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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  April 5, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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have to do something in order to keep ur bridges in good repair . . approach to raising reveeue.nt - revenue. but... itt ...still.. ..... taxing sstuation. hello i'' jennifer gilbert. &pand i'm jeff barnd. barnd.maryland's.../ six... percent ...sales tax../ .could be ...goiig p.../ if... governnr o'maaley.../ has his way. john rydell the latest stretch...the goverroo iss considering yet another option transportation... gasoline ppiccs may continueto climb.but it'ssbeen 20- years...sincemaryland...increas ed its gas tax.governor o'malley's plan tt phase--n the sales tax on all &pbut the governor is askiig consider raising the sales tax...from 6- percent o7-percent.he says directly to transpootation go - projects. (governor) "so we
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have to do something in order to keep our bridges in good repair and not see the sort of things happen as has haapened in other places where their bridges feel nto the river with loss of life." /////////////(rydell) "but the governor's suggestioontooraiss tte ssllsstax aad then use the road and bridgg repairs issd drawing a cool response from lawmakers, both democratssand republicccns."(ready) "you know this economy thaa we but it's recovering ery thing we shoull do is another tax increase that disproportionally hurts working famiiies."and with just a fee days leftin the 22-12 sessionn..senate president mike miiler...says hees focuued on other we need to focus on cuts, we taxation, ww nned to close the occcrred... s monddy's l not adjournmeet...grows closer.. pohn rydell, fox 45 news late edition. here's our... quustion of the day do you agree with the governors decision to raise the sales taxx ttx??ere's our... facebookk
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page.../this question this idea add ou 3 your comments by going to facebookkdot com ssash fox- bbltimore. 3 it was story e bboke first pn fox....and now baltimorr police say they'rr moving forward in the case of a downtown beating caught on video and posteddonline! myranda stephenss is live &pouttide courthouse east with with why poliie may be closer toofiling ccaages. jennifer nd jeff, . rollcue: aalington virginiavo ouucue; 3the attack was deoo- caught on video... and went viral on the internet. it shows a man grabbing something
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from the victim's pocket and then runnnng away. when the - sending hii to the ggouud... where he's then stripped and dragged... and assaulted some more. fox45 found the suspect on twitter. he claims he punched the victim in self--efeese. 3 3 the mysteryy surrounding a woman who claims she won tte mega-millionn jaccpot conttnues toodeepen. she held a news conference with her attorney today and said absolutely nothing. nothing.edward smith juuior is a single mother of seven, who cllimm she purchased tte she found at thee cdonalds
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lottery officials. she says its in safekeeping not even 05:30:09- 05:30:19i cannot r - tell you that it exiits presently, we are only preparing in the event that people might challengeewhat we &pclaim.wilson would not annser questions today, and her attorney is asking the media for privacy, saying his cllent woull like o return to &pnormalcy.meantime the maaylan lotteey as scheduleddiissown news conferenne for tomrrow 33ternoon. it... ttrns ut.../ a... shoody paving job.../ isn't the only problem ...facing... a marylann..../ paviig com. comppny. the city of baltimmre .../ is... taking the.../ m. luis conssruction ompany ááallegingáá it... owes almost ...13-thousand dollars.../ in... unpaid... utillty marking ...fees.../. áá theáá dollars.../ in... city roaa contracts ...last
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year.../. áábutáá itsswork ...has been called... into question.../ after... he city forced pheeccmpany .../ to... re-do.... paving work charles street. 3 (5:54) "its frusttating tt hear this construution company continues to get awarded thhse &pbids yet thhy keep having &punfinishee business." pusiness." the company, ...not taxpayers, ... footed the bill.../ forr &pphe re-paving job join... our ur hotlinne. nment 410-662-1456. fox--altimore dot com. presidential cannidate mitt romney is noo more than hhlff way tt the deleggte total he needs for republicann presidential nomination. primary victories in maryland romney the likely opponnnt for president obama nd that ii prompting reaction here in maryland.
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(governorr "governor roonee oofers a visson ffr america of shrinking opportunittes, where wwalthhissconcentrated in the top one or two percent of our people ((addaway-riccio) "i thinn he is shaping up to be a very challenger to president obama ann rankly i think that that the rrpublicans fiid attractive" attractive."tte next big primary ootest issin 3 pennsylvania later this mmnth. 3- 3 3 3 it''... supposed
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to be a good day.../ áábutáá.../ well../ áápoliceáá... were... called... to ann.. ohio wedding../ that.. goo.// viollnt..../// old... brooke buure .../ is....charged with... assauul.../ pápoliceáá... ay... she... was attending.../ the... wedding reeeption.../ saturday...// ááwhenáá... an... argument began.../ when ...the &pto stop.../ slow husband....//// ááburkeáá... started yelling... aa... ttee bride.../ and... tried.../ hitting... her.../// ááwhenáá... an... off-duty...
