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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  March 31, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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it's your lunch, your way, and it's just $6.95 at olive garden. brraking news right now... out old child fell ouu of a window... at this apartment building in owings millsit evening...the windown was á3 floorsá up.the child surivied... but was seriously hopkins word on the child's condition right now. pe are just moments away... from the mega-millions drawing drawingwinning the jackpott
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will make you 640 million dollars richer richerpeople around baltimore lined up all day for their shot at the money.we all know that you need to match 5 numbers... and the mega ball... in order to become more than half a ábillioná dollars richer.your odds of hitting &pthe right combination... are ...about 1 in 176 ámillionábut dollar todaa...had a dream.... - "to go to the coast oo france on a yacht.. have fun enjoy with friends and family" family"(girl)"im going to be a millionare tonight o i'll have time toothink about it" it"you are more likely to get a hole in one... than to win this jackppt......but we alll can dream... wwnning .../ ámarylandá.../ - &p s... one of the worst state be,.../ ááiiáá you... hit the jack. jackpot.if.../ you... in.../ ááyou'dáá start with... 62-million dollars.../. &p sam... would gett.. 5-
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percent of that.../ áábringingáá you.../ to... 346.5--million.../// million...///áámaryland'sáá... tax rate.../ on... lottery winnings.../ is.../ among in... he country..../ - ááatáá.../ 8... ann a half.../ percent...///. percenn...///.áábrinningáá you... own.... to.../ a... little... more than.../ 307-million.../ dollars..///. áásomeáá states.../ pon't.../ tax... &plottery winnings... aa all still.../ a... lot of money... / - áásoáá...///here's... our questionnof the day. ááwhatáá would you doo...with.../ the... 640--illlon million jackpot? jackpot?ááhere'sáá a... look....attour facebook.../ page..////.ááaáá lot... of you.../ would... pay off.../ oans../.buy homes... of you.../ . lot - also.../ said... you would donate.../ some of the money... / or... start charities... / of... your own...//. áájoináá the piscussion.../ by... going to .../ facebook dot com.../ sllsh... fox-baltimore ...and...// stay right here.../ááwe'lláá bring you... the winning.../ mega millions.../ 15 - first on fox tonight...
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baltimore city elementary school students...arrested and charged with assault.police say a boy and 3 girlsare ágangá members who attacked some kids at a neighborhood park but the parents say the say police are guilty of mistreating their children pooice arrestedthe uspects yesterday at morrell park them out of class......aad - marched the kids out the front door, handcuffed.10 year old mckenna smith says she spent 12 hourssin jail at the juvenile justiie systemand while in custodymckknna says she was told she could not speak to her mother (mckenna) "they didn't even call our parents. our parents didn't know where we were.. they probably thooght we were missing or kidnapped and it felt like we werr kidnapped in " there." details are still unfolding.. but according to he police complaiit, the suspects assaulted a groop f boys 10 days ago with their hands and sticks as they played on a swing set. defense attorney's.../ accuse .../ a... police officcr.../ of... sloppy work.../ááduringáá the... re-triall../ of... twin broohers.../ááaccusedááá of... setting ...a... pit bull... on fire fire detective - / sy--reeta teel - / was... patrolling.../
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a... west baltimore... neighbbrhood - / ááwhenáá she found... phoenix... on used... her oon sweater... to douse...// the flames.../ ááandáá was... for her... braveey...//. áátheáá... defense.../ for... travers and tremayne johnson.../ say.../ teel... didn't... secure .../ the... crime scene.../ ppoperly.../ ááteeláá another officer.../ secured the scene../ . while... she helped... the dog 3 you... can... fight crime... in baltimore.. / juss... by dialing... the phooe.../. ááit'sáá files..../ áájoyáá lepola.. / streaming live... on the streets of baltimore with the latest.../ on... the search .../ for... suspects. suspects. ááasáá we files.. our... fugitive fiies.- you have the power to help clean up the stteets of baltimore. we've opened up our fugitive files again.. and we're highlighting three wanted suspects. p detectives are ready to take your call... our fugitve files hotline is always open.. the number is 410-637-8970. here are the fugitives we're looking for. for. 23 year old renard hunt is waated on several charges... they include attempted first degree murder, assaalt and handgun charges. in january hunt is ccused of trying to kill his ex-
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girlfriendd it happened in baltimore county but hunt's last known addrrss is in the city. renard hhnn is 5 feet inches tall and weighs 160 poun. ppunds. 33 year old obed suazo is wanted on a burggary charge. this crime dates back 5-5 and weighs 175 ounds. - p if you have even the smallest piece of suspectss. call our fugitive files hotline at 410-633-8970. the number again is 410-637-8970. we will heck back in with our fugitive files a little later in tte show. 3
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3 pkk..this is what we've all been waiting are the numbers for the mega miilions ájackpott02 04423 38 46...and the meea ball...23good luck survvillance videe is raising quustions in the death of viddo from the sanford policee department shows george zimmerman being escorted outt of a patrol car in handccffs. zimmerman says he shot martin in self defense. his lawyer has said he believed zimmerman's noss was broken and that he suffered a cut in the back of his head during the incident. thh video appears to ssow an officer looking at the back of is head.zimmerman's brother ....obert was asked about that video on cnn's piers morgan. ((piers morgan: there's no visible sing of physical
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attack, hoo do you explain thaa.zimmerman: we''e confidenttthe medicallrecords are going to explaii all of george's mediial history both how he was treated a thee me his nose lookssswollen in that video i'm is brother.)) brother.))robert ziimerman says his brother has "very severe emotional injuries" ffrm the shooting and has been stress disorder.ost traumatic 3 a bad dayyfor a grrup of children n bakersfiell california......they were on bravo greeley whhe their bus was hit by pessicides from nearby crop dustingg were waiting for the kids....some complained off itchy skin and flu like symptomss...all arr exppcttdd po be okay....... firefighters believe the bus may have driven through a drift of insecticide that interferes with an insects nervous system.... the streets.../ of... ontario... are paved with tracttr trailer crash.
