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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  April 3, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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live claritin clear. now at wal-mart, get your claritin bonus pack 33% more free at an everyday low price. (boy nathan ledford) "killer hit sqqad but were not evee in a gang." gang."girr mckenna smith: "i hit the little boy when he pushed me down the hill and busted my lip" lip"kids taken into custody, now their parenns are raising new concerns. conceens. the action officers áshould haveá taken... but apparently did not... i'm.... jeff barnd. and i'm jeenifer gilbert.what school......was broken putting grade school children in handcuffs. handcuffs. bbt the... parents... of the nine.../ and... ten year olds../ say.../ they... áwere notá... informed ááwhileáá police... kept them.../ jaaled... for 12 cairns..../ has..... has.../. a story... // you saw ...first on fox... fox... both police and school administrators may avee violated state regulatiins...
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when they made theearrests on school property and did nott immediitely notify the suspects parents. that'' according to maryland ccde of reeulations. police are now reviewwng procedures used n graffiti litters morrell park in southwesttbalttmore it's so callle members now stand accused of felony assault chaagess nine year old nathan ledford and three female friendss had a fighh with three other chiidren. when they were arrested.... notified... bb school administrators... or police. ttey were questionnd for 12 &phours beforeebeing released. (grandmother- donna burris)"i asked themmwhy we wasnt all have a warrant for someone to - be arrestee they dont have to pive any information at all, they just do itt it" maryland code also requiree when an arrest is made during school hours... school &padministrators ascertain the nature of the charge, the ideetity of the arresting officer, and the location of
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the student. the suspects occurred. kc fox 45 neww late edition. reacting to an outrageous bbating that ended up on the internet.. and tonight there's strong evidence that it happened right here in baltimore. keith daniell, live downtown wheee police say thhy need the public's heep to pake an arrest.. keith. keith. jennifer... we're live on the steps of courthouse east.... wwere witnesses believe a beating happened right out front..... the only thing police have issthe video..... which looks like a crime is caught on tape. and the only real clue about the location of that crime is what you heeaer on the video. 3 (ááánats up full: "it's ova, look!"ááá) you hear....- only in baltimore..... see.. a group of people punching aammn.. e falls toothe ground.. .then he's stripped.. and left lying on the ground. another &pman then runs up and mocks th victim. someone posted the video last friday on worldstar-hip-hop-dot-com... a
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website that makes a name for videos. pollce say no victim has come forward.. so it's tough to initiate an investigation. viewers call the imagee disturbing. (ms. wilson) "it's disgusting, wonder who's doong it and you frankly."(ms. godwin) "i mean pou'd almost thhnk you're looking at a movie. i mean you can't believe that happen on the street..." baltimore baltimore county... police.../ investigate.../ &ptwo... towson university students .../ &pfound dead... / in... two... separate inciden. incidents.police say.../ 20-year-old ryann bailey .../ ááaáá junior.../ was killed... just before two.../ on... york road - ...near... washington avenue.../. ááaáá car... struck ailey ...// ááthenáá
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took off...//. áápoliceáá... are... searching for... / the... hit-and-run... driver...// áátheáá ar... was... an ... older modell../ suv or van. hours later.... / áápoliceáá founn ... 27 year old... timothy coyer... / ááanáá iraq war ...veteran... / ddad... in... his towson... apartmmnt...///.áápoliceáá got call... for... cardiac arrest, .../ word...on the... exact cause of death...//. ááaáá vigil... &p is... set,... for - tomorrow night. &pmore fallout tonight from the scandal over anne arundel county executive john leopold. leopold.tonight the deputy pplice chief revealed what he knew about possible misconduct py leopold and police chief &pjames teare.lieutenant colone emerson davis told county council that he believed pooice kept files on citizenss that ad nothing to do with department's in bad shape. 3 3
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answer most of councills d to - questions when he testified last week. and among other things... leopold is accused of ordering officers to un personal errands for him ann frequently drive him to sexual encounters. 3 re--neeed... questions.../ about... a... police training program.../ city councilman... brandon scott.../ ps... still... not &psatisfied.../ wit answers .../ he... ot from.../ police.../ ááaboutáá tens of thousands of dollars .../ of... invoices.../ billed... to the phe... "diamond training"... program....// ááinvoicesáá he... says.../ are... ssort on... details...// ááamong áá them,, p../ consulting fees... of.../ $1500 a day.../ and... $6000.../ ffr... several meetings.../ that lack.../ ssecifics.../. ááscottáá ...a hearing.../ on... the spending.../ soon. 13:15:34"anytime you're talling about taxpayee dollars, it asies the level concerned aaout the lack of detailland recood keeping for these invoices."
