resident was a housing authooity employee... homes... and had accees to residents' private information - including social security numbers and birttdates.after some more digging... tanner
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went to the housing complex manager and investigators.the employee - sholanda lowe - has resigned and is now facing charges.but the investigation is still uuderway. < "the case is currently ii the nspector general's office and she is reviewing the case. once the facts of that case appropriate actionn"> take - tanner says he suspecttalso opened two credit cards in her name. and she's been told there are ther victims. but housing officials say they can't comment on that claim. live downtown... melinda edition. reaking news.../ out... of.../ southeast altimore...//. video... of a hhmicide.../ ááthatáá happened on.../ east pratt../ street... / near... patterson high school...///áápoliceáá.../ arrived... there.../ just after.../ -30 tonite...// áátoáá find... a man .../ in... the street... / &p ááshotáá ii... the chest..../// áápoliceáá are... still looking.../ for the suspect this past weekend proved to be
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the city's mosttviooent so far this year. year.there were 8 shootings.... two were eadly. deadly. the first occured ffiday here along east chase &pstreet in east baltimore. th victim... a 54 year old man. increased patrols in the areaa but that's done little to get people to talk. s for whether the shootings re some how related... 11:43:17 were trying to go through each individual case... some may be related. some may not. it's just tough rihg now to put evvrything collectively together. detectives are looking to see if there's ccmmonality. we did have two homicides over the weekend aatotal of 8 shootings and were really trying hhrd to figure out what the motives in these casee are 43:35 police are also looking at people wwo were recently released from prrson and may be getting ack into he city's drug game as possible suspects. the... inner harbor .../ - is... in... queetion.../ ...of teens.../ night...//.police say 10 teens were arrested and one young girl was stabbed during the chaos.investigators believe the kids used social media to
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spread the word.... and plan the meet up.they're coolecting information from school pollce, and plan to interview the girl who was stabbed. "you had kids converge from fights ver petty silly things " frankly" mayor stephanii rawlings blake says they're also using cameras to watch bus and lightrril stops... here crowds could be forming. another baltimore city police officer is going to jail...the result of a massive &pcorrruption scandal that invovled kick -backs and former city officer jerry diggs, jr. was sentenced to 30 months in prison and ordered &pto pay $14,000 in restitution... ...for referring drivees involved in accidents to a local towing company... in xchange for cash. he alss admitted to filing false accident reports to collect insurance money. be sentenced in the case. at - leasttdozen other officers are currently awaiting sentencing or have pled guiity.
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today.../// loved ones.../ gathered say goodbbe .../ to... a &pmaryland.../ nat'l... guardsman.../ ákilledá... in . afghanistan. they... at... the trinity assembly of god.../ in... lutherville.../ áápayingáá respeccs... to... army major.../ robert.../ mar-- chanti.../// ááaáá coonty .../ teacher .../ áákilledáá llst month.../ when... the afghan.../ interior ministry.../ wws... attacked..../. ááhisáá children... remember him.../ as... a loving.../ caring fathhr. " "words can't express how sad we are today, i hope f the military is watching this who ever it is that goes out and is looking for whoever did this tt my father...i hooe they find that coward" coward""my dad was the pefect us how mmch he loved us...and - he would do anything for us and for the military" military"marchanti... leaves behind... a wife, .../ four children.../ and... three.../ ááhe'lláá be buried tomorrow ...// at... arlington national cemetery. 3 thaa proposal to exteed
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maryland's sales tax on items you buy "on-line" has been rejected by a house committee. commmttee.last week,,thh senate approved the new tax as partoff in the hhuse arguedthe egates so-called "amazon" taxwould be difficult to collect.thh house version of the budget also targets fewer people for an income tax hike which could get more supporr from republicans. 3"we know that 96% of marylanders accordiig to a recent gonzales poll say that they are taxed enoughh, so at what point does that statt government says they're taxes enoogh, maybe we need to re-think how we do this, maybe we really do need to so some oo those cuts." cuts."the house ii expected to take a inal vote on the budget later this week. mayor stephanie slots revenue to cut city on property taxes. she's innroduced a plan tt cut the property tax rate 20 cents by 2020 3 throuuh a homeowner's tax credit program.'s funded witt projected revenue from future
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slots machines to be installed in baltimore. when it comes to government transparency... a new survey gives maryland a "d-minus." "d-minus."the center for public integrity ranks maryland 40th... in overal ethics..t cites the case of senator ulysses currie who was "censured" for failing to disclose his consulting job with a grocery store chain. (mossburg) "it makes ii very hard for your and i or anyone not there's a conflict of interest with a particular leeiilator and whether or not they're votingon legislation that affects thher employer." employer." o'malley says the reeort is - flawed. we asked do you think maarylnd government is corrupt? corrupt?most of you seem to think so.... you can join the debate on our facebook page at facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. a battle between parents and park lovers in baltimore
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countyycould soon be coming to an end. the county school board eed a publlc hearing tonight over the fate of mays chappe park in lutherville. school officials want to tear it down to build a new elementtry school as a solution too overcrowding. but many who live near the park say the plan will only increase traffic and cut open space. lynn warfield/park lover: 22:50 ohh they need a school, they just don't need it here 55 yara cheikh/parent: 3750 kids providing them with seats and looking at sites that the school system already owns 56 56the school board is expected to vote on the plan tomorrow night. if it does pass, the school could open in the next two to three years. bad... day.../ for... occupy wall street.../ &p protesters /// caught...on video...// video...// it.../ shows... the female... demonstrator.../ elbowing officer... in the head.../ saturday...///. áá at ...zzccotti park.../ áámarkingáá the... six-month anniversary.../ of... the movement...//.