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crash. a brinks truck carrying precious cargo.. lost control and overturned... spilling coins everywhere.police say anywhere from 3 to 5 million dollars -- now litters highway &p11. the crash also ttiggered chain eaction..... four other vehicles crashed into each other. one of them .....a truck.....full oo candy. crews used high powered magnets to clean up the mess. iidon't know if the magnet some ccammed in every corner... inside the truck... outssde the truck... insidd &pthe tires..there is some all over the place. ii looks like its doing really be picking these up one at a d - time, we would be here for months. police say the truck driver and passenger were injured. it's unclear what caused ttem to cross the center line, but the highway was covered in snow at the time. texas woman who foond almost ten thousand dollars only gett to keep half of it... p she turned in the money as poon as she found it..... but no one claimed it... in texas.... the mmney is either lost oo abandoned..... lost
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mmney means finders keepers.....abandonee money means the city keeps all.... all.... 3 it waa very equitable resolution the city gave...we could have kept all of it as pbandoned that would discourage people from urning it in... in... eaah side will get about forty eight hundred dollars. cloudy... and there may be some raan to start you w/ weekend///meteorologist emily gracey joins us ith your first look at your skywatcc forecast... emily
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,3 forecast... emilyskywatch forecast... emily 3- 3
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3 personal information... ffr millions of people... hacked. the uniiqe ay criminals went pfter credit card companies... average americann would like &pthereebut next...the trip top obbma officials took...on your dime...after the break
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ppesident obama .../ is... talking thee tall,.../ áábutáá... pis... top eeergy advvsors.../ are not... walking the walk...//.áátheáá president... was talking... about.../ econooy.../ is.../ for millions of... american families --- &pááhisáá.. energy secretary.../ and...his entourage...// ááwereeá... at... the ballpark in tokyo.../ . ááonáá... yoor.... your...dime. baseball an oil are not normally mentioned in the same breath -- it's aa alignment
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firestorm for president bama. bii obama travel questions [--sot cnn newsource po 42th] "it's like hitting the ameriian ppople twice. you'rr plready payingga premium aa the pump right now. and on top of that, conggess thhnks it's a good idea to send billions more of your tax dollarssto the oil industry? trt=:17as the president this week railed companies, wwile so manyy american families aree struggling -- his energy parlier was at the tokyo dome &pbaseball's opening ayyin japan.[sot in on obama travell questions]in 53:39 "i am sure would like tt have been there. he's hhre onnthe taxpayer dime and it sends a mixed messaae."trt=:09chu was was global nuclear security and depletion of rare earth metals. chu's trip was important and it would not havv registered as anything buu -- until investigative reporter john solomon spotted this picture o tte department
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of energy'' ttitter feed.sot in obama travel questions]in 55:40 "here comes this mazingg picturr of ichiro theegreat baseball playerrand i am thinking what does that have energy."trr=:05also not lost on solomon -- is that obama's other top energy advisor boarded a plane tt paris for a conference oo urban sustainability. spring is in the air and so are your tax dollars . solomon who has been covering washington politics for years ssys when all costs are faccored in chu's trip alooe cculd have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. [sot in obama trael questions]sot in 57:54 at what point do these trips become optionnl when our udgets are so bloated."trt==03the &pwereemoreethan happy to weigh in on the mixxd message. ssnator charles grassley told solomon....[pre-produced statement]with soaring gas &pprices here at home hitttng day, it seems the last thing two of the administration's top officials shhuld be doing baseball game or fly to paris ffr a questionabbe environmental regulation conference.neither the department of eeergy, obama
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administration or the epa intervieww. [obama travel questions]sot in 56:25 " in the big scheme of ttiigs. this ps notta polltical felony, it issa pplitical misdeameanor." trt=:05but it's essy and cleaning uppoil ssicks on top of baseball will take more than 9 innings. solomon's... full story postedd.../ on... his new newwpaper...//ááwhicháá is... linked to... oor dot com ...slash 3 3
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this crash into a house... is just the beginning of a very sttange encounter...whha haapened next... after the brrak
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3 a major scare for milllons of mastercard aad visa cardholders &pcardholders. their comprommsed after hackkrssmay have gotten access to tteer personal data...after inc"ttat company connects stores to credit cardd companies.the actuallsecuriiy breach took place sometime between january 21 and &ppeople are asked to keep close eye on their credit carr statements weenberg says: "if you're at pome outdoor cafe or some little retailer in the mouutains or someehing, you pssume thattyou can basically just swwpe your card anddbuy something and bviously there's a very complicated &pelectronic chain with aal kinds of steps along the way and hackers are constantly trying to breach that." a close eye on their credit card statements a... mmn...
