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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  March 29, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

12:30 am
3 hello,.... i'm jefffbarnd. barnd. 3 and i'm jennnfer gilbert. aa report by he insppctor &pgenerrl's office showss how 14 citt wwrkeesswere -fired.. after they pere caughtt drinkinggand gambbing on the joo. 3 ááfox--45áá brought you... this story .../ first... last year . . agents.../ -3 raided... this facility...// ááandáá found ... the... workers .../ ááthousandsáá in... cash.../ were... also found.../ ááináá the report..../ ááweáá 3 workkrs... scatttred .../ &p ááwhenáá agenns... walkeddin...//. áásomeáá crrwleddthru.../ ceiling tiles.../ to... 3 othersáá locked... themselves in closets.../ for hours...// 3 7:41 usually ts one oo two employees usually the conductt is something that is intentionly hidden its not ut 3 have 24 people 13 of those ii
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going n and alcohhl that's pery ddfferenttthan what we see during working houus so it indicates mall subcullure of this particuulr yard it was -& accepted behavior :08 & :08 an agent... was also assaulted ...during the raid.../ by... two workers.../// who charged... her.../ trying... to escapp. 3 3&p a 15 year veteran of the baltimooe city policc &department is suspended tonight after an investigation into his use of money for confidential informants. the sergeant has been iivolved in hundreds of cases working in the eastern districcs drug enforcement division. -3 3 3 a...// baltimore county ...cop.../ áácouldáá -3 faae... discippinary accion.../ ááafteráá fox 45... news .../ questtons... police.../ about... a... photo .../ ourrviewers. 3 the... viewer.../ says... this...// is... a... celll phonee../ shot...// of... the.../ parkville... post offiic.../ tuesday... afternoon..../// ááyouáá... ccn see..../ & the... officer.../ &&p is... parked.../ in....a ...handicapped.../ ssace. ..../ááheáá says...// there.../ -& were... no... parking spots.../ áásoáá
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ááandáá... mailed... 2--letters...// before leavinn. -3 3 (eddnorris)-laugh- thats not &pan emergency if the post -office was being helddup he coulldbut if hessjust dropping off thh maal absolutely not " (over phhto "it se3 3 3 -3 3 3 & 33 3 someone needs to be held - accountable or what happened to im.
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3 3 an.../ 81... year ooddwoman.../ in... perry - hall.../ ááwantsáá her... two... stolen... engagement rings.../ bbck....// 3 house .../ is... one & off...six homes....targettd - .../ by... a.. & .burglar...///. áááoliceáá are... looking... for 3 ááhhesáá... been... going insiie homes.../ thru....unlocked doors.../ nd winnows .../ áárobbingáá peeple... while they sseepp..//. -3 ááangeea'sáá two... ennagement rrnns... were ssolen...///. páwhileáá angela and johh.../ will be & wedding anniversary... next month. 3 (angela )"its a terrible
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peeling what are yoo going to do..if i ould get him idd ssake em..and i want toocry every ttme i thhnk about it or & talk about it." 3 angela... has been searchhng... hrough awn phops.../ hoping to find... her rings..... 3 33 pepublican residential &pmaryland tonight. tonight.the texas representaatve held a ttwn &phall style meeting at the university of maryland, college pprk. right noww paul is in last place in the raae for the rrpublicaa nomination but that won't deterrhim or his supporters. 3 ron paul says : in: if ii cant oc ron: talk about runs 8butt tootherrguy says : in: you feel liie oc: telling & theetruth runs 7 3 paal is theethird &prepublican presidential candidaae to campaign in the state in the laat week. newt gingrichhwas in annapolii last
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night anddfroot runner mitt romney was in arbuuus ne week ago. 3 the... supreme court .../ heard.../ &on.../ resident obama's .../ health care.../ reform... law,...// today.../ the... panel...// considered .../ whether.../ the... árestá oo tte law.../ could stann,.../ ááifáá the court... tosses out.../ the... - mandatee../ ááthatááá all americans... buy.../ -3 health insurance ...//// áátheáá court's...// done...// the hearings...// áánowáá.... debate...// takes... over...///. 3 2700 pagee worth offdifferent - items ttat are in this bill - if that stays in placc who will pay for it? it's criticall the individual mandate was -33 originally a republican ideaa a... final... court decision... is expected in junee 3 herr's... our... question of the day/// áádoáá you hink... the... health care law.../ is unconstitutional??- unnonstitutional? 3 head... to our facebook aaee .../ and... let us &pknow... what you think.../ -3&ppourt... shhuld decide. 3 the parents of trayvon marrin said todayythey have faith in investigators and are patiently awaiiiig juutice for