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áápoliceáá' ordered them... to leave.../ ááafteráá they violated... park rrles.../ bb... bringing items like.... sleeping bags... and alcohol..../ áá73áá people... were arrested....// protester ing... - if.../ you own stock.../ ááyou'lláá share... in thee.. 97-billionndollar.../ pie.../ ááshareeholdersáá wondree... for weeks.../ how apple... was going tt...// divvy out...// all.../ that money...// after their... incredible success...// ááappleáá announced today... áástock=holdersá(á can... look oward to.../ &p a... quarterly divdend.../ of....$2.65...// in july... / during apple'ss../ 4--th quarter.../// ááappleáá hopes... to... lure...// more stockholders...// bad day... in greece...// ááwhereáá socccr faas .../. went berserk...// áátheyáá hurled... firebombs...//// ááaadáá.../ pttacked... police... with clubs.../ in between... the country's.../ top teams...//. áá9áá cops... were hurt...// áá2áá seriously....// ááthingsáá got... so tense, .../ áátheáá visitinn team's... fans.../ are... áneverá allowed ...into... áany á' match....//// there may be trouble on your
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morning commute... chief meteorologist vytas reid has our skywatch forecast 3 there is only one p,3 3 browne says: "you couldn't pmagine a moreedifficulttcase
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i on't think." think." the attorney for a soldier accused of killing afghaa civilians... finally speaks out.... what he's planning as "can you sit up for me? sit airport security pats down a what else they did tt the .. little boy that'' creattng we were holding hands and we closed our eees and everybody was screaming 3 teens trapped when a floor collapses during a birthday.... how firefighters rescued them... and the reaaon surprised....
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sergeann accused of killing 16
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afghan civilians met with his lawyer foo the firstt ime james rosen reports, the attorney is already calling it a difficult case to defend. 3 john henryybrowne spent three-and-a--all hours with sergeant bales at fort leavenworth miiitary prison....
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and escribee it as one of the most emotional meetings baseddlawyer has previously le-- defended serial killer ted moore, the so-called "barefoot bandit". their strategy session was held under quote- unquote "privvleged" circumstances.steed says: "it &paffords a little more privacy thhn the non-privileged [kind]. non-privileged is when ffmily members or friends come, just for routine visit. and that privileged visit is more for, you know, of moving forward with any case. sppaking to reporters last night, attorney browne said the bales case is fraught with polltics and other challenges.browne says: "you couldnnt imaginn a more difficult case i don't thiik." bales is the sole suspect in last weekks shooting rampage in southern afghanistan.. in which sixteen ciiilians were killed, including nine children.... until now, records showed sergeant bales had performee honorably, even heroically, in the arred forces... including three grueling tours of duty in iraq.. brownn touched on the topic of ápost- traumatic-stress-disorder.á browne says: "everybody that deployments through the
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to have some form of ptsd"(on cam ag) rosen says: "browne said bales has already clariffed one story. it was two days before the shoottng when one of bales' riends... anothee soldier... lost hhs leg to a roadside bomb. bales, thh lawyer ssad, did not witness the exxllsion, but saw the aftermaah. in washington, james rosen, fox news. " 3tragedy.../ at... a... school in france .../ ááaáá gunman... opens fire.../ áákillingáá 4--people..//// áá3áá were children. it... happened... students... arrived.../ at... a jewish school... in toulouse.../ thii morning...///. áátheáá school... director... saw his daughter.../ of him.../// . ááaáá - teacher... was.../ also killed...////. áá theáá gunman ...reeains on tte loose...///. ááfrance'sáá president.../ sarkosy...// vows... too fight...the killer. &pa dozen teens arr injured whe a birttday party comes to a crashing halt.. 3 firefighters were called to a house party in queens saturddy, after the third floor collapsed. 8 people had no way out, so crews used ssecial equipment to reach them through the windows.two were taken to the hossital,
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ten others were treated at the scene.the partgoers say ii happened while they were dancing. my little cousin was dancing and we were all crowding him, and then we just all fell, like all ust dropped, collapssd into the living room. 3 meanwhile, neighbors say they've questioned the structural integrity of the house for years. records shoo the property owner was issued ffve violations in connection with an upstairs expansion. 33 3 3 3
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stained sheets are a travelers nightmare ..... so, how clean ii your hotel room? a new and bad directions lead one car straight into tte bay.... why the driver kept going even after the road endee...