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cop... at... ttee.. wedding...// tried.../ controlling... herr../ him.../ in... thee../ the... in--laws...// underway,...// good dayy..// for.../ a... michigan man....// áá whileáá doing his basementt../ recently..../ áárad--wanáá... al-salme.../ ound... an old... amunition box./ áá nsideáá the wall detroot house..../. áátheáá box... turned out have.../ dozens of... valuable... warr hiddee.../ treasure....// ááhe'sáá trying to... find.../ the... former owners.../ lsalme says: "i hope i'm going to find this family, know what i mean?"alsslme says: "i founn aabox innthere, i thought it was a bomb, ss i said ''h noo, so tte ggy opened it up, fouud thoss bonds."alsalle says: "i'm just trying to find the family to giie tt them." says... the bonds... fully matured.../ in... the they... total about.../ 20--grand. bbd.../ day...// for... some... office chairs...// áássoeáá...// wwrk-- places...// have...// creepyy uys.../ in... the office.../,, áábutáá does your... creepy.../ co--worrer...// pee .../
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on your seat... / ffr months .../ ááleaving áá itt.. coveeed in.../ stains?.../ ááánáá iowa...// ááone... worrer.../ from... thhe.. farr bureau services.../ was arrestee.../ himself...// on... . his.../ co--workkrs.../ foley,.../ was... á - caught.../ ith... his panns down.../ after... surveillance video.../ him.../ "steady- streaming"... oo... workkrr'.../ chairs...///. ááit'sáá... that... hee../ pee'd... on...the seats... oo...women... he fancied.../// ááheáá aces... charges.... ttnitee../ &pof.../ "disturbing... thee.. ppes"..../ aiding... and...// a--"wettiig"... 3 "look at thatt look at that debris fly...omg" fly...omg"tractor trailers tossed likk toys... / iicredible ower of the texaa tornaaoes. 3 the natioowide housing crisis. why its ot just homeowners facing a toogh strugglee being stooped by police in montgomery ounty.
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rescuers .../ inn.. texass.. aae searching.../ thru... the rubblee../ trapped...// after ht be - yesterday's violentt.. tornadoes &ptornndoes"look at that, look at thht deerissfly...omg" fly...omg"14 thousand pound ...tractorrtrailers../ . powerlines snapped..../ like firewooks... / hooes , flattened. .../ damaged.../ and ...tens of thousands of homes ...lostt powee..../ at... dallassfort worth haii pounded lanns.../. unbelievable, unbelievable, are& porrit to comeeand do this much in such short time! ii's just indescribaale.
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this dramatic video... of a forney, texas ... patchee.../. áthereáá have been repprts ...of injuries...// and &pwidespread damage, .../ áábutáá no... one killed...///. home owners -- nd buyyrs alikk -- continue to feel he ppin of america'ss frrzzzed houuing market. but we havennt heard much frrm the nation's áreeltors.á tnight shannon bream taaes a pp. slug: b-fox-83-housing-crisis- realtors categooy: 83block:: eveeing slug: houssng crisis: realtors (shannnn bream pkg))ource: fox trt: pkg ruus 1:47 notes:eebargo: nnsscript: (anchor lead) home pwners - and buyers alike -- conttnue to feel tte pain of america's frazzzed housing markkt. but we haven't heard much from the nation's árealtors.á ffx news correspondent shannoo bream :17 - :25 bev s:e langley / realtor1:29 - 1:34 paul bishop / natl association of realtors1135 - 1:47 shannon bream / washinggon, d.c. / ffx news correspondent (on cam tag) -------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
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-------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------sot - langley ays: "... you can't just wait or &pthe phone to just doesn't work that way anymore." beverly langley has been working in real eetate says the urrent housing nd mmrket is rife with challenges. sot - angley says: "... i would say in our area 400 sincc 2006. and i would s - say.... of the people that are left innthe business, lesss than 30 percent are fulll ttme &p ttose stttistics mirrorr pccording to the labor boom the number of reaators and the amount of their wagess - peaked in 20077- with a steady drrp off since then. sot - bishop says: "...well &pit's bben really tough for a lot of realtors, hey are working just as hard thee hey did before ann not arning as efforts to get homes sold. sot - langlly says: "...well in the dodd-frann bill. that bill has chhnged everythhng appraisals are handlee " - differently - and o is thee way pptential buyers are vetted. langgey says for leeitimate consumers to order tt achieve their goal of are realtors staying afloat? &p langley focuses on old- fashioned hard wwrk - long days, working the phones andd tacklinggforeclossre properties - along with thee added boosttof social media - using the internet ann directt contact technologyy o spark buyers' interest. paul bishop of the natiinal aasociation f realttrs says real estate professionals are essentially small bbsiness "... theyycan ggin tte rewards of aalot of small business people see and t's one f the things that draw them into the
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business to eeii with." realtors is actively workiig streamline ggvvrnment - reeuiremeets - having spent more than 22 million dollars on lobbyiig ii 2011. in fox news. 3 3 3 & the caped crusader was ánotá
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in otham city... he... was spottedd.. in... baltimore citt ttday.... (batmmn music from ar) (holdinn kid in air))youre a cool kid a knowwthat." that."" batman .../ was...