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thhir son's deathh 3 sybrina fulton'ss... 3 death last month by george zimmerran, a neighborhood -3 watch voounteer. zimmermaa saas he killed martin in - self-defense afterrthe unarmed teen attacked him. fulltn said today she doessnottbelieve i have no onfidence that my son chased this guy.. reallyy pelieve that this guy chased my son,,and my son was protectingghimself. my son was -33&exercising his tand your ground rule -3 rulemedia outlets are peporting that the sanford pollce department's lead 3 maaslaaghter charges aaainst zimmerman, but wws told by the state's attorney that there wasn't enough evidence 3 congress brrke down into a shoutiig match tooay over a demonstration in trayvvn martin's honor. 3 3 -3
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3 democratic congresssmnn bobby rush of illinois ignored the gavel demandingghe stopp sppaking. rush took off his jacket pullee up his hoodie and ut on sunnlasses to raise awarennss of what e calls a deadly case of racial &pprofiling. eventually, the -& house leadership ssnt in & someone to physically move him away from he pdium. seeeral awmakers have calledd for the arrest of george ziimeemmn ffr his shooting of trayvoo martin. 3 3 bad... / bad... day....or.../ celebrity.... tweets...// ááspikeáá lee .../// tweettd.../ the... wrong.../ address.../ of... george ziimerman, .../ -3& áálle'sáá message -/ sent... to.../ 240--thouuand...// folllwers -- //// gave... ouu.../ the.../ 3 elaine...// and... david.../
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anford.../ florida...// 3 couplee../ in... theii.../ 70's...// áátteáá... oupll... says...// they'rr.../ livingg.. -33 in fear.".../// áááhey'veáá.... gotttnn../ death threats.../// ááanddá... are... now staying.../ at... aa hotell../// áámrsáá . mmclain... has...// -& a... heart conditiin...//. -3 ááwayáá... to... go...// spike...// bad./.. & dayy..for... justin bieber...// bieber...// a,.,.... twitter prank.../ -&pgreat-grandmother.../ teen... heart-throb...// asked .../ his... 19-million.... twittee followers.../ to... "call me...// right now ..."//// ááheáá gaae... a ttxas phone number.../ minuu ...the llst digit...////. áásoáá for..../ p--weeks...// áá81áá dilcie fleming's -3 phone...// has been... ringgig.../ non-stop.../// 3 fleming ssys: i think it's patheeic.fleming says::i'm noo in to thht type of music or -- anything. no? no. i'm sorry to sayfleming ssys: someone, i don't know wwo it wws, ssid said i've had this number since 1966. fleming says: y crazy aboutther..about justin bieber.. and i though oh ear, dear, deaa, dear dear fleming.../ & hired... an attorney.../
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to... suu.../ bieber ...//// ááoráá... she'll... -3 accept ...concert pickets.../ for... her.../ reat- granddaughter.../ & apology. 3 not sre.../ if... this is.../ a... good... or... bad day...// ááyouáá áásummeráá olympics... beach volleyballl../ has... been cheered ---/ and eered --/ for... its... kimpy uniforms, .../// áábutáá... these...mannatorr...// ikinis...// are... noolonger...// mandatory.../ vooleyball.... will... be permitted... o wear phorts.../ and ...sleeved tops .../ 3 ááoutáá of... respect.../ orr.. pultural belieff.../ of... other... countries...////. áátheáá... new rule... doesn't.../ ábanishá.../ hh... bikiiis;...//// áámanyáá uu-s...// volley-ball... players..../ ssy...// áthey'reáá áásoáá... they can... play.../ their... best...// -&p ááyouáá... be....the 3 several swimming pools ii baltiiore may not open this summerr the mayor says the city can'' afford it. it.mayor stephanie rawllngs-blake is trying to closs a 8-millioo dollar budget deficit. to cut costs... she'' planniig to close seven of the ciiy's 13 neighhorhood pools. she says some of the ppols are in need of
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repairs and don'ttget used very much anyway. neglect... in mmny of 3 these neighborhood walk-tt pools."> pools.">>ut several council members are vowing to fight for kids in their district. they ay the pools shouud be a top priority. 3 3 still.../ a... bit... too cool ...for pools today. today. 3 but if our warm interris any indication, we're going to need hem thhs summerr 3 3 let's go to chiif mmteorologist vytas reid for &your skywatch forecast.
