tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW March 22, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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♪ new tone rehab 2-in-1 foundation from [ babbling ] ...covergirl. that's what i'm talking about. see? what did you just say? i'm looking for some "beeza-beeza-vuza-vuza." hello... i'm jeff . barnd. anddi'm jennifer gilbeet. first on ox, our officer's suspension after he pakes the cell phone from a poman who was recordinn him. him. the... problem ...for the officer.../ phonn or camera .../ - is... againnt.../ the department's rules...// ááandáá... a... violation... of your rrghts.../ áácrimeáá and justice reporter joy lepola... how... a.../ 45 second video... took an officer.../ off the streets. streets. it's disturbing video thht attoneys for the a-c-l-u deecribe as an aause of power by police. the incident happened last night afterra woman decided to start
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recording a traafic stop made by ity pplice in herry hill. take a look.... look.... :37 let me see your id(looks like is camera is up)you can have my id. ok, let me et your id sir. but it's not against the law for me to video what youure doing. you're own private roperty. i'm n private proert y.yes, over here. come on here. 2:11 look look he just took my e woman's phone remains on top citation to her for treaspassiig on private property. we showed the video to police ann the commissioner says he's 13:29:36 if you're a knuckle head were gonna hold you accountable f yyu're injred by somehhing we do let us know you don't have to be affected by this justtlast month, the police department announced a new policy that allows residents to videottpe offiiers without fear of arrest... itcame as the depprtmmnt attempted to keee a federal lawsuittfrom moving forward. in that case, a man
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attending preaaness had his phone taken away by police aad all the video was erased. here's... our... question f the ddy...//. áádoáá you think... altimore police.../ have been... properll trained.../ p inn.. the policy? 3head to our facebook age and let us know what you think about this free speech issue. if... you ...want to see... the entrie confrontation...// ááthatáá got the officer... suspended, .../ áágoáá to... fox baltimore dot com...//// áátheeá whole video... is inn../ rrw nnws. police say a an attacked hhs own mother witt a hammer, forcing her to run for her life to get help. myranda stephens is live tonight at police headquarters in millersville with the latest on thh investigation. &p3estigation..- 3
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gruessoe. gruusome. most disgustiig heinous thiig you could ever iiagine how any human bbinn can do mother a human being or your ms, fox45 news late edition. a violent night in baltimore... leaves one man dead and three others injured in separate shoooings. occurreddnearrcoppin state university, at the intersection of west north
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avenue and ashburton street.a man was found ssot in the chest last niiht ... he later died at shock trauma.pplice arressed a suspecttwho ran from the scene. just 30 minutes earrier, poliie ere called to a shooting that started at a gas station on edmondson avenue neer woodington road.the victim was shot in the stomach by a man who asked for a ride then tried to rob him.he's in serious condition, but iss exxected to survive. police .../ plan... to file charges .../ ááinááá connection with... a ttrile stabbing.../ in ...owings miils. happenee .../ tuesday.../ at... thii... development.../ on... spectatoo lane.../ reisterstoww roadd../// - áápollceááá say... a fight roke out ...between residents.../ and..../ 5---eople.áátheáá suspects and viccims.../ people ...were stabbed,.../ áááncludingáá a... 200year-old remains hospitalized...///. ááaáá 19-year-old 25-year-old woman .../ were .../ p ballimore's.../ mayor ...releesed her spending plan todayy../ for... the next .../ fiscaa yee. year.../. the... mayoo... hopes to improve schools.../ and... lower .../ property taxes.../ áábeginningáá... wwth a cut... of 2-cents .../
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year..../// áábutáá she... has to cut spending... / áátoáá... close... a.../ 48-million dollar budgett gap....//// ááasáá a result.../ more.... than.../ 230 positions... will be.../ of... the deepest utt.../ affects... firefighters..../// áásheeá plans... to close ...// 3---stations ../ next year....//// < "ww're fully funding ems and 80 percent of the calls that comeeinto the fire dept. aad chaage there.""and with the pesources being cut, it makes our job harder, don't care who says wht - it makes our job a hell of a lot harder."> harder."> the... mayor &phasn't said....which... stations.../ she plans... to close...//. a water main break closes roads in nnrthwwst baltimoreeas maryland's agiig pipes continue toofail under the strain of years of use. use. the... 20 inch main urst this mornnng at windsorrmill road and north forest park avenue.water flooded the streetssfor several hours before crees shut it off.the outage... affected several homes, ../ ááaáá daycare center .../ andd..../ kernan hospital..... ááforestáá parr between... windsor mill.../ ááwilláá be... shht down...// for... two... or thrre days.