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invoices." &p wee../ asked... the pollce department.../ about.../ scott's... questions..../ áátheyáá told us... his oncerns .../ ould be addressed.../ att.. the heaaing.../ ááwhicháá should... occur later this month. join... our waate watch. ááifáá... you see government waste../ áácalláá... ur hotline.. 410-666-1456. ááoráá... go to fox-baltimore dot com. the... maryland winner.../ of... friday's.../ mega-millionss jackpot.../ has... yet to... come forward. but there's plenty of speculation over won share pf the 654-million dollars. sold at a 7-eleven on liberty road in milford mill friday night. the new york post identified the winner as a mcdonald's down the street... and claimed there's a was an individual purchase or part of an employee pool. but lottery officiils say they can't confirm thattstory. in fact, they say it's just one of several rummrs. 3 3
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the owner of the mcdonald's on liberty road calls the lotto story "pure speculation." say we may never know who won the jackpot because most winners in maryland choosee o remain anonymous. 3 here's our question of the day...would you keep it a &psecret if yoo won the mega i? facebook page.join the discussion by going to facebook dot com slash fox- baltimore 3 3 bad... day...// for..the .jet- blue... pilot... / who.,.. had a.../ meltdown."iq: oh my god i'm so distraught... oq: we've got to get down." 3 down." capttin clayton psbon.../ is... held wittout bond .../ until his hearing... thursday.../// ááyou'lláá recall... osboo's outburst
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...duuing the flight.../ from york... to vegas..../ áátheáá... coo-pilot... put of the cockpit...// áátteáá lane,,, made an emmrgency landing in being analyzed.ecorders,,, are bad day.../ for... cincinnnti bengals cheerleader.../ sara... jones...// ááindicted áá... for... withha student.../ &phigh school teacher.../ áájonesáá.../ was indicted... last week.../ on... several charges ... of .../ first-degree... sexual abuse...// áápoliceáá... say,.../ she had sex.../ at... the... high - school.../// ááifáá... jones ii foond guilty...// áásheáá... could trade her orange pom-poms.../ for.... the samecolor... jumpsuit...// áátheáá fellnies,,, are,,, up,.., five years in - prison...////. 3 good day... for a group of sixth ggaders in california... who clean ...this lakee.. every thursdayy../. áálastáá week, cigarette bbtts.../ and... potato chip bags, .../ áátheyáá.../ &pfound ...sunken treasure --/ full of coins,... watches, silvee nd antique i heard screaming so i ran
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over and i saw what was in the the class... turned the my .loot... over to police.../, who... will try... to find the rightful owner. .../ ááifáá it's... not claimed... in 90 days,.../ áátteáá treasureegoes to the students. a bit cooler ttday, but still b. beautiful. meteorologiss emily gracey hhs your skywatch forcast.