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3 3 &p3 he would have killed us." &p3 3 their lives are on he line.. - how the quick thinkkng co-pilot kept hii crazed 3 plane down. 3 the iggest ppyyay in the mad dash for tickets and your shottat half a billion dollarss p3 that six dolllr starbuckk coffee ii full of -3 ground up insects. wwy is ccsting the mega chain big -& bucks.
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buying this juicer online was unbelievable. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the clean picker upper.
12:43 am
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. 3 3 -3 3& aajetblue pilot noo facing midair outburst on tuesday. hospitaaizeddwhile
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passengers recount the frightening ordeal with laura ingle. ingle. 3 diaz says: "we ere face o face, me and the captain, jetblue pilot -- stripped from acttvv duty --one day after a ppssengers afraid ffr their livee:murphy says: "if it wasn't foo the people on this plane tying himmup ten he would havv killed us." travelers say their captaan &pwas friendly when thhy boarded 3 soon, clayttn osbon was - frantic -- ranting ildly &paboard jetblue 191's schhdulld flight to las vegas.gonzalez says: "he was jjst nott,there." pelllphone video -- capturing pontrol.kessllr says: "thee all got up and jumped and ran at this guy..gonzalez says: "there was lot oo people at riik 130 people oo this plane. i said you know what i'm gonna have to stop this from & happening."flight ttendants & and thh co-pilot at the heem,, &ptrying to take the edge off of alreaay frazzled passengers: kapphitt says: "got on he
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intercom and said for everybody o please call down landing.""hh co-piiot --- - signaling the tower:(fs)tooer: jetblue 191. ruuway 22 clear 3&plann jet blue 191 emerggnny pnd we're going to need, ah, authorities and medical to -3 meet s at the airplane. babakitis says: "he triid too - break free from us ann he started shouuing emergeecy landing, emergency llnding." osbon -- carried off tte plane, boond and onna -3 stretcher..he vettran pilot who lives in geoogia -- has been flying commerccal airliners since 19-89. ....a jetblue employee for 12 years. (ingle n cam ttg)osbon, still & under the care of medical professionals ii amarillo -- is expected to bb released later this week.meantime, the 3 their new york - laura ingle - ox news. 3 &p3 quicc-thinking byythe co-pilot may have actually saved the pllne. he somehow got the captain to leave the theelock code ...on he door -.../ and askee passengerr to
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taccle him... over the pa syytem. 3 you haae another chance o millionaire!no one won last night's mega millions... wwich jackpot to 500 million dollars! that's tte largest jackpot in numbersswon't be drawn again until neet friday - but many &pare buying their ttckets now- and decidiig what hey'll do if they actually won. 3 lacy williams 55:17 i probably woull open someerec centees. probably change a lot of stuff in the communiiy 22 alita palmer 58:37 save ii and keep wwrking. ake evvrybody thhnn i was stiil broke. (laughs) 42 42the llst reeord jackppttwas in may of 2007..that oneestood at 390-million. 3 3 33p
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3 3 a tatue stolen from pr. ssuss. why this lorax won't beefound with the priminal on the loose. 3 drinkinn liquid bugs inn -3 your starbucks latte. why the ground up goo issa major & component in your favorite -3 drink. 33 &p3 3 3
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3vegetarrans are upset with starbucks. sttrbuckk.specifically a strawberries and creme
12:52 am n effort o &pavoid artificiaa additives, starbucks is using a natural red dye, madeefrom dried, crushed cochineal (prono: you get grossed out, you shoull knowwthaa coohineal is a common additive, considered prooably been eaaing it for 3 mariiades, even meats. 3 a schoollbus company in wwsconsin is under fire for hiring a man.... knowing he hhd ahistory of drunk riving. terrance habram is accused of d-u-i for a third time..... afttrrtaking 25 high schoollstudents on a wild ride monday. the bus compannyfired the driierraater - this reeent incident....but -3 common sense says he shouldn't have been hired in the first ppaae. &3 pt's common sense ann common seuss's widow.ssmebody dragged the two foot, 300 pound bronze
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statue out of audrey gisel's yaad innla jolla, callfornia. the property manager says mrs. geisel just wants it bbckk commmn sense says... it won't be the easiest thing in the world to sell... and if you put in your yard... yyur neighbors will probably notice. 3 3 p brunch with babar. why dozens of people got to dine with the world's largest land mammal. -3 ?ñ(e 3
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3 a.../ cirruu traditionn.. in baltimore..../ -3 áárequiresáá a... -3 big appetite. appetite.--watermelon splat nats-- -3 3& lots of people came out to prunch with the elephants. pfter smashhng some watermelons, ttey feasted on a buffet of 1 thousand pples, - 500 heads of lettuce, 700 bread.the ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus mariner arena through april pst. a ccuple spring 3 showers todayy but is more rain in our future? futuree let's.../ - check... the extended forecast... with vytas.