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two baltimore city for a moratorium on putting people out of their homes for unpaid water and sewer bills.... billl..... an audit that showw tens of y thousands of households in balt received faulty or estimated water billl.... right now.....more than 23-hundred homesseligible for tax sale... and councilman carl stokes are seeking a moratorium on sales offproperties due to unpaid &wa demonstrate than accurate billing systtm is in place... (33:20)weere calling this a sales..... a ity spokespeesonnsays....the city is working to fix the
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inacccracies....however a 2 year moratorium coulddlead to the city's bond maryland'ss../ flush tax...// will... be "doubled" .../// under ...a bill.../ in... annapolis. annapolis.a.../ house committee.../ approved.../ a... yearly increase.../ in... that fee...// ááfromááá 30... to 60--ollars..../// ááit'sáá sed... sswagee.. reatment - plants../////. ááenviroonentalistsááá.. say...// it's... needed.../ to... clean... the bby. (aioss) "if they're not properly upgraded, then we're going toostand to lose in the reddction."republicans.../ oppose... an áásaaingáá are... alrrady.../ hiit...// o the 3- appearrnce in aryland as ourr presidential primary takes on a new meannng this year. year. front-runnerrmitt american legion post in three-hundred fifty people gathered there for a town hhll meettng. omney, tookk
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about 30 minutes to remind the republicans' choice in the maryland presidennial race. he never mentioned anyyof his rival cannidatess..hoosing instead, to stay focused on preeiient obama. "he said he'd cct ttxes from middle income taxppyers, that hasn'' happened either. this man iss ut oo ideas and he's out oo excuses anddin 2012, &pwe're going to make sure we ggt him ut of office (applauss" &p(applaase)" ttpiccaly, maryland is one of the country'' most reliable blue states.. but in this year's race ffr the g-o-p nomination, every reepblican primary vote &pcounts and marrland matters with its 37 deleeates at stake. 3 a.../ louisiana man...// is... having.../ a...good... day...// day...// ááthisáá... after./.. a... treee fell../ on... his car..//// p ááwitháá... him... in it.../ áárobertáá salts,,,. car...// ws... crushhd.../ tuesday.../// ááheáá... was... on his way.../ to work.../ oaa.../ fell ...// áátheáá' collapsed... car--roof.../ pushed pim... down.../ pnno... his seat- -/// áábutáá he... was able .../ to... crrwl out ....//
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salts says: "well actuully &pwhen i firrt seen the treee come down i kind of thought ittmight be one of them little kept ccming."salts saas: (covered by above video) "i when i finally get out and basically seen the road you knoo."salts says: (covered by above video) "i'll be in church on sunday...(laughs)" sunday...(laughs)) salts.../ has... some soreness ...and a headache - / áábutáá was not... seriously injured....//// bad dayy.. for... new rreans saints... heed coach.../ shawn payton.../ áápaytonáá has been suspended.../ for... one.../ year, .../ áátheáá team... was fined 500,000.../ and... second-round draft picks.../ ááthissá... after... the team.../// targeted... opposing players....// in... a &psoocalled...// "bounty- proggamm...// áááhhirááá.. oojecttve... was to.../ hurt... orrinjure... rivaa.. playyrs...// áánowáá... the... decide.../ who... will coach.../ the team .../ this season../.// áápunishmentáá for... any ssints player.../// innolved.../ will be... determined later...//, áámorganáá... adsit...// will... have... much more... on... thhs.../ in 20--minutes...// a,.... close call.../ in... athens, ohioo.../ áááfteráá .../ theii homm... was ááaboutáá 25-feet... in
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away... from a rokeáá - hhllside.../ late... last night....//// ááitáá crushed ...two cars .../ nd.../ then rolled... into the home...//. ááluckilyáá... the... eople inside...// were the back.../ of... the house .../ ááandáá.../ weren't hurt. 2012 is in hh running for one of the best years weatherwise and it's onny march. march. it looks like more warm air pnd sunshine tomorrow. tomoorow. let's go to chief meteorologist vyyts reid for your skywatch forecast. 3
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a disability won't stop these dareeevils. how one woman was able to take the plunge even ttough she's paraplegic. 48 roooooaarrrrr -51 51 don't try this at took carr of his baby tooth in a way that would make chuckk norris proud. was ittsslffdefense or an eeecution.. why the shooting of a teenage boy in watch captain is causing protests and marches for justice right here in baltimore. 3
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agginst the man who shot and teenager in florida. police ruleedit was a case of sslf pefense, but hundreds of thousands of peoole believeeit was an execution. today, the dead boy's parents travelee to new york to join protesters demanding justice for their &pson. daaid lee miller explains why the trayvon miller killing is a powder keg set to consume the country. coontry. outrage across the country -- growing.thousands in new york's union square -- - showing solidarity -- and theirranger -- over thh killing of an unarmed teen in florida.mos says: "it's not right. don't like it. that's why iim here. i want to call attention to it."dubbed the "mmllion hoodie march" ---it'' a nod to the hooded sweatshirt p7 ear-old trayvon martii wass wearing, to shelter him from the rain - theenight he died. the neighborhood watchman who killed him -- 28 year-old georgg zimmerman -- has not been legally charged with any wrongdoing.trayvon's parents - - traveling to new ork -- say get an arrest. we hhpe that e -