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the.../ firsttthing... you do... at a hotel .../ ááisáá check the heets... for stains .. / ááyouáá... have company. company.according.../ to... the... l--a.../ times... /
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pf people say.../ they check... their hotel rooms.../ for cleanliness...//. ááofáá thooe people... / about... 70 percent.../ found... something gross.../ in... their rroms... / áálikeáá cockroaches and air...// áátravellrsáá say.../ they use everything.../ ááfromáá disinfectant wipes.../ too.. toilet pappr.../ to... clean up.../// what the housekeeper... missed. 3 if you have common sense... and a g-p-s... you know you shouldn't always follow it. it.three japanese ourists were vacatiooing in australia when they decided to take a iisand.the three students kee - followed their gps &pinstructiins.... and drove directly through moretonnbay. one studenttwas quoteddas saying.....the ps told us we could drive there.ok, ittwas low tide... bbt come on. we've heard lots of stories about t-s-a patdowns that lack common sense.and here's another one.a 3 year old... inn
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a wheelchair....on the way to disney world..... gets swabbed for explosives by the t-s-a. the little boo was in a body cast for a broken leg.he was singled out by security at chicago's o'hare international airport. one agent asks if he can lift he boy's shirt (he did offer a private screening room).dad recorded the whooe thing.. and posted it n youuub. common sense says yoo shouldn't send packages featuring wire-wrapped digitaa clocks with unsigned messages that say "your time is running out".apparently the people at convar deutchland, a german data security company..... don't have much common sense. they thought that mailing out 40 hard drivessgluee to alarm clooks would attract new customerr. instead, they attracttd the boob squad. 3 a gorilla gets even...and it's all caught on camera.
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camera. &pthe prank he pulled on a couple oo zoo workers... next. 3
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ccn yyu really blame the gorilla for trying to have some ffn? get this..../ itt../ looks like.../ just .../ another day .../ at... theezoo.../ ááaáá gorilla... casually.../
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scratching.,../ at... the ground .../ ááwhileáá employees... work.../ behind him...///.áábutáá then...// he... decided to play.../ a.../ harmlees.../ ááwatcháá.... ááheáá rips out.../ a... clump of grass.../ and.../ at... the workers..../ ááthenáá takes off... / running..../// 3 3 3
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3 peyton manninn is going to den. denver... the surprise team .../ that... might be interested... in trading... ffr tim ttbow.../ next in sports unlimited... that'll do it for the late editionn.../ thanks
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for joining us. i'' jeef barnd. and m jennifer gilbert, up sportt unlimited starts right now. march madness returns...and this time n the women's side...maryland playinn louisville for a spot in the sweet 16..and a simmering sidenote...terps coach brenda frese goong against her former top assistant...jeff walz...theerrrelationship has grown a bit frosty since then...and tonight, the stakes high.... walz and number 7 louisville thinking upset....1st half... larin mincy open at the top of
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the key...drills the three... game high 24 points...terps up p at the brrak....2nd half... louisville by 2...becky burke lays it the foul...5 point lead after the free throw....but maryland comes back...up a basket...tianna hawkins 2 of her 15 points... she also pulled down 14 rebounds...terps uu 4....under 10 seconds...louisville doww 3...but they get a terrible look...burke's shottis partially blocked...maryland advances to the sweet 16 for the first time since 2009... they ade it to the elite louisville... and lost to - at long last, the peyton manning saga has come to an free agent has decided where - he'll now choice: the denver broncoss.. broncos... his agent is still negotiating, but it appears the 36 year old manning will get a 5 year, 95-million deal to join the broncos...the four president johh elwayyto give him the news, and then instructed his agent to get tte deal done...he also
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alerted pparent runners up san francisco and tennessee... said for sure, but the budding young stars on the ronco unsettled state of the afc west had to have been a factor...and guess wwat? we'll get a look at him this season.nd that's not usually &pgood news... manning has a long history playing the ravens... the broncos are coming to baltimore this year...he's 6-and-2 with 17 touchdowns and 5 interceptions in the regular season...2-and-ohhin the playoofs...but the ravens have denvee's number at m&t bank stadium...the purppe and black are a perfect 5-and-oh against denver in baltimore...with meeting... 3&p and reports are fllin that semi-imcumbent tim tebow will now be traded, with his hometown jacksonville jaguars atop the list...they are the gate..and tebow's presence would certainly help there... the patrioos are ssid to be a day off for the orioles, nd a very nice to spend it...sarasota, florida...the birds get back to action tomorrow when hey take on the
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phillies at ed smith stadium.. stadium.. and it looks as if they'll be heading north without one of their starting pitchers.... lefthander zach britton is still nursing that shoulder problem that cut short his season in 2011...and will miss a scheduled start down in florida...he has yet to face a major league hitter this spring. it'' now time to announce tte candidates in our high school game of the week conntst... brought to you by varsity sports network dot can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com and clicking on high school game of the week... here's this week's slate offgames... games... for this friday march 23rd... eastern tech at franklin in paul's hosts fallstoo in boys lacrosse... gilman visits herrford in boys lax...and severna park travels to northeast anne arundel in baseball...we'll announce the winner on thursday night... that'll do it for this ediiion of sports unlimited...i'm bruce cunningham...goodnnght. goodnight.
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