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part of the... superhero celebratiin ... at... ssnai hoopital..../ áátheáá unique vvsitatiin prrgram... is designee to dellver.../ a... day of happinnsss.. to these... children. tolddme its the first time moo - shes smiied in months.. nnt maybe first timeeshes smiled . tte trip" trip" the... superhero celebrations.../ re... &psponsored by ...a.. non- profit...// called.../ the... 'hope for henry' foundation... 3 fighting cancerrwith your morning workout.the... other activity... thattcculd also help.
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a cup of coffee and a
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morning workout may significantly rrduce our skin cancer risk.. rutgers university researchers evaluated the effects of caffeine and exerciis on mice at a high risk foo ddveloping skin
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found that miie who had caffeinn and exercised had mellaooa skkn cancers... on--- compared to the mice who didn't get any caffeinn or elieve he combineddeffects of exercise and caffeine may be able tooward off skin cancer. 3 as he 2012 mastees tournament ggts underray....the perenniaal question comes up again... whether women will ever be allowed to becomm members at offthe masters. masterssrrporters relentllss asked the question in somee preety creative ways.... of augusta chairman, billy payne.....nd payne found some nnt so creative ways of not answeeing. outcue: no advice or you there sir outcue: no addice outcue::no
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advice for you there sir augusta has tradiiionalll invvted the ceo of ibm, a masters sppnsor, to be a meeber. the new c-e-o of i-b- virrinia rometty. common sense says.... it's 3 gettinggpandaa in the mood for pakkng whoopie. why it isn't gettinggpandaa in the mood for pakkng whoopie. why it isn't 3&
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good morning. i don't want people to do things for me, you know. i try to do them myself. i don't want no one to look down on me. i was on a way from kandahar to qalat. i hit an i-e-d that just took the truck and threw it up in the air and slammed it on the ground. bye, bye. i knew at first that i got hurt pretty bad cause i couldn't move my legs. i sat home alone for months. i didn't want that anymore. i wanted to go back to work. hello - it's him. i was hesitant at first, you know because i didn't work for a good year. i want to be a productive person. i don't want to be a drain on society. i want to be a positive thing in society.
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p-v-a helped me write my resume. got me a job interview. let me show you to your office. i got the job. [male narrator] helping veterans like eric is what we've done for over 65 years. paralyzed veterans of america. paving access for veterans employment through operation: pave. zzo keepers in scotland are trying tteir best o get two pandas in the mood for mating. they ave created a private love nest by builddng areas oo two pandas.its all parttof an effort to produce some little andas. the animals aae on loan from china. and we've been told the love making operation is quite tricky. and that's because the female panda s only fertile for two or three ddys a year. 3 stay tuned. -
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3 camddn yards gets a bruce cunningham has those ed..- stories nnxt n sports unlimited stories nnxt n sports unlimited
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[doorbell rings] [doorbell rings] [doorbell continues] [knocking on door] [growling]
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[car horn beeps] [whistles] ♪ ♪ getting closer to nature can get you closer to your family. go to here's bruce cunnnngham with sportssunlimited. a flurry of ravens news today...they eld their annual
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&ppre-drrft luncheon, more on announced their pre-season schedule..they'll open up on the road.. roaa.. the ravens open up the pre-seasonnagainst the falcons in atlanta august 9th..the next week, the 177h, fox will televiie the lions at the ravens..anddyoo'll see it right here on fox 45...august 23rd, they're back at m&t bank and then they'll wwnd up the &ppre-season with a date with the rams in st llois...the regullr season schedule due outtlater thissmonth... the orioles made their final cuts well before tooay's 5pm deadline..they are now down to &pthe mandated real surprises there...and buck shooalter allo announced his ...we already know this guy, --3 jake arrretta will start friday's season opener...he'll be ffllowed hammel, brian mastuuz and wei- yee chen...and ou'll be able to see each onn of yyur so inclined...the first 6 games in ight heee - priole ark at camden yards this fridaa..and to mark the
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mmlestone, they'vv added some cool new features.morgan adsit 3err....-t from here....- 3 3
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and a reminderr that fox 45 morning news iil be that'll do it for this llpark 3 editionnof sports unnimited... there's been a whole lot of talk lately about internet speeds... let's shed a little light on the subject. unlike cable, verizon fios is 100% fiber-optics -- so it's powered by light... that means it's faster, and has vastly more bandwidth capacity. for video chats with grandma, downloading hd movies, and uploading home videos. all the internet you need for all your devices. verizon fios is america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet. period. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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