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the tuskegee airmen were an elite group of african american aviators who fought in world war ii. ii.tooay two of them were baltimore county.tizens of - couuty.91 year old dr. cyril were pioneers in equality and integration of the armed forces.their real life inspired the movie redtails: "after all ttese years they said we couldn't do that we did" &pdid"the to men only live fiv minutes apart and have become close friends after meeting 5 years ago. 3 3 911: does he look hurt to you? caller: i can't see him. i don't want to go out there. i don't know whatts going on. on. the trayvon martin..... 911 calls..... // what experts... say... about the screams for
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help.../ heard on those papes. williams ays: "i started seeing them drag bodies out. out. a deadly shooting at a christian university... the suspect in custody... and witness acccunts frrm inside the school.... and a tow truuk... plungessoff a cliff....what happened to the people inside.... a developing story outtof
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oakland california, where t least seven peopll are dead after a shooting at a university. on the investigation and the &palleged gunman in custody. custody. dramattc moments in oakland, california ---at the start of morning classes at a christian- kooean vocational school.... lee says: "i heard like dun dun dun dun and then a woman screaminn like that."accorddnn to witnesses, a gunman pulling out a weapon iiside a classroom here at oikos university -- spraying the room -- creating a chaotic
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individual was armed with a gun and shot multiple, multiple victimm inside of the school."witnesses, just feet &paway in this industrial park -- as police and medics set up an areaafor triage:williams says: "i started seeing them drag bodies out. (reporter "how many did you see come out?) yeah it was about five. it was about five."waggener pays: "i saw they carried a body out and then they put a blanket over it. then they carrred a bunch of other bodies out. couldn't tell if they were alive or not." a bird's eyee iew of the swwt team in action -- as they canvass the ccmpus, looking for of the victims, on the ground -- covered by a yellowwsheet.several other bodies are visible nearby. other victims, put on stretchers. the a-t-f, and u-s marrhalss assisting in the just minutes after the 9-1-11 calls came in.buttpolicee collared a few miles away at a his car seen here ...being towed away.watson says: ""his is still an active investigation, we do have one person who we have detained we
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believe is the person responsible."(cowan on cam tag) the names of the victims and the alllged shooter have poo yet bben releasedand there is no kown oakland, california - claudia cowaa - the... latestt devveopments... in the case.../ surrounding... the shooting.../ of... trayvon martin.../ foccs on ...the 9-1-1... tapes. 3 911: does he look hurt to you? caller: i can't see him..i donnt want to go out theee. i don't know whht's going on. 3 george immerman,... who claims... he shot martin in self-defense,/ told police... he screamed forr help.../.. áábuttá two... audio experts.../ annlyzed... theerecordings... ááandáá say ...they don't believe... the screams ...on the tapes ...are zimmerman's. .../ ááasáá for... áwhoá... was screaming,.../ áátheyáá don't know. after 28 years of doing this i would put my reputation on the line and say this is not george immerman screaming. scceaming.we conssder that he uuknown, because we really don't know who that is at this point. p3 meanwhile, ... surveillance video... shows... no obvious signs...
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that zimmerman ...was injured... in a fight... with trayvon. 3 a drop in temperatures tonight.... some arees could frost.ome frost. let's check back with meteorologist emily gracey to see whennit will warm up. p3 credit card scare .
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the... milllonssof amerrcans... affected.../ and... the tww credit card companies... thaa were hacked. all mee are created equal...
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but some are endowed by their creetor with the ability to create totally awesome lip swea" sweaters." and a rally... honoring facial hair. why hundreds took their fight... o the capitol. a.../ major
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scare... for milllons of pastercard.../ and... visa cardholders... / ááafteráá hackers... got... to some persooal data. &pdata. "global payments,... incorporated".../ ááwhicháá connects ...stores credit card companiess../ system was hacked..../áátheáá breach... took place... somettme ...between january 21st.../ and... february 25th... of this year.card holders... are now being asked... to keep.. .a... close eye... on their... statements. 3 mustached americans took to the streets sunday... for thh "million mustache march". march"""it's hairr it's hair, get used to it! all men are created equal... but some are endowed by their creator with the ability to create totally awesome lip sseaters." &psweaterr." 2-hhndred stache supporters
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the white house... to support legislation that would provide a 2-hundree-50-dollar annuaa grooming supplies for those with ustaches. perlut says: "beeause actually providing a ervice to this country by improving good looks by 38%. but that service omes at a cost in the forms of the aaccutrements we need to maintain our sexually dynamicclifestyles." lifestyles."the legislation named the "stache act"... is an acronnm for "stimulus to allow critical hhir expenses." you.... this one big parody off washington. joe biden's at ii again.... putting his foot in his mouth. the vice president....praising chicago mayor richard daley.... at a democratic fundraiser saying, "i nevve had an interest in being mayorr cause that's a reall that's why i was able to be a senator for 36 years."points for honesty, not so much for
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common sense. &p a drug raid ... in californi. at a medicla marijuana training school.common sense says... you're probably going to find ssme drugs there. federal agents not saying much about why they rrided the oaksterddm university in downtown oakland. the school is at the center of california's movement to legalize pot. federal agents were met by a roup of about a dozen protesters their crackdown on medical d marijuana. 3 3 a close all for a tow truck driver..... 3 what... he dii ...moments before plunged... off a cliff.... 3 3
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get this.... a tow truck in norway falls wo-hundred ffet down a snow-covered cliff -- while átowingá a truck... and both drivers... survived. survived. police ssy... the truck... being towed ...did not have.../ the riiht tires.../ side.. / áátippingáá over the... guard rail.../ and... pulling he vehicle ...with tow-truck.... driver... jumped out time.../ áábutáá tte... driver in the larger truck....being ttwed... went down ...with the cars.../ ááheáá suffered... some broken bones .../ and... is inn.. stable conditioo.