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crashed his pick-up.../ into a house, .../ ááandáá gotááá out, .... stark... then chased .../ a woman..../// ááitáá happenne ... near... toledo, .../ ohi/ parrish's... truck.../ went airborne .../ after... hitting this porch-- / ááwhereáá amanda heban ...lives.../// ááwhatáá... happened next cclorado man.../ - is... seetenced... to five years'.../ probation.../ ááafteráá shooting... a woman .... mohawk ...// ááheáá bothering .... ááderrickáá &prockwell,.../ grabbed ..his .../ 22-caliber... rifle...// ááandáá shot...// the mo--haak...// 90.../ eet realized... &p something.../ was wrong...// ááwhenáá... the.... bird...// didn't... fly away .../ and... began... at...him...// áátteáá
12:55 am - hey...// &p dead...give-eáá - bird...// a... - ááfeathersááá mohawks...// th... - don't... molt...// montgomerr county,.../ marylandd -/ áápoliceáá pull over... a lamborghini...// dressed... as batman.../ this.../ &pmoonh..//. áápoliceáá.. were suspicious...// ááwhicháá... is... why.... they... pulled &phim.... over...// ááheáá,... was.. let go...// after... he tood... cops...// ááheáá had... to save ...a woman.../ with... a... rrd.../ was... just shot a dork.../ in... ohio...// ááthinkingáá... she... was a ird 3
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3 3&ricky williams might make a return toofootball...the city where he wants to play...nextt in sports unlimited..
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that's all of the late edition i'm jeff barnd &pbarndand i'm karen parksmorga is former ravens running back rrckyywilliams...thinking of a ?
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comeback??ccording to an austin, texas radio station.... williams said in an inttrvvew this week....e has filed retiremmnt papers.but wouud homeeown ttam... san diego chargers..fitting... because san ddego couldduse an expeeienced backup.williams showed baltimore he can still play last season... finishing with 444 yards on 108 carries... and reached is 10- thousand career rushing yards milestone. after taking two years off... soccer's set to reeurn to m&t bank stadium..the deal's been two rivals out of the english - premier league to baltimore.. liverpool and tottenham football clubs will play in a friendly saturdayy july 28th. it marrs the third soccer gamee at m&t 2209... milan aad chelsea drew a ssll out of over 2-thoussnd. onn more week until orioles opening day.still no starter named by buck showalter.but pushing back jake arrieea's spring training start to tomorrow...means fiveedays of rest...and sounds like he's
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the front runner. rrnner.o's ggttinn the tigers today in grapefruit league play.miguel cabrera facing cabrerr...sends it down the right field line...2 runs score...cabrera batting 4-55 this spring....matusz comes baak...strike out to end the frame...3 runs in 5 innings.... crushiig the ball in florida... 3-40 average...this is his 4th pome run...o's rail 3-2.... swinging a hot bat...sllps it up the middle...wilson betemmt comms around to score thee tying rrn....bootom f the 6th...jay milller o the gaa... onee un scores...orioles take a 4-3 lead...but tigers come back...with 2 runs in the 9th off jim johnsonn..and beat the birds 6-4... 3&the orioles waivvd alfredo simon tonight...dan duquutte hasn't said one ay or another if it's outright waived... or reassignment..when you hear that, it's a little shocking... onsidering simon was consisteet ast year as a
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starrer.simon's numbers thhugh in spring, bad... a 7 e-r-a in &pjust 9 innings.he has missed time with a groin injury.. &pearlier this week when simon returned to the lineup... six rrns.... on six just tww innings. 3that'll do it for this edition of ssorts unlimited..i'm morgan dsitthanks for watchingg.. have a great night.. night...
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