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and the architect of loyyla's -3 rise to basketball prominence is rewarded...bruce cuuningham has details, next, in sports &unlimited.
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3 3 3&pthat'' all for theelatee edition. i'm jeff barnd. 3 pnd i'm jennnfer gilbert. -3 sports unlimited starts right now with bruce cunningham. 3&pit was a magicaa seassn for greyhounds...heir ncaa tournaaent appearanne was the he's oing to be rewarded.. rewarded.. 3 patsos gets a multi-year exteesion to stayyon with the ggeyhounds...this afttr speaking with both uab and college of his
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8tt season at loyola, patsos leddthe greyhounds to a 24-9 - recorr and the mmac tournament -3&pchampionship...ittalso lifted one game over the 500 mark p23-122,,,the houonds lost to state n the first rrund of the caa's.. 3 the ravens finally made some off season moves that didn't involve losing players before last catch us up -3's been 15 days of ffee agency....the n-f-l draft is one month i've decided to walk raaens fans throughhthe movement.letts sttrt with the baa.... the peparted..cory redding's a week he eepects arthur jones and dannell ellerbb to fill that void.jarret johnson to san iego.... paul kkuger and depth chaat..on special teams and in the secondary... raaens lost tom zzikowski to he -3 colts... and haruki nakamura to carolina.last friday... baatiiore igned pecial teams players corey graham and sean ccnsi-dine.the ravens released
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chris carr, dominiiue foxwooth &pmarkssthe biggesttvoid to ffll 3 ravens desperatelyynned help on the o--ine... harbaugh ssid -3 jah reid can play guard and &&plook for their first round pick to be a guard.left tackle bryant mckinnie will be back in's where it gets good... guys resigned to new deals.matt irk... brennen ayanbadejo.... and jameell linebacker who will eventually take over the defense whennray lewis retires..what needs o happen next... the front office aa to figurr out deals foorray rice aad joe ffacco. talks are underwayy.. rice has the tag... but could hood out... flacco'' agent told me their working on the q-b's he doesn't see it as a problem. oncc those happen... cap space... opens up for ozzie newsomm to shop free aggncy.. reporting in the studio, unlimited. exxmaryland qqarterback danny - o'bbien has found a new place to play...he's transserring to
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wisconsin...the aac freshman of the year in 2010, o'brien dii not flourish under new cooch randy fact, he was benched..lostthis job.. sseeialists in thhs kind of -3 thing..rememmer, they brooght in ex-nc state quarrerback russeel wilson last year.. it seems like million years ago, but this guy, mike first 100of is 18 seasons...before leaving for the yankees and free agency...and he'll nmoo take his place among te team's &piimmrrals..mussina has been ellcted tt the oriole all of fame, along with rich dauer and longtime cout walter &pyouue..herr in baltimore, &pmussina had a 147781 ecord and q 3..3 eaaned run aveeage in 288 starts..they''l be enshrineddfriday, august 24. 3 &3 it's now time to announce the candidates n our high school game of the week connest... &pbrought to you by varsity sports network dot com...yyu can vote for the game you'd like to see ighlights of by goinggto fox-baltimore dot com and clicking on high school - game of the week... we'll & announce the winner on 33&p3 that'll do it for this edition pf sports unlimited...i'm b.c. and be surr to tune in to
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fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starringgaat -am.goodnight. goodnight. 3 33
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