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3 3 the orioles... name their opening day starter.../ find out who beccmes the youngest toopitch on opening day since mike ii sports unlimited...
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that'll do it... for tte late edition/ thankk for joining us. us. sportt unlimited starts right now. every team innmajor league baseball had named it's opening day starting pitcher, except the baltimmre orioles... that is, uutil tonight....uck
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showalter says jake arrietta isshis man... man... the 6 year old righthander had an almost miraculous 11-8 record last season before being shut down for tte year in august to repair bone chips pn his elbow...arrietta had looked pretty sharp all sprng &pof the way arrieeta has ood - bounced'll mark te second straight year he's thrown the season opener aa camden yards and is the youngest opening day starter since 25 year old mike mussina theesan ffancisco giants opened their check booos to make matt cainnthe riihest right-handed pitcher in baseball hissory...they gave him a 5-year 112-point-5 million dollar extension eclipsing the previous record of 105 million given to kevinn brown by the dodgers ii '98... but cain is only theeteam's number 2 starter behind 2-time cy younggaward winner tim lincecum...cain has a aaeer 3- 35 e-r-a but has 4 more losses the majors... a little spring training drama...indians pitcher ubaldo
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jimenez drills hissforrer teammate troy tulowitzki... then he throws down his love and heads towards the rockies shortstop...jimenez was traded to cleveland last summer and apparently had someeunresolved beef with tulowitzki...rockies manager jim tracy alled it the most gutless act he's seenn in 33 yearr in the gaae and saad it deserves a suspension...major leaguee baseball listened...jimenez has been suspended for 5 gamess.. paps in contrrl of their own playoff destiny with 3 games left...visiting the nhl's leeding scorer steven staakos and the lightning....2nd green with a wide open nee... puttcheck out the save by 42-year-old dwayne roloooo... the caps ob - doesn't get much better than that....reee takes his anger out on the glass.....rd period...just over a minute left...tied at 2...stamkoo in perfect position for the rebound...lightning up 3-22.. hh added an empty nntter to give him 58 for the year... who are sttll 2 points in
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front of idle buffalo... college lacrosse...llst night, game of the season...and as you might imagine, it had an affect on the wwekly national rankingss..but one area school has got to be feeling the affecc was not big enough.. ennugh.. charlie toomey's loyola greyhounds are unbeaten at 9- 0...and since they were ranked 4th a week ago, you might ffgure they'' move up..nope.. hopkins fell out of the 1 spot to number 3...virginia, with one loss moves into number one...umass ii 3rd, and loyola sits right where they were a week ago at number four...the greyhounds travel toofairfield this saturday, aiming to keep nntional championshipp...ight .- now kennuckk's up 5 with juut of the year anthony davis has 15 rebounns and 6 blocks.. kansas all-american thomas robinsoo has 188points and 16 boards... that'll do it for thissedition sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.go. goodnight. 3
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