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the sanforr police department see that ppople are not goinn to stand byyand let this pappen anymmre."as the department of justicc has opened an investigation into florida granddjury, aboot to review the case.statee investigatorr are gathering potential eeidence frommthe "there's some questions we have a lot of quessioos about ii."protests also happening accoss florida.hundreds marching in miami today.and these protests in downtown orlando -- demmnding he staae revoke zimmeeman's gun permit. floridd's 2005 "stand your grounn" law staats a citizen doesn't have to retreat before using deadly force against an attacker. leace ays: "most laws end up having unintended consequences by the language and i think &pstand yyur ggound is that way" back in new york -- participants of today's march say this isn't ust about trayvon martin:mos ays: "we wann zimmerman behind bars. i have an 18 year-old. i'm a mother, that could have been my baby. i do not appreciate the fact that he's walkiig arounddfree."(miller on cam tagg so far, more than
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800-thousand have signed a petition -- calling for zimmermaa to be charged with said nothing publicly about the deadly new york's union square, david lee miller, fox news. 3 supporters of trayvon martin's pamily have organized a march it will start at the courthouse on calvert street at six pm on monday. yyu 3 3 3 3 bungee jumping is 3 3 3 3 3
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bunnee jumping is scary enough.... but imagine doing th. is.../ hoisted ../ over... thh railing.../ of... a bridge .../ &pin... british columbia...//. ááshe'sáá para-plegic.../ áábutáá always... dreamed of... ááaáá groop ...called.../ "9 lives adventures"... made it... ossible.../. with.../ limited - mobility.../ take
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part... in.../ 3dventurous activities. - 48 roooooarrrrrr -51 51 &p who needs a dentis whhn you have this handsome young man. how he wound up doing the tooth fairy's job for her. a school bann one young man'' prom date from the school. why the school decided to discriminate against the woman's career 3hoice..- 3 3 3 [ female announcer ] with xfinity, you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time.
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ptudent who liied up a porn won't beeallowed to take her to the dance. dance.18-year-old mike stone of minnesota sent hundreds of tweets this week o porn stars ... asking them to the prrm. emy reyes and megan piper, both responded. reyes said "i would go if he would ccoer her travel expenses rom l-a.i hope she didn't book the ticket.that dream dateeisn't
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happening.the chool superintendent said a porn star's appearance would be inconsistent with district policies. 3 common senss says just call your insurance company and let them take care of it.imagine discover you've got r only to - 25-thousand ppssengers. passengers.(("i drove down highway 51 about 60 miles an hour and i didn't lose a one, they all stayed in theree")) there."))tommy hill was heading out for breakfast in tennnssee saturday when he found thousands of honee bees nesting on his car.hill called in a bee keeper for help... who triid to lure the bees out using a box of honey. the bees marched out of the car... but before the bee keeperr cculd take them away... they got back into tte engine of the hill waited a few ddys... and just as suddenly as they'd appeared, the bees were gone. 3 33 &p3 is it chewbacca or did this young man just invvnt a
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teeth.5-22 5-28 seven year old juan is already one of the bravvst boys we know here. you can see the look of surprise then success as the tooth comes free. our sources say juan was compenssted very well by the tooth fairy for that toott. the nerf gun method was invented by juan and he wants to warn all other kids not to try t without adult supervision. want... to see it again? want... to share the video... with your friends? thing... on our website.../, click on the newslinks tab.
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from 2000 to playees got paid for hurting opposing players. goodell starting from the and the big one...head coach sean payton suspended for the entire 2012 season.... and without pay..ex-saints and current rams ddfensive coordinator gregg williams... who ran the bounty program... suspended indefinitely..more suspensions will be handed out to any player involved at a later datee.. the league's one daa after the broncos picked up peyton manning... denver trades qqarterback tim tebow to the new york jets....'s seems both sides ran into a snag with tebow's contractt that would mean he jets have to pay money to the broncos... negotiate during the second's the deal.... jets send twoopicks.... a fourth- and sixth rounder to denver in exchange for tebow and aa seventh-round selection.the jets beat out a late offer it just doesn't get betterrfor the orioles...14 straight losing seasons...and now injury issues left and right
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at spring training.good newss and bad news for lefty zach bbitton..ood.... his left bad... he got two injections and time table for return could be 6 weeks...meaning start the season on the d-l.y d-l.oh boy... well at least i didn't say surgery.o's action today with the blue jays in good on the bump... ffrst ked - start of spring... 5 innings... gave up 2 runs... 2 strikeouts... one here... gets adam lind swingiig..adam jones lauches is second homeerun of spring oof new blue jay reliever francisco cordero.... straight ttothe palm treessin left... o's take the lead in the 6th... 3-2..but toronto rallies for 4 runs in the 9th... and wins 6-3. lacrosse... number 18 geooetown at 5 loyola. scoreless 1st quarter.... then sean o'sulliian grids it out... 1-0 greyhounds..hoyas take the lead with two quick goals... francis mcdonogh gets the lead after is stutter step move... 2-1 georgetown..hooas again... pass in traffic gets through to dan mckiinee... who winds up and fires it past jack
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